blob: adf7db0bdfac5447a7ee241811ddea12f24f091e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD).
//! MLD is derived from version 2 of IPv4's Internet Group Management Protocol,
//! IGMPv2. One important difference to note is that MLD uses ICMPv6 (IP
//! Protocol 58) message types, rather than IGMP (IP Protocol 2) message types.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use failure::Fail;
use log::{debug, error};
use net_types::ip::{Ip, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr};
use net_types::{LinkLocalAddr, MulticastAddr, SpecifiedAddr, SpecifiedAddress, Witness};
use packet::serialize::Serializer;
use packet::{EmptyBuf, InnerPacketBuilder};
use rand::Rng;
use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
use zerocopy::ByteSlice;
use crate::context::{
FrameContext, InstantContext, RngContext, RngContextExt, StateContext, TimerContext,
use crate::ip::gmp::{Action, Actions, GmpAction, GmpStateMachine, ProtocolSpecific};
use crate::ip::{IpDeviceIdContext, IpProto};
use crate::wire::icmp::mld::{
IcmpMldv1MessageType, Mldv1Body, Mldv1MessageBuilder, MulticastListenerDone,
use crate::wire::icmp::{IcmpPacketBuilder, IcmpUnusedCode, Icmpv6Packet};
use crate::wire::ipv6::ext_hdrs::{
ExtensionHeaderOptionAction, HopByHopOption, HopByHopOptionData,
use crate::wire::ipv6::{Ipv6PacketBuilder, Ipv6PacketBuilderWithHBHOptions};
use crate::Instant;
/// Metadata for sending an MLD packet in an IP packet.
/// `MldFrameMetadata` is used by [`MldContext`]'s [`FrameContext`] bound. When
/// [`FrameContext::send_frame`] is called with an `MldFrameMetadata`, the body
/// contains an MLD packet in an IP packet. It is encapsulated in a link-layer
/// frame, and sent to the link-layer address corresponding to the given local
/// IP address.
pub(crate) struct MldFrameMetadata<D> {
pub(crate) device: D,
pub(crate) local_ip: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
impl<D> MldFrameMetadata<D> {
fn new(device: D, local_ip: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>) -> MldFrameMetadata<D> {
MldFrameMetadata { device, local_ip }
/// The execution context for the Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol.
pub(crate) trait MldContext: IpDeviceIdContext
+ TimerContext<
MldReportDelay<<Self as IpDeviceIdContext>::DeviceId>,
> + RngContext
+ StateContext<
<Self as IpDeviceIdContext>::DeviceId,
MldInterface<<Self as InstantContext>::Instant>,
> + FrameContext<
MldFrameMetadata<<Self as IpDeviceIdContext>::DeviceId>,
/// Gets the IPv6 link local address on `device`.
fn get_ipv6_link_local_addr(&self, device: Self::DeviceId) -> Option<LinkLocalAddr<Ipv6Addr>>;
/// A handler for incoming MLD packets.
/// `MldHandler` is implemented by any type which also implements
/// [`MldContext`], and it can also be mocked for use in testing.
pub(crate) trait MldHandler: IpDeviceIdContext {
/// Receive an MLD packet.
/// # Panics
/// `receive_mld_packet` panics if `packet` is not one of
/// `MulticastListenerQuery`, `MulticastListenerReport`, or
/// `MulticastListenerDone`.
fn receive_mld_packet<B: ByteSlice>(
&mut self,
device: Self::DeviceId,
src_ip: Ipv6Addr,
dst_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
packet: Icmpv6Packet<B>,
impl<C: MldContext> MldHandler for C {
fn receive_mld_packet<B: ByteSlice>(
&mut self,
device: Self::DeviceId,
src_ip: Ipv6Addr,
dst_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
packet: Icmpv6Packet<B>,
) {
if let Err(e) = match packet {
Icmpv6Packet::MulticastListenerQuery(msg) => {
let now =;
let max_response_delay: Duration = msg.body().max_response_delay();
handle_mld_message(self, device, msg.body(), |rng, state| {
state.query_received(rng, max_response_delay, now)
Icmpv6Packet::MulticastListenerReport(msg) => {
handle_mld_message(self, device, msg.body(), |_, state| state.report_received())
Icmpv6Packet::MulticastListenerDone(_) => {
debug!("Hosts are not interested in Done messages");
_ => {
unreachable!("It is not an MLD packet");
} {
error!("Error occurred when handling MLD message: {}", e);
fn handle_mld_message<C: MldContext, B: ByteSlice, F>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
body: &Mldv1Body<B>,
handler: F,
) -> MldResult<()>
F: Fn(&mut XorShiftRng, &mut MldGroupState<C::Instant>) -> Actions<MldProtocolSpecific>,
// TODO(joshlf): Once we figure out how to access the RNG and the state at
// the same time, get rid of this hack. For the time being, this is probably
// fine because, while the `XorShiftRng` isn't cryptographically secure, its
// seed is, which means that, at worst, an attacker will be able to
// correlate events generated during this one function call.
let mut rng = ctx.new_xorshift_rng();
let group_addr = body.group_addr;
if !group_addr.is_specified() {
let addr_and_actions = ctx
.map(|(addr, state)| (addr.clone(), handler(&mut rng, state)))
// `addr` must be a multicast address, otherwise it will not have
// an associated state in the first place
for (addr, actions) in addr_and_actions {
run_actions(ctx, device, actions, addr);
} else if let Some(group_addr) = MulticastAddr::new(group_addr) {
let actions = match ctx.get_state_mut(device).groups.get_mut(&group_addr) {
Some(state) => handler(&mut rng, state),
None => return Err(MldError::NotAMember { addr: group_addr.get() }),
run_actions(ctx, device, actions, group_addr);
} else {
Err(MldError::NotAMember { addr: group_addr })
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub(crate) enum MldError {
/// The host is trying to operate on an group address of which the host is not a member.
#[fail(display = "the host has not already been a member of the address: {}", addr)]
NotAMember { addr: Ipv6Addr },
/// Failed to send an IGMP packet.
#[fail(display = "failed to send out an IGMP packet to address: {}", addr)]
SendFailure { addr: Ipv6Addr },
pub(crate) type MldResult<T> = Result<T, MldError>;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MldProtocolSpecific;
pub(crate) struct MldConfig {
unsolicited_report_interval: Duration,
send_leave_anyway: bool,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct ImmediateIdleState;
/// The default value for `unsolicited_report_interval` [RFC 2710 section 7.10]
/// [RFC 2710 section 7.10]
const DEFAULT_UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
impl Default for MldConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
MldConfig {
unsolicited_report_interval: DEFAULT_UNSOLICITED_REPORT_INTERVAL,
send_leave_anyway: false,
impl ProtocolSpecific for MldProtocolSpecific {
/// The action to turn an MLD host to Idle state immediately.
type Action = ImmediateIdleState;
type Config = MldConfig;
fn cfg_unsolicited_report_interval(cfg: &Self::Config) -> Duration {
fn cfg_send_leave_anyway(cfg: &Self::Config) -> bool {
fn get_max_resp_time(resp_time: Duration) -> Duration {
fn do_query_received_specific(
cfg: &Self::Config,
actions: &mut Actions<Self>,
max_resp_time: Duration,
old: Self,
) -> Self {
if max_resp_time.as_millis() == 0 {
/// The state on a multicast address.
pub(crate) type MldGroupState<I> = GmpStateMachine<I, MldProtocolSpecific>;
/// The States on all the interested multicast address of an interface.
pub(crate) struct MldInterface<I: Instant> {
groups: HashMap<MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>, MldGroupState<I>>,
impl<I: Instant> Default for MldInterface<I> {
fn default() -> Self {
MldInterface { groups: HashMap::new() }
impl<I: Instant> MldInterface<I> {
fn join_group<R: Rng>(
&mut self,
rng: &mut R,
addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
now: I,
) -> Actions<MldProtocolSpecific> {
self.groups.entry(addr).or_insert(MldGroupState::default()).join_group(rng, now)
fn leave_group(
&mut self,
addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) -> MldResult<Actions<MldProtocolSpecific>> {
match self.groups.remove(&addr).as_mut() {
Some(state) => Ok(state.leave_group()),
None => Err(MldError::NotAMember { addr: addr.get() }),
fn report_timer_expired(&mut self, addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>) -> MldResult<()> {
match self.groups.get_mut(&addr) {
Some(state) => {
None => Err(MldError::NotAMember { addr: addr.get() }),
/// Make our host join a multicast group.
pub(crate) fn mld_join_group<C: MldContext>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) {
// TODO(joshlf): Once we figure out how to access the RNG and the state at
// the same time, get rid of this hack. For the time being, this is probably
// fine because, while the `XorShiftRng` isn't cryptographically secure, its
// seed is, which means that, at worst, an attacker will be able to
// correlate events generated during this one function call.
let mut rng = ctx.new_xorshift_rng();
let now =;
let actions = ctx.get_state_mut(device).join_group(&mut rng, group_addr, now);
// actions will be `Nothing` if the the host is not in the `NonMember` state.
run_actions(ctx, device, actions, group_addr);
/// Make our host leave the multicast group.
/// If our host is not already a member of the given address, this will result
/// in the `IgmpError::NotAMember` error.
pub(crate) fn mld_leave_group<C: MldContext>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) -> MldResult<()> {
let actions = ctx.get_state_mut(device).leave_group(group_addr)?;
run_actions(ctx, device, actions, group_addr);
/// The timer to delay the MLD report.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct MldReportDelay<D> {
device: D,
group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
impl<D> MldReportDelay<D> {
fn new(device: D, group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>) -> MldReportDelay<D> {
MldReportDelay { device, group_addr }.into()
fn run_actions<C: MldContext>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
actions: Actions<MldProtocolSpecific>,
group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) {
for action in actions {
if let Err(err) = run_action(ctx, device, action, group_addr) {
error!("Error performing action on {} on device {}: {}", group_addr, device, err);
/// Interpret the actions generated by the state machine.
fn run_action<C: MldContext>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
action: Action<MldProtocolSpecific>,
group_addr: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) -> MldResult<()> {
match action {
Action::Generic(GmpAction::ScheduleReportTimer(delay)) => {
ctx.schedule_timer(delay, MldReportDelay::new(device, group_addr));
Action::Generic(GmpAction::StopReportTimer) => {
ctx.cancel_timer(MldReportDelay::new(device, group_addr));
Action::Generic(GmpAction::SendLeave) => send_mld_packet::<_, &[u8], _>(
Action::Generic(GmpAction::SendReport(_)) => send_mld_packet::<_, &[u8], _>(
Action::Specific(ImmediateIdleState) => {
ctx.cancel_timer(MldReportDelay::new(device, group_addr));
/// Send an MLD packet.
/// The MLD packet being sent should have its `hop_limit` to be 1 and
/// a `RouterAlert` option in its Hop-by-Hop Options extensions header.
fn send_mld_packet<C: MldContext, B: ByteSlice, M: IcmpMldv1MessageType<B>>(
ctx: &mut C,
device: C::DeviceId,
dst_ip: MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
msg: M,
group_addr: M::GroupAddr,
max_resp_delay: M::MaxRespDelay,
) -> MldResult<()> {
// According to,
// if a valid link-local address is not available for the device (e.g., one
// has not been configured), the message is sent with the unspecified
// address (::) as the IPv6 source address.
let src_ip =
ctx.get_ipv6_link_local_addr(device).map_or(Ipv6::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS, |x| x.get());
let body = Mldv1MessageBuilder::<M>::new_with_max_resp_delay(group_addr, max_resp_delay)
.encapsulate(IcmpPacketBuilder::new(src_ip, dst_ip.get(), IcmpUnusedCode, msg))
Ipv6PacketBuilder::new(src_ip, dst_ip.get(), 1, IpProto::Icmpv6),
&[HopByHopOption {
action: ExtensionHeaderOptionAction::SkipAndContinue,
mutable: false,
data: HopByHopOptionData::RouterAlert { data: 0 },
ctx.send_frame(MldFrameMetadata::new(device, dst_ip), body)
.map_err(|_| MldError::SendFailure { addr: group_addr.into() })
pub(crate) fn handle_timeout<C: MldContext>(ctx: &mut C, timer: MldReportDelay<C::DeviceId>) {
let MldReportDelay { device, group_addr } = timer;
send_mld_packet::<_, &[u8], _>(
if let Err(e) = ctx.get_state_mut(device).report_timer_expired(group_addr) {
error!("MLD timer fired, but an error has occurred: {}", e);
mod tests {
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::time::Instant;
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::AddrSubnet;
use super::*;
use crate::device::{add_ip_addr_subnet, DeviceId};
use crate::ip::gmp::{Action, GmpAction, MemberState};
use crate::ip::icmp::receive_icmpv6_packet;
use crate::ip::IPV6_ALL_ROUTERS;
use crate::testutil;
use crate::testutil::new_rng;
use crate::testutil::{DummyEventDispatcher, DummyEventDispatcherBuilder};
use crate::wire::icmp::mld::MulticastListenerQuery;
use crate::{Context, EventDispatcher};
fn test_mld_immediate_report() {
// Most of the test surface is covered by the GMP implementation,
// MLD specific part is mostly passthrough. This test case is here
// because MLD allows a router to ask for report immediately, by
// specifying the `MaxRespDelay` to be 0. If this is the case, the
// host should send the report immediately instead of setting a timer.
let mut s = MldGroupState::default();
let mut rng = new_rng(0);
s.join_group(&mut rng, Instant::now());
let actions = s.query_received(&mut rng, Duration::from_secs(0), Instant::now());
let vec = actions.into_iter().collect::<Vec<Action<_>>>();
assert_eq!(vec.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(vec[0], Action::Generic(GmpAction::SendReport(MldProtocolSpecific)));
assert_eq!(vec[1], Action::Specific(ImmediateIdleState));
const MY_MAC: Mac = Mac::new([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
const ROUTER_MAC: Mac = Mac::new([6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
const GROUP_ADDR: Ipv6Addr =
Ipv6Addr::new([0xff, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]);
fn receive_mld_query(
ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>,
device: DeviceId,
resp_time: Duration,
) {
let my_addr = MY_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().into_specified();
let router_addr = ROUTER_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().get();
let buffer = Mldv1MessageBuilder::<MulticastListenerQuery>::new_with_max_resp_delay(
.encapsulate(IcmpPacketBuilder::<_, &[u8], _>::new(
receive_icmpv6_packet(ctx, Some(device), router_addr, my_addr, buffer);
fn receive_mld_report(ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>, device: DeviceId) {
let my_addr = MY_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().into_specified();
let router_addr = ROUTER_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().get();
let buffer = Mldv1MessageBuilder::<MulticastListenerReport>::new(
.encapsulate(IcmpPacketBuilder::<_, &[u8], _>::new(
receive_icmpv6_packet(ctx, Some(device), router_addr, my_addr, buffer);
fn setup_simple_test_environment() -> (Context<DummyEventDispatcher>, DeviceId) {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build();
let dev_id = ctx.state.add_ethernet_device(MY_MAC, 1500);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, dev_id);
&mut ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(MY_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().get(), 128).unwrap(),
(ctx, dev_id)
// ensure the ttl is 1.
fn ensure_ttl(frame: &[u8]) {
assert_eq!(frame[21], 1);
fn ensure_slice_addr(frame: &[u8], start: usize, end: usize, ip: Ipv6Addr) {
let mut bytes = [0u8; 16];
assert_eq!(Ipv6Addr::new(bytes), ip);
// ensure the destination address field in the ICMPv6 packet is correct.
fn ensure_dst_addr(frame: &[u8], ip: Ipv6Addr) {
ensure_slice_addr(frame, 38, 54, ip);
// ensure the multicast address field in the MLD packet is correct.
fn ensure_multicast_addr(frame: &[u8], ip: Ipv6Addr) {
ensure_slice_addr(frame, 70, 86, ip);
// ensure a sent frame meets the requirement
fn ensure_frame(frame: &[u8], op: u8, dst: Ipv6Addr, multicast: Ipv6Addr) {
assert_eq!(frame[62], op);
// Ensure the length our payload is 32 = 8 (hbh_ext_hdr) + 24 (mld)
assert_eq!(frame[19], 32);
// Ensure the next header is our HopByHop Extension Header.
assert_eq!(frame[20], 0);
// Ensure the hop limit is 1.
assert_eq!(frame[21], 1);
// Ensure there is a RouterAlert HopByHopOption in our sent frame
assert_eq!(&frame[54..62], &[58, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
ensure_dst_addr(&frame[..], dst);
ensure_multicast_addr(&frame[..], multicast);
fn test_mld_simple_integration() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
receive_mld_query(&mut ctx, dev_id, Duration::from_secs(10));
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
let frame = &ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().get(0).unwrap().1;
// we should get two MLD reports, one for the unsolicited one for the host
// to turn into Delay Member state and the other one for the timer being fired.
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_immediate_query() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
receive_mld_query(&mut ctx, dev_id, Duration::from_secs(0));
// the query says that it wants to hear from us immediately
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
// there should be no timers set
assert!(!testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_integration_fallback_from_idle() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
receive_mld_query(&mut ctx, dev_id, Duration::from_secs(10));
// We have received a query, hence we are falling back to Delay Member state.
let group_state = ctx
match group_state.get_inner() {
MemberState::Delaying(_) => {}
_ => panic!("Wrong State!"),
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 3);
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_integration_immediate_query_wont_fallback() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
receive_mld_query(&mut ctx, dev_id, Duration::from_secs(0));
// Since it is an immediate query, we will send a report immediately and turn
// into Idle state again
let group_state = ctx
match group_state.get_inner() {
MemberState::Idle(_) => {}
_ => panic!("Wrong State!"),
// No timers!
assert!(!testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 3);
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
// TODO: It seems like the RNG is always giving us quite small values, so the test logic
// for the timers doesn't hold. Ignore the test for now until we have a way to reliably
// generate a larger value for duration.
fn test_mld_integration_delay_reset_timer() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.timer_events().count(), 1);
let instant1 = ctx.dispatcher.timer_events().nth(0).unwrap().0.clone();
let start =;
let duration = instant1 - start;
receive_mld_query(&mut ctx, dev_id, duration);
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_integration_last_send_leave() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.timer_events().count(), 1);
// The initial unsolicited report
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
// The report after the delay
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 2);
assert!(mld_leave_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap()).is_ok());
// Our leave message
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 3);
// The first two messages should be reports
ensure_frame(&ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent()[0].1, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
ensure_frame(&ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent()[1].1, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
// The last one should be the done message whose destination is all routers.
ensure_frame(&ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent()[2].1, 132, IPV6_ALL_ROUTERS, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_integration_not_last_dont_send_leave() {
let (mut ctx, dev_id) = setup_simple_test_environment();
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.timer_events().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
receive_mld_report(&mut ctx, dev_id);
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.timer_events().count(), 0);
// The report should be discarded because we have received from someone else.
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
assert!(mld_leave_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap()).is_ok());
// A leave message is not sent
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent().len(), 1);
// The frames are all reports.
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
fn test_mld_unspecified_src_no_addr() {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build();
let dev_id = ctx.state.add_ethernet_device(MY_MAC, 1500);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, dev_id);
// The IP address of the device is intentionally unspecified.
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
ensure_slice_addr(&frame, 22, 38, MY_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().get());
fn test_mld_unspecified_src_not_link_local() {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build();
let dev_id = ctx.state.add_ethernet_device(MY_MAC, 1500);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, dev_id);
&mut ctx,
// set up a site-local address
Ipv6Addr::new([0xfe, 0xf0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
// The IP address of the device is intentionally unspecified.
mld_join_group(&mut ctx, dev_id, MulticastAddr::new(GROUP_ADDR).unwrap());
assert!(testutil::trigger_next_timer(&mut ctx));
for (_, frame) in ctx.dispatcher.frames_sent() {
ensure_frame(&frame, 131, GROUP_ADDR, GROUP_ADDR);
ensure_slice_addr(&frame, 22, 38, MY_MAC.to_ipv6_link_local().get());