blob: 5f8c5aa28b6ec4a427afd893881e2a1a65ec895b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod sources;
mod vmo_stream;
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt},
FT_Add_Default_Modules, FT_Done_Face, FT_Done_Library, FT_Err_Ok, FT_Face,
FT_Get_First_Char, FT_Get_Next_Char, FT_Get_Postscript_Name, FT_Get_Sfnt_Name,
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count, FT_Library, FT_New_Library, FT_Open_Face, FT_SfntName, FT_MEMORY,
std::{convert::TryInto, ffi::CStr, io::Cursor, ops::Range, ptr},
pub use crate::sources::FTOpenArgs;
pub use crate::sources::FontAssetSource;
/// Contains information parsed from a font file.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FontInfo {
pub char_set: CharSet,
/// The "Postscript name" of the font face.
pub postscript_name: Option<String>,
/// The user-friendly "full name" of the font face.
pub full_name: Option<String>,
/// An object that can load a `FontInfo` from a `FontAssetSource`.
/// Separate from the [implementation][`FontInfoLoaderImpl`] to allow easier mocking for tests.
pub trait FontInfoLoader {
/// Load information about a font from the given file source, located at the given index within
/// the file.
/// `S` is any type for which a conversion is defined into `FT_Open_Args`. In practice,
/// this must be either a something that contains an `FT_Stream`, or a file path.
/// For simplicity, use [crates::sources::FontAssetSource].
fn load_font_info<S, E>(&self, source: S, index: u32) -> Result<FontInfo, Error>
S: TryInto<FontAssetSource, Error = E>,
E: Sync + Send + Into<Error>;
/// Reads information from font files using the FreeType library.
/// This class is tested in `../tests/`.
pub struct FontInfoLoaderImpl {
library: FTLibrary,
impl FontInfoLoaderImpl {
pub fn new() -> Result<FontInfoLoaderImpl, Error> {
let library = FTLibrary::new()?;
Ok(Self { library })
pub fn load_font_info<S, E>(&self, source: S, index: u32) -> Result<FontInfo, Error>
S: TryInto<FontAssetSource, Error = E>,
E: Sync + Send + Into<Error>,
let source: FontAssetSource = source.try_into().map_err(|e| e.into())?;
let open_args: FTOpenArgs = source.try_into()?;
let face = self.library.open_face(open_args, index)?;
let code_points = face.code_points().collect();
let postscript_name = face.postscript_name().ok().filter(|x| !x.is_empty());
let full_name = face.full_name()?.filter(|x| !x.is_empty());
Ok(FontInfo { char_set: CharSet::new(code_points), postscript_name, full_name })
impl FontInfoLoader for FontInfoLoaderImpl {
fn load_font_info<S, E>(&self, source: S, index: u32) -> Result<FontInfo, Error>
S: TryInto<FontAssetSource, Error = E>,
E: Sync + Send + Into<Error>,
FontInfoLoaderImpl::load_font_info(&self, source, index)
struct FTLibrary {
ft_library: FT_Library,
/// Rusty wrapper around `FT_Library`.
impl FTLibrary {
pub fn new() -> Result<FTLibrary, Error> {
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI. On success, stores the `FT_Library` pointer in `FTLibrary`,
// which calls `FT_Done_Library` in `drop()`.
unsafe {
let mut ft_library = ptr::null_mut();
if FT_New_Library(&FT_MEMORY, &mut ft_library) != FT_Err_Ok {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to initialize FreeType library."));
Ok(FTLibrary { ft_library })
/// Opens the font file with the given `open_args` and reads the face at the given index.
pub fn open_face(&self, open_args: FTOpenArgs, index: u32) -> Result<FTFace, Error> {
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI. On success stores the `FT_Face` pointer in `FTFace`, which
// calls `FT_Done_Face` in `drop()`.
unsafe {
let mut ft_face: FT_Face = ptr::null_mut();
let err = FT_Open_Face(self.ft_library, open_args.as_ref(), index as i64, &mut ft_face);
if err != FT_Err_Ok {
return Err(format_err!(
"Failed to parse font {} from {:?}: FreeType error {}",
Ok(FTFace { ft_face, open_args })
impl std::ops::Drop for FTLibrary {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI.
// This is required in order to clean up the FreeType library instance.
unsafe {
/// Wrapper around the native `FT_Face`, providing a more Rusty API and retaining some structs that
/// need to stay alive in memory.
struct FTFace {
ft_face: FT_Face,
/// Retains the stream or file path that backs the `FT_Face`.
open_args: FTOpenArgs,
impl FTFace {
/// Returns an iterator over the code points (as `u32`s) covered by this font face.
pub fn code_points<'f>(&'f self) -> CodePointsIterator<'f> {
CodePointsIterator { face: self, state: CodePointsIteratorState::Uninitialized }
/// Returns the face's Postscript name.
pub fn postscript_name(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI.
let postscript_name = unsafe {
// According to the FT docs, this is supposed to be an ASCII string, so it should
// trivially convert to UTF-8.
// Note: Must use c_char, not i8 or u8, because c_char's definition depends on the
// architecture.
let postscript_name =
FT_Get_Postscript_Name(self.ft_face) as *const std::os::raw::c_char;
let postscript_name = CStr::from_ptr(postscript_name);
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to decode Postscript name. Error: {:?}", e))?
/// Returns the face's "full name", if present.
pub fn full_name(&self) -> Result<Option<String>, Error> {
/// Finds and decodes the first supported name entry that has the given name ID.
/// A "name ID" is a record identifier in the `name` TrueType table, which can also contain
/// items like copyright info, URLs, etc. See
fn get_name(&self, name_id: u16) -> Result<Option<String>, Error> {
for name_entry in self.sfnt_names() {
let name_entry = name_entry?;
if let Some(name) = FTFace::decode_name_if_matches(&name_entry, name_id)? {
return Ok(Some(name));
fn sfnt_name_count(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe { FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count(self.ft_face) }
fn sfnt_names<'a>(&'a self) -> SfntNamesIterator<'a> {
SfntNamesIterator { face: self, iter: 0..self.sfnt_name_count() }
/// If the given `FT_SfntName` contains the requested `name_id` and the encoding is in a
/// supported format, returns the decoded name string. Otherwise, returns `None`.
/// Presently, this only looks at en-US name entries.
fn decode_name_if_matches(
name_entry: &FT_SfntName,
name_id: u16,
) -> Result<Option<String>, Error> {
if name_entry.name_id != name_id {
return Ok(None);
match (name_entry.platform_id, name_entry.encoding_id, name_entry.language_id) {
let name = FTFace::decode_name_utf16_be(name_entry)?;
_ => Ok(None),
/// Decodes the the given `FT_SfntName` as a UTF-16 Big Endian string.
fn decode_name_utf16_be(name_entry: &FT_SfntName) -> Result<String, Error> {
let as_u8 = unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(name_entry.string, name_entry.string_len as usize)
// FT_SfntName.string_len is in bytes. One UTF-16 code unit is two bytes.
let num_code_units = (name_entry.string_len / 2) as usize;
let mut reader = Cursor::new(as_u8);
let mut as_u16 = Vec::with_capacity(num_code_units);
for _i in 0..num_code_units {
let ch = reader.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?;
impl std::ops::Drop for FTFace {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI.
// This is required in order to clean up the FreeType face instance.
unsafe {
/// State of a [`CodePointsIterator`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum CodePointsIteratorState {
/// Stores the previous code point returned.
/// No more code points forthcoming.
/// Iterates over the code points (as `u32`s) in an `FTFace`.
pub struct CodePointsIterator<'f> {
face: &'f FTFace,
state: CodePointsIteratorState,
impl<'f> CodePointsIterator<'f> {
fn next_internal(&mut self, prev_code_point: Option<u64>) -> Option<u32> {
let mut glyph_index: u32 = 0;
// Unsafe to call FreeType FFI. Enumerate character map with FT_Get_First_Char() and
// FT_Get_Next_Char().
let code_point = unsafe {
match prev_code_point {
Some(prev_code_point) => {
FT_Get_Next_Char(self.face.ft_face, prev_code_point, &mut glyph_index)
None => FT_Get_First_Char(self.face.ft_face, &mut glyph_index),
// Per the FreeType docs, the glyph index will always be zero after the last code point in
// the face is returned.
if glyph_index > 0 {
self.state = CodePointsIteratorState::Active(code_point);
Some(code_point as u32)
} else {
self.state = CodePointsIteratorState::Fused;
impl<'f> std::iter::Iterator for CodePointsIterator<'f> {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.state.clone() {
CodePointsIteratorState::Uninitialized => self.next_internal(None),
CodePointsIteratorState::Active(prev_code_point) => {
CodePointsIteratorState::Fused => None,
impl<'f> std::iter::FusedIterator for CodePointsIterator<'f> {}
/// Iterator over the `name` table in a font face.
pub struct SfntNamesIterator<'f> {
face: &'f FTFace,
iter: Range<u32>,
impl<'f> SfntNamesIterator<'f> {
fn get(&self, idx: u32) -> Result<FT_SfntName, Error> {
let mut entry = FT_SfntName::default();
let err_code = unsafe { FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(self.face.ft_face, idx, &mut entry) };
if err_code == FT_Err_Ok {
} else {
Err(format_err!("FreeType error while getting name {}: {}", idx, err_code))
impl<'f> Iterator for SfntNamesIterator<'f> {
type Item = Result<FT_SfntName, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|idx| self.get(idx))
impl<'f> ExactSizeIterator for SfntNamesIterator<'f> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {