blob: 1a14758d18a12c5117982d85bff2438a4791d14d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol.h"
namespace zxdb {
// A variant is one possible value of a "variant part".
// Each Variant contains a discriminant value which is a selector for this in the containing
// VariantPart, and the set of data inside it.
// See VariantPart for a full description.
class Variant final : public Symbol {
// Construct with fxl::MakeRefCounted().
// The discriminant value associated with this variant. See VariantPart.
// The discriminant value may be unset which indicates that this variant is the default one.
// DWARF discriminant values can be either signed or unsigned, according to the type associated
// with the discriminant data member in the VariantPart. This makes it complicated do handle
// because the full type of the VariantPart needs to be understood just to properly parse the
// Variant out of the file.
// Since our only current use of these is Rust which always uses unsigned discriminants, we also
// assume unsigned here.
// If in the future we need to support signed discriminants, we could sign-extend the values
// during decode so that internally we always deal with unsigned types.
const std::optional<uint64_t>& discr_value() const { return discr_value_; }
// Data members. These should be DataMember objects. The offsets of the data members will be from
// the structure containing the VariantPart.
// As of this writing, Rust (our only use-case for this) generates variants with exactly one data
// member. If Rust has:
// enum MyEnum {
// Foo,
// Bar(i32),
// }
// DWARF will define two structure types "MyEnum::Foo" (with no members) and "MyEnum::Bar" (with
// one member) and each variant's data members will contain a DataMember of that type. The "name"
// of these data members will match the type ("Foo" and "Bar" in this example).
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& data_members() const { return data_members_; }
// Symbol overrides.
const Variant* AsVariant() const override { return this; }
Variant(std::optional<uint64_t> discr_value, std::vector<LazySymbol> data_members);
virtual ~Variant();
std::optional<uint64_t> discr_value_;
std::vector<LazySymbol> data_members_;
} // namespace zxdb