blob: aca86b0caf721e543f5eb222155379ebef2c3a67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The Ethernet protocol.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::iter::FilterMap;
use std::num::NonZeroU8;
use std::slice::Iter;
use log::{debug, trace};
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{AddrSubnet, Ip, IpAddr, IpAddress, Ipv4, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr};
use net_types::{
BroadcastAddress, LinkLocalAddr, MulticastAddr, MulticastAddress, SpecifiedAddr,
UnicastAddress, Witness,
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut, EmptyBuf, Nested, Serializer};
use specialize_ip_macro::{specialize_ip, specialize_ip_address};
use crate::context::{FrameContext, StateContext, TimerContext};
use crate::device::arp::{
self, ArpContext, ArpFrameMetadata, ArpHardwareType, ArpState, ArpTimerId,
use crate::device::ndp::{self, NdpState};
use crate::device::{
is_device_initialized, AddressEntry, AddressError, AddressState, DeviceId, DeviceLayerTimerId,
FrameDestination, Tentative,
use crate::wire::arp::peek_arp_types;
use crate::wire::ethernet::{EthernetFrame, EthernetFrameBuilder};
use crate::{BufferDispatcher, Context, EventDispatcher, StackState, TimerId, TimerIdInner};
impl From<Mac> for FrameDestination {
fn from(mac: Mac) -> FrameDestination {
if mac.is_broadcast() {
} else if mac.is_multicast() {
} else {
impl ndp::LinkLayerAddress for Mac {
const BYTES_LENGTH: usize = 6;
fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Self {
// assert that contract is being held:
debug_assert!(bytes.len() == Self::BYTES_LENGTH);
let mut b = [0; Self::BYTES_LENGTH];
/// An EtherType number.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum EtherType: u16 {
Ipv4, 0x0800, "IPv4";
Arp, 0x0806, "ARP";
Ipv6, 0x86DD, "IPv6";
_, "EtherType {}";
/// Builder for [`EthernetDeviceState`].
pub(crate) struct EthernetDeviceStateBuilder {
mac: Mac,
mtu: u32,
route_ipv4: bool,
route_ipv6: bool,
ndp_configs: ndp::NdpConfigurations,
impl EthernetDeviceStateBuilder {
/// Create a new `EthernetDeviceStateBuilder`.
pub(crate) fn new(mac: Mac, mtu: u32) -> Self {
// TODO(joshlf): Add a minimum MTU for all Ethernet devices such that
// you cannot create an `EthernetDeviceState` with an MTU smaller than
// the minimum. The absolute minimum needs to be at least the minimum
// body size of an Ethernet frame. For IPv6-capable devices, the
// minimum needs to be higher - the IPv6 minimum MTU. The easy path is
// to simply use the IPv6 minimum MTU as the minimum in all cases,
// although we may at some point want to figure out how to configure
// devices which don't support IPv6, and allow smaller MTUs for those
// devices.
// A few questions:
// - How do we wire error information back up the call stack? Should
// this just return a Result or something?
Self {
route_ipv4: false,
route_ipv6: false,
ndp_configs: ndp::NdpConfigurations::default(),
/// Update the NDP configurations that will be set on the ethernet
/// device.
pub(crate) fn set_ndp_configs(&mut self, v: ndp::NdpConfigurations) {
self.ndp_configs = v;
/// Enable/disable IP packet routing.
pub(crate) fn set_route<I: Ip>(&mut self, v: bool) {
// We implement this method by using an inner function that gets specialized because when
// `specialize_ip_macro` generates the IP specific code, it doesn't properly handle a type's
// member functions. Instead lets say we have the following code:
// ```
// #[specialize_ip]
// pub(crate) fn set_route<I: Ip>(&mut self, v: bool) {
// #[ipv4]
// self.route_ipv4 = v;
// #[ipv6]
// self.route_ipv6 = v;
// }
// ```
// After `specialize_ip_macro` goes in and does its magic, we end up with the following
// (code irrelevant to this example has been replaced with "..."):
// ```
// pub(crate) fn set_route<I: Ip>(&mut self, v: bool) {
// trait Ext: net_types::ip::Ip {
// ...
// fn f(&mut self, v: bool);
// ...
// }
// ...
// impl Ext for net_types::ip::Ipv4 {
// ...
// fn f(&mut self, v: bool) { self.route_ipv4 = v; }
// ...
// }
// impl Ext for net_types::ip::Ipv6 {
// ...
// fn f(&mut self, v: bool) { self.route_ipv6 = v; }
// ...
// }
// I::f::<>(self, v)
// }
// ```
// Here we can see that the generated functions still use `&mut self` but in its context,
// `self` will refer to the `Ip` object instead of the original `self`, the
// `EthernetDeviceStateBuilder`. Having an inner function that has no `&mut self` arguments
// allows us to workaround this issue.
// TODO(ghanan): Use the desided code mentioned above once this bug is fixed.
fn inner<I: Ip>(builder: &mut EthernetDeviceStateBuilder, v: bool) {
builder.route_ipv4 = v;
builder.route_ipv6 = v;
inner::<I>(self, v)
/// Build the `EthernetDeviceState` from this builder.
pub(crate) fn build<D: EventDispatcher>(self) -> EthernetDeviceState<D> {
let solicited_node_link_local_addr =
let mut ipv6_multicast_groups = HashSet::new();
let mut link_multicast_groups = HashSet::new();
// TODO(ghanan): Perform NDP's DAD on the link local address BEFORE receiving
// packets destined to it.
EthernetDeviceState {
mac: self.mac,
mtu: self.mtu,
hw_mtu: self.mtu,
ipv6_hop_limit: ndp::HOP_LIMIT_DEFAULT,
ipv4_addr_sub: Vec::new(),
ipv6_addr_sub: Vec::new(),
ipv4_multicast_groups: HashSet::new(),
ipv4_arp: ArpState::default(),
ndp: NdpState::new(self.ndp_configs),
route_ipv4: self.route_ipv4,
route_ipv6: self.route_ipv6,
pending_frames: HashMap::new(),
promiscuous_mode: false,
/// The state associated with an Ethernet device.
pub(crate) struct EthernetDeviceState<D: EventDispatcher> {
/// Mac address of the device this state is for.
mac: Mac,
/// The value this netstack assumes as the device's current MTU.
mtu: u32,
/// The maximum MTU allowed by the hardware.
/// `mtu` MUST NEVER be greater than `hw_mtu`.
hw_mtu: u32,
/// Default hop limit for new IPv6 packets sent from this device.
// TODO(ghanan): Once we separate out device-IP state from device-specific
// state, move this to some IPv6-device state.
ipv6_hop_limit: NonZeroU8,
/// Assigned IPv4 addresses.
ipv4_addr_sub: Vec<AddressEntry<Ipv4Addr>>,
/// Assigned IPv6 addresses.
/// May be tentative (performing NDP's Duplicate Address Detection).
ipv6_addr_sub: Vec<AddressEntry<Ipv6Addr>>,
/// IPv4 multicast groups this device has joined.
ipv4_multicast_groups: HashSet<MulticastAddr<Ipv4Addr>>,
/// IPv6 multicast groups this device has joined.
ipv6_multicast_groups: HashSet<MulticastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
/// Link multicast groups this device has joined.
link_multicast_groups: HashSet<MulticastAddr<Mac>>,
/// IPv4 ARP state.
ipv4_arp: ArpState<Ipv4Addr, Mac>,
/// (IPv6) NDP state.
ndp: ndp::NdpState<EthernetNdpDevice, D>,
/// A flag indicating whether routing of IPv4 packets not destined for this device is
/// enabled.
/// This flag controls whether or not packets can be routed from this device. That is, when a
/// packet arrives at a device it is not destined for, the packet can only be routed if the
/// device it arrived at has routing enabled and there exists another device that has a path
/// to the packet's destination, regardless the other device's routing ability.
/// Default: `false`.
route_ipv4: bool,
/// A flag indicating whether routing of IPv6 packets not destined for this device is
/// enabled.
/// This flag controls whether or not packets can be routed from this device. That is, when a
/// packet arrives at a device it is not destined for, the packet can only be routed if the
/// device it arrived at has routing enabled and there exists another device that has a path
/// to the packet's destination, regardless the other device's routing ability.
/// Default: `false`.
route_ipv6: bool,
// pending_frames stores a list of serialized frames indexed by their
// desintation IP addresses. The frames contain an entire EthernetFrame
// body and the MTU check is performed before queueing them here.
pending_frames: HashMap<IpAddr, VecDeque<Buf<Vec<u8>>>>,
/// A flag indicating whether the device will accept all ethernet frames that it receives,
/// regardless of the ethernet frame's destination MAC address.
promiscuous_mode: bool,
impl<D: EventDispatcher> EthernetDeviceState<D> {
/// Adds a pending frame `frame` associated with `local_addr` to the list
/// of pending frames in the current device state.
/// If an older frame had to be dropped because it exceeds the maximum
/// allowed number of pending frames, it is returned.
fn add_pending_frame(
&mut self,
local_addr: IpAddr,
frame: Buf<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Option<Buf<Vec<u8>>> {
let buff = self.pending_frames.entry(local_addr).or_insert_with(Default::default);
} else {
/// Takes all pending frames associated with address `local_addr`.
fn take_pending_frames(
&mut self,
local_addr: IpAddr,
) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = Buf<Vec<u8>>>> {
match self.pending_frames.remove(&local_addr) {
Some(mut buff) => Some(buff.into_iter()),
None => None,
/// Is a packet with a destination MAC address, `dst`, destined for this device?
/// Returns `true` if this device is has `dst_mac` as its assigned MAC address, `dst_mac` is the
/// broadcast MAC address, or it is one of the multicast MAC addresses the device has joined.
fn should_accept(&self, dst_mac: &Mac) -> bool {
(self.mac == *dst_mac)
|| dst_mac.is_broadcast()
|| (MulticastAddr::new(*dst_mac)
.map(|a| self.link_multicast_groups.contains(&a))
/// Should a packet with destination MAC address, `dst`, be accepted by this device?
/// Returns `true` if this device is in promiscuous mode or the frame is destined for this
/// device.
fn should_deliver(&self, dst_mac: &Mac) -> bool {
self.promiscuous_mode || self.should_accept(dst_mac)
/// An extension trait adding IP-related functionality to `Ipv4` and `Ipv6`.
pub(crate) trait EthernetIpExt: Ip {
const ETHER_TYPE: EtherType;
impl<I: Ip> EthernetIpExt for I {
default const ETHER_TYPE: EtherType = EtherType::Ipv4;
impl EthernetIpExt for Ipv4 {
const ETHER_TYPE: EtherType = EtherType::Ipv4;
impl EthernetIpExt for Ipv6 {
const ETHER_TYPE: EtherType = EtherType::Ipv6;
/// Send an IP packet in an Ethernet frame.
/// `send_ip_frame` accepts a device ID, a local IP address, and a
/// `SerializationRequest`. It computes the routing information and serializes
/// the request in a new Ethernet frame and sends it.
pub(crate) fn send_ip_frame<
B: BufferMut,
D: BufferDispatcher<B>,
A: IpAddress,
S: Serializer<Buffer = B>,
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
local_addr: SpecifiedAddr<A>,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), S> {
trace!("ethernet::send_ip_frame: local_addr = {:?}; device = {:?}", local_addr, device_id);
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let (local_mac, mtu) = (state.mac, state.mtu);
let local_addr = local_addr.get();
let dst_mac = match MulticastAddr::new(local_addr) {
Some(multicast) => Ok(Mac::from(&multicast)),
None => {
arp::lookup(ctx, device_id, local_mac, local_addr).ok_or(IpAddr::V4(local_addr))
ndp::lookup::<_, EthernetNdpDevice>(ctx, device_id, local_addr)
match dst_mac {
Ok(dst_mac) => ctx
body.with_mtu(mtu as usize).encapsulate(EthernetFrameBuilder::new(
.map_err(|ser| ser.into_inner().into_inner()),
Err(local_addr) => {
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
// The `serialize_vec_outer` call returns an `Either<B,
// Buf<Vec<u8>>`. We could naively call `.as_ref().to_vec()` on it,
// but if it were the `Buf<Vec<u8>>` variant, we'd be unnecessarily
// allocating a new `Vec` when we already have one. Instead, we
// leave the `Buf<Vec<u8>>` variant as it is, and only convert the
// `B` variant by calling `map_a`. That gives us an
// `Either<Buf<Vec<u8>>, Buf<Vec<u8>>`, which we call `into_inner`
// on to get a `Buf<Vec<u8>>`.
let frame = body
.with_mtu(mtu as usize)
.map_err(|ser| ser.1.into_inner())?
.map_a(|buffer| Buf::new(buffer.as_ref().to_vec(), ..))
let dropped = state.add_pending_frame(local_addr, frame);
if let Some(dropped) = dropped {
// TODO(brunodalbo): Is it ok to silently just let this drop? Or
// should the IP layer be notified in any way?
log_unimplemented!((), "Ethernet dropped frame because ran out of allowable space");
/// Receive an Ethernet frame from the network.
pub(crate) fn receive_frame<B: BufferMut, D: BufferDispatcher<B>>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
mut buffer: B,
) {
trace!("ethernet::receive_frame: device_id = {:?}", device_id);
let frame = if let Ok(frame) = buffer.parse::<EthernetFrame<_>>() {
} else {
trace!("ethernet::receive_frame: failed to parse ethernet frame");
// TODO(joshlf): Do something else?
let (src, dst) = (frame.src_mac(), frame.dst_mac());
let device = DeviceId::new_ethernet(device_id);
if !get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id).should_deliver(&dst) {
trace!("ethernet::receive_frame: destination mac {:?} not for device {:?}", dst, device_id);
let frame_dst = FrameDestination::from(dst);
match frame.ethertype() {
Some(EtherType::Arp) => {
let types = if let Ok(types) = peek_arp_types(buffer.as_ref()) {
} else {
// TODO(joshlf): Do something else here?
match types {
(ArpHardwareType::Ethernet, EtherType::Ipv4) => {
crate::device::arp::receive_arp_packet(ctx, device_id, buffer)
types => debug!("got ARP packet for unsupported types: {:?}", types),
Some(EtherType::Ipv4) => crate::ip::receive_ipv4_packet(ctx, device, frame_dst, buffer),
Some(EtherType::Ipv6) => crate::ip::receive_ipv6_packet(ctx, device, frame_dst, buffer),
Some(EtherType::Other(_)) | None => {} // TODO(joshlf)
/// Set the promiscuous mode flag on `device_id`.
pub(crate) fn set_promiscuous_mode<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
enabled: bool,
) {
get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id).promiscuous_mode = enabled;
/// Get a single IP address for a device.
/// Note, tentative IP addresses (addresses which are not yet fully bound to a
/// device) will not be returned by `get_ip_addr`.
pub(crate) fn get_ip_addr_subnet<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> Option<AddrSubnet<A>> {
get_ip_addr_subnets(state, device_id).nth(0)
/// Get the IP address and subnet pais associated with this device.
/// Note, tentative IP addresses (addresses which are not yet fully bound to a
/// device) will not be returned by `get_ip_addr_subnets`.
/// Returns an [`Iterator`] of `AddrSubnet<A>`.
/// See [`Tentative`] and [`AddrSubnet`] for more information.
pub(crate) fn get_ip_addr_subnets<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> FilterMap<Iter<AddressEntry<A>>, fn(&AddressEntry<A>) -> Option<AddrSubnet<A>>> {
let state = get_device_state(state, device_id);
let addresses = &state.ipv4_addr_sub;
let addresses = &state.ipv6_addr_sub;
|a| {
if a.state().is_assigned() {
} else {
/// Get the IP address and subnet associated with this device, including tentative
/// addresses.
/// Returns an [`Iterator`] of `Tentative<AddrSubnet<A>>`.
/// See [`Tentative`] and [`AddrSubnet`] for more information.
pub(crate) fn get_ip_addr_subnets_with_tentative<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> FilterMap<Iter<AddressEntry<A>>, fn(&AddressEntry<A>) -> Option<Tentative<AddrSubnet<A>>>> {
let state = get_device_state(state, device_id);
let addresses = &state.ipv4_addr_sub;
let addresses = &state.ipv6_addr_sub;
addresses.iter().filter_map(|a| {
if a.state().is_assigned() {
} else if a.state().is_tentative() {
} else {
/// Get the state of an address on a device.
/// Returns `None` if `addr` is not associated with `device_id`.
pub fn get_ip_addr_state<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: &SpecifiedAddr<A>,
) -> Option<AddressState> {
let state = get_device_state(state, device_id);
let addresses = &state.ipv4_addr_sub;
let addresses = &state.ipv6_addr_sub;
addresses.iter().find_map(|a| if a.addr_sub().addr() == *addr { Some(a.state()) } else { None })
/// Adds an IP address and associated subnet to this device.
pub(crate) fn add_ip_addr_subnet<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr_sub: AddrSubnet<A>,
) -> Result<(), AddressError> {
let addr = addr_sub.addr();
if get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device_id, &addr).is_some() {
return Err(AddressError::AlreadyExists);
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
state.ipv4_addr_sub.push(AddressEntry::new(addr_sub, AddressState::Assigned));
// First, join the solicited-node multicast group.
join_ip_multicast(ctx, device_id, addr.to_solicited_node_address());
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
state.ipv6_addr_sub.push(AddressEntry::new(addr_sub, AddressState::Tentative));
ndp::start_duplicate_address_detection::<D, EthernetNdpDevice>(ctx, device_id, addr.get());
/// Removes an IP address and associated subnet from this device.
pub(crate) fn del_ip_addr<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: &SpecifiedAddr<A>,
) -> Result<(), AddressError> {
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let original_size = state.ipv4_addr_sub.len();
state.ipv4_addr_sub.retain(|x| x.addr_sub().addr() != *addr);
let new_size = state.ipv4_addr_sub.len();
if new_size == original_size {
return Err(AddressError::NotFound);
assert_eq!(original_size - new_size, 1);
if let Some(state) = get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device_id, addr) {
if state.is_tentative() {
// Cancel current duplicate address detection for `addr` as we are
// removing this IP.
// `cancel_duplicate_address_detection` may panic if we are not
// performing DAD on `addr`. However, we will only reach here
// if `addr` is marked as tentative. If `addr` is marked as
// tentative, then we know that we are performing DAD on it.
// Given this, we know `cancel_duplicate_address_detection` will
// not panic.
ndp::cancel_duplicate_address_detection::<_, EthernetNdpDevice>(
} else {
return Err(AddressError::NotFound);
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let original_size = state.ipv6_addr_sub.len();
state.ipv6_addr_sub.retain(|x| x.addr_sub().addr() != *addr);
let new_size = state.ipv6_addr_sub.len();
// Since we just checked earlier if we had the address, we must have removed it
// now.
assert_eq!(original_size - new_size, 1);
// Leave the the solicited-node multicast group.
leave_ip_multicast(ctx, device_id, addr.to_solicited_node_address());
/// Get the IPv6 link-local address associated with this device.
/// The IPv6 link-local address returned is constructed from this device's MAC
/// address.
pub(crate) fn get_ipv6_link_local_addr<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> Option<LinkLocalAddr<Ipv6Addr>> {
// TODO(brunodalbo) the link local address is subject to the same collision
// verifications as prefix global addresses, we should keep a state machine
// about that check and cache the adopted address. For now, we just compose
// the link-local from the ethernet MAC.
Some(get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id).mac.to_ipv6_link_local())
/// Add `device` to a multicast group `multicast_addr`.
/// If `device` is already in the multicast group `multicast_addr`,
/// `join_ip_multicast` does nothing.
pub(crate) fn join_ip_multicast<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
multicast_addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) {
let device_state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let mac = MulticastAddr::from(&multicast_addr);
"ethernet::join_ip_multicast: joining IP multicast {:?} and MAC multicast {:?}",
// TODO(ghanan): Make `EventDispatcher` aware of this to maintain a single source of truth.
/// Remove `device` from a multicast group `multicast_addr`.
/// If `device` is not in the multicast group `multicast_addr`,
/// `leave_ip_multicast` does nothing.
pub(crate) fn leave_ip_multicast<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
multicast_addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) {
let device_state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let mac = MulticastAddr::from(&multicast_addr);
"ethernet::leave_ip_multicast: leaving IP multicast {:?} and MAC multicast {:?}",
// TODO(ghanan): Make `EventDispatcher` aware of this to maintain a single source of truth.
/// Is `device` in the IP multicast group `multicast_addr`?
pub(crate) fn is_in_ip_multicast<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
multicast_addr: MulticastAddr<A>,
) -> bool {
return get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id)
return get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id)
/// Get the MTU associated with this device.
pub(crate) fn get_mtu<D: EventDispatcher>(state: &StackState<D>, device_id: usize) -> u32 {
get_device_state(state, device_id).mtu
/// Get the hop limit for new IPv6 packets that will be sent out from `device_id`.
pub(crate) fn get_ipv6_hop_limit<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> NonZeroU8 {
get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id).ipv6_hop_limit
/// Is IP packet routing enabled on `device_id`?
/// Note, `true` does not necessarily mean that `device` is currently routing IP packets. It
/// only means that `device` is allowed to route packets. To route packets, this netstack must
/// be configured to allow IP packets to be routed if it was not destined for this node.
pub(crate) fn is_routing_enabled<D: EventDispatcher, I: Ip>(
ctx: &Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> bool {
return get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id).route_ipv4;
return get_device_state(ctx.state(), device_id).route_ipv6;
/// Sets the IP packet routing flag on `device_id`.
/// This method MUST NOT be called directly. It MUST only only called by
/// [`crate::device::set_routing_enabled`].
/// See [`crate::device::set_routing_enabled`] for more information.
pub(super) fn set_routing_enabled_inner<D: EventDispatcher, I: Ip>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
enabled: bool,
) {
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
state.route_ipv4 = enabled;
state.route_ipv6 = enabled;
/// Insert a static entry into this device's ARP table.
/// This will cause any conflicting dynamic entry to be removed, and
/// any future conflicting gratuitous ARPs to be ignored.
pub(crate) fn insert_static_arp_table_entry<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: Ipv4Addr,
mac: Mac,
) {
crate::device::arp::insert_static(ctx, device_id, addr, mac);
/// Insert an entry into this device's NDP table.
/// This method only gets called when testing to force set a neighbor's
/// link address so that lookups succeed immediately, without doing
/// address resolution.
pub(crate) fn insert_ndp_table_entry<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: Ipv6Addr,
mac: Mac,
) {
ndp::insert_neighbor::<D, EthernetNdpDevice>(ctx, device_id, addr, mac)
/// Deinitializes and cleans up state for ethernet devices
/// After this function is called, the ethernet device should not be used and
/// nothing else should be done with the state.
pub(crate) fn deinitialize<D: EventDispatcher>(ctx: &mut Context<D>, device_id: usize) {
crate::device::arp::deinitialize(ctx, device_id);
crate::device::ndp::deinitialize(ctx, device_id);
fn get_device_state_mut<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &mut StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> &mut EthernetDeviceState<D> {
// TODO(joshlf): Sometimes we want lookups to be infallible (if we know that
// the device exists), but sometimes we want to report an error to the user.
// Right now, this is a DoS vector.
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no such Ethernet device: {}", device_id))
fn get_device_state<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> &EthernetDeviceState<D> {
// TODO(joshlf): Sometimes we want lookups to be infallible (if we know that
// the device exists), but sometimes we want to report an error to the user.
// Right now, this is a DoS vector.
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no such Ethernet device: {}", device_id))
impl<D: EventDispatcher> StateContext<usize, ArpState<Ipv4Addr, Mac>> for Context<D> {
fn get_state(&self, id: usize) -> &ArpState<Ipv4Addr, Mac> {
&get_device_state(self.state(), id).ipv4_arp
fn get_state_mut(&mut self, id: usize) -> &mut ArpState<Ipv4Addr, Mac> {
&mut get_device_state_mut(self.state_mut(), id).ipv4_arp
impl<D: EventDispatcher> TimerContext<ArpTimerId<usize, Ipv4Addr>> for Context<D> {
fn schedule_timer_instant(
&mut self,
time: D::Instant,
id: ArpTimerId<usize, Ipv4Addr>,
) -> Option<D::Instant> {
.schedule_timeout_instant(time, TimerId::from(DeviceLayerTimerId::from(id)))
fn cancel_timer(&mut self, id: ArpTimerId<usize, Ipv4Addr>) -> Option<D::Instant> {
fn cancel_timers_with<F: FnMut(&ArpTimerId<usize, Ipv4Addr>) -> bool>(&mut self, mut f: F) {
self.dispatcher_mut().cancel_timeouts_with(|id| match id {
TimerId(TimerIdInner::DeviceLayer(DeviceLayerTimerId::ArpIpv4(id))) => f(id),
_ => false,
fn scheduled_instant(&self, id: ArpTimerId<usize, Ipv4Addr>) -> Option<D::Instant> {
impl<B: BufferMut, D: BufferDispatcher<B>> FrameContext<B, ArpFrameMetadata<usize, Mac>>
for Context<D>
fn send_frame<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
meta: ArpFrameMetadata<usize, Mac>,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), S> {
let src = get_device_state(self.state(), meta.device_id).mac;
body.encapsulate(EthernetFrameBuilder::new(src, meta.dst_addr, EtherType::Arp)),
impl<D: EventDispatcher> ArpContext<Ipv4Addr, Mac> for Context<D> {
type DeviceId = usize;
fn get_protocol_addr(&self, device_id: usize) -> Option<Ipv4Addr> {
get_ip_addr_subnet::<_, Ipv4Addr>(self.state(), device_id).map(|a| a.addr().get())
fn get_hardware_addr(&self, device_id: usize) -> Mac {
get_device_state(self.state(), device_id).mac
fn address_resolved(&mut self, device_id: usize, proto_addr: Ipv4Addr, hw_addr: Mac) {
mac_resolved(self, device_id, IpAddr::V4(proto_addr), hw_addr);
fn address_resolution_failed(&mut self, device_id: usize, proto_addr: Ipv4Addr) {
mac_resolution_failed(self, device_id, IpAddr::V4(proto_addr));
/// Dummy type used to implement NdpDevice
pub(crate) struct EthernetNdpDevice;
impl ndp::NdpDevice for EthernetNdpDevice {
type LinkAddress = Mac;
fn get_ndp_state_mut<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &mut StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> &mut ndp::NdpState<Self, D> {
&mut get_device_state_mut(state, device_id).ndp
fn get_ndp_state<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> &ndp::NdpState<Self, D> {
&get_device_state(state, device_id).ndp
fn get_link_layer_addr<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> Self::LinkAddress {
get_device_state(state, device_id).mac
fn get_link_local_addr<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> Option<Tentative<Ipv6Addr>> {
let state = get_device_state(state, device_id);
fn get_ipv6_addr<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
) -> Option<Ipv6Addr> {
// Return a non tentative global address, or the link-local address if no non-tentative
// global addressses are associated with `device_id`.
match get_ip_addr_subnet::<_, Ipv6Addr>(state, device_id) {
Some(addr_sub) => Some(addr_sub.addr().get()),
None => Some(get_device_state(state, device_id).mac.to_ipv6_link_local().get()),
fn ipv6_addr_state<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
address: &Ipv6Addr,
) -> Option<AddressState> {
let address = SpecifiedAddr::new(*address)?;
if let Some(state) = get_ip_addr_state::<_, Ipv6Addr>(state, device_id, &address) {
} else if get_device_state(state, device_id).mac.to_ipv6_link_local().get() == *address {
// TODO(ghanan): perform DAD on link local address instead of assuming
// it is safe to assign.
} else {
fn send_ipv6_frame<D: EventDispatcher, S: Serializer<Buffer = EmptyBuf>>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
next_hop: Ipv6Addr,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), S> {
// `device_id` must be initialized.
assert!(is_device_initialized(ctx.state(), Self::get_device_id(device_id)));
// TODO(joshlf): Wire `SpecifiedAddr` through the `ndp` module.
send_ip_frame(ctx, device_id, SpecifiedAddr::new(next_hop).unwrap(), body)
fn get_device_id(id: usize) -> DeviceId {
fn address_resolved<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
address: &Ipv6Addr,
link_address: Self::LinkAddress,
) {
mac_resolved(ctx, device_id, IpAddr::V6(*address), link_address);
fn address_resolution_failed<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
address: &Ipv6Addr,
) {
mac_resolution_failed(ctx, device_id, IpAddr::V6(*address));
fn duplicate_address_detected<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: Ipv6Addr,
) {
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let original_size = state.ipv6_addr_sub.len();
state.ipv6_addr_sub.retain(|x| x.addr_sub().addr().get() != addr);
let new_size = state.ipv6_addr_sub.len();
// We must have removed the address.
assert_eq!(original_size - new_size, 1);
// Leave the the solicited-node multicast group.
leave_ip_multicast(ctx, device_id, addr.to_solicited_node_address());
// TODO: we need to pick a different address depending on what flow we are using.
fn unique_address_determined<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &mut StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
addr: Ipv6Addr,
) {
"ethernet::unique_address_determined: device_id = {:?}; addr = {:?}",
if let Some(entry) = get_device_state_mut(state, device_id)
.find(|a| a.addr_sub().addr().get() == addr)
} else {
panic!("Attempted to resolve an unknown tentative address");
fn set_mtu<D: EventDispatcher>(state: &mut StackState<D>, device_id: usize, mut mtu: u32) {
// TODO(ghanan): Should this new MTU be updated only from the netstack's perspective or
// be exposed to the device hardware?
// `mtu` must not be less than the minimum IPv6 MTU.
assert!(mtu >= crate::ip::path_mtu::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
let dev_state = get_device_state_mut(state, device_id);
// If `mtu` is greater than what the device supports, set `mtu` to the maximum MTU the
// device supports.
if mtu > dev_state.hw_mtu {
trace!("ethernet::ndp_device::set_mtu: MTU of {:?} is greater than the device {:?}'s max MTU of {:?}, using device's max MTU instead", mtu, device_id, dev_state.hw_mtu);
mtu = dev_state.hw_mtu;
trace!("ethernet::ndp_device::set_mtu: setting link MTU to {:?}", mtu);
dev_state.mtu = mtu;
fn set_hop_limit<D: EventDispatcher>(
state: &mut StackState<D>,
device_id: usize,
hop_limit: NonZeroU8,
) {
get_device_state_mut(state, device_id).ipv6_hop_limit = hop_limit;
fn is_router<D: EventDispatcher>(ctx: &Context<D>, device_id: usize) -> bool {
crate::device::is_router_device::<_, Ipv6>(ctx, Self::get_device_id(device_id))
/// Sends out any pending frames that are waiting for link layer address
/// resolution.
/// `mac_resolved` is the common logic used when a link layer address is
/// resolved either by ARP or NDP.
fn mac_resolved<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
address: IpAddr,
dst_mac: Mac,
) {
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
let device_id = DeviceId::new_ethernet(device_id);
let src_mac = state.mac;
let ether_type = match &address {
IpAddr::V4(_) => EtherType::Ipv4,
IpAddr::V6(_) => EtherType::Ipv6,
if let Some(pending) = state.take_pending_frames(address) {
for frame in pending {
// NOTE(brunodalbo): We already performed MTU checking when we
// saved the buffer waiting for address resolution. It should
// be noted that the MTU check back then didn't account for
// ethernet frame padding required by EthernetFrameBuilder,
// but that's fine (as it stands right now) because the MTU
// is guaranteed to be larger than an Ethernet minimum frame
// body size.
let res = ctx.dispatcher_mut().send_frame(
frame.encapsulate(EthernetFrameBuilder::new(src_mac, dst_mac, ether_type)),
if let Err(_) = res {
// TODO(joshlf): Do we want to handle this differently?
debug!("Failed to send pending frame; MTU changed since frame was queued");
/// Clears out any pending frames that are waiting for link layer address
/// resolution.
/// `mac_resolution_failed` is the common logic used when a link layer address
/// fails to resolve either by ARP or NDP.
fn mac_resolution_failed<D: EventDispatcher>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device_id: usize,
address: IpAddr,
) {
// TODO(brunodalbo) what do we do here in regards to the pending frames?
// NDP's RFC explicitly states unreachable ICMP messages must be generated:
// "If no Neighbor Advertisement is received after MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT
// solicitations, address resolution has failed. The sender MUST return
// ICMP destination unreachable indications with code 3
// (Address Unreachable) for each packet queued awaiting address
// resolution."
// For ARP, we don't have such a clear statement on the RFC, it would make
// sense to do the same thing though.
let state = get_device_state_mut(ctx.state_mut(), device_id);
if let Some(pending) = state.take_pending_frames(address) {
log_unimplemented!((), "ethernet mac resolution failed not implemented");
mod tests {
use packet::Buf;
use rand::Rng;
use specialize_ip_macro::specialize_ip;
use super::*;
use crate::device::{is_routing_enabled, set_routing_enabled};
use crate::ip::{
dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name, receive_ip_packet, IpExt, IpPacketBuilder, IpProto,
use crate::testutil::{
add_arp_or_ndp_table_entry, get_counter_val, get_dummy_config, get_other_ip_address,
new_rng, parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame,
parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame, DummyEventDispatcher, DummyEventDispatcherBuilder,
use crate::wire::icmp::{IcmpDestUnreachable, IcmpIpExt, IcmpMessage};
use crate::wire::testdata::{dns_request_v4, dns_request_v6};
use crate::StackStateBuilder;
fn test_mtu() {
// Test that we send an Ethernet frame whose size is less than the MTU,
// and that we don't send an Ethernet frame whose size is greater than
// the MTU.
fn test(size: usize, expect_frames_sent: usize) {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4)
send_ip_frame(&mut ctx, 0, DUMMY_CONFIG_V4.remote_ip, Buf::new(&mut vec![0; size], ..));
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), expect_frames_sent);
// The Ethernet device MTU currently defaults to IPV6_MIN_MTU.
test(crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU as usize, 1);
test(crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU as usize + 1, 0);
fn test_pending_frames() {
let mut state = EthernetDeviceStateBuilder::new(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4.local_mac, IPV6_MIN_MTU)
let ip = IpAddr::V4(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4.local_ip.into_addr());
state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![1], ..));
state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![2], ..));
state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![3], ..));
// check that we're accumulating correctly...
assert_eq!(3, state.take_pending_frames(ip).unwrap().count());
// ...and that take_pending_frames clears all the buffered data.
assert!(state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![i as u8], ..)).is_none());
// check that adding more than capacity will drop the older buffers as
// a proper FIFO queue.
assert_eq!(0, state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![255], ..)).unwrap().as_ref()[0]);
assert_eq!(1, state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![255], ..)).unwrap().as_ref()[0]);
assert_eq!(2, state.add_pending_frame(ip, Buf::new(vec![255], ..)).unwrap().as_ref()[0]);
fn test_receive_ip_frame<I: Ip>(initialize: bool) {
// Should only receive a frame if the device is initialized
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device = ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(config.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
let mut bytes = dns_request_v4::ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes.to_vec();
let mut bytes = dns_request_v6::ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes.to_vec();
let mac_bytes = config.local_mac.bytes();
if initialize {
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
// Will panic if we do not initialize.
crate::device::receive_frame(&mut ctx, device, Buf::new(bytes, ..));
// If we did not initialize, we would not reach here since
// `receive_frame` would have paniced.
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, "receive_ipv4_packet"), 1);
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, "receive_ipv6_packet"), 1);
fn receive_frame_ipv4_uninitialized() {
fn receive_frame_ipv6_uninitialized() {
fn receive_frame_ipv4_initialized() {
fn receive_frame_ipv6_initialized() {
fn test_send_ip_frame<I: Ip>(initialize: bool) {
// Should only send a frame if the device is initialized
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device = ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(config.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
let mut bytes = dns_request_v4::ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes.to_vec();
let mut bytes = dns_request_v6::ETHERNET_FRAME.bytes.to_vec();
let mac_bytes = config.local_mac.bytes();
if initialize {
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
// Will panic if we do not initialize.
crate::device::send_ip_frame(&mut ctx, device, config.remote_ip, Buf::new(bytes, ..));
fn send_frame_ipv4_uninitialized() {
fn send_frame_ipv6_uninitialized() {
fn send_frame_ipv4_initialized() {
fn send_frame_ipv6_initialized() {
fn initialize_once() {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device =
ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
fn initialize_multiple() {
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device =
ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
// Should panic since we are already initialized.
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
fn test_set_ip_routing<I: Ip>()
I: IcmpIpExt,
IcmpDestUnreachable: for<'a> IcmpMessage<I, &'a [u8]>,
fn check_other_is_routing_enabled<I: Ip>(
ctx: &Context<DummyEventDispatcher>,
device: DeviceId,
expected: bool,
) {
assert_eq!(is_routing_enabled::<_, Ipv6>(ctx, device), expected);
assert_eq!(is_routing_enabled::<_, Ipv4>(ctx, device), expected);
fn check_icmp<I: Ip>(buf: &[u8]) {
let (src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, message, code) =
parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame::<Ipv4, _, IcmpDestUnreachable, _>(
|_| {},
let (src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, message, code) =
parse_icmp_packet_in_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame::<Ipv6, _, IcmpDestUnreachable, _>(
|_| {},
let src_ip = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(3);
let src_mac = Mac::new([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]);
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let device = DeviceId::new_ethernet(0);
let frame_dst = FrameDestination::Unicast;
let mut rng = new_rng(70812476915813);
let mut body: Vec<u8> = std::iter::repeat_with(|| rng.gen()).take(100).collect();
let buf = Buf::new(&mut body[..], ..)
.encapsulate(<I as IpExt>::PacketBuilder::new(
// Test with netstack no fowarding
let mut builder = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(config.clone());
add_arp_or_ndp_table_entry(&mut builder,, src_ip.get(), src_mac);
let mut ctx =;
// Should not be a router (default).
assert!(!is_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&ctx, device));
check_other_is_routing_enabled::<I>(&ctx, device, false);
// Receiving a packet not destined for the node should result in a dest unreachable message.
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, I>(&mut ctx, device, frame_dst, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), 1);
// Attempting to set router should work, but it still won't be able to
// route packets.
set_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&mut ctx, device, true);
assert!(is_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&ctx, device));
// Should not update other Ip routing status.
check_other_is_routing_enabled::<I>(&ctx, device, false);
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, I>(&mut ctx, device, frame_dst, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), 2);
// Test with netstack fowarding
let mut state_builder = StackStateBuilder::default();
// Most tests do not need NDP's DAD or router solicitation so disable it here.
let mut ndp_configs = ndp::NdpConfigurations::default();
let mut builder = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(config.clone());
add_arp_or_ndp_table_entry(&mut builder,, src_ip.get(), src_mac);
let mut ctx = builder.build_with(state_builder, DummyEventDispatcher::default());
// Should not be a router (default).
assert!(!is_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&ctx, device));
check_other_is_routing_enabled::<I>(&ctx, device, false);
// Receiving a packet not destined for the node should result in a dest unreachable message.
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, I>(&mut ctx, device, frame_dst, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), 1);
// Attempting to set router should work
set_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&mut ctx, device, true);
assert!(is_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&ctx, device));
// Should not update other Ip routing status.
check_other_is_routing_enabled::<I>(&ctx, device, false);
// Should route the packet since routing fully enabled (netstack & device).
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, I>(&mut ctx, device, frame_dst, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), 2);
println!("{:?}", buf.as_ref());
println!("{:?}", ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent()[1].1);
let (packet_buf, _, _, packet_src_ip, packet_dst_ip, proto) =
assert_eq!(src_ip.get(), packet_src_ip);
assert_eq!(config.remote_ip.get(), packet_dst_ip);
assert_eq!(proto, IpProto::Tcp);
assert_eq!(body, packet_buf);
// Attempt to unset router
set_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&mut ctx, device, false);
assert!(!is_routing_enabled::<_, I>(&ctx, device));
check_other_is_routing_enabled::<I>(&ctx, device, false);
// Should not route packets anymore
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, I>(&mut ctx, device, frame_dst, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(ctx.dispatcher().frames_sent().len(), 3);
fn test_set_ipv4_routing() {
fn test_set_ipv6_routing() {
fn test_promiscuous_mode<I: Ip>() {
// Test that frames not destined for a device will still be accepted when
// the device is put into promiscuous mode. In all cases, frames that are
// destined for a device must always be accepted.
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::from_config(config.clone())
let device = DeviceId::new_ethernet(0);
let other_mac = Mac::new([13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]);
let buf = Buf::new(Vec::new(), ..)
.encapsulate(<I as IpExt>::PacketBuilder::new(
// Accept packet destined for this device if promiscuous mode is off.
crate::device::set_promiscuous_mode(&mut ctx, device, false);
crate::device::receive_frame(&mut ctx, device, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name::<I>()), 1);
// Accept packet destined for this device if promiscuous mode is on.
crate::device::set_promiscuous_mode(&mut ctx, device, true);
crate::device::receive_frame(&mut ctx, device, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name::<I>()), 2);
let buf = Buf::new(Vec::new(), ..)
.encapsulate(<I as IpExt>::PacketBuilder::new(
.encapsulate(EthernetFrameBuilder::new(config.remote_mac, other_mac, I::ETHER_TYPE))
// Reject packet not destined for this device if promiscuous mode is off.
crate::device::set_promiscuous_mode(&mut ctx, device, false);
crate::device::receive_frame(&mut ctx, device, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name::<I>()), 2);
// Accept packet not destined for this device if promiscuous mode is on.
crate::device::set_promiscuous_mode(&mut ctx, device, true);
crate::device::receive_frame(&mut ctx, device, buf.clone());
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut ctx, dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name::<I>()), 3);
fn test_promiscuous_mode_ipv4() {
fn test_promiscuous_mode_ipv6() {
fn test_add_remove_ip_addresses<I: Ip>() {
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device = ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(config.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
let ip1 = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(1);
let ip2 = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(2);
let ip3 = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(3);
let prefix = I::Addr::BYTES * 8;
let as1 = AddrSubnet::new(ip1.get(), prefix).unwrap();
let as2 = AddrSubnet::new(ip2.get(), prefix).unwrap();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Add ip1 (ok)
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(&mut ctx, device, as1).unwrap();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Add ip2 (ok)
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(&mut ctx, device, as2).unwrap();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Del ip1 (ok)
crate::device::del_ip_addr(&mut ctx, device, &ip1).unwrap();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Del ip1 again (ip1 not found)
crate::device::del_ip_addr(&mut ctx, device, &ip1).unwrap_err(),
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Add ip2 again (ip2 already exists)
crate::device::add_ip_addr_subnet(&mut ctx, device, as2).unwrap_err(),
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
// Add ip2 with different subnet (ip2 already exists)
&mut ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(ip2.get(), prefix - 1).unwrap()
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_some());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip3).is_none());
fn test_add_remove_ipv4_addresses() {
fn test_add_remove_ipv6_addresses() {
fn test_multiple_ip_addresses<I: Ip>() {
fn inner_test<A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<DummyEventDispatcher>,
device: DeviceId,
src_ip: A,
dst_ip: A,
expected: usize,
) {
let buf = Buf::new(Vec::new(), ..)
.encapsulate(<A::Version as IpExt>::PacketBuilder::new(
receive_ip_packet::<_, _, A::Version>(ctx, device, FrameDestination::Unicast, buf);
get_counter_val(ctx, dispatch_receive_ip_packet_name::<A::Version>()),
let config = get_dummy_config::<I::Addr>();
let mut ctx = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default().build::<DummyEventDispatcher>();
let device = ctx.state_mut().add_ethernet_device(config.local_mac, crate::ip::IPV6_MIN_MTU);
crate::device::initialize_device(&mut ctx, device);
let ip1 = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(1);
let ip2 = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(2);
let from_ip = get_other_ip_address::<I::Addr>(3).get();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_none());
// Should not receive packets on any ip.
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip1.get(), 0);
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip2.get(), 0);
// Add ip1 to device.
&mut ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(ip1.get(), I::Addr::BYTES * 8).unwrap(),
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).unwrap().is_assigned());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).is_none());
// Should receive packets on ip1 but not ip2
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip1.get(), 1);
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip2.get(), 1);
// Add ip2 to device.
&mut ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(ip2.get(), I::Addr::BYTES * 8).unwrap(),
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).unwrap().is_assigned());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).unwrap().is_assigned());
// Should receive packets on both ips
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip1.get(), 2);
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip2.get(), 3);
// Remove ip1
crate::device::del_ip_addr(&mut ctx, device, &ip1).unwrap();
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip1).is_none());
assert!(crate::device::get_ip_addr_state(ctx.state(), device, &ip2).unwrap().is_assigned());
// Should receive packets on ip2
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip1.get(), 3);
inner_test(&mut ctx, device, from_ip, ip2.get(), 4);
fn test_multiple_ipv4_addresses() {
fn test_multiple_ipv6_addresses() {