blob: 119f5d1478cd8fb58f742512da3cccfc032f4b59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "diagnostic_types.h"
#include "fidl/source_span.h"
#include "versioning_types.h"
namespace fidl {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lexer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidCharacter("invalid character '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<> ErrUnexpectedLineBreak("unexpected line-break in string literal");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidEscapeSequence("invalid escape sequence '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<char> ErrInvalidHexDigit("invalid hex digit '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<char> ErrInvalidOctDigit("invalid oct digit '{}'");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parser
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrExpectedDeclaration("invalid declaration type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrUnexpectedToken("found unexpected token");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind(
"unexpected token {}, was expecting {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrUnexpectedIdentifier(
"unexpected identifier {}, was expecting {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidIdentifier("invalid identifier '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidLibraryNameComponent(
"Invalid library name component {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidLayoutClass(
"layouts must be of the class: bits, enum, struct, table, or union.");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidWrappedType("wrapped type for bits/enum must be an identifier");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrAttributeWithEmptyParens(
"attributes without arguments must omit the trailing empty parentheses");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrAttributeArgsMustAllBeNamed(
"attributes that take multiple arguments must name all of them explicitly");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMissingOrdinalBeforeMember("missing ordinal before member");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOrdinalOutOfBound("ordinal out-of-bound");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOrdinalsMustStartAtOne("ordinals must start at 1");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMustHaveOneMember("must have at least one member");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrUnrecognizedProtocolMember("unrecognized protocol member");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrExpectedProtocolMember("expected protocol member");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrCannotAttachAttributeToIdentifier("cannot attach attributes to identifiers");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrRedundantAttributePlacement(
"cannot specify attributes on the type declaration and the corresponding layout at the same "
"time; please merge them into one location instead");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMustHaveNonReservedMember(
"must have at least one non reserved member; you can use an empty struct to "
"define a placeholder variant");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrDocCommentOnParameters("cannot have doc comment on parameters");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrLibraryImportsMustBeGroupedAtTopOfFile(
"library imports must be grouped at top-of-file");
constexpr WarningDef WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock(
"cannot have comment within doc comment block");
constexpr WarningDef WarnBlankLinesWithinDocCommentBlock(
"cannot have blank lines within doc comment block");
constexpr WarningDef WarnDocCommentMustBeFollowedByDeclaration(
"doc comment must be followed by a declaration");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMustHaveOneProperty("must have at least one property");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrCannotSpecifyModifier(
"cannot specify modifier {} for {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrCannotSpecifySubtype("cannot specify subtype for {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrDuplicateModifier(
"duplicate occurrence of modifier {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrConflictingModifier(
"modifier {} conflicts with modifier {}");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::ConsumeFile: Consume* methods and declaration registration
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrNameCollision(
"the name '{}' conflicts with another declaration at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"the name '{}' conflicts with '{}' from {}; both are represented by "
"the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan, VersionRange, Platform> ErrNameOverlap(
"the name '{}' conflicts with another declaration at {}; both are "
"available {} of platform '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view, VersionRange,
"the name '{}' conflicts with '{}' from {}; both are represented "
"by the canonical form '{}' and are available {} of platform '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImport(
"Declaration name '{}' conflicts with a library import. Consider using the "
"'as' keyword to import the library under a different name.");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, std::string_view> ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImportCanonical(
"Declaration name '{}' conflicts with a library import due to its "
"canonical form '{}'. Consider using the 'as' keyword to import the "
"library under a different name.");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrFilesDisagreeOnLibraryName(
"Two files in the library disagree about the name of the library");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrMultipleLibrariesWithSameName(
"There are multiple libraries named '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrDuplicateLibraryImport(
"Library {} already imported. Did you require it twice?");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrConflictingLibraryImport(
"import of library '{}' conflicts with another library import");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::string_view>
"import of library '{}' under alias '{}' conflicts with another library import");
constexpr ErrorDef<const raw::AttributeList *> ErrAttributesNotAllowedOnLibraryImport(
"no attributes allowed on library import, found: {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrUnknownLibrary(
"Could not find library named {}. Did you include its sources with --files?");
constexpr ErrorDef<SourceSpan> ErrProtocolComposedMultipleTimes(
"protocol composed multiple times; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOptionalTableMember("Table members cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOptionalUnionMember("Union members cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrDeprecatedStructDefaults(
"Struct defaults are deprecated and should not be used (see RFC-0160)");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResolveStep
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::vector<std::string_view>>
"Unknown dependent library {} or reference to member of "
"library {}. Did you require it with `using`?");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrNameNotFound(
"cannot find '{}' in library '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Decl *> ErrCannotReferToMember("cannot refer to member of {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Decl *, std::string_view> ErrMemberNotFound("{} has no member '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Element *, VersionRange, Platform, const flat::Element *,
const flat::Element *>
"invalid reference to {}, which is deprecated {} of platform '{}' while {} "
"is not; either remove this reference or mark {} as deprecated");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Element *, VersionRange, Platform, const flat::Element *,
VersionRange, Platform, const flat::Element *>
"invalid reference to {}, which is deprecated {} of platform '{}' while {} "
"is not deprecated {} of platform '{}'; either remove this reference or mark {} as "
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::Compile: SortDeclarations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ErrIncludeCycle is thrown either as part of SortDeclarations or as part of
// CompileStep, depending on the type of the cycle, because SortDeclarations
// understands the support for boxed recursive structs, while CompileStep
// handles recursive protocols and self-referencing type-aliases.
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<const flat::Decl *>> ErrIncludeCycle(
"There is an includes-cycle in declarations: {}");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::Compile: Compilation, Resolution, Validation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrAnonymousNameReference("cannot refer to anonymous name {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Type *> ErrInvalidConstantType("invalid constant type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrCannotResolveConstantValue("unable to resolve constant value");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOrOperatorOnNonPrimitiveValue(
"Or operator can only be applied to primitive-kinded values");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, std::string_view> ErrNewTypesNotAllowed(
"newtypes not allowed: type declaration {} defines a new type of the existing {} type, which "
"is not yet supported");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrExpectedValueButGotType("{} is a type, but a value was expected");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, flat::Name> ErrMismatchedNameTypeAssignment(
"mismatched named type assignment: cannot define a constant or default value of type {} "
"using a value of type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Constant *, const flat::Type *, const flat::Type *>
ErrTypeCannotBeConvertedToType("{} (type {}) cannot be converted to type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Constant *, const flat::Type *> ErrConstantOverflowsType(
"{} overflows type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrBitsMemberMustBePowerOfTwo("bits members must be powers of two");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrFlexibleEnumMemberWithMaxValue(
"flexible enums must not have a member with a value of {}, which is "
"reserved for the unknown value. either: remove the member, change its "
"value to something else, or explicitly specify the unknown value with "
"the @unknown attribute. see "
"<> "
"for more info.");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Type *> ErrBitsTypeMustBeUnsignedIntegralPrimitive(
"bits may only be of unsigned integral primitive type, found {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Type *> ErrEnumTypeMustBeIntegralPrimitive(
"enums may only be of integral primitive type, found {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrUnknownAttributeOnStrictEnumMember(
"the @unknown attribute can be only be used on flexible enum members.");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrUnknownAttributeOnMultipleEnumMembers(
"the @unknown attribute can be only applied to one enum member.");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrComposingNonProtocol("This declaration is not a protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Decl::Kind> ErrInvalidParameterListKind(
"cannot use {} as a request/response; must use a struct, table, or union");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Type *> ErrInvalidParameterListType(
"invalid request/response type '{}'; must use a struct, table, or union");
constexpr ErrorDef<SourceSpan> ErrResponsesWithErrorsMustNotBeEmpty(
"must define success type of method '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrEmptyPayloadStructs(
"method '{}' cannot have an empty struct as a payload, prefer omitting the payload altogether");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateMethodName(
"multiple protocol methods named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"protocol method '{}' conflicts with method '{}' from {}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrGeneratedZeroValueOrdinal("Ordinal value 0 disallowed.");
constexpr ErrorDef<SourceSpan, std::string_view> ErrDuplicateMethodOrdinal(
"Multiple methods with the same ordinal in a protocol; previous was at {}. "
"Consider using attribute @selector(\"{}\") to change the name used to "
"calculate the ordinal.");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidSelectorValue(
"invalid selector value, must be a method name or a fully qualified method name");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrFuchsiaIoExplicitOrdinals(
" must have explicit ordinals (");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrPayloadStructHasDefaultMembers(
"default values are not allowed on members of request/response structs");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateServiceMemberName(
"multiple service members named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"service member '{}' conflicts with member '{}' from {}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOptionalServiceMember("service members cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateStructMemberName(
"multiple struct fields named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"struct field '{}' conflicts with field '{}' from {}; both are represented "
"by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, const flat::Type *> ErrInvalidStructMemberType(
"struct field {} has an invalid default type {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrTooManyTableOrdinals(
"table contains too many ordinals; tables are limited to 64 ordinals");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMaxOrdinalNotTable(
"the 64th ordinal of a table may only contain a table type");
constexpr ErrorDef<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal(
"multiple table fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateTableFieldName(
"multiple table fields named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"table field '{}' conflicts with field '{}' from {}; both are represented "
"by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberOrdinal(
"multiple union fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberName(
"multiple union members named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"union member '{}' conflicts with member '{}' from {}; both are represented "
"by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<uint64_t> ErrNonDenseOrdinal(
"missing ordinal {} (ordinals must be dense); consider marking it reserved");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrCouldNotParseSizeBound("unable to parse size bound");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrCouldNotResolveMember("unable to resolve {} member");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrCouldNotResolveMemberDefault(
"unable to resolve {} default value");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrCouldNotResolveAttributeArg("unable to resolve attribute argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateMemberName(
"multiple {} members named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan,
"{} member '{}' conflicts with member '{}' from {}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan>
"value of {} member '{}' conflicts with previously declared member '{}' at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateResourcePropertyName(
"multiple resource properties named '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"resource property '{}' conflicts with property '{}' from {}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, std::string_view, std::string_view, flat::Name>
"'{}' may contain handles (due to member '{}'), so it must "
"be declared with the `resource` modifier: `resource {} {}`");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInlineSizeExceeds64k(
"inline objects greater than 64k not currently supported");
// TODO( As part of consolidating name resolution, these should
// be grouped into a single "expected foo but got bar" error, along with
// ErrExpectedValueButGotType.
constexpr ErrorDef ErrOnlyClientEndsInServices("service members must be client_end:P");
constexpr ErrorDef<types::Openness, flat::Name, types::Openness, flat::Name>
"{} protocol '{}' cannot compose {} protocol '{}'; composed protocol may not be more open "
"than composing protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<types::Openness> ErrFlexibleTwoWayMethodRequiresOpenProtocol(
"flexible two-way method may only be defined in an open protocol, not {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrFlexibleOneWayMethodInClosedProtocol(
"flexible {} may only be defined in an open or ajar protocol, not closed");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, const flat::Decl *>
"handle of type {} may not be sent over transport {} used by {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, const flat::Decl *>
"client_end / server_end of transport type {} may not be sent over transport {} used by "
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrEventErrorSyntaxDeprecated(
"Event '{}' uses the error syntax. This is deprecated (see");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Validation: Placement, Values, Constraints
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *> ErrInvalidAttributePlacement(
"placement of attribute '{}' disallowed here");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *> ErrDeprecatedAttribute("attribute '{}' is deprecated");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateAttribute(
"duplicate attribute '{}'; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"attribute '{}' conflicts with attribute '{}' from {}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::AttributeArg *, const flat::Attribute *> ErrCanOnlyUseStringOrBool(
"argument '{}' on user-defined attribute '{}' cannot be a numeric "
"value; use a bool or string instead");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrAttributeArgMustNotBeNamed(
"attributes that take a single argument must not name that argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Constant *> ErrAttributeArgNotNamed(
"attributes that take multiple arguments must name all of them explicitly, but '{}' was not");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrMissingRequiredAttributeArg(
"attribute '{}' is missing the required '{}' argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *> ErrMissingRequiredAnonymousAttributeArg(
"attribute '{}' is missing its required argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrUnknownAttributeArg(
"attribute '{}' does not support the '{}' argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateAttributeArg(
"attribute '{}' provides the '{}' argument multiple times; previous was at {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan,
"attribute '{}' argument '{}' conflicts with argument '{}' from {}; both "
"are represented by the canonical form '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *> ErrAttributeDisallowsArgs(
"attribute '{}' does not support arguments");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, const flat::Attribute *> ErrAttributeArgRequiresLiteral(
"argument '{}' of attribute '{}' does not support referencing constants; "
"please use a literal instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *> ErrAttributeConstraintNotSatisfied(
"declaration did not satisfy constraint of attribute '{}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidDiscoverableName(
"invalid @discoverable name '{}'; must follow the format ''");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrTableCannotBeSimple(
"union '{}' is not a simple type, so it cannot be used in "
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrUnionCannotBeSimple(
"table '{}' is not a simple type, so it cannot be used in "
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrMemberMustBeSimple(
"member '{}' is not a simple type, so it cannot be used in "
constexpr ErrorDef<uint32_t, uint32_t> ErrTooManyBytes(
"too large: only {} bytes allowed, but {} bytes found");
constexpr ErrorDef<uint32_t, uint32_t> ErrTooManyHandles(
"too many handles: only {} allowed, but {} found");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidErrorType(
"invalid error type: must be int32, uint32 or an enum thereof");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view, std::set<std::string_view>> ErrInvalidTransportType(
"invalid transport type: got {} expected one of {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrBoundIsTooBig(
"'{}' bound of '{}' is too big");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrUnableToParseBound(
"unable to parse '{}' bound of '{}'");
constexpr WarningDef<std::string_view, std::string_view> WarnAttributeTypo(
"suspect attribute with name '{}'; did you mean '{}'?");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidGeneratedName("generated name must be a valid identifier");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrAvailableMissingArguments(
"at least one argument is required: 'added', 'deprecated', or 'removed'");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrNoteWithoutDeprecation(
"the argument 'note' cannot be used without 'deprecated'");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrPlatformNotOnLibrary(
"the argument 'platform' can only be used on the library's @available attribute");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrLibraryAvailabilityMissingAdded(
"missing 'added' argument on the library's @available attribute");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrMissingLibraryAvailability(
"to use the @available attribute here, you must also annotate the "
"`library {};` declaration in one of the library's files");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::string_view> ErrInvalidPlatform(
"invalid platform '{}'; must match the regex [a-z][a-z0-9_]*");
constexpr ErrorDef<uint64_t> ErrInvalidVersion(
"invalid version '{}'; must be an integer from 1 to 2^63-1 inclusive, or "
"the special constant `HEAD`");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrInvalidAvailabilityOrder(
"invalid availability; must have added <= deprecated < removed");
constexpr ErrorDef<const flat::AttributeArg *, std::string_view, const flat::AttributeArg *,
std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view, std::string_view,
"the argument {}={} conflicts with {}={} at {}; a child element "
"cannot be {} {} its parent element is {}");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type Templates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrCannotBeOptional("{} cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrMustBeAProtocol("{} must be a protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrCannotBoundTwice("{} cannot bound twice");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrStructCannotBeOptional(
"structs can no longer be marked optional; please use the new syntax, "
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrCannotIndicateOptionalTwice(
"{} is already optional, cannot indicate optionality twice");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrMustHaveNonZeroSize("{} must have non-zero size");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, size_t, size_t> ErrWrongNumberOfLayoutParameters(
"{} expected {} layout parameter(s), but got {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrMultipleConstraintDefinitions(
"cannot specify multiple constraint sets on a type");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name, size_t, size_t> ErrTooManyConstraints(
"{} expected at most {} constraints, but got {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrExpectedType("expected type but got a literal or constant");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrUnexpectedConstraint("{} failed to resolve constraint");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrCannotConstrainTwice("{} cannot add additional constraint");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrProtocolConstraintRequired(
"{} requires a protocol as its first constraint");
// The same error as ErrCannotBeOptional, but with a more specific message since the
// optionality of boxes may be confusing
constexpr ErrorDef ErrBoxCannotBeOptional(
"cannot specify optionality for box, boxes are optional by default");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrBoxedTypeCannotBeOptional(
"no double optionality, boxes are already optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrCannotBeBoxed(
"type {} cannot be boxed, try using optional instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrResourceMustBeUint32Derived("resource {} must be uint32");
// TODO( add these errors back by adding support in ResolveAs for
// storing errors
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrResourceMissingSubtypeProperty(
"resource {} expected to have the subtype property, but it was missing");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrResourceMissingRightsProperty(
"resource {} expected to have the rights property, but it was missing");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrResourceSubtypePropertyMustReferToEnum(
"the subtype property must be an enum, but wasn't in resource {}");
constexpr ErrorDef ErrHandleSubtypeMustReferToResourceSubtype(
"the subtype must be a constant referring to the resource's subtype enum");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrResourceRightsPropertyMustReferToBits(
"the rights property must be a bits, but wasn't in resource {}");
constexpr ErrorDef<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::vector<std::string_view>,
ErrUnusedImport("Library {} imports {} but does not use it. Either use {}, or remove import.");
constexpr ErrorDef<flat::Name> ErrNewTypeCannotHaveConstraint(
"{} is a new-type, which cannot carry constraints");
} // namespace fidl