blob: fa3cd596663ce033eeb06bc3575ed8e9224494ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A networking stack.
// In case we roll the toolchain and something we're using as a feature has been
// stabilized.
// TODO(joshlf): Remove this once all of the elements in the crate are actually
// used.
// This is a hack until we migrate to a different benchmarking framework. To run
// benchmarks, edit your Cargo.toml file to add a "benchmark" feature, and then
// run with that feature enabled.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "benchmark", feature(test))]
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "benchmark"))]
extern crate test;
// TODO(joshlf): Remove this once the old packet crate has been deleted and the
// new one's name has been changed back to `packet`.
extern crate packet_new as packet;
mod macros;
mod benchmarks;
mod context;
mod data_structures;
mod device;
mod error;
mod ip;
mod testutil;
mod transport;
mod wire;
use log::trace;
pub use crate::data_structures::{IdMapCollection, IdMapCollectionKey};
pub use crate::device::{
get_ip_addr_subnets, initialize_device, receive_frame, remove_device, DeviceId,
pub use crate::error::NetstackError;
pub use crate::ip::{
icmp, EntryDest, EntryDestEither, EntryEither, IpLayerEventDispatcher, Ipv4StateBuilder,
pub use crate::transport::udp::UdpEventDispatcher;
pub use crate::transport::TransportLayerEventDispatcher;
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{AddrSubnetEither, IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SubnetEither};
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut, EmptyBuf};
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::time;
use crate::device::{DeviceLayerState, DeviceLayerTimerId, DeviceStateBuilder};
use crate::ip::{IpLayerTimerId, Ipv4State, Ipv6State};
use crate::transport::{TransportLayerState, TransportLayerTimerId};
/// Map an expression over either version of one or more addresses.
/// `map_addr_version!` when given a value of a type which is an enum with two
/// variants - `V4` and `V6` - matches on the variants, and for both variants,
/// invokes an expression on the inner contents. `$addr` is both the name of the
/// variable to match on, and the name that the address will be bound to for the
/// scope of the expression.
/// `map_addr_version!` when given a list of values and their types (all enums
/// with variants `V4` and `V6`), matches on the tuple of values and invokes the
/// `$match` expression when all values are of the same variant. Otherwise the
/// `$mismatch` expression is invoked.
/// To make it concrete, the expression `map_addr_version!(bar: Foo; blah(bar))`
/// desugars to:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// match bar {
/// Foo::V4(bar) => blah(bar),
/// Foo::V6(bar) => blah(bar),
/// }
/// ```
/// Also,
/// `map_addr_version!((foo: Foo, bar: Bar); blah(foo, bar), unreachable!())`
/// desugars to:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// match (foo, bar) {
/// (Foo::V4(foo), Bar::V4(bar)) => blah(foo, bar),
/// (Foo::V6(foo), Bar::V6(bar)) => blah(foo, bar),
/// _ => unreachable!(),
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! map_addr_version {
($addr:ident: $ty:tt; $expr:expr) => {
match $addr {
$ty::V4($addr) => $expr,
$ty::V6($addr) => $expr,
(( $( $addr:ident : $ty:tt ),+ ); $match:expr, $mismatch:expr) => {
match ( $( $addr ),+ ) {
( $( $ty::V4( $addr ) ),+ ) => $match,
( $( $ty::V6( $addr ) ),+ ) => $match,
_ => $mismatch,
(( $( $addr:ident : $ty:tt ),+ ); $match:expr, $mismatch:expr,) => {
map_addr_version!(($( $addr: $ty ),+); $match, $mismatch)
/// A builder for [`StackState`].
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct StackStateBuilder {
ipv4: Ipv4StateBuilder,
ipv6: Ipv6StateBuilder,
device: DeviceStateBuilder,
impl StackStateBuilder {
/// Get the builder for the IPv4 state.
pub fn ipv4_builder(&mut self) -> &mut Ipv4StateBuilder {
&mut self.ipv4
/// Get the builder for the IPv6 state.
pub fn ipv6_builder(&mut self) -> &mut Ipv6StateBuilder {
&mut self.ipv6
/// Get the builder for the device state.
pub fn device_builder(&mut self) -> &mut DeviceStateBuilder {
&mut self.device
/// Consume this builder and produce a `StackState`.
pub fn build<D: EventDispatcher>(self) -> StackState<D> {
StackState {
transport: TransportLayerState::default(),
test_counters: testutil::TestCounters::default(),
/// The state associated with the network stack.
pub struct StackState<D: EventDispatcher> {
transport: TransportLayerState,
ipv4: Ipv4State<D::Instant>,
ipv6: Ipv6State<D::Instant>,
device: DeviceLayerState<D>,
test_counters: testutil::TestCounters,
impl<D: EventDispatcher> StackState<D> {
/// Add a new ethernet device to the device layer.
/// `add_ethernet_device` only makes the netstack aware of the device. The device still needs to
/// be initialized. A device MUST NOT be used until it has been initialized. The netstack
/// promises not to generate any outbound traffic on the device until [`initialize_device`] has
/// been called.
/// See [`initialize_device`] for more information.
/// [`initialize_device`]: crate::device::initialize_device
pub fn add_ethernet_device(&mut self, mac: Mac, mtu: u32) -> DeviceId {
self.device.add_ethernet_device(mac, mtu)
impl<D: EventDispatcher> Default for StackState<D> {
fn default() -> StackState<D> {
/// Context available during the execution of the netstack.
/// `Context` provides access to the state of the netstack and to an event
/// dispatcher which can be used to emit events and schedule timeouts. A mutable
/// reference to a `Context` is passed to every function in the netstack.
pub struct Context<D: EventDispatcher> {
state: StackState<D>,
dispatcher: D,
impl<D: EventDispatcher> Context<D> {
/// Construct a new `Context`.
pub fn new(state: StackState<D>, dispatcher: D) -> Context<D> {
Context { state, dispatcher }
/// Construct a new `Context` using the default `StackState`.
pub fn with_default_state(dispatcher: D) -> Context<D> {
Context { state: StackState::default(), dispatcher }
/// Get the stack state immutably.
pub fn state(&self) -> &StackState<D> {
/// Get the stack state mutably.
pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut StackState<D> {
&mut self.state
/// Get the dispatcher immutably.
pub fn dispatcher(&self) -> &D {
/// Get the dispatcher mutably.
pub fn dispatcher_mut(&mut self) -> &mut D {
&mut self.dispatcher
/// Get the stack state and the dispatcher.
/// This is useful when a mutable reference to both are required at the same
/// time, which isn't possible when using the `state` or `dispatcher`
/// methods.
pub fn state_and_dispatcher(&mut self) -> (&mut StackState<D>, &mut D) {
(&mut self.state, &mut self.dispatcher)
impl<D: EventDispatcher + Default> Context<D> {
/// Construct a new `Context` using the default dispatcher.
pub fn with_default_dispatcher(state: StackState<D>) -> Context<D> {
Context { state, dispatcher: D::default() }
/// The identifier for any timer event.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TimerId(TimerIdInner);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
enum TimerIdInner {
/// A timer event in the device layer.
/// A timer event in the transport layer.
/// A timer event in the IP layer.
/// A no-op timer event (used for tests)
impl From<DeviceLayerTimerId> for TimerId {
fn from(id: DeviceLayerTimerId) -> TimerId {
/// Handle a generic timer event.
pub fn handle_timeout<D: EventDispatcher>(ctx: &mut Context<D>, id: TimerId) {
trace!("handle_timeout: dispatching timerid: {:?}", id);
match id {
TimerId(TimerIdInner::DeviceLayer(x)) => {
device::handle_timeout(ctx, x);
TimerId(TimerIdInner::TransportLayer(x)) => {
transport::handle_timeout(ctx, x);
TimerId(TimerIdInner::IpLayer(x)) => {
ip::handle_timeout(ctx, x);
TimerId(TimerIdInner::Nop(_)) => {
increment_counter!(ctx, "timer::nop");
/// A type representing an instant in time.
/// `Instant` can be implemented by any type which represents an instant in
/// time. This can include any sort of real-world clock time (e.g.,
/// [`std::time::Instant`]) or fake time such as in testing.
pub trait Instant: Sized + Ord + Copy + Clone + Debug {
/// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if `earlier` is later than `self`.
fn duration_since(&self, earlier: Self) -> time::Duration;
/// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self + duration` if `t` can be
/// represented as `Instant` (which means it's inside the bounds of the
/// underlying data structure), `None` otherwise.
fn checked_add(&self, duration: time::Duration) -> Option<Self>;
/// Returns `Some(t)` where `t` is the time `self - duration` if `t` can be
/// represented as `Instant` (which means it's inside the bounds of the
/// underlying data structure), `None` otherwise.
fn checked_sub(&self, duration: time::Duration) -> Option<Self>;
impl Instant for time::Instant {
fn duration_since(&self, earlier: time::Instant) -> time::Duration {
time::Instant::duration_since(self, earlier)
fn checked_add(&self, duration: time::Duration) -> Option<Self> {
time::Instant::checked_add(self, duration)
fn checked_sub(&self, duration: time::Duration) -> Option<Self> {
time::Instant::checked_sub(self, duration)
/// An `EventDispatcher` which supports sending buffers of a given type.
/// `D: BufferDispatcher<B>` is shorthand for `D: EventDispatcher +
/// DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<B>`.
pub trait BufferDispatcher<B: BufferMut>:
EventDispatcher + DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<B> + IpLayerEventDispatcher<B>
B: BufferMut,
D: EventDispatcher + DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<B> + IpLayerEventDispatcher<B>,
> BufferDispatcher<B> for D
// TODO(joshlf): Should we add a `for<'a> DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<&'a mut
// [u8]>` bound? Would anything get more efficient if we were able to stack
// allocate internally-generated buffers?
/// An object which can dispatch events to a real system.
/// An `EventDispatcher` provides access to a real system. It provides the
/// ability to emit events and schedule timeouts. Each layer of the stack
/// provides its own event dispatcher trait which specifies the types of actions
/// that must be supported in order to support that layer of the stack. The
/// `EventDispatcher` trait is a sub-trait of all of these traits.
pub trait EventDispatcher:
+ DeviceLayerEventDispatcher<EmptyBuf>
+ IpLayerEventDispatcher<Buf<Vec<u8>>>
+ IpLayerEventDispatcher<EmptyBuf>
+ TransportLayerEventDispatcher
/// The type of an instant in time.
/// All time is measured using `Instant`s, including scheduling timeouts.
/// This type may represent some sort of real-world time (e.g.,
/// [`std::time::Instant`]), or may be mocked in testing using a fake clock.
type Instant: Instant;
/// Returns the current instant.
/// `now` guarantees that two subsequent calls to `now` will return monotonically
/// non-decreasing values.
fn now(&self) -> Self::Instant;
/// Schedule a callback to be invoked after a timeout.
/// `schedule_timeout` schedules `f` to be invoked after `duration` has
/// elapsed, overwriting any previous timeout with the same ID.
/// If there was previously a timer with that ID, return the time at which
/// is was scheduled to fire.
/// # Panics
/// `schedule_timeout` may panic if `duration` is large enough that
/// ` + duration` overflows.
fn schedule_timeout(&mut self, duration: time::Duration, id: TimerId) -> Option<Self::Instant> {
self.schedule_timeout_instant(, id)
/// Schedule a callback to be invoked at a specific time.
/// `schedule_timeout_instant` schedules `f` to be invoked at `time`,
/// overwriting any previous timeout with the same ID.
/// If there was previously a timer with that ID, return the time at which
/// is was scheduled to fire.
fn schedule_timeout_instant(
&mut self,
time: Self::Instant,
id: TimerId,
) -> Option<Self::Instant>;
/// Cancel a timeout.
/// Returns true if the timeout was cancelled, false if there was no timeout
/// for the given ID.
fn cancel_timeout(&mut self, id: TimerId) -> Option<Self::Instant>;
/// Cancel all timeouts which satisfy a predicate.
/// `cancel_timeouts_with` calls `f` on each scheduled timer, and cancels
/// any timeout for which `f` returns true.
fn cancel_timeouts_with<F: FnMut(&TimerId) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F);
/// Get the instant a timer will fire, if one is scheduled.
/// Returns the [`Instant`] a timer with ID `id` will be invoked. If no timer
/// with the given ID exists, `scheduled_instant` will return `None`.
fn scheduled_instant(&self, id: TimerId) -> Option<Self::Instant>;
// TODO(joshlf): If the CSPRNG requirement becomes a performance problem,
// introduce a second, non-cryptographically secure, RNG.
/// The random number generator (RNG) provided by this `EventDispatcher`.
/// Code in the core is required to only obtain random values through this
/// RNG. This allows a deterministic RNG to be provided when useful (for
/// example, in tests).
/// The provided RNG must be cryptographically secure in order to ensure
/// that random values produced within the network stack are not predictable
/// by outside observers. This helps to prevent certain kinds of
/// fingerprinting and denial of service attacks.
type Rng: RngCore + CryptoRng;
/// Get the random number generator (RNG).
/// Code in the core is required to only obtain random values through this
/// RNG. This allows a deterministic RNG to be provided when useful (for
/// example, in tests).
fn rng(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Rng;
/// Get all IPv4 and IPv6 address/subnet pairs configured on a device
pub fn get_all_ip_addr_subnets<'a, D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &'a Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = AddrSubnetEither> {
let addr_v4 = crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnets::<_, Ipv4Addr>(ctx.state(), device)
.map(|a| AddrSubnetEither::V4(a));
let addr_v6 = crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnets::<_, Ipv6Addr>(ctx.state(), device)
.map(|a| AddrSubnetEither::V6(a));
/// Set the IP address and subnet for a device.
pub fn add_ip_addr_subnet<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
addr_sub: AddrSubnetEither,
) {
addr_sub: AddrSubnetEither;
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(ctx, device, addr_sub)
/// Adds a route to the forwarding table.
pub fn add_route<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
entry: EntryEither<DeviceId>,
) -> Result<(), error::NetstackError> {
let (subnet, dest) = entry.into_subnet_dest();
match dest {
EntryDest::Local { device } => map_addr_version!(
subnet: SubnetEither;
crate::ip::add_device_route(ctx, subnet, device)
EntryDest::Remote { next_hop } => {
let next_hop = next_hop.into();
(subnet: SubnetEither, next_hop: IpAddr);
crate::ip::add_route(ctx, subnet, next_hop),
/// Delete a route from the forwarding table, returning `Err` if no
/// route was found to be deleted.
pub fn del_device_route<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
subnet: SubnetEither,
) -> Result<(), error::NetstackError> {
map_addr_version!(subnet: SubnetEither; crate::ip::del_device_route(ctx, subnet))
/// Get all the routes.
pub fn get_all_routes<'a, D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &'a Context<D>,
) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = EntryEither<DeviceId>> {
let v4_routes = ip::iter_all_routes::<_, Ipv4Addr>(ctx);
let v6_routes = ip::iter_all_routes::<_, Ipv6Addr>(ctx);