blob: 8ad62bdb2f492d04a832ef51755141be76981f9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See
// for documentation
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "flat/attributes.h"
#include "flat/name.h"
#include "flat/object.h"
#include "flat/traits.h"
#include "flat/types.h"
#include "flat/values.h"
#include "ordinals.h"
#include "type_shape.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "versioning_types.h"
namespace fidl {
class Reporter;
} // namespace fidl
namespace fidl::raw {
class Identifier;
class Ordinal64;
} // namespace fidl::raw
namespace fidl::flat {
struct Decl;
struct Library;
class AttributeSchema;
class Typespace;
bool HasSimpleLayout(const Decl* decl);
// This is needed (for now) to work around declaration order issues.
std::string LibraryName(const std::vector<std::string_view>& components,
std::string_view separator);
struct Element {
enum struct Kind {
Element(const Element&) = delete;
Element(Element&&) = default;
Element& operator=(Element&&) = default;
virtual ~Element() = default;
Element(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: kind(kind), attributes(std::move(attributes)) {}
// Returns true if this element is a decl.
bool IsDecl() const;
// Asserts that this element is a decl.
Decl* AsDecl();
// Returns true if this is an anonymous layout (i.e. a layout not
// directly bound to a type declaration as in `type Foo = struct { ... };`).
bool IsAnonymousLayout() const;
Kind kind;
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes;
Availability availability;
struct Decl : public Element {
enum struct Kind {
static Element::Kind ElementKind(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kBits:
return Element::Kind::kBits;
case Kind::kBuiltin:
return Element::Kind::kBuiltin;
case Kind::kConst:
return Element::Kind::kConst;
case Kind::kEnum:
return Element::Kind::kEnum;
case Kind::kNewType:
return Element::Kind::kNewType;
case Kind::kProtocol:
return Element::Kind::kProtocol;
case Kind::kResource:
return Element::Kind::kResource;
case Kind::kService:
return Element::Kind::kService;
case Kind::kStruct:
return Element::Kind::kStruct;
case Kind::kTable:
return Element::Kind::kTable;
case Kind::kTypeAlias:
return Element::Kind::kTypeAlias;
case Kind::kUnion:
return Element::Kind::kUnion;
Decl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: Element(ElementKind(kind), std::move(attributes)), kind(kind), name(std::move(name)) {}
const Kind kind;
const Name name;
std::string GetName() const;
// Runs a function on every member of the decl, if it has any. Note that
// unlike Library::TraverseElements, it does not call `fn(this)`.
void ForEachMember(const fit::function<void(Element*)>& fn);
// Returns a clone of this decl for the given range, only including members
// that intersect the range. Narrows the returned decl's availability, and its
// members' availabilities, to the range.
std::unique_ptr<Decl> Split(VersionRange range) const;
bool compiling = false;
bool compiled = false;
// Helper to implement Split. Leaves the result's availability unset.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const = 0;
struct Builtin : public Decl {
enum struct Identity {
// Layouts (primitive)
// Layouts (other)
// Layouts (templated)
// Layouts (aliases)
// Constraints
// Constants
explicit Builtin(Identity id, Name name)
: Decl(Decl::Kind::kBuiltin, std::make_unique<AttributeList>(), std::move(name)), id(id) {}
const Identity id;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct TypeDecl : public Decl, public Object {
TypeDecl(Kind kind, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name)
: Decl(kind, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)) {}
bool recursive = false;
struct TypeConstructor;
struct TypeAlias;
struct Protocol;
// This is a struct used to group together all data produced during compilation
// that might be used by consumers that are downstream from type compilation
// (e.g. typeshape code, declaration sorting, JSON generator), that can't be
// obtained by looking at a type constructor's Type.
// Unlike TypeConstructor::Type which will always refer to the fully resolved/
// concrete (and eventually, canonicalized) type that the type constructor
// resolves to, this struct stores data about the actual parameters on this
// type constructor used to produce the type.
// These fields should be set in the same place where the parameters actually get
// resolved, i.e. Create (for layout parameters) and ApplyConstraints (for type
// constraints)
struct LayoutInvocation {
// set if this type constructor refers to a type alias
const TypeAlias* from_type_alias = nullptr;
// Parameter data below: if a foo_resolved form is set, then its corresponding
// foo_raw form must be defined as well (and vice versa).
// resolved form of this type constructor's arguments
const Type* element_type_resolved = nullptr;
const Size* size_resolved = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias)
std::optional<uint32_t> subtype_resolved = std::nullopt;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias).
const HandleRights* rights_resolved = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias).
const Protocol* protocol_decl = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for experimental_maybe_from_type_alias).
const Type* boxed_type_resolved = nullptr;
// raw form of this type constructor's arguments
const TypeConstructor* element_type_raw = {};
const TypeConstructor* boxed_type_raw = {};
const Constant* size_raw = nullptr;
// This has no users, probably because it's missing in the JSON IR (it is not
// yet generated for partial_type_ctors).
const Constant* subtype_raw = nullptr;
const Constant* rights_raw = nullptr;
const Constant* protocol_decl_raw = nullptr;
// Nullability is represented differently because there's only one degree of
// freedom: if it was specified, this value is equal to kNullable
types::Nullability nullability = types::Nullability::kNonnullable;
struct LayoutParameterList;
struct TypeConstraints;
// Unlike raw::TypeConstructor which will either store a name referencing a
// layout or an anonymous layout directly, in the flat AST all type constructors
// store a Reference. In the case where the type constructor represents an
// anonymous layout, the data of the anonymous layout is consumed and stored in
// the library and the corresponding type constructor contains a Reference
// whose name has is_anonymous=true and a span covering the anonymous layout.
// This allows all type compilation to share the code paths through the consume
// step (i.e. RegisterDecl) and the compilation step (i.e. Typespace::Create),
// while ensuring that users cannot refer to anonymous layouts by name.
struct TypeConstructor final : public HasClone<TypeConstructor> {
explicit TypeConstructor(Reference layout, std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList> parameters,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints> constraints)
: layout(std::move(layout)),
constraints(std::move(constraints)) {}
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> Clone() const override;
// Set during construction.
Reference layout;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList> parameters;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints> constraints;
// Set during compilation.
const Type* type = nullptr;
LayoutInvocation resolved_params;
struct LayoutParameter : public HasClone<LayoutParameter> {
virtual ~LayoutParameter() = default;
enum Kind {
explicit LayoutParameter(Kind kind, SourceSpan span) : kind(kind), span(span) {}
// A layout parameter is either a type constructor or a constant. One of these
// two methods must return non-null, and the other one must return null.
virtual TypeConstructor* AsTypeCtor() const = 0;
virtual Constant* AsConstant() const = 0;
const Kind kind;
SourceSpan span;
struct LiteralLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit LiteralLayoutParameter(std::unique_ptr<LiteralConstant> literal, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kLiteral, span), literal(std::move(literal)) {}
TypeConstructor* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter> Clone() const override;
std::unique_ptr<LiteralConstant> literal;
struct TypeLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit TypeLayoutParameter(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kType, span), type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)) {}
TypeConstructor* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter> Clone() const override;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
struct IdentifierLayoutParameter final : public LayoutParameter {
explicit IdentifierLayoutParameter(Reference reference, SourceSpan span)
: LayoutParameter(Kind::kIdentifier, span), reference(std::move(reference)) {}
// Disambiguates between type constructor and constant. Must call after
// resolving the reference, but before calling AsTypeCtor or AsConstant.
void Disambiguate();
TypeConstructor* AsTypeCtor() const override;
Constant* AsConstant() const override;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter> Clone() const override;
Reference reference;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> as_type_ctor;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> as_constant;
struct LayoutParameterList final : public HasClone<LayoutParameterList> {
LayoutParameterList() = default;
explicit LayoutParameterList(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>> items,
std::optional<SourceSpan> span)
: items(std::move(items)), span(span) {}
std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameterList> Clone() const override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayoutParameter>> items;
const std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
struct TypeConstraints final : public HasClone<TypeConstraints> {
TypeConstraints() = default;
explicit TypeConstraints(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Constant>> items,
std::optional<SourceSpan> span)
: items(std::move(items)), span(span) {}
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstraints> Clone() const override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Constant>> items;
const std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
// Const represents the _declaration_ of a constant. (For the _use_, see
// Constant. For the _value_, see ConstantValue.) A Const consists of a
// left-hand-side Name (found in Decl) and a right-hand-side Constant.
struct Const final : public Decl {
Const(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value)
: Decl(Kind::kConst, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
value(std::move(value)) {}
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Enum final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member : public Element, public HasCopy<Member> {
Member(SourceSpan name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kEnumMember, std::move(attributes)),
value(std::move(value)) {}
Member Copy() const override;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
Enum(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor, std::vector<Member> members,
types::Strictness strictness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kEnum, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
strictness(strictness) {}
// Set during construction.
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Set during compilation.
const PrimitiveType* type = nullptr;
// Set only for flexible enums, and either is set depending on signedness of
// underlying enum type.
std::optional<int64_t> unknown_value_signed;
std::optional<uint64_t> unknown_value_unsigned;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Bits final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member : public Element, public HasCopy<Member> {
Member(SourceSpan name, std::unique_ptr<Constant> value,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kBitsMember, std::move(attributes)),
value(std::move(value)) {}
Member Copy() const override;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> value;
Bits(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor, std::vector<Member> members,
types::Strictness strictness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kBits, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
strictness(strictness) {}
// Set during construction.
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Set during compilation.
uint64_t mask = 0;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Service final : public TypeDecl {
struct Member : public Element, public HasCopy<Member> {
Member(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kServiceMember, std::move(attributes)),
name(name) {}
Member Copy() const override;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
Service(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kService, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
members(std::move(members)) {}
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::vector<Member> members;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Struct;
// Historically, StructMember was a nested class inside Struct named Struct::Member. However, this
// was made a top-level class since it's not possible to forward-declare nested classes in C++. For
// backward-compatibility, Struct::Member is now an alias for this top-level StructMember.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Struct.
struct StructMember : public Element, public Object, public HasCopy<StructMember> {
StructMember(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kStructMember, std::move(attributes)),
maybe_default_value(std::move(maybe_default_value)) {}
StructMember Copy() const override;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::unique_ptr<Constant> maybe_default_value;
const Struct* parent = nullptr;
struct Struct final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = StructMember;
Struct(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Member> unparented_members, std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kStruct, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
resourceness(resourceness) {
for (auto& member : members) {
member.parent = this;
std::vector<Member> members;
// For user-defined structs, this is set during construction. For synthesized
// structs (requests/responses, error result success payload) it is set during
// compilation based on the struct's members.
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Table;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Table::Member.
struct TableMemberUsed : public Object, public HasClone<TableMemberUsed> {
TableMemberUsed(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan name)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)), name(std::move(name)) {}
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
std::unique_ptr<TableMemberUsed> Clone() const override {
return std::make_unique<TableMemberUsed>(type_ctor->Clone(), name);
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Table.
struct TableMember : public Element, public Object, public HasCopy<TableMember> {
using Used = TableMemberUsed;
TableMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kTableMember, std::move(attributes)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type), name)) {}
TableMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, SourceSpan span,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kTableMember, std::move(attributes)), ordinal(ordinal), span(span) {}
TableMember Copy() const override;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Owned by Library::raw_ordinals.
const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal;
// The span for reserved table members.
std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used;
TableMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, std::optional<SourceSpan> span,
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kTableMember, std::move(attributes)),
maybe_used(std::move(maybe_used)) {}
struct Table final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = TableMember;
Table(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name, std::vector<Member> members,
types::Strictness strictness, types::Resourceness resourceness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kTable, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
resourceness(resourceness) {}
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
const types::Resourceness resourceness;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Union;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Union.
struct UnionMemberUsed : public Object, public HasClone<UnionMemberUsed> {
UnionMemberUsed(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan name)
: type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)), name(name) {}
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
FieldShape fieldshape(WireFormat wire_format) const;
std::unique_ptr<UnionMemberUsed> Clone() const override {
return std::make_unique<UnionMemberUsed>(type_ctor->Clone(), name);
const Union* parent = nullptr;
// See the comment on the StructMember class for why this is a top-level class.
// TODO( Move this to a nested class inside Union.
struct UnionMember : public Element, public Object, public HasCopy<UnionMember> {
using Used = UnionMemberUsed;
UnionMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor,
SourceSpan name, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kUnionMember, std::move(attributes)),
maybe_used(std::make_unique<Used>(std::move(type_ctor), name)) {}
UnionMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, SourceSpan span,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kUnionMember, std::move(attributes)), ordinal(ordinal), span(span) {}
UnionMember Copy() const override;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
// Owned by Library::raw_ordinals.
const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal;
// The span for reserved members.
std::optional<SourceSpan> span;
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used;
UnionMember(const raw::Ordinal64* ordinal, std::optional<SourceSpan> span,
std::unique_ptr<Used> maybe_used, std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kUnionMember, std::move(attributes)),
maybe_used(std::move(maybe_used)) {}
struct Union final : public TypeDecl {
using Member = UnionMember;
Union(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::vector<Member> unparented_members, types::Strictness strictness,
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kUnion, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
resourceness(resourceness) {
for (auto& member : members) {
if (member.maybe_used) {
member.maybe_used->parent = this;
std::vector<Member> members;
const types::Strictness strictness;
// For user-defined unions, this is set on construction. For synthesized
// unions (in error result responses) it is set during compilation based on
// the unions's members.
std::optional<types::Resourceness> resourceness;
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const Member>> MembersSortedByXUnionOrdinal() const;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Protocol final : public TypeDecl {
struct Method : public Element, public HasCopy<Method> {
Method(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, types::Strictness strictness,
const raw::Identifier* identifier, SourceSpan name, bool has_request,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> maybe_request, bool has_response,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> maybe_response, bool has_error)
: Element(Element::Kind::kProtocolMethod, std::move(attributes)),
generated_ordinal64(nullptr) {
ZX_ASSERT(this->has_request || this->has_response);
Method Copy() const override;
types::Strictness strictness;
// Owned by Library::raw_identifiers.
const raw::Identifier* identifier;
SourceSpan name;
bool has_request;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> maybe_request;
bool has_response;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> maybe_response;
bool has_error;
// Returns true if this method should use a result union. Result union is used if the method
// uses error syntax or if it is a flexible two-way method.
bool HasResultUnion() const {
return has_error ||
(has_request && has_response && strictness == types::Strictness::kFlexible);
// This is set to the |Protocol| instance that owns this |Method|,
// when the |Protocol| is constructed.
Protocol* owning_protocol = nullptr;
// Set during compilation
std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64> generated_ordinal64;
// Used to keep track of a all methods (i.e. including composed methods).
// Method pointers here are set after composed_protocols are compiled, and
// are owned by the corresponding composed_protocols.
struct MethodWithInfo {
MethodWithInfo(const Method* method, bool is_composed)
: method(method), is_composed(is_composed) {}
const Method* method;
const bool is_composed;
struct ComposedProtocol : public Element {
ComposedProtocol(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Reference reference)
: Element(Element::Kind::kProtocolCompose, std::move(attributes)),
reference(std::move(reference)) {}
ComposedProtocol Copy() const;
Reference reference;
Protocol(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, types::Openness openness, Name name,
std::vector<ComposedProtocol> composed_protocols, std::vector<Method> methods)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kProtocol, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
methods(std::move(methods)) {
for (auto& method : this->methods) {
method.owning_protocol = this;
types::Openness openness;
std::vector<ComposedProtocol> composed_protocols;
std::vector<Method> methods;
// Set during compilation.
std::vector<MethodWithInfo> all_methods;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct Resource final : public Decl {
struct Property : public Element {
Property(std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor, SourceSpan name,
std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes)
: Element(Element::Kind::kResourceProperty, std::move(attributes)),
name(name) {}
Property Copy() const;
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
SourceSpan name;
Resource(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor, std::vector<Property> properties)
: Decl(Kind::kResource, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
properties(std::move(properties)) {}
// Set during construction.
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> subtype_ctor;
std::vector<Property> properties;
Property* LookupProperty(std::string_view name);
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct TypeAlias final : public Decl {
TypeAlias(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> partial_type_ctor)
: Decl(Kind::kTypeAlias, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
partial_type_ctor(std::move(partial_type_ctor)) {}
// The shape of this type constructor is more constrained than just being a
// "partial" type constructor - it is either a normal type constructor
// referring directly to a non-type-alias with all layout parameters fully
// specified (e.g. alias foo = array<T, 3>), or it is a type constructor
// referring to another type alias that has no layout parameters (e.g. alias
// bar = foo).
// The constraints on the other hand are indeed "partial" - any type alias
// at any point in a "type alias chain" can specify a constraint, but any
// constraint can only specified once. This behavior will change in
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> partial_type_ctor;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
struct NewType final : public TypeDecl {
NewType(std::unique_ptr<AttributeList> attributes, Name name,
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor)
: TypeDecl(Kind::kNewType, std::move(attributes), std::move(name)),
type_ctor(std::move(type_ctor)) {}
// Note that unlike in TypeAlias, we are not calling this partial type constructor. Whether or
// not all the constraints for this type are applied is irrelevant to us down the line - all we
// care is that we have a type constructor to define a type.
std::unique_ptr<TypeConstructor> type_ctor;
std::any AcceptAny(VisitorAny* visitor) const override;
std::unique_ptr<Decl> SplitImpl(VersionRange range) const override;
// This class is used to manage a library's set of direct dependencies, i.e.
// those imported with "using" statements.
class Dependencies {
enum class RegisterResult {
// Registers a dependency to a library. The registration name is |maybe_alias|
// if provided, otherwise the library's name. Afterwards, Dependencies::Lookup
// will return |dep_library| given the registration name.
RegisterResult Register(const SourceSpan& span, std::string_view filename, Library* dep_library,
const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& maybe_alias);
// Returns true if this dependency set contains a library with the given name and filename.
bool Contains(std::string_view filename, const std::vector<std::string_view>& name);
// Looks up a dependency by filename (within the importing library, since
// "using" statements are file-scoped) and name (of the imported library).
// Also marks the library as used. Returns null if no library is found.
Library* LookupAndMarkUsed(std::string_view filename,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& name) const;
// VerifyAllDependenciesWereUsed reports an error for each dependency imported
// with `using` that was never used in the file.
void VerifyAllDependenciesWereUsed(const Library& for_library, Reporter* reporter);
// Returns all the dependencies.
const std::set<Library*>& all() const { return dependencies_aggregate_; }
// A reference to a library, derived from a "using" statement.
struct LibraryRef {
LibraryRef(SourceSpan span, Library* library) : span(span), library(library) {}
const SourceSpan span;
Library* const library;
bool used = false;
// Per-file information about imports.
struct PerFile {
// References to dependencies, keyed by library name or by alias.
std::map<std::vector<std::string_view>, LibraryRef*> refs;
// Set containing ref->library for every ref in |refs|.
std::set<Library*> libraries;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LibraryRef>> refs_;
// The string keys are owned by SourceFile objects.
std::map<std::string_view, std::unique_ptr<PerFile>> by_filename_;
std::set<Library*> dependencies_aggregate_;
struct LibraryComparator;
struct Library final : public Element {
Library() : Element(Element::Kind::kLibrary, std::make_unique<AttributeList>()) {}
// Creates the root library which holds all Builtin decls.
static std::unique_ptr<Library> CreateRootLibrary();
// Runs a function on every element in the library via depth-first traversal.
// Runs it on the library itself, on all Decls, and on all their members.
void TraverseElements(const fit::function<void(Element*)>& fn);
struct Declarations {
// Inserts a declaration. When inserting builtins, this must be called in
// order of Builtin::Identity. For other decls, the order doesn't matter.
Decl* Insert(std::unique_ptr<Decl> decl);
// Looks up a builtin. Must have inserted it already with InsertBuiltin.
Builtin* LookupBuiltin(Builtin::Identity id) const;
// Contains all the declarations owned by the vectors below.
std::multimap<std::string_view, Decl*> all;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Bits>> bits;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Builtin>> builtins;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Const>> consts;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Enum>> enums;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NewType>> new_types;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Protocol>> protocols;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Resource>> resources;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Service>> services;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Struct>> structs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Table>> tables;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TypeAlias>> type_aliases;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Union>> unions;
std::vector<std::string_view> name;
// There is no unique SourceSpan for a library's name since it can be declared
// in multiple files, but we store an arbitrary one to use in error messages.
SourceSpan arbitrary_name_span;
// Set during AvailabilityStep.
std::optional<Platform> platform;
Dependencies dependencies;
// Populated by ConsumeStep, and then rewritten by ResolveStep.
Declarations declarations;
// Contains the same decls as `declarations`, but in a topologically sorted
// order, i.e. later decls only depend on earlier ones. Populated by SortStep.
std::vector<const Decl*> declaration_order;
// Raw AST objects pointed to by certain flat AST nodes. We store them on the
// Library because there is no unique ownership (e.g. multiple Table::Member
// instances can point to the same raw::Ordinal64 after decomposition).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raw::Literal>> raw_literals;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>> raw_identifiers;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<raw::Ordinal64>> raw_ordinals;
struct LibraryComparator {
bool operator()(const flat::Library* lhs, const flat::Library* rhs) const {
return lhs->name < rhs->name;
} // namespace fidl::flat