blob: e06d60b5662f341a19516a74625f2ef6b35d0a05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors.All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/forensics/feedback/annotations/provider.h"
#include "src/developer/forensics/feedback/annotations/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace forensics::feedback {
// Responsible for the storage and collection of annotations.
// Note: inserted annotations must be unique and a check-fail will occur if keys intersect.
class AnnotationManager {
// Allowlist dictates which messages can be extracted from the manager's interface.
// Annotations not in the allowlist or not explicitly exempted won't be returned.
AnnotationManager(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, std::set<std::string> allowlist,
Annotations static_annotations = {},
NonPlatformAnnotationProvider* non_platform_provider = nullptr,
std::vector<DynamicSyncAnnotationProvider*> dynamic_sync_providers = {},
std::vector<StaticAsyncAnnotationProvider*> static_async_providers = {},
std::vector<CachedAsyncAnnotationProvider*> cached_async_providers = {},
std::vector<DynamicAsyncAnnotationProvider*> dynamic_async_providers = {});
// Returns all annotations collected by the manager in a promise that is guaranteed to complete
// before |timeout| expires.
// Note: currently only immediately available annotations are returned.
::fpromise::promise<Annotations> GetAll(zx::duration timeout);
// Returns the annotations that are immediately available.
// This is useful when annotations can't be waited, e.g. component startup /
// shutdown, and the annotation aggregate data that are ready to be used because it never changes,
// is available in a short amount of time, or is cached.
Annotations ImmediatelyAvailable() const;
// Returns true if the non-platform annotation provider is missing annotations.
bool IsMissingNonPlatformAnnotations() const;
// Returns a promise that completes once all static async annotations have been added to
// |static_annotations_| or |timeout| expires.
::fpromise::promise<> WaitForStaticAsync(zx::duration timeout);
// Returns a promise that completes once all cached async annotations have been added to
// |cached_annotations_| or |timeout| expires.
::fpromise::promise<> WaitForCachedAsync(zx::duration timeout);
// Returns a promise that completes with annotations once all dynamic async annotations have been
// collected or |timeout| expires.
::fpromise::promise<Annotations> WaitForDynamicAsync(zx::duration timeout);
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
std::set<std::string> allowlist_;
Annotations static_annotations_;
NonPlatformAnnotationProvider* non_platform_provider_;
std::vector<DynamicSyncAnnotationProvider*> dynamic_sync_providers_;
std::vector<StaticAsyncAnnotationProvider*> static_async_providers_;
std::vector<DynamicAsyncAnnotationProvider*> dynamic_async_providers_;
Annotations cached_annotations_;
std::vector<CachedAsyncAnnotationProvider*> cached_async_providers_;
// Calls to WaitForStatic that have not yet completed.
std::vector<std::function<void()>> waiting_for_static_;
// Calls to WaitForCached that have not yet completed.
std::vector<std::function<void()>> waiting_for_cached_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<AnnotationManager> ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace forensics::feedback