blob: 2e3a25ee7b9ff7325ff728b41343c6091a5e2a3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! This module contains traits that have signatures similar to the corresponding property traits
//! from [`fuchsia_inspect`], but with "Property" replaced with "Metric".
/// Wrapper for the [`fuchsia_inspect::Property`] trait. Used for all scalar metric types (e.g.
/// [`crate::metrics::StringMetric`], [`crate::metrics::IntMetric`]).
pub trait Metric<DataType> {
/// Create a new metric with the given `name` and `value`. `name` should be a unique string
/// identifier, and can be any type that can be referenced as &str.
fn new(name: impl AsRef<str>, value: DataType) -> Self;
/// Set the current value of this metric to `value`.
fn set(&self, value: DataType);
/// Wrapper for [`fuchsia_inspect::NumericProperty`] traits. Used for [`crate::metrics::IntMetric`],
/// [`crate::metrics::UintMetric`], and [`crate::metrics::DoubleMetric`] types.
pub trait NumericMetric<DataType>: Metric<DataType> {
/// Add `value` to the current value of this metric.
/// For integral types, saturating addition is used.
fn add(&self, value: DataType);
/// Subtract `value` from the current value of this metric.
/// For integral types, saturating subtraction is used.
fn subtract(&self, value: DataType);
/// Set the value if a binary predicate is satisfied.
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - Value to set this metric to if `predicate` is satisfied.
/// * `predicate` - Binary operation that compares the current metric value and `value`. If the
/// predicate returns true, the metric will be updated to `value`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let int_metric = metrics::IntMetric("int_metric", 0);
/// int_metric.set_if(-2, |curr, new| new > curr);
/// assert_eq!(int_metric.get(), 0);
/// int_metric.set_if(4, |curr, new| new > curr);
/// assert_eq!(int_metric.get(), 4);
/// ```
fn set_if<BinaryPredicate>(&self, value: DataType, predicate: BinaryPredicate)
BinaryPredicate: FnOnce(DataType, DataType) -> bool;