blob: 46b69c95ea00b22cfcc8506aa23c13606f687672 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Testing-related utilities.
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::num::NonZeroU16;
use std::ops;
use std::sync::Once;
use std::time::Duration;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
use log::{debug, trace};
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{AddrSubnet, Ip, IpAddr, IpAddress, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, Subnet, SubnetEither};
use net_types::{SpecifiedAddr, Witness};
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut, ParsablePacket, ParseBuffer, Serializer};
use rand::{self, CryptoRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
use crate::device::ethernet::EtherType;
use crate::device::{DeviceId, DeviceLayerEventDispatcher};
use crate::error::{IpParseResult, ParseError, ParseResult};
use crate::ip::icmp::{IcmpConnId, IcmpEventDispatcher};
use crate::ip::{IpExtByteSlice, IpLayerEventDispatcher, IpProto, IPV6_MIN_MTU};
use crate::transport::tcp::TcpOption;
use crate::transport::udp::UdpEventDispatcher;
use crate::transport::TransportLayerEventDispatcher;
use crate::wire::ethernet::EthernetFrame;
use crate::wire::icmp::{IcmpIpExt, IcmpMessage, IcmpPacket, IcmpParseArgs};
use crate::wire::ipv4::Ipv4Packet;
use crate::wire::ipv6::Ipv6Packet;
use crate::wire::tcp::TcpSegment;
use crate::wire::udp::UdpPacket;
use crate::{handle_timeout, Context, EventDispatcher, Instant, StackStateBuilder, TimerId};
use specialize_ip_macro::specialize_ip_address;
/// Utilities to allow running benchmarks as tests.
/// Our benchmarks rely on the unstable `test` feature, which is disallowed in
/// Fuchisa's build system. In order to ensure that our benchmarks are always
/// compiled and tested, this module provides mocks that allow us to run our
/// benchmarks as normal tests when the `benchmark` feature is disabled.
/// See the `bench!` macro for details on how this module is used.
pub(crate) mod benchmarks {
/// A trait to allow mocking of the `test::Bencher` type.
pub(crate) trait Bencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, inner: F);
#[cfg(feature = "benchmark")]
impl Bencher for test::Bencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, inner: F) {
test::Bencher::iter(self, inner)
/// A `Bencher` whose `iter` method runs the provided argument once.
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
pub(crate) struct TestBencher;
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
impl Bencher for TestBencher {
fn iter<T, F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, mut inner: F) {
pub(crate) fn black_box<T>(dummy: T) -> T {
#[cfg(feature = "benchmark")]
return test::black_box(dummy);
#[cfg(not(feature = "benchmark"))]
return dummy;
/// A wrapper which implements `RngCore` and `CryptoRng` for any `RngCore`.
/// This is used to satisfy [`EventDispatcher`]'s requirement that the
/// associated `Rng` type implements `CryptoRng`.
/// # Security
/// This is obviously insecure. Don't use it except in testing!
pub(crate) struct FakeCryptoRng<R>(R);
impl<R: RngCore> RngCore for FakeCryptoRng<R> {
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), rand::Error> {
impl<R: RngCore> CryptoRng for FakeCryptoRng<R> {}
/// Create a new deterministic RNG from a seed.
pub(crate) fn new_rng(mut seed: u64) -> XorShiftRng {
if seed == 0 {
// XorShiftRng can't take 0 seeds
seed = 1;
let mut bytes = [0; 16];
NativeEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes[0..4], seed as u32);
NativeEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes[4..8], (seed >> 32) as u32);
NativeEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes[8..12], seed as u32);
NativeEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes[12..16], (seed >> 32) as u32);
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct TestCounters {
data: HashMap<String, usize>,
impl TestCounters {
pub(crate) fn increment(&mut self, key: &str) {
*( += 1;
pub(crate) fn get(&self, key: &str) -> &usize {
/// log::Log implementation that uses stdout.
/// Useful when debugging tests.
struct Logger;
impl log::Log for Logger {
fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
fn log(&self, record: &log::Record) {
println!("{}", record.args())
fn flush(&self) {}
static LOGGER: Logger = Logger;
static LOGGER_ONCE: Once = Once::new();
/// Install a logger for tests.
/// Call this method at the beginning of the test for which logging is desired.
/// This function sets global program state, so all tests that run after this
/// function is called will use the logger.
pub(crate) fn set_logger_for_test() {
// log::set_logger will panic if called multiple times; using a Once makes
// set_logger_for_test idempotent
LOGGER_ONCE.call_once(|| {
/// Skip current time forward to trigger the next timer event.
/// Returns true if a timer was triggered, false if there were no timers waiting
/// to be triggered.
pub(crate) fn trigger_next_timer(ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>) -> bool {
match ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.pop() {
Some(InstantAndData(t, id)) => {
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = t;
handle_timeout(ctx, id);
None => false,
/// Skip current time forward by `duration`, triggering all timer events until then,
/// inclusive.
/// Returns the number of timer events triggered.
pub(crate) fn run_for(ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>, duration: Duration) -> usize {
let end_time = + duration;
let mut timers_fired = 0;
while let Some(tmr) = ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.peek() {
if tmr.0 > end_time {
timers_fired += 1;
assert!( <= end_time);
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = end_time;
/// Trigger timer events until`f` callback returns true or passes the max
/// number of iterations.
/// `trigger_timers_until` always calls `f` on the first timer event, as the
/// timer_events is dynamically updated. As soon as `f` returns true or
/// 1,000,000 timer events have been triggered, `trigger_timers_until` will
/// exit.
/// Please note, the caller is expected to pass in an `f` which could return
/// true to exit `trigger_timer_until`. 1,000,000 limit is set to avoid an
/// endless loop.
pub(crate) fn trigger_timers_until<F: Fn(&TimerId) -> bool>(
ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>,
f: F,
) {
for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
let InstantAndData(t, id) = if let Some(t) = ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.pop() {
} else {
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = t;
handle_timeout(ctx, id);
if f(&id) {
/// Metadata of an Ethernet frame.
pub(crate) struct EthernetFrameMetadata {
pub(crate) src_mac: Mac,
pub(crate) dst_mac: Mac,
pub(crate) ethertype: Option<EtherType>,
/// Metadata of an IPv4 packet.
pub(crate) struct Ipv4PacketMetadata {
pub(crate) dscp: u8,
pub(crate) ecn: u8,
pub(crate) id: u16,
pub(crate) dont_fragment: bool,
pub(crate) more_fragments: bool,
pub(crate) fragment_offset: u16,
pub(crate) ttl: u8,
pub(crate) proto: IpProto,
pub(crate) src_ip: Ipv4Addr,
pub(crate) dst_ip: Ipv4Addr,
/// Metadata of an IPv6 packet.
pub(crate) struct Ipv6PacketMetadata {
pub(crate) ds: u8,
pub(crate) ecn: u8,
pub(crate) flowlabel: u32,
pub(crate) hop_limit: u8,
pub(crate) src_ip: Ipv6Addr,
pub(crate) dst_ip: Ipv6Addr,
/// Metadata of a TCP segment.
pub(crate) struct TcpSegmentMetadata {
pub(crate) src_port: u16,
pub(crate) dst_port: u16,
pub(crate) seq_num: u32,
pub(crate) ack_num: Option<u32>,
pub(crate) flags: u16,
pub(crate) psh: bool,
pub(crate) rst: bool,
pub(crate) syn: bool,
pub(crate) fin: bool,
pub(crate) window_size: u16,
pub(crate) options: &'static [TcpOption<'static>],
/// Metadata of a UDP packet.
pub(crate) struct UdpPacketMetadata {
pub(crate) src_port: u16,
pub(crate) dst_port: u16,
/// Represents a packet (usually from a live capture) used for testing.
/// Includes the raw bytes, metadata of the packet (currently just fields from the packet header)
/// and the range which indicates where the body is.
pub(crate) struct TestPacket<M> {
pub(crate) bytes: &'static [u8],
pub(crate) metadata: M,
pub(crate) body_range: ops::Range<usize>,
/// Verify that a parsed Ethernet frame is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub(crate) fn verify_ethernet_frame(
frame: &EthernetFrame<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<EthernetFrameMetadata>,
) {
assert_eq!(frame.src_mac(), expected.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(frame.dst_mac(), expected.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(frame.ethertype(), expected.metadata.ethertype);
assert_eq!(frame.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed IPv4 packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub(crate) fn verify_ipv4_packet(
packet: &Ipv4Packet<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<Ipv4PacketMetadata>,
) {
use crate::wire::ipv4::Ipv4Header;
assert_eq!(packet.dscp(), expected.metadata.dscp);
assert_eq!(packet.ecn(), expected.metadata.ecn);
assert_eq!(packet.df_flag(), expected.metadata.dont_fragment);
assert_eq!(packet.mf_flag(), expected.metadata.more_fragments);
assert_eq!(packet.fragment_offset(), expected.metadata.fragment_offset);
assert_eq!(packet.ttl(), expected.metadata.ttl);
assert_eq!(packet.proto(), expected.metadata.proto);
assert_eq!(packet.src_ip(), expected.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_ip(), expected.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed IPv6 packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub(crate) fn verify_ipv6_packet(
packet: &Ipv6Packet<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<Ipv6PacketMetadata>,
) {
assert_eq!(packet.ds(), expected.metadata.ds);
assert_eq!(packet.ecn(), expected.metadata.ecn);
assert_eq!(packet.flowlabel(), expected.metadata.flowlabel);
assert_eq!(packet.hop_limit(), expected.metadata.hop_limit);
assert_eq!(packet.src_ip(), expected.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_ip(), expected.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed UDP packet is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub(crate) fn verify_udp_packet(
packet: &UdpPacket<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<UdpPacketMetadata>,
) {
assert_eq!(packet.src_port().map(NonZeroU16::get).unwrap_or(0), expected.metadata.src_port);
assert_eq!(packet.dst_port().get(), expected.metadata.dst_port);
assert_eq!(packet.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Verify that a parsed TCP segment is as expected.
/// Ensures the parsed packet's header fields and body are equal to those in the test packet.
pub(crate) fn verify_tcp_segment(
segment: &TcpSegment<&[u8]>,
expected: TestPacket<TcpSegmentMetadata>,
) {
assert_eq!(segment.src_port().get(), expected.metadata.src_port);
assert_eq!(segment.dst_port().get(), expected.metadata.dst_port);
assert_eq!(segment.seq_num(), expected.metadata.seq_num);
assert_eq!(segment.ack_num(), expected.metadata.ack_num);
assert_eq!(segment.rst(), expected.metadata.rst);
assert_eq!(segment.syn(), expected.metadata.syn);
assert_eq!(segment.fin(), expected.metadata.fin);
assert_eq!(segment.window_size(), expected.metadata.window_size);
assert_eq!(segment.iter_options().collect::<Vec<_>>().as_slice(), expected.metadata.options);
assert_eq!(segment.body(), &expected.bytes[expected.body_range]);
/// Parse an ethernet frame.
/// `parse_ethernet_frame` parses an ethernet frame, returning the body along
/// with some important header fields.
pub(crate) fn parse_ethernet_frame(
mut buf: &[u8],
) -> ParseResult<(&[u8], Mac, Mac, Option<EtherType>)> {
let frame = (&mut buf).parse::<EthernetFrame<_>>()?;
let src_mac = frame.src_mac();
let dst_mac = frame.dst_mac();
let ethertype = frame.ethertype();
Ok((buf, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype))
/// Parse an IP packet.
/// `parse_ip_packet` parses an IP packet, returning the body along with some
/// important header fields.
pub(crate) fn parse_ip_packet<I: Ip>(
mut buf: &[u8],
) -> IpParseResult<I, (&[u8], I::Addr, I::Addr, IpProto)> {
use crate::ip::IpPacket;
let packet = (&mut buf).parse::<<I as IpExtByteSlice<_>>::Packet>()?;
let src_ip = packet.src_ip();
let dst_ip = packet.dst_ip();
let proto = packet.proto();
// Because the packet type here is generic, Rust doesn't know that it
// doesn't implement Drop, and so it doesn't know that it's safe to drop as
// soon as it's no longer used and allow buf to no longer be borrowed on the
// next line. It works fine in parse_ethernet_frame because EthernetFrame is
// a concrete type which Rust knows doesn't implement Drop.
Ok((buf, src_ip, dst_ip, proto))
/// Parse an ICMP packet.
/// `parse_icmp_packet` parses an ICMP packet, returning the body along with
/// some important fields. Before returning, it invokes the callback `f` on the
/// parsed packet.
pub(crate) fn parse_icmp_packet<
I: IcmpIpExt,
M: for<'a> IcmpMessage<I, &'a [u8], Code = C>,
F: for<'a> Fn(&IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>),
mut buf: &[u8],
src_ip: I::Addr,
dst_ip: I::Addr,
f: F,
) -> ParseResult<(M, C)>
for<'a> IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>:
ParsablePacket<&'a [u8], IcmpParseArgs<I::Addr>, Error = ParseError>,
let packet =
(&mut buf).parse_with::<_, IcmpPacket<I, _, M>>(IcmpParseArgs::new(src_ip, dst_ip))?;
let message = *packet.message();
let code = packet.code();
Ok((message, code))
/// Parse an IP packet in an Ethernet frame.
/// `parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame` parses an IP packet in an Ethernet
/// frame, returning the body of the IP packet along with some important fields
/// from both the IP and Ethernet headers.
pub(crate) fn parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame<I: Ip>(
buf: &[u8],
) -> IpParseResult<I, (&[u8], Mac, Mac, I::Addr, I::Addr, IpProto)> {
use crate::device::ethernet::EthernetIpExt;
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype) = parse_ethernet_frame(buf)?;
if ethertype != Some(I::ETHER_TYPE) {
debug!("unexpected ethertype: {:?}", ethertype);
return Err(ParseError::NotExpected.into());
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto) = parse_ip_packet::<I>(body)?;
Ok((body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto))
/// Parse an ICMP packet in an IP packet in an Ethernet frame.
/// `parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame` parses an ICMP packet in
/// an IP packet in an Ethernet frame, returning the message and code from the
/// ICMP packet along with some important fields from both the IP and Ethernet
/// headers. Before returning, it invokes the callback `f` on the parsed packet.
pub(crate) fn parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame<
I: IcmpIpExt,
M: for<'a> IcmpMessage<I, &'a [u8], Code = C>,
F: for<'a> Fn(&IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>),
mut buf: &[u8],
f: F,
) -> IpParseResult<I, (Mac, Mac, I::Addr, I::Addr, M, C)>
for<'a> IcmpPacket<I, &'a [u8], M>:
ParsablePacket<&'a [u8], IcmpParseArgs<I::Addr>, Error = ParseError>,
let (mut body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto) =
if proto != I::IP_PROTO {
debug!("unexpected IP protocol: {} (wanted {})", proto, I::IP_PROTO);
return Err(ParseError::NotExpected.into());
let (message, code) = parse_icmp_packet(body, src_ip, dst_ip, f)?;
Ok((src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, message, code))
/// Get a DummyEventDispatcherConfig depending on the `IpAddress`
/// `get_dummy_config` is specialized with.
pub(crate) fn get_dummy_config<A: IpAddress>() -> DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A> {
/// Get the counter value for a `key`.
pub(crate) fn get_counter_val(ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>, key: &str) -> usize {
/// Get a IP address in the same subnet as [`DUMMY_CONFIG_V4`] (for IPv4 addresses) or
/// [`DUMMY_CONFIG_V6`] (for IPv6 addresses).
/// `last` is the value to be put in the last octet of the IP address.
pub(crate) fn get_other_ip_address<A: IpAddress>(last: u8) -> SpecifiedAddr<A> {
let ret = SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, last])).unwrap();
let ret =
SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::new([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, last]))
/// A configuration for a simple network.
/// `DummyEventDispatcherConfig` describes a simple network with two IP hosts
/// - one remote and one local - both on the same Ethernet network.
pub(crate) struct DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A: IpAddress> {
/// The subnet of the local Ethernet network.
pub(crate) subnet: Subnet<A>,
/// The IP address of our interface to the local network (must be in
/// subnet).
pub(crate) local_ip: SpecifiedAddr<A>,
/// The MAC address of our interface to the local network.
pub(crate) local_mac: Mac,
/// The remote host's IP address (must be in subnet if provided).
pub(crate) remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<A>,
/// The remote host's MAC address.
pub(crate) remote_mac: Mac,
/// A `DummyEventDispatcherConfig` with reasonable values for an IPv4 network.
pub(crate) const DUMMY_CONFIG_V4: DummyEventDispatcherConfig<Ipv4Addr> = unsafe {
DummyEventDispatcherConfig {
subnet: Subnet::new_unchecked(Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 0]), 16),
local_ip: SpecifiedAddr::new_unchecked(Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 1])),
local_mac: Mac::new([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr::new_unchecked(Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 2])),
remote_mac: Mac::new([6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]),
/// A `DummyEventDispatcherConfig` with reasonable values for an IPv6 network.
pub(crate) const DUMMY_CONFIG_V6: DummyEventDispatcherConfig<Ipv6Addr> = unsafe {
DummyEventDispatcherConfig {
subnet: Subnet::new_unchecked(
Ipv6Addr::new([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 0]),
local_ip: SpecifiedAddr::new_unchecked(Ipv6Addr::new([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 1,
local_mac: Mac::new([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr::new_unchecked(Ipv6Addr::new([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 2,
remote_mac: Mac::new([6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]),
impl<A: IpAddress> DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A> {
/// Creates a copy of `self` with all the remote and local fields reversed.
pub(crate) fn swap(&self) -> Self {
Self {
subnet: self.subnet,
local_ip: self.remote_ip,
local_mac: self.remote_mac,
remote_ip: self.local_ip,
remote_mac: self.local_mac,
/// A builder for `DummyEventDispatcher`s.
/// A `DummyEventDispatcherBuilder` is capable of storing the configuration of a
/// network stack including forwarding table entries, devices and their assigned
/// IP addresses, ARP table entries, etc. It can be built using `build`,
/// producing a `Context<DummyEventDispatcher>` with all of the appropriate
/// state configured.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub(crate) struct DummyEventDispatcherBuilder {
devices: Vec<(Mac, Option<(IpAddr, SubnetEither)>)>,
arp_table_entries: Vec<(usize, Ipv4Addr, Mac)>,
ndp_table_entries: Vec<(usize, Ipv6Addr, Mac)>,
// usize refers to index into devices Vec
device_routes: Vec<(SubnetEither, usize)>,
routes: Vec<(SubnetEither, SpecifiedAddr<IpAddr>)>,
impl DummyEventDispatcherBuilder {
/// Construct a `DummyEventDispatcherBuilder` from a `DummyEventDispatcherConfig`.
pub(crate) fn from_config<A: IpAddress>(
cfg: DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A>,
) -> DummyEventDispatcherBuilder {
let mut builder = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default();
builder.devices.push((cfg.local_mac, Some((cfg.local_ip.get().into(), cfg.subnet.into()))));
builder.arp_table_entries.push((0, cfg.remote_ip.get(), cfg.remote_mac));
builder.ndp_table_entries.push((0, cfg.remote_ip.get(), cfg.remote_mac));
// even with fixed ipv4 address we can have ipv6 link local addresses
// pre-cached.
builder.device_routes.push((cfg.subnet.into(), 0));
/// Add a device.
/// `add_device` returns a key which can be used to refer to the device in
/// future calls to `add_arp_table_entry` and `add_device_route`.
pub(crate) fn add_device(&mut self, mac: Mac) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push((mac, None));
/// Add a device with an associated IP address.
/// `add_device_with_ip` is like `add_device`, except that it takes an
/// associated IP address and subnet to assign to the device.
pub(crate) fn add_device_with_ip<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
mac: Mac,
ip: A,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
) -> usize {
let idx = self.devices.len();
self.devices.push((mac, Some((ip.into(), subnet.into()))));
/// Add an ARP table entry for a device's ARP table.
pub(crate) fn add_arp_table_entry(&mut self, device: usize, ip: Ipv4Addr, mac: Mac) {
self.arp_table_entries.push((device, ip, mac));
/// Add an NDP table entry for a device's NDP table.
pub(crate) fn add_ndp_table_entry(&mut self, device: usize, ip: Ipv6Addr, mac: Mac) {
self.ndp_table_entries.push((device, ip, mac));
/// Add a route to the forwarding table.
pub(crate) fn add_route<A: IpAddress>(
&mut self,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
next_hop: SpecifiedAddr<A>,
) {
self.routes.push((subnet.into(), SpecifiedAddr::new(next_hop.get().into()).unwrap()));
/// Add a device route to the forwarding table.
pub(crate) fn add_device_route<A: IpAddress>(&mut self, subnet: Subnet<A>, device: usize) {
self.device_routes.push((subnet.into(), device));
/// Build a `Context` from the present configuration with a default dispatcher,
/// and stack state set to disable NDP's Duplicate Address Detection by default.
pub(crate) fn build<D: EventDispatcher + Default>(self) -> Context<D> {
let mut stack_builder = StackStateBuilder::default();
// Most tests do not need NDP's DAD or router solicitation so disable it here.
let mut ndp_configs = crate::device::ndp::NdpConfigurations::default();
self.build_with(stack_builder, D::default())
/// Build a `Context` from the present configuration with a caller-provided
/// dispatcher and `StackStateBuilder`.
pub(crate) fn build_with<D: EventDispatcher>(
state_builder: StackStateBuilder,
dispatcher: D,
) -> Context<D> {
let mut ctx = Context::new(, dispatcher);
let DummyEventDispatcherBuilder {
} = self;
let mut idx_to_device_id =
HashMap::<_, _, std::collections::hash_map::RandomState>::default();
for (idx, (mac, ip_subnet)) in devices.into_iter().enumerate() {
let id = ctx.state.add_ethernet_device(mac, IPV6_MIN_MTU);
idx_to_device_id.insert(idx, id);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, id);
match ip_subnet {
Some((IpAddr::V4(ip), SubnetEither::V4(subnet))) => {
let addr_sub = AddrSubnet::new(ip, subnet.prefix()).unwrap();
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(&mut ctx, id, addr_sub);
Some((IpAddr::V6(ip), SubnetEither::V6(subnet))) => {
let addr_sub = AddrSubnet::new(ip, subnet.prefix()).unwrap();
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(&mut ctx, id, addr_sub);
None => {}
_ => unreachable!(),
for (idx, ip, mac) in arp_table_entries {
let device = *idx_to_device_id.get(&idx).unwrap();
crate::device::ethernet::insert_static_arp_table_entry(&mut ctx,, ip, mac);
for (idx, ip, mac) in ndp_table_entries {
let device = *idx_to_device_id.get(&idx).unwrap();
crate::device::ethernet::insert_ndp_table_entry(&mut ctx,, ip, mac);
for (subnet, idx) in device_routes {
let device = *idx_to_device_id.get(&idx).unwrap();
match subnet {
SubnetEither::V4(subnet) => crate::ip::add_device_route(&mut ctx, subnet, device),
SubnetEither::V6(subnet) => crate::ip::add_device_route(&mut ctx, subnet, device),
for (subnet, next_hop) in routes {
match (subnet, next_hop.into()) {
(SubnetEither::V4(subnet), IpAddr::V4(next_hop)) => {
crate::ip::add_route(&mut ctx, subnet, next_hop)
(SubnetEither::V6(subnet), IpAddr::V6(next_hop)) => {
crate::ip::add_route(&mut ctx, subnet, next_hop)
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Add either an NDP entry (if IPv6) or ARP entry (if IPv4) to a `DummyEventDispatcherBuilder`.
pub(crate) fn add_arp_or_ndp_table_entry<A: IpAddress>(
builder: &mut DummyEventDispatcherBuilder,
device: usize,
ip: A,
mac: Mac,
) {
builder.add_arp_table_entry(device, ip, mac);
builder.add_ndp_table_entry(device, ip, mac);
/// A dummy implementation of `Instant` for use in testing.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub(crate) struct DummyInstant {
// A DummyInstant is just an offset from some arbitrary epoch.
offset: Duration,
impl Instant for DummyInstant {
fn duration_since(&self, earlier: DummyInstant) -> Duration {
fn checked_add(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
self.offset.checked_add(duration).map(|offset| DummyInstant { offset })
fn checked_sub(&self, duration: Duration) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
self.offset.checked_sub(duration).map(|offset| DummyInstant { offset })
impl ops::Add<Duration> for DummyInstant {
type Output = DummyInstant;
fn add(self, other: Duration) -> DummyInstant {
DummyInstant { offset: self.offset + other }
impl ops::Sub<DummyInstant> for DummyInstant {
type Output = Duration;
fn sub(self, other: DummyInstant) -> Duration {
self.offset - other.offset
impl ops::Sub<Duration> for DummyInstant {
type Output = DummyInstant;
fn sub(self, other: Duration) -> DummyInstant {
DummyInstant { offset: self.offset - other }
impl Debug for DummyInstant {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.offset)
/// Represents arbitrary data of type `D` attached to a `DummyInstant`.
/// `InstantAndData` implements `Ord` and `Eq` to be used in a `BinaryHeap` and
/// ordered by `DummyInstant`.
struct InstantAndData<D>(DummyInstant, D);
impl<D> InstantAndData<D> {
fn new(time: DummyInstant, data: D) -> Self {
Self(time, data)
impl<D> Eq for InstantAndData<D> {}
impl<D> PartialEq for InstantAndData<D> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0 == other.0
impl<D> Ord for InstantAndData<D> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<D> PartialOrd for InstantAndData<D> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
type PendingTimer = InstantAndData<TimerId>;
/// A dummy `EventDispatcher` used for testing.
/// A `DummyEventDispatcher` implements the `EventDispatcher` interface for
/// testing purposes. It provides facilities to inspect the history of what
/// events have been emitted to the system.
pub(crate) struct DummyEventDispatcher {
frames_sent: Vec<(DeviceId, Vec<u8>)>,
timer_events: BinaryHeap<PendingTimer>,
current_time: DummyInstant,
rng: FakeCryptoRng<XorShiftRng>,
icmp_replies: HashMap<IcmpConnId, Vec<(u16, Vec<u8>)>>,
impl Default for DummyEventDispatcher {
fn default() -> DummyEventDispatcher {
DummyEventDispatcher {
frames_sent: Default::default(),
timer_events: Default::default(),
current_time: Default::default(),
rng: FakeCryptoRng(new_rng(0)),
icmp_replies: Default::default(),
impl DummyEventDispatcher {
pub(crate) fn frames_sent(&self) -> &[(DeviceId, Vec<u8>)] {
/// Get an ordered list of all scheduled timer events
pub(crate) fn timer_events(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'_ DummyInstant, &'_ TimerId)> {
// TODO(joshlf): `iter` doesn't actually guarantee an ordering, so this
// is a bug. We plan on removing this soon once we migrate to using the
// utilities in the `context` module, so this is left as-is.
self.timer_events.iter().map(|t| (&t.0, &t.1))
/// Forwards all the frames kept in the `self` to another context.
/// This function drains all the events in `self` and moves the data to
/// another context. `mapper` is used to map a `DeviceId` from the current
/// context to a `DeviceId` in `other`.
pub(crate) fn forward_frames<D: EventDispatcher, F>(
&mut self,
other: &mut Context<D>,
mapper: F,
) where
F: Fn(DeviceId) -> DeviceId,
for (device_id, mut data) in self.frames_sent.drain(..) {
crate::receive_frame(other, mapper(device_id), Buf::new(data.to_vec(), ..));
/// Takes all the received icmp replies for a given `conn`.
pub(crate) fn take_icmp_replies(&mut self, conn: IcmpConnId) -> Vec<(u16, Vec<u8>)> {
impl UdpEventDispatcher for DummyEventDispatcher {}
impl TransportLayerEventDispatcher for DummyEventDispatcher {}
impl<B: BufferMut> IcmpEventDispatcher<B> for DummyEventDispatcher {
fn receive_icmp_echo_reply(&mut self, conn: IcmpConnId, seq_num: u16, data: B) {
let replies = self.icmp_replies.entry(conn).or_insert_with(Vec::default);
replies.push((seq_num, data.as_ref().to_owned()))
impl<B: BufferMut> IpLayerEventDispatcher<B> for DummyEventDispatcher {}
impl<B: BufferMut> DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<B> for DummyEventDispatcher {
fn send_frame<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
device: DeviceId,
frame: S,
) -> Result<(), S> {
let frame = frame.serialize_vec_outer().map_err(|(_, ser)| ser)?;
self.frames_sent.push((device, frame.as_ref().to_vec()));
impl EventDispatcher for DummyEventDispatcher {
type Instant = DummyInstant;
fn now(&self) -> DummyInstant {
fn schedule_timeout(&mut self, duration: Duration, id: TimerId) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
self.schedule_timeout_instant(self.current_time + duration, id)
fn schedule_timeout_instant(
&mut self,
time: DummyInstant,
id: TimerId,
) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
let ret = self.cancel_timeout(id);
self.timer_events.push(PendingTimer::new(time, id));
fn cancel_timeout(&mut self, id: TimerId) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
let mut r: Option<DummyInstant> = None;
// NOTE(brunodalbo): cancelling timeouts can be made a faster than this
// if we kept two data structures and TimerId was Hashable.
self.timer_events = self
.filter(|t| {
if t.1 == id {
r = Some(t.0);
} else {
fn cancel_timeouts_with<F: FnMut(&TimerId) -> bool>(&mut self, mut f: F) {
self.timer_events =
self.timer_events.drain().filter(|t| !f(&t.1)).collect::<Vec<_>>().into();
fn scheduled_instant(&self, id: TimerId) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
self.timer_events.iter().find_map(|x| if x.1 == id { Some(x.0) } else { None })
type Rng = FakeCryptoRng<XorShiftRng>;
fn rng(&mut self) -> &mut FakeCryptoRng<XorShiftRng> {
&mut self.rng
struct PendingFrameData<N> {
data: Vec<u8>,
dst_context: N,
dst_device: DeviceId,
type PendingFrame<N> = InstantAndData<PendingFrameData<N>>;
/// A dummy network, composed of many `Context`s backed by
/// `DummyEventDispatcher`s.
/// Provides a quick utility to have many contexts keyed by `N` that can
/// exchange frames between their interfaces, which are mapped by `mapper`.
/// `mapper` also provides the option to return a `Duration` parameter that is
/// interpreted as a delivery latency for a given packet.
pub(crate) struct DummyNetwork<
N: Eq + Hash + Clone,
F: Fn(&N, DeviceId) -> (N, DeviceId, Option<Duration>),
> {
contexts: HashMap<N, Context<DummyEventDispatcher>>,
mapper: F,
current_time: DummyInstant,
pending_frames: BinaryHeap<PendingFrame<N>>,
/// The result of a single step in a `DummyNetwork`
pub(crate) struct StepResult {
time_delta: Duration,
timers_fired: usize,
frames_sent: usize,
impl StepResult {
fn new(time_delta: Duration, timers_fired: usize, frames_sent: usize) -> Self {
Self { time_delta, timers_fired, frames_sent }
fn new_idle() -> Self {
Self::new(Duration::from_millis(0), 0, 0)
/// Returns the time jump in the last step.
pub(crate) fn time_delta(&self) -> Duration {
/// Returns `true` if the last step did not perform any operations.
pub(crate) fn is_idle(&self) -> bool {
return self.timers_fired == 0 && self.frames_sent == 0;
/// Returns the number of frames dispatched to their destinations in the
/// last step.
pub(crate) fn frames_sent(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of timers fired in the last step.
pub(crate) fn timers_fired(&self) -> usize {
/// Error type that marks that one of the `run_until` family of functions
/// reached a maximum number of iterations.
pub(crate) struct LoopLimitReachedError;
impl<N, F> DummyNetwork<N, F>
N: Eq + Hash + Clone + std::fmt::Debug,
F: Fn(&N, DeviceId) -> (N, DeviceId, Option<Duration>),
/// Creates a new `DummyNetwork`.
/// Creates a new `DummyNetwork` with the collection of `Context`s in
/// `contexts`. `Context`s are named by type parameter `N`. `mapper` is used
/// to route frames from one pair of (named `Context`, `DeviceId`) to
/// another.
/// # Panics
/// `mapper` must map to a valid name, otherwise calls to `step` will panic.
/// Calls to `new` will panic if given a `Context` with timer events.
/// `Context`s given to `DummyNetwork` **must not** have any timer events
/// already attached to them, because `DummyNetwork` maintains all the
/// internal timers in dispatchers in sync to enable synchronous simulation
/// steps.
pub(crate) fn new<I: Iterator<Item = (N, Context<DummyEventDispatcher>)>>(
contexts: I,
mapper: F,
) -> Self {
let mut ret = Self {
contexts: contexts.collect(),
current_time: DummyInstant::default(),
pending_frames: BinaryHeap::new(),
// We can't guarantee that all contexts are safely running their timers
// together if we receive a context with any timers already set.
!ret.contexts.iter().any(|(n, ctx)| { !ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.is_empty() }),
"can't start network with contexts that already have timers set"
// synchronize all dispatchers' current time to the same value:
for (_, ctx) in ret.contexts.iter_mut() {
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = ret.current_time;
/// Retrieves a `Context` named `context`.
pub(crate) fn context<K: Into<N>>(&mut self, context: K) -> &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher> {
/// Performs a single step in network simulation.
/// `step` performs a single logical step in the collection of `Context`s
/// held by this `DummyNetwork`. A single step consists of the following
/// operations:
/// - All pending frames, kept in `frames_sent` of `DummyEventDispatcher`
/// are mapped to their destination `Context`/`DeviceId` pairs and moved to
/// an internal collection of pending frames.
/// - The collection of pending timers and scheduled frames is inspected and
/// a simulation time step is retrieved, which will cause a next event
/// to trigger. The simulation time is updated to the new time.
/// - All scheduled frames whose deadline is less than or equal to the new
/// simulation time are sent to their destinations.
/// - All timer events whose deadline is less than or equal to the new
/// simulation time are fired.
/// If any new events are created during the operation of frames or timers,
/// they **will not** be taken into account in the current `step`. That is,
/// `step` collects all the pending events before dispatching them, ensuring
/// that an infinite loop can't be created as a side effect of calling
/// `step`.
/// The return value of `step` indicates which of the operations were
/// performed.
/// # Panics
/// If `DummyNetwork` was set up with a bad `mapper`, calls to `step` may
/// panic when trying to route frames to their `Context`/`DeviceId`
/// destinations.
pub(crate) fn step(&mut self) -> StepResult {
let next_step = if let Some(t) = self.next_step() {
} else {
return StepResult::new_idle();
// this assertion holds the contract that `next_step` does not return
// a time in the past.
assert!(next_step >= self.current_time);
let mut ret = StepResult::new(next_step.duration_since(self.current_time), 0, 0);
// move time forward:
trace!("testutil::DummyNetwork::step: current time = {:?}", next_step);
self.current_time = next_step;
for (_, ctx) in self.contexts.iter_mut() {
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = next_step;
// dispatch all pending frames:
while let Some(InstantAndData(t, _)) = self.pending_frames.peek() {
// TODO(brunodalbo): remove this break once let_chains is stable
if *t > self.current_time {
// we can unwrap because we just peeked.
let mut frame = self.pending_frames.pop().unwrap().1;
Buf::new(&mut, ..),
ret.frames_sent += 1;
// dispatch all pending timers.
for (n, ctx) in self.contexts.iter_mut() {
// We have to collect the timers before dispatching them, to avoid
// an infinite loop in case handle_timeout schedules another timer
// for the same or older DummyInstant.
let mut timers = Vec::<TimerId>::new();
while let Some(InstantAndData(t, id)) = ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.peek() {
// TODO(brunodalbo): remove this break once let_chains is stable
if *t > self.current_time {
for t in timers {
crate::handle_timeout(ctx, t);
ret.timers_fired += 1;
/// Collects all queued frames.
/// Collects all pending frames and schedules them for delivery to the
/// destination `Context`/`DeviceId` based on the result of `mapper`. The
/// collected frames are queued for dispatching in the `DummyNetwork`,
/// ordered by their scheduled delivery time given by the latency result
/// provided by `mapper`.
fn collect_frames(&mut self) {
let all_frames: Vec<(N, Vec<(DeviceId, Vec<u8>)>)> = self
.filter_map(|(n, ctx)| {
if ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent.is_empty() {
} else {
Some((n.clone(), ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent.drain(..).collect()))
for (n, frames) in all_frames.into_iter() {
for (device_id, mut frame) in frames.into_iter() {
let (dst_context, dst_device, latency) = (self.mapper)(&n, device_id);
self.current_time + latency.unwrap_or(Duration::from_millis(0)),
PendingFrameData::<N> { data: frame, dst_context, dst_device },
/// Calculates the next `DummyInstant` when events are available.
/// Returns the smallest `DummyInstant` greater than or equal to
/// `current_time` for which an event is available. If no events are
/// available, returns `None`.
fn next_step(&mut self) -> Option<DummyInstant> {
// get earliest timer in all contexts:
let next_timer = self
.filter_map(|(n, ctx)| match ctx.dispatcher.timer_events.peek() {
Some(tmr) => Some(tmr.0),
None => None,
/// get the instant for the next packet
let next_packet_due = self.pending_frames.peek().map(|t| t.0);
// Return the earliest of them both, and protect against returning a
// time in the past.
match next_timer {
Some(t) if next_packet_due.is_some() => Some(t).min(next_packet_due),
Some(t) => Some(t),
None => next_packet_due,
.map(|t| t.max(self.current_time))
/// Runs the dummy network for `duration` time.
/// Runs `step` until `duration` time has passed since the call of `run_for`.
pub(crate) fn run_for(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
let start_time = self.current_time;
let end_time = start_time + duration;
while let Some(next_step) = self.next_step() {
if next_step <= end_time {
assert!(self.current_time <= end_time);
} else {
// Move time to the end time.
self.current_time = end_time;
for (_, ctx) in self.contexts.iter_mut() {
ctx.dispatcher.current_time = end_time;
/// Runs the dummy network simulation until it is starved of events.
/// Runs `step` until it returns a `StepResult` where `is_idle` is `true` or
/// a total of 1,000,000 steps is performed. The imposed limit in steps is
/// there to prevent the call from blocking; reaching that limit should be
/// considered a logic error.
/// # Panics
/// See [`step`] for possible panic conditions.
pub(crate) fn run_until_idle(&mut self) -> Result<(), LoopLimitReachedError> {
for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
if self.step().is_idle() {
return Ok(());
debug!("DummyNetwork seems to have gotten stuck in a loop.");
/// Runs the dummy network simulation until it is starved of events or
/// `stop` returns `true`.
/// Runs `step` until it returns a `StepResult` where `is_idle` is `true` or
/// the provided function `stop` returns `true`, or a total of 1,000,000
/// steps is performed. The imposed limit in steps is there to prevent the
/// call from blocking; reaching that limit should be considered a logic
/// error.
/// # Panics
/// See [`step`] for possible panic conditions.
pub(crate) fn run_until_idle_or<S: Fn(&mut Self) -> bool>(
&mut self,
stop: S,
) -> Result<(), LoopLimitReachedError> {
for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
if self.step().is_idle() {
return Ok(());
} else if stop(self) {
return Ok(());
debug!("DummyNetwork seems to have gotten stuck in a loop.");
/// Convenience function to create `DummyNetwork`s
/// `new_dummy_network_from_config` creates a `DummyNetwork` with two `Context`s
/// named `a` and `b`. `Context` `a` is created from the configuration provided
/// in `cfg`, and `Context` `b` is created from the symmetric configuration
/// generated by `DummyEventDispatcherConfig::swap`. A default `mapper` function
/// is provided that maps all frames from (`a`, ethernet device `1`) to
/// (`b`, ethernet device `1`) and vice-versa.
pub(crate) fn new_dummy_network_from_config_with_latency<A: IpAddress, N>(
a: N,
b: N,
cfg: DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A>,
latency: Option<Duration>,
) -> DummyNetwork<N, impl Fn(&N, DeviceId) -> (N, DeviceId, Option<Duration>)>
N: Eq + Hash + Clone + std::fmt::Debug,
let bob = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(cfg.swap()).build();
let alice = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(cfg).build();
let contexts = vec![(a.clone(), alice), (b.clone(), bob)].into_iter();
DummyNetwork::<N, _>::new(contexts, move |net, device_id| {
if *net == a {
(b.clone(), DeviceId::new_ethernet(0), latency)
} else {
(a.clone(), DeviceId::new_ethernet(0), latency)
/// Convenience function to create `DummyNetwork`s with no latency
/// Creates a `DummyNetwork` by calling
/// [`new_dummy_network_from_config_with_latency`] with `latency` set to `None`.
pub(crate) fn new_dummy_network_from_config<A: IpAddress, N>(
a: N,
b: N,
cfg: DummyEventDispatcherConfig<A>,
) -> DummyNetwork<N, impl Fn(&N, DeviceId) -> (N, DeviceId, Option<Duration>)>
N: Eq + Hash + Clone + std::fmt::Debug,
new_dummy_network_from_config_with_latency(a, b, cfg, None)
mod tests {
use net_types::ip::{Ipv4, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr};
use packet::{Buf, Serializer};
use std::time::Duration;
use super::*;
use crate::ip;
use crate::wire::icmp::{
IcmpDestUnreachable, IcmpEchoReply, IcmpEchoRequest, IcmpPacketBuilder, IcmpUnusedCode,
use crate::TimerIdInner;
fn test_parse_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::wire::testdata::arp_request::*;
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, ethertype) =
assert_eq!(body, &ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes[14..]);
assert_eq!(src_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(dst_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(ethertype, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.ethertype);
fn test_parse_ip_packet() {
use crate::wire::testdata::icmp_redirect::IP_PACKET_BYTES;
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto) = parse_ip_packet::<Ipv4>(IP_PACKET_BYTES).unwrap();
assert_eq!(body, &IP_PACKET_BYTES[20..]);
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([10, 123, 0, 2]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([10, 123, 0, 1]));
assert_eq!(proto, IpProto::Icmp);
use crate::wire::testdata::icmp_echo_v6::REQUEST_IP_PACKET_BYTES;
let (body, src_ip, dst_ip, proto) =
assert_eq!(body, &REQUEST_IP_PACKET_BYTES[40..]);
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv6Addr::new([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv6Addr::new([0xFE, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]));
assert_eq!(proto, IpProto::Icmpv6);
fn test_parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::wire::testdata::tls_client_hello_v4::*;
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, proto) =
assert_eq!(body, &IPV4_PACKET.bytes[IPV4_PACKET.body_range]);
assert_eq!(src_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.src_mac);
assert_eq!(dst_mac, ETHERNET_FRAME.metadata.dst_mac);
assert_eq!(src_ip, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.src_ip);
assert_eq!(dst_ip, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.dst_ip);
assert_eq!(proto, IPV4_PACKET.metadata.proto);
fn test_parse_icmp_packet() {
use crate::wire::testdata::icmp_dest_unreachable::*;
let (body, ..) = parse_ip_packet::<Ipv4>(&IP_PACKET_BYTES).unwrap();
let (_, code) = parse_icmp_packet::<Ipv4, _, IcmpDestUnreachable, _>(
Ipv4Addr::new([172, 217, 6, 46]),
Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 105]),
|_| {},
assert_eq!(code, Icmpv4DestUnreachableCode::DestHostUnreachable);
fn test_parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame() {
use crate::wire::testdata::icmp_echo_ethernet::*;
let (src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, _, _) =
parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame::<Ipv4, _, IcmpEchoReply, _>(
|_| {},
assert_eq!(src_mac, Mac::new([0x50, 0xc7, 0xbf, 0x1d, 0xf4, 0xd2]));
assert_eq!(dst_mac, Mac::new([0x8c, 0x85, 0x90, 0xc9, 0xc9, 0x00]));
assert_eq!(src_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([172, 217, 6, 46]));
assert_eq!(dst_ip, Ipv4Addr::new([192, 168, 0, 105]));
fn test_dummy_network_transmits_packets() {
let mut net = new_dummy_network_from_config("alice", "bob", DUMMY_CONFIG_V4);
// alice sends bob a ping:
|_| {
let req = IcmpEchoRequest::new(0, 0);
let req_body = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
Buf::new(req_body.to_vec(), ..).encapsulate(
IcmpPacketBuilder::<Ipv4, &[u8], _>::new(
// send from alice to bob
assert_eq!(net.step().frames_sent(), 1);
// respond from bob to alice
assert_eq!(net.step().frames_sent(), 1);
// should've starved all events:
fn test_dummy_network_timers() {
let mut net = new_dummy_network_from_config(1, 2, DUMMY_CONFIG_V4);
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(1)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(2)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(3)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(4), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(4)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(5)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(6)));
// no timers fired before:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 0);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 0);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
// only timer in context 1 should have fired:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 1);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 0);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
// only timer in context 2 should have fired:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 1);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 1);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
// only timer in context 2 should have fired:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 1);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 2);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
// only timer in context 1 should have fired:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 2);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 2);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 2);
// both timers have fired at the same time:
assert_eq!(*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 3);
assert_eq!(*net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), 3);
// check that current time on contexts tick together:
let t1 = net.context(1).dispatcher.current_time;
let t2 = net.context(2).dispatcher.current_time;
assert_eq!(t1, t2);
fn test_dummy_network_until_idle() {
let mut net = new_dummy_network_from_config(1, 2, DUMMY_CONFIG_V4);
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(1)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(2)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_secs(3), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(3)));
net.run_until_idle_or(|net| {
*net.context(1).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop") == 1
&& *net.context(2).state.test_counters.get("timer::nop") == 1
// assert that we stopped before all times were fired, meaning we can
// step again:
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
fn test_instant_and_data() {
// verify implementation of InstantAndData to be used as a complex type
// in a BinaryHeap:
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::<InstantAndData<usize>>::new();
let now = DummyInstant::default();
fn new_data(time: DummyInstant, id: usize) -> InstantAndData<usize> {
InstantAndData::new(time, id)
heap.push(new_data(now + Duration::from_secs(1), 1));
heap.push(new_data(now + Duration::from_secs(2), 2));
// earlier timer is popped first
assert!(heap.pop().unwrap().1 == 1);
assert!(heap.pop().unwrap().1 == 2);
heap.push(new_data(now + Duration::from_secs(1), 1));
heap.push(new_data(now + Duration::from_secs(1), 1));
// can pop twice with identical data:
assert!(heap.pop().unwrap().1 == 1);
assert!(heap.pop().unwrap().1 == 1);
fn test_delayed_packets() {
// create a network that takes 5ms to get any packet to go through:
let mut net = new_dummy_network_from_config_with_latency(
// alice sends bob a ping:
|_| {
let req = IcmpEchoRequest::new(0, 0);
let req_body = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
Buf::new(req_body.to_vec(), ..).encapsulate(
IcmpPacketBuilder::<Ipv4, &[u8], _>::new(
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_millis(3), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(1)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_millis(7), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(2)));
.schedule_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10), TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(1)));
// order of expected events is as follows:
// - Alice's timer expires at t = 3
// - Bob receives Alice's packet at t = 5
// - Bob's timer expires at t = 7
// - Alice receives Bob's response and Bob's last timer fires at t = 10
fn assert_full_state<F>(
net: &mut DummyNetwork<&'static str, F>,
alice_nop: usize,
bob_nop: usize,
bob_echo_request: usize,
alice_echo_response: usize,
) where
F: Fn(&&'static str, DeviceId) -> (&'static str, DeviceId, Option<Duration>),
let alice = net.context("alice");
assert_eq!(*alice.state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), alice_nop);
let bob = net.context("bob");
assert_eq!(*bob.state.test_counters.get("timer::nop"), bob_nop);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
assert_full_state(&mut net, 1, 0, 0, 0);
assert_eq!(net.step().frames_sent(), 1);
assert_full_state(&mut net, 1, 0, 1, 0);
assert_eq!(net.step().timers_fired(), 1);
assert_full_state(&mut net, 1, 1, 1, 0);
let step = net.step();
assert_eq!(step.frames_sent(), 1);
assert_eq!(step.timers_fired(), 1);
assert_full_state(&mut net, 1, 2, 1, 1);
// should've starved all events: