blob: f2941e0ef5084bbba4de12dbbfedb7e8ac9df4ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "experimental_flags.h"
#include "flat/compiler.h"
#include "flat_ast.h"
#include "json_writer.h"
namespace fidl {
struct NameSpan {
explicit NameSpan(const SourceSpan& span)
: filename(span.source_file().filename()), length( {
// TODO( We are incorrectly assuming that the provided name is not
// anonymous, and relying on callers to avoid derefencing a nullptr
// location.
explicit NameSpan(const flat::Name& name) : NameSpan(name.span().value()) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(name.span().has_value(), "NameSpan was passed an anonymous name");
const std::string filename;
SourceFile::Position position;
const size_t length;
// Methods or functions named "Emit..." are the actual interface to
// the JSON output.
// Methods named "Generate..." directly generate JSON output via the
// "Emit" routines.
// Methods named "Produce..." indirectly generate JSON output by calling
// the Generate methods, and should not call the "Emit" functions
// directly.
// |JsonWriter| requires the derived type as a template parameter so it can
// match methods declared with parameter overrides in the derived class.
class JSONGenerator : public utils::JsonWriter<JSONGenerator> {
// "using" is required for overridden methods, so the implementations in
// both the base class and in this derived class are visible when matching
// parameter types
using utils::JsonWriter<JSONGenerator>::Generate;
using utils::JsonWriter<JSONGenerator>::GenerateArray;
explicit JSONGenerator(const flat::Compilation* compilation, ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags)
: JsonWriter(json_file_),
experimental_flags_(experimental_flags) {}
~JSONGenerator() = default;
std::ostringstream Produce();
void Generate(SourceSpan value);
void Generate(NameSpan value);
void Generate(types::HandleSubtype value);
void Generate(types::Nullability value);
void Generate(types::Strictness value);
void Generate(types::Openness value);
void Generate(const raw::Identifier& value);
void Generate(const flat::AttributeArg& value);
void Generate(const flat::Attribute& value);
void Generate(const flat::AttributeList& value);
void Generate(const raw::Ordinal64& value);
void Generate(const TypeShape& type_shape);
void Generate(const FieldShape& type_shape);
void GenerateDeclName(const flat::Name& name);
void Generate(const flat::Name& value);
void Generate(const flat::Type* value);
void Generate(const flat::Constant& value);
void Generate(const flat::ConstantValue& value);
void Generate(const flat::Bits& value);
void Generate(const flat::Bits::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::Const& value);
void Generate(const flat::Enum& value);
void Generate(const flat::Enum::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::Protocol& value);
void Generate(const flat::Protocol::ComposedProtocol& composed_protocol);
void Generate(const flat::Protocol::MethodWithInfo& value);
void Generate(const flat::LiteralConstant& value);
void Generate(const flat::Resource& value);
void Generate(const flat::Resource::Property& value);
void Generate(const flat::Service& value);
void Generate(const flat::Service::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::Struct& value);
void Generate(const flat::Struct::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::Table& value);
void Generate(const flat::Table::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::Union& value);
void Generate(const flat::Union::Member& value);
void Generate(const flat::LayoutInvocation& value);
void Generate(const flat::TypeConstructor& value);
void Generate(const flat::TypeAlias& value);
void Generate(const flat::Compilation::Dependency& dependency);
enum TypeKind {
void GenerateTypeAndFromTypeAlias(TypeKind parent_type_kind, const flat::TypeConstructor* value,
Position position = Position::kSubsequent);
void GenerateTypeAndFromTypeAlias(const flat::TypeConstructor* value,
Position position = Position::kSubsequent);
// This is a generator for the builtin generics: array, vector, and request.
// The "type" argument is the resolved type of the parameterized type to be
// generated, and the "type_ctor" argument is the de-aliased constructor for
// that type. For example, consider the following FIDL
// alias Foo = vector<bool>:5;
// struct Example {
// bar Foo?;
// };
// When GenerateParameterizedType is called for, the "type" will
// be a nullable vector of size 5, but the de-aliased constructor passed in
// will be the underlying type for just Foo, in this is case "vector<bool:5>."
void GenerateParameterizedType(TypeKind parent_type_kind, const flat::Type* type,
const flat::TypeConstructor* type_ctor,
Position position = Position::kSubsequent);
void GenerateExperimentalMaybeFromTypeAlias(const flat::LayoutInvocation& invocation);
void GenerateDeclarationsEntry(int count, const flat::Name& name, std::string_view decl_kind);
void GenerateDeclarationsMember(const flat::Compilation::Declarations& declarations,
Position position = Position::kSubsequent);
void GenerateExternalDeclarationsEntry(int count, const flat::Name& name,
std::string_view decl_kind,
std::optional<types::Resourceness> maybe_resourceness);
void GenerateExternalDeclarationsMember(const flat::Compilation::Declarations& declarations,
Position position = Position::kSubsequent);
void GenerateTypeShapes(const flat::Object& object);
void GenerateFieldShapes(const flat::Struct::Member& struct_member);
template <typename T>
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const T>> FilterDecls(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>& vector);
template <typename T>
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const T>> FilterDecls2(const std::vector<const T*>& vector);
const flat::Compilation* compilation_;
const ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags_;
std::ostringstream json_file_;
} // namespace fidl