blob: 7805014c5ae400f7cf08c4df72a63a3b292636b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "address_space.h"
#include "magma_util/macros.h"
const AddressSpace::pte_t AddressSpace::kInvalidPte =
AddressSpace::pte_encode_unsafe(0xdead1000, false, false, true);
const AddressSpace::pde_t AddressSpace::kInvalidPde =
AddressSpace::pte_encode_unsafe(0xdead2000, false, false, true);
bool AddressSpace::Page::Init(bool cached) {
buffer_ = magma::PlatformBuffer::Create(PAGE_SIZE, "page table");
if (!buffer_)
return DRETF(false, "couldn't create buffer");
if (!cached && !buffer_->SetCachePolicy(MAGMA_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED))
return DRETF(false, "couldn't set buffer uncached");
if (!buffer_->MapCpu(&mapping_))
return DRETF(false, "failed to map cpu");
bus_mapping_ = owner_->GetBusMapper()->MapPageRangeBus(buffer_.get(), 0, 1);
if (!bus_mapping_)
return DRETF(false, "failed to map page range bus");
return true;
std::unique_ptr<AddressSpace::PageTable> AddressSpace::PageTable::Create(Owner* owner) {
auto page_table = std::make_unique<PageTable>(owner);
if (!page_table->Init(true)) // cached
return DRETP(nullptr, "page table init failed");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kPageTableEntries; i++) {
*page_table->entry(i) = kInvalidPte;
return page_table;
std::unique_ptr<AddressSpace::PageDirectory> AddressSpace::PageDirectory::Create(Owner* owner) {
auto dir = std::make_unique<PageDirectory>(owner);
if (!dir->Init(false)) // not cached
return DRETP(nullptr, "init failed");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kPageDirectoryEntries; i++) {
*dir->entry(i) = kInvalidPde;
return dir;
AddressSpace::PageTable* AddressSpace::PageDirectory::GetPageTable(uint32_t index, bool alloc) {
DASSERT(index < kPageDirectoryEntries);
if (!page_tables_[index]) {
if (!alloc)
return nullptr; // No scratch table
page_tables_[index] = PageTable::Create(owner());
if (!page_tables_[index])
return DRETP(nullptr, "couldn't create page table");
pde_t* pde = entry(index);
if (!pde_encode(page_tables_[index]->bus_addr(), true, pde))
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to encode pde");
return page_tables_[index].get();
AddressSpace::pte_t* AddressSpace::PageDirectory::GetPageTableEntry(uint32_t page_directory_index,
uint32_t page_table_index,
uint32_t* valid_count_out) {
DASSERT(page_directory_index < kPageDirectoryEntries);
*valid_count_out = valid_counts_[page_directory_index];
auto table = GetPageTable(page_directory_index, true);
if (!table)
return nullptr;
return table->entry(page_table_index);
void AddressSpace::PageDirectory::PageTableUpdated(uint32_t page_directory_index,
uint32_t valid_count) {
DASSERT(valid_count <= kPageDirectoryEntries);
DASSERT(page_directory_index < kPageDirectoryEntries);
valid_counts_[page_directory_index] = valid_count;
if (valid_count == 0) {
*entry(page_directory_index) = kInvalidPde;
std::unique_ptr<AddressSpace> AddressSpace::Create(Owner* owner, uint32_t page_table_array_slot) {
auto address_space = std::make_unique<AddressSpace>(owner, page_table_array_slot);
if (!address_space->Init())
return DRETP(nullptr, "Failed to init");
return address_space;
bool AddressSpace::Init() {
root_ = PageDirectory::Create(owner_);
if (!root_)
return DRETF(false, "Failed to create page directory");
return true;
bool AddressSpace::InsertLocked(uint64_t addr, magma::PlatformBusMapper::BusMapping* bus_mapping) {
auto& bus_addr_array = bus_mapping->Get();
uint64_t page_count = bus_addr_array.size();
if (page_count > bus_addr_array.size())
return DRETF(false, "page_count %lu larger than bus mapping length %zu", page_count,
uint32_t page_table_index = (addr >>= PAGE_SHIFT) & kPageTableMask;
uint32_t page_directory_index = (addr >>= kPageTableShift) & kPageDirectoryMask;
DLOG("insert pd %i pt %u", page_directory_index, page_table_index);
uint32_t valid_count;
auto page_table_entry =
root_->GetPageTableEntry(page_directory_index, page_table_index, &valid_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < page_count; i++) {
pte_t pte;
if (!pte_encode(bus_addr_array[i], true, true, true, &pte))
return DRETF(false, "failed to encode pte");
if (!page_table_entry)
return DRETF(false, "couldn't get page table entry");
if (*page_table_entry == kInvalidPte) {
*page_table_entry++ = pte;
if (++page_table_index == kPageTableEntries) {
root_->PageTableUpdated(page_directory_index, valid_count);
page_table_index = 0;
if (++page_directory_index == kPageDirectoryEntries) {
// That's all folks.
return true;
page_table_entry =
root_->GetPageTableEntry(page_directory_index, page_table_index, &valid_count);
root_->PageTableUpdated(page_directory_index, valid_count);
return true;
bool AddressSpace::ClearLocked(uint64_t addr, magma::PlatformBusMapper::BusMapping* bus_mapping) {
uint64_t page_count = bus_mapping->page_count();
if ((addr >> PAGE_SHIFT) + page_count > (1l << (kVirtualAddressBits - PAGE_SHIFT)))
return DRETF(false, "Virtual address too large");
uint32_t page_table_index = (addr >>= PAGE_SHIFT) & kPageTableMask;
uint32_t page_directory_index = (addr >>= kPageTableShift) & kPageDirectoryMask;
DLOG("clear pd %i pt %u", page_directory_index, page_table_index);
uint32_t valid_count;
auto page_table_entry =
root_->GetPageTableEntry(page_directory_index, page_table_index, &valid_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < page_count; i++) {
if (!page_table_entry)
return DRETF(false, "couldn't get page table entry");
if (*page_table_entry != kInvalidPte) {
DASSERT(valid_count > 0);
*page_table_entry = kInvalidPte;
if (++page_table_index == kPageTableEntries) {
root_->PageTableUpdated(page_directory_index, valid_count);
page_table_index = 0;
if (++page_directory_index == kPageDirectoryEntries) {
// That's all folks.
return true;
page_table_entry =
root_->GetPageTableEntry(page_directory_index, page_table_index, &valid_count);
root_->PageTableUpdated(page_directory_index, valid_count);
return true;