blob: 289582bac47606474dbd6f74dec35fd0f466f4f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package parser
import (
type Parser struct {
scanner scanner.Scanner
lookaheads []token
config Config
// Used to validate that handles are defined and used exactly once.
handles map[ir.Handle]handleInfo
type Config struct {
// All supported languages, used to validate bindings allowlist/denylist.
Languages ir.LanguageList
// All supported wire formats, used to validate `bytes` sections.
WireFormats ir.WireFormatList
type handleInfo struct {
defined bool
usesInValue int
usesInHandles int
func mergeHandleInfo(a, b handleInfo) handleInfo {
return handleInfo{
defined: a.defined || b.defined,
usesInValue: a.usesInValue + b.usesInValue,
usesInHandles: a.usesInHandles + b.usesInHandles,
func NewParser(name string, input io.Reader, config Config) *Parser {
var p Parser
p.scanner.Position.Filename = name
p.config = config
// This is reset in parseBody. We need to set it here too so that unit tests
// for functions like parseHandleDefs don't panic on nil map assignment.
p.handles = make(map[ir.Handle]handleInfo)
return &p
func (p *Parser) Parse() (ir.All, error) {
var result ir.All
for !p.peekTokenKind(tEof) {
if err := p.parseSection(&result); err != nil {
return ir.All{}, err
return result, nil
type tokenKind uint
const (
_ tokenKind = iota
var tokenKindStrings = []string{
var (
isUnitTokenKind = make(map[tokenKind]struct{})
textToTokenKind = make(map[string]tokenKind)
func init() {
for index, text := range tokenKindStrings {
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "<") && strings.HasSuffix(text, ">") {
kind := tokenKind(index)
isUnitTokenKind[kind] = struct{}{}
textToTokenKind[text] = kind
func (kind tokenKind) String() string {
if index := int(kind); index < len(tokenKindStrings) {
return tokenKindStrings[index]
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", kind)
type token struct {
kind tokenKind
value string
line, column int
func (t token) String() string {
if _, ok := isUnitTokenKind[t.kind]; ok {
return t.kind.String()
} else {
return t.value
type bodyElement uint
const (
_ bodyElement = iota
func (kind bodyElement) String() string {
switch kind {
case isType:
return "type"
case isValue:
return "value"
case isBytes:
return "bytes"
case isHandles:
return "handles"
case isHandleDispositions:
return "handle_dispositions"
case isHandleDefs:
return "handle_defs"
case isErr:
return "err"
case isBindingsAllowlist:
return "bindings_allowlist"
case isBindingsDenylist:
return "bindings_denylist"
case isEnableSendEventBenchmark:
return "enable_send_event_benchmark"
case isEnableEchoCallBenchmark:
return "enable_echo_call_benchmark"
panic("unsupported kind")
type encodingData struct {
WireFormat ir.WireFormat
Bytes []byte
// At most one of Handle or HandleDispositions will be non-empty.
Handles []ir.Handle
HandleDispositions []ir.HandleDisposition
func toIrEncodings(v []encodingData) []ir.Encoding {
var out []ir.Encoding
for _, e := range v {
if e.HandleDispositions != nil {
out = append(out, ir.Encoding{
WireFormat: e.WireFormat,
Bytes: e.Bytes,
Handles: ir.GetHandlesFromHandleDispositions(e.HandleDispositions),
} else {
out = append(out, ir.Encoding{
WireFormat: e.WireFormat,
Bytes: e.Bytes,
Handles: e.Handles,
return out
func toIrHandleDispositionEncodings(v []encodingData) []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding {
var out []ir.HandleDispositionEncoding
for _, e := range v {
if e.HandleDispositions != nil {
out = append(out, ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{
WireFormat: e.WireFormat,
Bytes: e.Bytes,
HandleDispositions: e.HandleDispositions,
} else {
var handleDispositions []ir.HandleDisposition
for _, handle := range e.Handles {
handleDispositions = append(handleDispositions, ir.HandleDisposition{
Handle: handle,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
out = append(out, ir.HandleDispositionEncoding{
WireFormat: e.WireFormat,
Bytes: e.Bytes,
HandleDispositions: handleDispositions,
return out
type body struct {
Type string
Value ir.Record
Encodings []encodingData
HandleDefs []ir.HandleDef
Err ir.ErrorCode
BindingsAllowlist *ir.LanguageList
BindingsDenylist *ir.LanguageList
EnableSendEventBenchmark bool
EnableEchoCallBenchmark bool
func (b *body) addEncoding(e encodingData) error {
for i := range b.Encodings {
if b.Encodings[i].WireFormat == e.WireFormat {
if e.Bytes != nil {
if b.Encodings[i].Bytes != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bytes already set")
b.Encodings[i].Bytes = e.Bytes
if e.Handles != nil {
if b.Encodings[i].Handles != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("handles already set")
if b.Encodings[i].HandleDispositions != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add handles when handle dispositions is set")
b.Encodings[i].Handles = e.Handles
if e.HandleDispositions != nil {
if b.Encodings[i].Handles != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add handles when handle dispositions is set")
if b.Encodings[i].HandleDispositions != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("handle dispositions already set")
b.Encodings[i].HandleDispositions = e.HandleDispositions
return nil
b.Encodings = append(b.Encodings, e)
return nil
type rightsConfiguration struct {
allowRights bool
type sectionMetadata struct {
requiredKinds map[bodyElement]struct{}
optionalKinds map[bodyElement]struct{}
rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration
setter func(name string, body body, all *ir.All)
var sections = map[string]sectionMetadata{
"success": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isValue: {}, isBytes: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandles: {}, isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: false,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
encodeSuccess := ir.EncodeSuccess{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
Encodings: toIrHandleDispositionEncodings(body.Encodings),
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
CheckHandleRights: false,
all.EncodeSuccess = append(all.EncodeSuccess, encodeSuccess)
decodeSuccess := ir.DecodeSuccess{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
Encodings: toIrEncodings(body.Encodings),
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
all.DecodeSuccess = append(all.DecodeSuccess, decodeSuccess)
"encode_success": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isValue: {}, isBytes: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandleDispositions: {}, isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: true,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
result := ir.EncodeSuccess{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
Encodings: toIrHandleDispositionEncodings(body.Encodings),
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
CheckHandleRights: true,
all.EncodeSuccess = append(all.EncodeSuccess, result)
"decode_success": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isValue: {}, isBytes: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandles: {}, isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: true,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
result := ir.DecodeSuccess{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
Encodings: toIrEncodings(body.Encodings),
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
all.DecodeSuccess = append(all.DecodeSuccess, result)
"encode_failure": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isValue: {}, isErr: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: true,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
result := ir.EncodeFailure{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
Err: body.Err,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
all.EncodeFailure = append(all.EncodeFailure, result)
"decode_failure": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isType: {}, isBytes: {}, isErr: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandles: {}, isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: true,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
result := ir.DecodeFailure{
Name: name,
Type: body.Type,
Encodings: toIrEncodings(body.Encodings),
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
Err: body.Err,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
all.DecodeFailure = append(all.DecodeFailure, result)
"benchmark": {
requiredKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{isValue: {}},
optionalKinds: map[bodyElement]struct{}{
isHandleDefs: {}, isBindingsAllowlist: {}, isBindingsDenylist: {},
isEnableSendEventBenchmark: {}, isEnableEchoCallBenchmark: {},
rightsConfiguration: rightsConfiguration{
allowRights: false,
setter: func(name string, body body, all *ir.All) {
benchmark := ir.Benchmark{
Name: name,
Value: body.Value,
HandleDefs: body.HandleDefs,
BindingsAllowlist: body.BindingsAllowlist,
BindingsDenylist: body.BindingsDenylist,
EnableSendEventBenchmark: body.EnableSendEventBenchmark,
EnableEchoCallBenchmark: body.EnableEchoCallBenchmark,
all.Benchmark = append(all.Benchmark, benchmark)
func (p *Parser) parseSection(all *ir.All) error {
section, name, err := p.parsePreamble()
if err != nil {
return err
body, err := p.parseBody(section.requiredKinds, section.optionalKinds, section.rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
section.setter(name, body, all)
return nil
func (p *Parser) parsePreamble() (sectionMetadata, string, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return sectionMetadata{}, "", err
section, ok := sections[tok.value]
if !ok {
return sectionMetadata{}, "", p.newParseError(tok, "unknown section %s", tok.value)
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tLparen)
if err != nil {
return sectionMetadata{}, "", err
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tString)
if err != nil {
return sectionMetadata{}, "", err
name := tok.value
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tRparen)
if err != nil {
return sectionMetadata{}, "", err
return section, name, nil
func (p *Parser) parseBody(requiredKinds map[bodyElement]struct{}, optionalKinds map[bodyElement]struct{}, rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) (body, error) {
var (
result body
parsedKinds = make(map[bodyElement]struct{})
bodyTok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return result, err
p.handles = make(map[ir.Handle]handleInfo)
if err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLacco, tRacco, func() error {
return p.parseSingleBodyElement(&result, parsedKinds, rightsConfiguration)
}); err != nil {
return result, err
for requiredKind := range requiredKinds {
if _, ok := parsedKinds[requiredKind]; !ok {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "missing required parameter '%s'", requiredKind)
for parsedKind := range parsedKinds {
_, requiredKind := requiredKinds[parsedKind]
_, optionalKind := optionalKinds[parsedKind]
if !requiredKind && !optionalKind {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "parameter '%s' does not apply to element", parsedKind)
for h, info := range p.handles {
if !info.defined {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "missing definition for handle #%d", h)
if info.usesInValue > 1 {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "handle #%d used more than once in 'value' section", h)
if info.usesInHandles > 1 {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "handle #%d used more than once in 'handles' section", h)
if info.usesInValue == 0 && info.usesInHandles == 0 {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "unused handle #%d", h)
p.handles = nil
return result, nil
func (p *Parser) parseSingleBodyElement(result *body, all map[bodyElement]struct{}, rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) error {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tEqual); err != nil {
return err
var kind bodyElement
switch tok.value {
case "type":
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
result.Type = tok.value
kind = isType
case "value":
val, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
record, ok := val.(ir.Record)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("top-level value must be a struct; got %T", val)
result.Value = record
kind = isValue
case "bytes":
encodings, err := p.parseByteSection()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range encodings {
if err := result.addEncoding(e); err != nil {
return err
kind = isBytes
case "handles":
encodings, err := p.parseHandleSection()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range encodings {
if err := result.addEncoding(e); err != nil {
return err
kind = isHandles
case "handle_dispositions":
encodings, err := p.parseHandleDispositionSection()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, e := range encodings {
if err := result.addEncoding(e); err != nil {
return err
kind = isHandleDispositions
case "handle_defs":
handleDefs, err := p.parseHandleDefSection(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
result.HandleDefs = handleDefs
kind = isHandleDefs
case "err":
errorCode, err := p.parseErrorCode()
if err != nil {
return err
result.Err = errorCode
kind = isErr
case "bindings_allowlist":
languages, err := p.parseLanguageList()
if err != nil {
return err
result.BindingsAllowlist = &languages
kind = isBindingsAllowlist
case "bindings_denylist":
languages, err := p.parseLanguageList()
if err != nil {
return err
result.BindingsDenylist = &languages
kind = isBindingsDenylist
case "enable_send_event_benchmark":
value, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
boolValue, ok := value.(bool)
if !ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "expected boolean value")
result.EnableSendEventBenchmark = boolValue
kind = isEnableSendEventBenchmark
case "enable_echo_call_benchmark":
value, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
boolValue, ok := value.(bool)
if !ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "expected boolean value")
result.EnableEchoCallBenchmark = boolValue
kind = isEnableEchoCallBenchmark
return p.newParseError(tok, "must be type, value, bytes, err, bindings_allowlist or bindings_denylist")
if kind == 0 {
panic("kind must be set")
if _, ok := all[kind]; ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "duplicate %s found", kind)
all[kind] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleRestrict(rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) (ir.HandleWithRights, error) {
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tLparen); err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
handle, err := p.parseHandle(handleInfo{usesInValue: 1})
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
objectType := fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone
rights := fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights
for p.peekTokenKind(tComma) {
labelTok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tColon); err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
switch labelTok.value {
case "rights":
if !rightsConfiguration.allowRights {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, fmt.Errorf("rights are disabled for this section")
rights, err = p.parseHandleRights()
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown restrict label: %s", labelTok.value)
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tRparen); err != nil {
return ir.HandleWithRights{}, err
return ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: handle,
Type: objectType,
Rights: rights,
}, nil
func (p *Parser) parseValue(rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) (ir.Value, error) {
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch tok.kind {
case tText:
tok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if '0' <= tok.value[0] && tok.value[0] <= '9' {
return parseNum(tok, false)
if tok.value == "null" {
return nil, nil
if tok.value == "true" {
return true, nil
if tok.value == "false" {
return false, nil
if tok.value == "raw_float" {
return p.parseRawFloat()
if tok.value == "restrict" {
return p.parseHandleRestrict(rightsConfiguration)
return p.parseRecord(tok.value, rightsConfiguration)
case tLsquare:
return p.parseSlice(rightsConfiguration)
case tString:
tok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tok.value, nil
case tNeg:
if _, err := p.nextToken(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return parseNum(tok, true)
case tHash:
handle, err := p.parseHandle(handleInfo{usesInValue: 1})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ir.HandleWithRights{
Handle: handle,
Type: fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone,
Rights: fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights,
}, nil
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, p.newParseError(tok, "expected value")
func parseNum(tok token, neg bool) (ir.Value, error) {
if strings.Contains(tok.value, ".") {
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(tok.value, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if neg {
return -val, nil
} else {
return val, nil
} else {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if neg {
return -int64(val), nil
} else {
return uint64(val), nil
func (p *Parser) parseRawFloat() (ir.RawFloat, error) {
// Already parsed raw_float token.
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tLparen); err != nil {
return 0, err
tok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
raw, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tRparen); err != nil {
return 0, err
return ir.RawFloat(raw), nil
func (p *Parser) parseRecord(name string, rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) (ir.Record, error) {
obj := ir.Record{Name: name}
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLacco, tRacco, func() error {
tokFieldName, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
key := decodeFieldKey(tokFieldName.value)
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tColon); err != nil {
return err
var val ir.Value
if key.IsKnown() {
val, err = p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
} else {
val, err = p.parseUnknownData()
if err != nil {
return err
obj.Fields = append(obj.Fields, ir.Field{Key: key, Value: val})
return nil
if err != nil {
return ir.Record{}, err
return obj, nil
// Field can be referenced by either name or ordinal.
func decodeFieldKey(field string) ir.FieldKey {
if ord, err := strconv.ParseInt(field, 0, 64); err == nil {
return ir.FieldKey{UnknownOrdinal: uint64(ord)}
return ir.FieldKey{Name: field}
// This is not expressed in terms of parseBody because it parses bytes/handles
// without wire formats (e.g. `bytes = [...]`, not `bytes = { v1 = [...] }`).
func (p *Parser) parseUnknownData() (ir.UnknownData, error) {
var result ir.UnknownData
parsedKinds := make(map[bodyElement]struct{})
bodyTok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return result, err
if err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLacco, tRacco, func() error {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tEqual); err != nil {
return err
var kind bodyElement
switch tok.value {
case "bytes":
bytes, err := p.parseByteList()
if err != nil {
return err
result.Bytes = bytes
kind = isBytes
case "handles":
handles, err := p.parseHandleList(handleInfo{usesInValue: 1})
if err != nil {
return err
result.Handles = handles
kind = isHandles
return p.newParseError(tok, "parameter '%s' does not apply to unknown data, must be bytes", tok)
if kind == 0 {
panic("kind must be set")
if _, ok := parsedKinds[kind]; ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "duplicate parameter '%s' found", kind)
parsedKinds[kind] = struct{}{}
return nil
}); err != nil {
return result, err
for _, requiredKind := range []bodyElement{isBytes} {
if _, ok := parsedKinds[requiredKind]; !ok {
return result, p.newParseError(bodyTok, "missing required parameter '%s'", requiredKind)
return result, nil
func (p *Parser) parseErrorCode() (ir.ErrorCode, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return "", err
code := ir.ErrorCode(tok.value)
if _, ok := ir.AllErrorCodes[code]; !ok {
return "", p.newParseError(tok, "unknown error code: %s", tok.value)
return code, nil
func (p *Parser) parseSlice(rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) ([]ir.Value, error) {
result := make([]ir.Value, 0)
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return err
if tok.kind == tText && tok.value == "repeat" {
_, err := p.consumeToken(tLparen)
if err != nil {
return err
val, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = p.consumeToken(tRparen)
if err != nil {
return err
size, err := p.parseColonSize()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := uint64(0); i < size; i++ {
result = append(result, val)
return nil
val, err := p.parseValue(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
result = append(result, val)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
func (p *Parser) parseTextSlice() ([]string, error) {
var result []string
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
if tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText); err != nil {
return err
} else {
result = append(result, tok.value)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
func (p *Parser) parseLanguageList() (ir.LanguageList, error) {
var result ir.LanguageList
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
if tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText); err != nil {
return err
} else if !p.config.Languages.Includes(tok.value) {
return p.newParseError(tok, "invalid language '%s'; must be one of: %s",
tok.value, strings.Join(p.config.Languages, ", "))
} else {
result = append(result, tok.value)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
func (p *Parser) parseByteSection() ([]encodingData, error) {
var res []encodingData
firstTok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = p.parseWireFormatMapping(func(wireFormats []ir.WireFormat) error {
b, err := p.parseByteList()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, wf := range wireFormats {
res = append(res, encodingData{
WireFormat: wf,
Bytes: b,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res) == 0 {
return nil, p.newParseError(firstTok, "no bytes provided for any wire format")
return res, nil
func (p *Parser) parseByteList() ([]byte, error) {
var bytes []byte
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return err
if tok.kind == tText && 'a' <= tok.value[0] && tok.value[0] <= 'z' {
parse, ok := p.getByteGenParser(tok.value)
if !ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "invalid byte syntax: %s", tok.value)
b, err := parse()
if err != nil {
return err
bytes = append(bytes, b...)
} else {
b, err := p.parseByte()
if err != nil {
return err
bytes = append(bytes, b)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return bytes, nil
func (p *Parser) parseByte() (byte, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(tok.value) == 3 && tok.value[0] == '\'' && tok.value[2] == '\'' {
return tok.value[1], nil
b, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 8)
if err != nil {
return 0, p.newParseError(tok, "invalid byte syntax: %s", tok.value)
return byte(b), nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleSection() ([]encodingData, error) {
var res []encodingData
err := p.parseWireFormatMapping(func(wireFormats []ir.WireFormat) error {
h, err := p.parseHandleList(handleInfo{usesInHandles: 1})
if err != nil {
return err
for _, wf := range wireFormats {
res = append(res, encodingData{
WireFormat: wf,
Handles: h,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleDispositionSection() ([]encodingData, error) {
var res []encodingData
err := p.parseWireFormatMapping(func(wireFormats []ir.WireFormat) error {
h, err := p.parseHandleDispositionList(handleInfo{usesInHandles: 1})
if err != nil {
return err
for _, wf := range wireFormats {
res = append(res, encodingData{
WireFormat: wf,
HandleDispositions: h,
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleList(info handleInfo) ([]ir.Handle, error) {
var handles []ir.Handle
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
h, err := p.parseHandle(info)
if err != nil {
return err
handles = append(handles, h)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handles, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleDispositionList(info handleInfo) ([]ir.HandleDisposition, error) {
var handleDispositions []ir.HandleDisposition
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLsquare, tRsquare, func() error {
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tLacco); err != nil {
return err
handle, err := p.parseHandle(handleInfo{usesInHandles: 1})
if err != nil {
return err
objectType := fidlgen.ObjectTypeNone
rights := fidlgen.HandleRightsSameRights
for p.peekTokenKind(tComma) {
labelTok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tColon); err != nil {
return err
switch labelTok.value {
case "type":
valueTok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
objectType = fidlgen.ObjectTypeFromHandleSubtype(fidlgen.HandleSubtype(valueTok.value))
case "rights":
rights, err = p.parseHandleRights()
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unknown handle disposition label: %s", labelTok.value)
handleDispositions = append(handleDispositions, ir.HandleDisposition{
Handle: handle,
Type: objectType,
Rights: rights,
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tRacco); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handleDispositions, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandle(info handleInfo) (ir.Handle, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tHash)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return 0, p.newParseError(tok, "invalid handle syntax: %s", tok.value)
if index < 0 {
panic("impossible because tok is tText not tNeg")
h := ir.Handle(index)
p.handles[h] = mergeHandleInfo(p.handles[h], info)
return h, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleDefSection(rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) ([]ir.HandleDef, error) {
var res []ir.HandleDef
expected := ir.Handle(0)
err := p.parseCommaSeparated(tLacco, tRacco, func() error {
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return err
h, err := p.parseHandle(handleInfo{defined: true})
if err != nil {
return err
if h != expected {
return p.newParseError(
tok, "want #%d, got #%d (handle_defs must be #0, #1, #2, etc.)", expected, h)
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tEqual)
if err != nil {
return err
hd, err := p.parseHandleDef(rightsConfiguration)
if err != nil {
return err
res = append(res, hd)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleRights() (fidlgen.HandleRights, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
rights, ok := ir.HandleRightsByName(tok.value)
if !ok {
return 0, p.newParseError(tok, "expected handle right: %s", tok.value)
for p.peekTokenKind(tPlus) || p.peekTokenKind(tNeg) {
opTok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
opRights, ok := ir.HandleRightsByName(tok.value)
if !ok {
return 0, p.newParseError(tok, "expected handle right: %s", tok.value)
switch opTok.kind {
case tPlus:
rights |= opRights
case tNeg:
rights &= ^opRights
panic("unexpected state")
return rights, nil
func (p *Parser) parseHandleDef(rightsConfiguration rightsConfiguration) (ir.HandleDef, error) {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
subtype, ok := ir.HandleSubtypeByName(tok.value)
if !ok {
return ir.HandleDef{}, p.newParseError(tok, "invalid handle subtype: %s", tok.value)
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tLparen)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
rights, ok := ir.HandleRightsByName("same_rights")
if !ok {
panic("'same_rights' is missing")
if p.peekTokenKind(tText) {
if !rightsConfiguration.allowRights {
return ir.HandleDef{}, fmt.Errorf("rights are disabled for this section")
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
if tok.value != "rights" {
return ir.HandleDef{}, p.newParseError(tok, "expected 'rights', got %s", tok.value)
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tColon)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
rights, err = p.parseHandleRights()
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
tok, err = p.consumeToken(tRparen)
if err != nil {
return ir.HandleDef{}, err
return ir.HandleDef{
Subtype: subtype,
Rights: rights,
}, nil
func (p *Parser) parseWireFormatMapping(handler func([]ir.WireFormat) error) error {
seenWireFormats := map[ir.WireFormat]struct{}{}
return p.parseCommaSeparated(tLacco, tRacco, func() error {
var wireFormats []ir.WireFormat
for {
tok, err := p.consumeToken(tText)
if err != nil {
return err
wf := ir.WireFormat(tok.value)
if !p.config.WireFormats.Includes(wf) {
return p.newParseError(tok, "invalid wire format '%s'; must be one of: %s",
tok.value, p.config.WireFormats.Join(", "))
if _, ok := seenWireFormats[wf]; ok {
return p.newParseError(tok, "duplicate wire format: %s", tok.value)
seenWireFormats[wf] = struct{}{}
wireFormats = append(wireFormats, wf)
if p.peekTokenKind(tEqual) {
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tComma); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tEqual); err != nil {
return err
return handler(wireFormats)
func (p *Parser) parseCommaSeparated(beginTok, endTok tokenKind, handler func() error) error {
if _, err := p.consumeToken(beginTok); err != nil {
return err
for !p.peekTokenKind(endTok) {
if err := handler(); err != nil {
return err
if !p.peekTokenKind(endTok) {
if _, err := p.consumeToken(tComma); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.consumeToken(endTok); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Parser) consumeToken(kind tokenKind) (token, error) {
tok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
} else if tok.kind != kind {
return token{}, p.newParseError(tok, "unexpected tokenKind: want %q, got %q (value: %q)", kind, tok.kind, tok.value)
return tok, nil
func (p *Parser) peekTokenKind(kind tokenKind) bool {
tok, err := p.peekToken()
if err != nil {
return false
return tok.kind == kind
func (p *Parser) peekToken() (token, error) {
if len(p.lookaheads) == 0 {
tok, err := p.nextToken()
if err != nil {
return token{}, err
p.lookaheads = append(p.lookaheads, tok)
return p.lookaheads[0], nil
func (p *Parser) nextToken() (token, error) {
if len(p.lookaheads) != 0 {
var tok token
tok, p.lookaheads = p.lookaheads[0], p.lookaheads[1:]
return tok, nil
return p.scanToken()
func (p *Parser) scanToken() (token, error) {
// eof
if tok := p.scanner.Scan(); tok == scanner.EOF {
return token{tEof, "", 0, 0}, nil
pos := p.scanner.Position
// unit tokens
text := p.scanner.TokenText()
if kind, ok := textToTokenKind[text]; ok {
return token{kind, text, pos.Line, pos.Column}, nil
// string
if text[0] == '"' {
tok := token{tString, "", pos.Line, pos.Column}
s, err := strconv.Unquote(text)
if err != nil {
return tok, p.newParseError(tok, "improperly escaped string, %s: %s", err, text)
tok.value = s
return tok, nil
// text
return token{tText, text, pos.Line, pos.Column}, nil
type parseError struct {
input string
line, column int
message string
// Assert parseError implements error interface
var _ error = &parseError{}
func (err *parseError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d: %s", err.input, err.line, err.column, err.message)
func (p *Parser) newParseError(tok token, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return &parseError{
input: p.scanner.Position.Filename,
line: tok.line,
column: tok.column,
message: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...),