blob: 8d362d85cca508c05827de5a15f96971897448cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.fxfs;
using zx;
/// Designates the purpose of a key.
type KeyPurpose = flexible enum {
/// The key will be used to encrypt metadata.
/// The key will be used to encrypt data.
DATA = 2;
protocol Crypt {
/// Creates a new key wrapped with the key identified by `wrapping_key_id`. `owner` identifies
/// the owner of the key and must be supplied to `UnwrapKeys`. The crypt service chooses a
/// `wrapping_key_id` which must be supplied to UnwrapKeys. The `wrapping_key_id` has no
/// meaning to Fxfs.
CreateKey(struct {
owner uint64;
purpose KeyPurpose;
}) -> (struct {
wrapping_key_id uint64;
wrapped_key bytes:48;
unwrapped_key bytes:32;
}) error zx.status;
/// Unwraps a key that is wrapped by the key identified by `wrapping_key_id`. `owner` must be
/// the same as that passed to `CreateKey`. This can fail due to permission reasons, but an
/// incorrect key or owner will not fail; it will just return an unwrapped key that won't
/// actually decrpyt the data.
UnwrapKey(struct {
wrapping_key_id uint64;
owner uint64;
key bytes:48;
}) -> (struct {
unwrapped_key bytes:32;
}) error zx.status;
type CryptSettings = table {
1: active_data_wrapping_key_id uint64;
2: active_metadata_wrapping_key_id uint64;
protocol CryptManagement {
/// Adds a new wrapping key to the Crypt service. The new key will immediately be available
/// for unwrapping keys (Crypt::UnwrapKeys) but won't be used for wrapping keys until
/// CryptManagement::SetActiveKeys is called.
AddWrappingKey(struct {
wrapping_key_id uint64;
key bytes:32;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
/// Updates the key which will be used for wrapping keys (Crypt::CreateKey). `purpose`
/// describes which active key to modify.
SetActiveKey(struct {
purpose KeyPurpose;
wrapping_key_id uint64;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
/// Forgets a wrapping key, preventing its use for future key-unwrapping. All future calls to
/// Crypt::UnwrapKeys with that wrapping key ID will fail.
/// If either the data or metadata part of the key is active, an error is returned.
ForgetWrappingKey(struct {
wrapping_key_id uint64;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
type MountOptions = resource struct {
/// An optional connection to a crypt client (for encrypted volumes).
crypt client_end:<Crypt, optional>;
protocol Volume {
/// Mounts the volume. If the volume is encrypted, `options.crypt` should provide all key
/// access for the given volume. `outgoing_directory` will contain the root and other services
/// exposed by the volume. To lock the volume, call fuchsia.fs.Admin.Shutdown on the returned
/// handle.
// TODO( Try to share options with fuchsia.fs_startup StartOptions.
Mount(resource struct {
options MountOptions;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
/// fuchsia.fxfs.Volumes is only used for creating volumes. Other operations (e.g. enumeration and
/// deletion) are serviced by the `volumes` directory offered by Fxfs in its export root. Volumes
/// appear as files within this directory, and these files should also speak the
/// `fuchsia.fxfs.Volume` protocol.
/// `crypt` should provide all key access for the given volume. If it is not provided, then the
/// volume is unencrypted. `outgoing_directory` will be connected to the root directory of the
/// volume.
protocol Volumes {
/// Creates a new volume identified by `name`. `crypt` should provide all key access for the
/// given volume. `outgoing_directory` will be connected to the root directory of the volume.
Create(resource struct {
crypt client_end:<Crypt, optional>;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
/// Permanently deletes a volume identified by `name`. If the volume is mounted, this call will
/// fail.
Remove(resource struct {
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;