blob: 333f2feab3c9ea43231b33b1953041c52c7d7d3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fidl {
// This file defines types used for FIDL Versioning. For more detail, read
// A platform represents a group of FIDL libraries that are versioned together.
// Usually all the library names begin with a common prefix, the platform name.
class Platform final {
// Returns a platform if `str` is a valid platform identifier.
static std::optional<Platform> Parse(std::string str);
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
constexpr bool operator==(const Platform& rhs) const { return name_ == rhs.name_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const Platform& rhs) const { return name_ != rhs.name_; }
struct Compare {
bool operator()(const Platform& lhs, const Platform& rhs) const {
return lhs.name_ < rhs.name_;
explicit Platform(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
// A version represents a particular state of a platform.
// Versions are categorized like so:
// Finite
// Numeric -- 1, 2, ..., 2^63-1
// HEAD -- the unstable, most up-to-date version
// Infinite
// -inf -- the infinite past
// +inf -- the infinite future
// Infinite versions help avoid special cases in algorithms. For example, in a
// FIDL library that has no @available attributes at all, everything is
// considered added at HEAD and removed at +inf.
// A finite version's ordinal is the uint64 format specified in RFC-0083:
// { numeric versions } HEAD
// o------o------o--- ... ---o------o--- ... ---o------o
// 0 1 2 2^63-1 2^63 2^64-2 2^64-1
// Internally, this class uses a different format to represent -inf and +inf:
// -inf { numeric versions } HEAD +inf
// o------o------o--- ... ---o------o--- ... ---o------o
// 0 1 2 2^63-1 2^63 2^64-2 2^64-1
// Note that HEAD is bumped down in order to make comparisons work properly.
class Version final {
// Succeeds if `ordinal` corresponds to a finite version.
static std::optional<Version> From(uint64_t ordinal);
// Succeeds if `str` can be parsed as a numeric version, or is "HEAD".
static std::optional<Version> Parse(std::string_view str);
// Special version before all others. "Added at -inf" means "no beginning".
// TODO( Originally this was used for "unversioned"
// libraries, where everything was available on (-inf, +inf). We decided to
// eliminate the concept of an "unversioned" library, defaulting instead to
// the availability [HEAD, +inf). Now NegInf is not really needed, and PosInf
// should perhaps be renamed to "Inf".
static constexpr Version NegInf() { return Version(0); }
// Special version after all others. "Removed at +inf" means "no end".
static constexpr Version PosInf() { return Version(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()); }
// Special version meaning "the unstable, most up-to-date version".
static constexpr Version Head() { return Version(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1); }
// Returns the version's ordinal. Assumes the version is finite.
uint64_t ordinal() const;
// Returns a string representation of the version.
std::string ToString() const;
constexpr bool operator==(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ == rhs.value_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ != rhs.value_; }
constexpr bool operator<(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ < rhs.value_; }
constexpr bool operator<=(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ <= rhs.value_; }
constexpr bool operator>(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ > rhs.value_; }
constexpr bool operator>=(const Version& rhs) const { return value_ >= rhs.value_; }
constexpr explicit Version(uint64_t value) : value_(value) {}
uint64_t value_;
// A version range is a nonempty set of versions in some platform, from an
// inclusive lower bound to an exclusive upper bound.
class VersionRange final {
constexpr explicit VersionRange(Version lower, Version upper_exclusive)
: pair_(lower, upper_exclusive) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(lower < upper_exclusive, "invalid version range");
// Returns the [lower, upper) version pair.
std::pair<Version, Version> pair() const { return pair_; }
// Returns true if this range contains `version`.
bool Contains(Version version) const;
// Returns the intersection of two (possibly empty) ranges.
static std::optional<VersionRange> Intersect(const std::optional<VersionRange>& lhs,
const std::optional<VersionRange>& rhs);
// Returns the difference of two (possible empty) ranges. The result must be
// expressible as a single range, i.e. it is invalid to subtract a range that
// would split this range in two pieces.
static std::optional<VersionRange> Subtract(const std::optional<VersionRange>& lhs,
const std::optional<VersionRange>& rhs);
constexpr bool operator==(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ == rhs.pair_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ != rhs.pair_; }
constexpr bool operator<(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ < rhs.pair_; }
constexpr bool operator<=(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ <= rhs.pair_; }
constexpr bool operator>(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ > rhs.pair_; }
constexpr bool operator>=(const VersionRange& rhs) const { return pair_ >= rhs.pair_; }
std::pair<Version, Version> pair_;
// An availability represents the versions when a FIDL element was added (A),
// deprecated (D), and removed (R) from a platform. These versions break the
// platform's timeline into the following regions:
// Present -- [A, R)
// Available -- [A, D), or [A, R) when D is unset
// Deprecated -- [D, R)
// Absent -- (-inf, A) and [R, +inf)
// Here is what the timeline looks like for finite versions A, D, and R:
// -inf A-1 A D-1 D R-1 R +inf
// o--- ... ---o---o--- ....... ---o---o--- ....... ---o---o--- ... ---o
// | | |-- Available --| |-- Deprecated -| | |
// |-- Absent -| |-------------- Present ------------| |-- Absent -|
// Here is what the timeline looks like for Availability::Unbounded():
// -inf +inf
// o-------------------------------------------------------------------o
// |---------------------------- Available ----------------------------|
// |----------------------------- Present -----------------------------|
class Availability final {
constexpr explicit Availability() = default;
// Returns an availability that exists forever.
// TODO( Originally this was used for "unversioned"
// libraries, where everything was available on (-inf, +inf). We decided to
// eliminate the concept of an "unversioned" library, defaulting instead to
// the availability [HEAD, +inf). Now the only purpose of Unbounded is to be a
// base case for Inherit(), but we could possibly remove it and instead have a
// way of constructing a root availability already in the kInherited state.
static constexpr Availability Unbounded() {
Availability unbounded(State::kInherited);
unbounded.added_ = Version::NegInf();
unbounded.removed_ = Version::PosInf();
return unbounded;
// An availability advances through four states:
enum class State {
// 1. Default constructed. All fields are null.
// 2. `Init` succeeded. Some fields might be set, and they are in order.
// 3. `Inherit` succeeded. Now `added` and `removed` are always set.
// 4. `Narrow` succeeded. Now `deprecated`, if set, is equal to `added`.
// One of the steps failed.
State state() const { return state_; }
// Returns the [added, removed) range. Must be in the kInherit state or later.
VersionRange range() const;
// Returns the [deprecated, removed) range, or null if `deprecated` is not
// set. Must be in the kInherit state or later.
std::optional<VersionRange> deprecated_range() const;
// Returns true if the whole range is deprecated, and false if none of it is.
// Must be in the kNarrowed state (where deprecation is all-or-nothing).
bool is_deprecated() const;
// Must be called first. Initializes the availability from @available fields.
// Returns false if they do not satisfy `added <= deprecated < removed`. If
// `deprecated` is set, it must be finite.
bool Init(std::optional<Version> added, std::optional<Version> deprecated,
std::optional<Version> removed);
struct InheritResult {
enum class Status {
// Child {added, deprecated, or removed} < Parent added.
// Child deprecated > Parent deprecated.
// Child {added or deprecated} >= Parent removed,
// or Child removed > Parent removed.
Status added = Status::kOk;
Status deprecated = Status::kOk;
Status removed = Status::kOk;
bool Ok() const {
return added == Status::kOk && deprecated == Status::kOk && removed == Status::kOk;
// Must be called second. Inherits unset fields from `parent`.
InheritResult Inherit(const Availability& parent);
// Must be called third. Narrows the availability to the given range, which
// must be a subset of range().
void Narrow(VersionRange range);
// Returns a string representation of the availability for debugging use, of
// the form "<added> <deprecated> <removed>", using "_" for null values.
std::string Debug() const;
constexpr explicit Availability(State state) : state_(state) {}
bool ValidOrder() const;
State state_ = State::kUnset;
std::optional<Version> added_, deprecated_, removed_;
// A version selection is an assignment of versions to platforms.
class VersionSelection final {
VersionSelection() = default;
// Inserts a platform version. Returns true on success, and false if a version
// was already inserted for this platform.
bool Insert(Platform platform, Version version);
// Returns the version for the given platform. Defaults to HEAD if no version
// was inserted for this platform.
Version Lookup(const Platform& platform) const;
// Returns the set of platforms that versions were selected for.
std::set<Platform, Platform::Compare> Platforms() const;
std::map<Platform, Version, Platform::Compare> map_;
} // namespace fidl