blob: 2aedaaa1f7870e68b74e2f0d1da6c011ca90ef92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::base::SettingType;
use crate::event::Publisher;
use crate::message::base::MessengerType;
use crate::message::delegate::Delegate;
use crate::message::messenger::MessengerClient;
use crate::message::receptor::Receptor;
use crate::message::MessageHubUtil;
use crate::service::{
Address as ServiceAddress, MessageHub, Payload as ServicePayload, Role as ServiceRole,
use fuchsia_async::TestExecutor;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::task::Poll;
/// Run the provided `future` via the `executor`.
pub fn move_executor_forward(
executor: &mut TestExecutor,
future: impl futures::Future<Output = ()>,
panic_msg: &str,
) {
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
Poll::Ready(res) => res,
_ => panic!("{}", panic_msg),
/// Run the provided `future` via the `executor` and return the result of the future.
pub fn move_executor_forward_and_get<T>(
executor: &mut TestExecutor,
future: impl futures::Future<Output = T>,
panic_msg: &str,
) -> T {
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
Poll::Ready(res) => res,
_ => panic!("{}", panic_msg),
// Create a messenger hub, returning an unbound messenger and publisher.
pub async fn create_messenger_and_publisher(
) -> (MessengerClient<ServicePayload, ServiceAddress, ServiceRole>, Publisher) {
let message_hub = MessageHub::create_hub();
let publisher = Publisher::create(&message_hub, MessengerType::Unbound).await;
let messenger =
message_hub.create(MessengerType::Unbound).await.expect("Unable to create messenger").0;
return (messenger, publisher);
// Create and return an unbound messenger and publisher from a given `message_hub`.
pub async fn create_messenger_and_publisher_from_hub(
message_hub: &Delegate<ServicePayload, ServiceAddress, ServiceRole>,
) -> (MessengerClient<ServicePayload, ServiceAddress, ServiceRole>, Publisher) {
let publisher = Publisher::create(message_hub, MessengerType::Unbound).await;
let messenger =
message_hub.create(MessengerType::Unbound).await.expect("Unable to create messenger").0;
return (messenger, publisher);
// Given a `setting_type` and `message_hub`, creates a receptor from the message hub with the address
// of the setting type.
pub async fn create_receptor_for_setting_type(
message_hub: &Delegate<ServicePayload, ServiceAddress, ServiceRole>,
setting_type: SettingType,
) -> Receptor<ServicePayload, ServiceAddress, ServiceRole> {
.expect("Unable to create receptor")