blob: c5264d6f0b08ddc2256213eba4de9e3db06c4906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
namespace f2fs {
struct FsckOptions {
bool repair = false;
struct OrphanInfo {
uint32_t nr_inodes = 0;
uint32_t *ino_list = nullptr;
struct InodeLinkInfo {
uint32_t links = 0;
uint32_t actual_links = 0;
struct FsckInfo {
OrphanInfo orphani;
struct FsckResult {
uint64_t valid_block_count = 0;
uint32_t valid_nat_entry_count = 0;
uint32_t valid_node_count = 0;
uint32_t valid_inode_count = 0;
uint32_t multi_hard_link_files = 0;
} result;
std::map<nid_t, InodeLinkInfo> inode_link_map;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> main_area_bitmap;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> nat_area_bitmap;
std::set<nid_t> data_exist_flag_set;
uint64_t main_area_bitmap_size = 0;
uint32_t nat_area_bitmap_size = 0;
uint64_t nr_main_blocks = 0;
uint32_t nr_nat_entries = 0;
uint32_t dentry_depth = 0;
enum class NodeType {
kTypeInode = 37,
kTypeDirectNode = 43,
kTypeIndirectNode = 53,
kTypeDoubleIndirectNode = 67
enum class SegType {
kSegTypeData = 0,
#if 0 // porting needed
struct DumpOption {
nid_t nid;
int start_sit;
int end_sit;
int start_ssa;
int end_ssa;
uint32_t blk_addr;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultDirTreeLen = 256;
struct TraverseResult {
uint64_t block_count; // number of blocks occupied by the inode subtree structure.
uint32_t link_count; // number of child directories (valid only for directories).
class FsckWorker {
// Not copyable or movable
FsckWorker(const FsckWorker &) = delete;
FsckWorker &operator=(const FsckWorker &) = delete;
FsckWorker(FsckWorker &&) = delete;
FsckWorker &operator=(FsckWorker &&) = delete;
FsckWorker(std::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, const FsckOptions &options)
: fsck_options_(options), tree_mark_(kDefaultDirTreeLen) {
bc_ = std::move(bc);
~FsckWorker() { DoUmount(); }
zx_status_t ReadBlock(FsBlock &fs_block, block_t bno);
zx_status_t WriteBlock(FsBlock &fs_block, block_t bno);
// This is the main logic of fsck.
// It reads and validates a node block, updates the context and traverse along its child blocks.
zx::status<TraverseResult> CheckNodeBlock(const Inode *inode, nid_t nid, FileType ftype,
NodeType ntype);
// Even in a successful return, the returned pair can be |{*nullptr*, node_info}| if
// |node_info.blkaddr| is |kNewAddr|.
zx::status<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<FsBlock>, NodeInfo>> ReadNodeBlock(nid_t nid);
zx_status_t ValidateNodeBlock(const Node &node_block, NodeInfo node_info, FileType ftype,
NodeType ntype);
// This function checks the sanity of a node block with respect to the traverse context and
// updates the context. In a successful return, this function returns a bool value to indicate
// whether the caller should traverse deeper.
zx::status<bool> UpdateContext(const Node &node_block, NodeInfo node_info, FileType ftype,
NodeType ntype);
// Below traverse functions describe how to iterate over for each data structures.
zx::status<TraverseResult> TraverseInodeBlock(const Node &node_block, NodeInfo node_info,
FileType ftype);
zx::status<TraverseResult> TraverseDnodeBlock(const Inode *inode, const Node &node_block,
NodeInfo node_info, FileType ftype);
zx::status<TraverseResult> TraverseIndirectNodeBlock(const Inode *inode, const Node &node_block,
FileType ftype);
zx::status<TraverseResult> TraverseDoubleIndirectNodeBlock(const Inode *inode,
const Node &node_block,
FileType ftype);
zx_status_t CheckDataBlock(uint32_t block_address, uint32_t &child_count, uint32_t &child_files,
int last_block, FileType ftype, uint32_t parent_nid,
uint16_t index_in_node, uint8_t ver);
zx_status_t CheckDentries(uint32_t &child_count, uint32_t &child_files, int last_block,
const uint8_t *dentry_bitmap, const DirEntry *dentries,
const uint8_t (*filename)[kNameLen], int max_entries);
zx_status_t CheckDentryBlock(uint32_t block_address, uint32_t &child_count, uint32_t &child_files,
int last_block);
void PrintRawSuperblockInfo();
void PrintCheckpointInfo();
void PrintNodeInfo(Node &node_block);
void PrintInodeInfo(Inode &inode);
void PrintDentry(uint32_t depth, std::string_view name, const uint8_t *dentry_bitmap,
const DirEntry &dentry, int index, int last_block, int max_entries);
// Fsck checks f2fs consistency as below.
// 1. It loads a valid superblock, and it obtains valid node/inode/block count information.
zx_status_t DoMount();
// 2. It builds three bitmap:
// a) main_area_bitmap indicates valid blocks that DoFsck() will identify.
// b) nat_area_bitmap indicates used NIDs retrieved from NAT.
// Once DoFsck() identifies a valid NID, it clears the bit.
// c) sit_area_bitmap indicates valid blocks retrieved from SIT.
// DoFsck() references it for checking the block validity.
zx_status_t Init();
// 3. It checks orphan nodes, and it updates nat_area_bitmap.
zx_status_t CheckOrphanNodes();
// 4. It traverses blocks from the root inode to leaf inodes to check the validity of
// the data/node blocks based on SSA and SIT and to update nat_area_bitmap and main_area_bitmap.
// In case of dir block, it checks the validity of child dentries and regarding inodes.
// It tracks various count information as well.
zx_status_t DoFsck();
// 5. It determines the consistency:
// a) main_area_bitmap must be the same as sit_area_bitmap
// b) all bits in nat_area_bitmap must be clear. That is, no dangling NIDs.
// c) The count information that DoFsck() retrieves must be the same as that in 1.
// d) no unreachable links
zx_status_t Verify();
// If the repair option is set and Verify() fails,
// fsck will call Repair() to repair specific filesystem flaws and bring consistency.
zx_status_t Repair();
// RepairNat() nullifies unreachable NAT entries, including those in the journal.
zx_status_t RepairNat();
// RepairSit() nullifies unreachable bits in SIT entries, including those in the journal.
zx_status_t RepairSit();
// RepairCheckpoint() corrects members in the checkpoint, including
// |valid_block_count|, |valid_node_count|, |valid_inode_count|, |cur_node_blkoff|,
// |cur_data_blkoff|.
zx_status_t RepairCheckpoint();
// RepairInodeLinks() iterates over inode link map and corrects link count for each inode.
zx_status_t RepairInodeLinks();
// RepairDataExistFlag() sets kDataExist for each inode that has inline data with the flag unset.
zx_status_t RepairDataExistFlag();
void DoUmount();
zx_status_t Run();
void InitSuperblockInfo();
zx::status<std::unique_ptr<FsBlock>> GetSuperblock(block_t index);
zx_status_t SanityCheckRawSuper(const Superblock *raw_super);
zx_status_t GetValidSuperblock();
zx::status<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<FsBlock>, uint64_t>> ValidateCheckpoint(block_t cp_addr);
zx_status_t SanityCheckCkpt();
zx_status_t GetValidCheckpoint();
zx_status_t InitNodeManager();
zx_status_t BuildNodeManager();
zx_status_t BuildSitInfo();
zx_status_t BuildCurseg();
zx_status_t BuildSegmentManager();
void BuildNatAreaBitmap();
void BuildSitAreaBitmap();
void BuildSitEntries();
zx_status_t ReadCompactedSummaries();
zx_status_t ReadNormalSummaries(CursegType type);
// Given a node segment index |segno|,
// this function reads each block's footer in the segment and
// restores nid part of entries in |summary_block|.
zx_status_t RestoreNodeSummary(uint32_t segno, SummaryBlock &summary_block);
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<FsBlock>, SegType> GetSumBlockInfo(uint32_t segno);
std::pair<SegType, Summary> GetSummaryEntry(uint32_t block_address);
void ResetCurseg(CursegType type, int modified);
zx_status_t RestoreCursegSummaries();
std::unique_ptr<FsBlock> GetCurrentSitPage(uint32_t segno);
void SegmentInfoFromRawSit(SegmentEntry &segment_entry, const SitEntry &raw_sit);
void CheckBlockCount(uint32_t segno, const SitEntry &raw_sit);
zx::status<RawNatEntry> LookupNatInJournal(nid_t nid);
zx::status<RawNatEntry> GetNatEntry(nid_t nid);
inline void CheckSegmentRange(uint32_t segno);
SegmentEntry &GetSegmentEntry(uint32_t segno);
uint32_t GetSegmentNumber(uint32_t block_address);
zx::status<NodeInfo> GetNodeInfo(nid_t nid);
void AddIntoInodeLinkMap(nid_t nid, uint32_t link_count);
zx_status_t FindAndIncreaseInodeLinkMap(nid_t nid);
zx_status_t VerifyCursegOffset(CursegType segtype);
inline bool IsValidSsaNodeBlock(nid_t nid, uint32_t block_address);
inline bool IsValidSsaDataBlock(uint32_t block_address, uint32_t parent_nid,
uint16_t index_in_node, uint8_t version);
bool IsValidNid(nid_t nid);
bool IsValidBlockAddress(uint32_t addr);
block_t StartSummaryBlock() {
return superblock_info_.StartCpAddr() +
block_t SummaryBlockAddress(int base, int type) {
return superblock_info_.StartCpAddr() +
LeToCpu(superblock_info_.GetCheckpoint().cp_pack_total_block_count) - (base + 1) + type;
void NodeInfoFromRawNat(NodeInfo &ni, RawNatEntry &raw_nat) {
ni.ino = LeToCpu(raw_nat.ino);
ni.blk_addr = LeToCpu(raw_nat.block_addr);
ni.version = raw_nat.version;
#if 0 // porting needed
int FsckChkXattrBlk(uint32_t ino, uint32_t x_nid, uint32_t *block_count);
void sit_dump(SuperblockInfo *sbi, int start_sit, int end_sit);
void ssa_dump(SuperblockInfo *sbi, int start_ssa, int end_ssa);
int dump_node(SuperblockInfo *sbi, nid_t nid);
int dump_inode_from_blkaddr(SuperblockInfo *sbi, uint32_t blk_addr);
std::unique_ptr<Bcache> Destroy() {
return std::move(bc_);
// Saves the traverse context. It should be re-initialized every traverse.
FsckInfo fsck_;
const FsckOptions fsck_options_;
SuperblockInfo superblock_info_;
std::unique_ptr<NodeManager> node_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<SegmentManager> segment_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc_;
std::vector<char> tree_mark_;
bool mounted_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> sit_area_bitmap_;
uint32_t sit_area_bitmap_size_ = 0;
zx_status_t Fsck(std::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, const FsckOptions &options,
std::unique_ptr<Bcache> *out = nullptr);
} // namespace f2fs