blob: ff4fb27104b18f25862311fdf80e36fad05f55c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The actual gzip decompression logic.
//! By working with an `AsyncBufRead` input source, we avoid re-implementing standard
//! functionality like `read_exact`.
use crate::asyncbufread_to_stream::flags::Flags;
use crate::{DecodeError, Error};
use async_generator;
use async_generator::Yield;
use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::stream::FusedStream;
use miniz_oxide::inflate::stream as mz_stream;
use miniz_oxide::inflate::stream::InflateState;
use miniz_oxide::{DataFormat, MZFlush, MZStatus};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::{io, result};
mod flags;
/// Local alias, just for convenience.
type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error<io::Error>>;
/// Helper function for `crate::decode`.
pub(crate) fn decode(
input: impl AsyncBufRead,
output_chunk_size: usize,
) -> impl FusedStream<Item = Result<Bytes>> {
async_generator::generate(|co| Decoder::new(input, output_chunk_size).decode(co))
struct Decoder<R> {
/// Remaining uncompressed input.
input: R,
/// Size of decompressed chunks (except possibly the last chunk,
/// which may be smaller).
output_chunk_size: usize,
impl<R: AsyncBufRead> Decoder<R> {
fn new(input: R, output_chunk_size: usize) -> Self {
assert_ne!(output_chunk_size, 0);
Self { input, output_chunk_size }
/// Decode the input stream, yielding output chunks to `out`.
async fn decode(self, out: Yield<Bytes>) -> Result<()> {
let this = self;
let flags = this.as_mut().read_required_headers().await?;
if this.project().input.fill_buf().await?.is_empty() {
} else {
// We could add support for gzip multi-streams at some point,
// but they're almost never used. People prefer to simply `tar`
// and then `gzip` if they're compressing multiple files.
let msg = "multiple gzip members present but not supported";
async fn read_required_headers(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Result<Flags> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut header = [0; 10];
this.input.read_exact(&mut header).await?;
let magic_number = [0x1f, 0x8b];
let first_2 = &header[..2];
if first_2 != &magic_number {
let msg = format!("unrecognized gzip magic; got {first_2:?}");
return Err(DecodeError::Header(msg).into());
let method = header[2];
if method != 8 {
let reserved = if method < 8 { "reserved value " } else { "" };
let msg =
format!("unsupported compression method. expected 8 found {reserved}{method}");
return Err(DecodeError::Header(msg).into());
let flags = Flags::new(header[3])?;
// These aren't very useful (and in particular, the gzip RFC permits us to ignore them).
let _mtime = &header[4..8]; // The modification time of the original uncompressed file.
let _xflags = header[8]; // May be used to indicate the level of compression performed.
let _os = header[9]; // The operating system / file system on which the compression took place.
async fn discard_optional_headers(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, flags: Flags) -> Result<()> {
if flags.contains(Flags::EXTRA) {
let mut buf = vec![0; self.as_mut().read_u16_le().await? as usize];
self.as_mut().project().input.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
// For now, we just discard the "original file name" field, if present.
// In the future, we might want to provide an API for the user to get this value.
if flags.contains(Flags::NAME) {
let mut buf = vec![];
self.as_mut().project().input.read_until(0, &mut buf).await?;
if flags.contains(Flags::COMMENT) {
let mut buf = vec![];
self.as_mut().project().input.read_until(0, &mut buf).await?;
if flags.contains(Flags::HCRC) {
let _header_crc = self.read_u16_le().await?;
// We ignore this flag, as permitted by the RFC.
// We're producing a stream of bytes anyways, so it doesn't matter if
// it's hinted that the contents is probably text.
let _is_text = flags.contains(Flags::TEXT);
// TODO( The gzip spec permits ignoring the CRC,
// but we may like to implement it as an optional check in a future CL.
// (Same goes for the optional header CRC.)
async fn read_and_validate_footer(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Result<()> {
let _crc = self.as_mut().read_u32_le().await?;
let _uncompressed_size_mod_32 = self.read_u32_le().await?;
/// Yield output chunks to `out`.
// TODO( This implementation blocks on output
// until it has consumed enough input to produce a full output buffer. Some API
// consumers may like to have the output buffer flushed whenever reading from input
// would block.
async fn decode_deflate_body(self: Pin<&mut Self>, mut out: Yield<Bytes>) -> Result<()> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut mz_state = InflateState::new_boxed(DataFormat::Raw);
let mut output_buf = vec![0; *this.output_chunk_size];
let mut output_len = 0; // How much of the output buffer is currently filled.
loop {
// Ensure more input is available. Note the deflate body is followed by a gzip
// footer, so the stream should never dry up at this stage.
let input_buf = this.input.fill_buf().await?;
let info = mz_stream::inflate(
&mut mz_state,
&mut output_buf[output_len..],
let status = info.status.map_err(DecodeError::from)?;
output_len += info.bytes_written;
// If we have a full output chunk, yield it.
if output_len == output_buf.len() {
let output_chunk = Bytes::copy_from_slice(&output_buf);
output_len = 0;
} else if output_len > output_buf.len() {
panic!("logic error: over-full buffer");
match status {
MZStatus::Ok => (),
MZStatus::StreamEnd => {
// Return a partial chunk with the rest of the output data.
if output_len != 0 {
let output_chunk = Bytes::copy_from_slice(&output_buf[..output_len]);
return Ok(());
// gzip doesn't support preset dictionaries, so this status will never be returned.
MZStatus::NeedDict => unreachable!("miniz_oxide never returns NeedDict"),
async fn read_u16_le(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> io::Result<u16> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut buf = [0; 2];
this.input.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
async fn read_u32_le(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> io::Result<u32> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut buf = [0; 4];
this.input.read_exact(&mut buf).await?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::tests::{gzip_compress, random_looking_bytes, split_into_chunks};
use futures::channel::mpsc as futures_mpsc;
use futures::channel::mpsc::TryRecvError;
use futures::executor;
use futures::executor::LocalPool;
use futures::task::SpawnExt;
/// Test chunking behavior of the decoder:
/// * Push input chunks one-at-a-time by hand.
/// * Verify that output chunks are yielded when expected,
/// and have the expected size.
fn test_chunking() {
const UNCOMPRESSED_LEN: usize = 100;
const INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 10;
const OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 32;
let uncompressed = random_looking_bytes(UNCOMPRESSED_LEN);
let compressed = gzip_compress(&uncompressed);
let input_chunks = split_into_chunks(&compressed, INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE);
// Run the decoder in a separate task, passing input/output via channels.
let mut decoder_pool = LocalPool::new();
let (in_tx, in_rx) = futures_mpsc::unbounded();
let (mut out_tx, mut out_rx) = futures_mpsc::unbounded();
.spawn(async move {
let out_stream = decode(in_rx.into_async_read(), OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE);
while let Some(out_chunk) = out_stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
let mut output_chunks = vec![];
let mut output_events = vec![];
// Push chunks one-at-a-time to the input stream.
for in_chunk in input_chunks {
// Run the decoder until it would block.
// Did it produce an output chunk?
let out_chunk = match out_rx.try_next() {
Ok(None) => panic!("no more output"),
Ok(Some(chunk)) => Some(chunk),
Err(TryRecvError { .. }) => None,
let len = out_chunk.as_ref().map(|chunk| chunk.len());
if let Some(chunk) = out_chunk {
// Close the input stream.
// The output stream should close and `out_tx` should be dropped.
assert!(matches!(out_rx.try_next(), Ok(None)));
// Hard-coded consistency check: chunking behavior seems reasonable.
let expected = [
assert_eq!(output_events, expected);
// Are the output bytes correct?
let decompressed: Vec<u8> = output_chunks.into_iter().flatten().collect();
assert_eq!(uncompressed, decompressed);
/// Test that multiple gzip members result in an error, since
/// support for them is not yet implemented (and may never be).
fn test_multiple_members_error() {
const UNCOMPRESSED_LEN: usize = 100;
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 40;
let uncompressed = random_looking_bytes(UNCOMPRESSED_LEN);
let compressed = gzip_compress(&uncompressed);
let duplicated = compressed.repeat(2); // Two identical gzip members.
let chunks = split_into_chunks(&duplicated, CHUNK_SIZE);
let input_stream = stream::iter(chunks).map(Ok);
let output_stream = decode(input_stream.into_async_read(), CHUNK_SIZE);
let result: Result<Vec<Bytes>> = executor::block_on_stream(output_stream).collect();
assert!(matches!(result, Err(Error::Decode(DecodeError::Footer(..)))));