blob: 23ae27a8657ea3cd8b511ba9c77829f2ad91d68b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace fvm {
// Diagnostics exposes internal information and metrics recorded by FVM to the rest of the system
// via the Inspect API.
// This object owns a VMO which it publishes metrics into; this VMO is read by the inspect
// framework and can be accessed through (e.g.) iquery.
// This class is thread-safe and movable.
class Diagnostics {
~Diagnostics() = default;
Diagnostics(Diagnostics&& o) noexcept = default;
Diagnostics& operator=(Diagnostics&& o) noexcept = default;
Diagnostics(const Diagnostics& o) = delete;
Diagnostics& operator=(const Diagnostics& o) = delete;
struct OnMountArgs {
// Version of the filesystem
uint64_t major_version = 0;
// Oldest revision driver which has touched of the filesystem
uint64_t oldest_minor_version = 0;
// Slice size (bytes)
uint64_t slice_size = 0;
// Number of slices
uint64_t num_slices = 0;
// Partition table size (number of entries)
uint64_t partition_table_entries = 0;
// Total number of partition entries the FVM instance can accommodate
uint64_t partition_table_reserved_entries = 0;
// Partition table size (number of entries)
uint64_t allocation_table_entries = 0;
// Total number of slice entries the FVM instance can accommodate
uint64_t allocation_table_reserved_entries = 0;
// Number of slices reserved
uint64_t num_reserved_slices = 0;
struct Partition {
// Name of the partition
std::string name;
// Number of slices reserved for the partition
uint64_t num_slices = 0;
std::vector<Partition> partitions{};
// Reports the initial state of the FVM instance. Should be called once on mount.
void OnMount(OnMountArgs args);
// Reports the metrics stored for a partition.
void UpdatePartitionMetrics(const std::string& partition_name, size_t num_slices);
// Update the partition's size limit metric.
void UpdateMaxBytes(const std::string& partition_name, size_t max_bytes);
// Returns a read-only duplicate of the VMO this object writes to. Suitable for giving out to an
// external process which would like to subscribe to FVM's diagnostics.
zx::vmo DuplicateVmo() { return inspector_.DuplicateVmo(); }
inspect::Inspector inspector_;
// Root node. We add this in so that we can label everything with an `fvm` prefix.
inspect::Node root_;
// Metrics collected once at mount time.
inspect::Node mount_time_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_major_version_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_oldest_minor_version_;
// The version combo property is constructed at mount time instead of being passed in. It is of
// the format <format-version>/<oldest-revision>.
inspect::StringProperty mount_time_version_combo_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_slice_size_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_num_slices_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_partition_table_entries_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_partition_table_reserved_entries_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_allocation_table_entries_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_allocation_table_reserved_entries_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_num_partitions_;
inspect::UintProperty mount_time_num_reserved_slices_;
struct PerPartitionMetrics {
// Root node which all of the per-partition metrics live under.
inspect::Node root;
inspect::UintProperty total_slices_reserved;
inspect::UintProperty max_bytes;
inspect::Node per_partition_node_;
// Maps vpartition names to an object holding metrics for that vpartition.
std::map<std::string, PerPartitionMetrics, std::less<>> per_partition_;
void AddPerPartitionMetrics(std::string name, uint64_t num_slices);
} // namespace fvm