blob: 3a9536413391547dca123238c310af19bcfaa0e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::agent::authority::Authority;
use crate::agent::storage::device_storage::{DeviceStorage, DeviceStorageCompatible};
use crate::agent::storage::storage_factory::testing::InMemoryStorageFactory;
use crate::agent::storage::storage_factory::DeviceStorageFactory;
use crate::agent::Lifespan;
use crate::audio::default_audio_info;
use crate::audio::policy::audio_policy_handler::{AudioPolicyHandler, ARG_POLICY_ID};
use crate::audio::policy::{
self as audio, AudioPolicyConfig, PolicyId, PropertyTarget, Response, State, StateBuilder,
Transform, TransformFlags,
use crate::audio::types::AudioStreamType;
use crate::audio::types::{AudioInfo, AudioSettingSource, AudioStream, SetAudioStream};
use crate::audio::utils::round_volume_level;
use crate::base::SettingType;
use crate::handler::base::{Payload as SettingPayload, Request as SettingRequest};
use crate::message::base::{filter, Audience, MessageEvent, MessengerType, Status};
use crate::message::{MessageHubDefinition, MessageHubUtil};
use crate::policy::policy_handler::{ClientProxy, Create, PolicyHandler, RequestTransform};
use crate::policy::response::{Error as PolicyError, Payload};
use crate::policy::{PolicyInfo, PolicyType, Request};
use crate::service;
use crate::service::TryFromWithClient;
use crate::service_context::ServiceContext;
use crate::tests::message_utils::verify_payload;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fuchsia_async::Task;
use futures::StreamExt;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
// The types of data that can be sent.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum TestEnvironmentPayload {
struct MessageHub;
impl MessageHubDefinition for MessageHub {
type Payload = TestEnvironmentPayload;
type Address = crate::message::base::default::Address;
type Role = crate::message::base::default::Role;
struct TestEnvironment {
/// Device storage handle.
store: Arc<DeviceStorage>,
/// A newly created AudioPolicyHandler.
handler: AudioPolicyHandler,
/// Factory for internal message hub.
internal_delegate: <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Delegate,
setting_handler_signature: <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Signature,
delegate: service::message::Delegate,
impl TestEnvironment {
async fn create_storage_factory() -> Arc<InMemoryStorageFactory> {
let storage_factory = InMemoryStorageFactory::new();
// Initialize storage since there's no EnvironmentBuilder to manage that here.
async fn new() -> Self {
TestEnvironment::new_with_store(TestEnvironment::create_storage_factory().await, None).await
// TODO( take in options with a builder
async fn new_with_store(
storage_factory: Arc<InMemoryStorageFactory>,
audio_policy_config: Option<AudioPolicyConfig>,
) -> Self {
let store = storage_factory.get_store().await;
let delegate = service::MessageHub::create_hub();
let (messenger, _) =
delegate.create(MessengerType::Unbound).await.expect("core messenger created");
let test_delegate = MessageHub::create_hub();
let handler_signature =
TestEnvironment::spawn_setting_handler(&delegate, &test_delegate).await;
let client_proxy = ClientProxy::new(messenger);
let components: HashSet<_> = [SettingType::Audio].into();
let policies: HashSet<_> = [PolicyType::Audio].into();
let mut agent_authority = Authority::create(delegate.clone(), components, policies, None)
.expect("failed to create agent authority");
Arc::new(ServiceContext::new(None, None)),
.expect("failed to initialize storage");
.execute_lifespan(Lifespan::Service, Arc::new(ServiceContext::new(None, None)), false)
.expect("failed to start storage");
let mut handler = match audio_policy_config {
Some(audio_policy_config) => {
AudioPolicyHandler::create_with_config(client_proxy.clone(), audio_policy_config)
.expect("failed to create handler")
None => AudioPolicyHandler::create(client_proxy.clone())
.expect("failed to create handler"),
let result = handler.handle_policy_request(Request::Restore).await;
match result {
Ok(Payload::Restore) => {} // no-op
_ => panic!("Failed to restore policy handler: {:?}", result),
Self {
internal_delegate: test_delegate,
setting_handler_signature: handler_signature,
async fn create_volume_listener(&self) -> service::message::Receptor {
let messenger = self
.expect("messenger should be present")
async fn create_request_observer(&self) -> <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Receptor {
filter::Condition::Custom(Arc::new(move |message| {
matches!(message.payload(), TestEnvironmentPayload::Request(_))
.expect("receptor should be present")
async fn spawn_setting_handler(
service_delegate: &service::message::Delegate,
test_delegate: &<MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Delegate,
) -> <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Signature {
let cmd_receptor = test_delegate
.expect("receptor for handler should be created")
let signature = cmd_receptor.get_signature();
let receptor = service_delegate
.expect("should create setting messenger")
let receptor_fuse = receptor.fuse();
let cmd_receptor_fuse = cmd_receptor.fuse();
let test_messenger = test_delegate
.expect("receptor for handler should be created")
Task::spawn(async move {
futures::pin_mut!(receptor_fuse, cmd_receptor_fuse);
let mut listeners = Vec::new();
let mut audio_info = default_audio_info();
loop {
futures::select! {
event = cmd_receptor_fuse.select_next_some() => {
if let MessageEvent::Message(TestEnvironmentPayload::Serve(info),
mut client) = event {
audio_info = info;
event = receptor_fuse.select_next_some() => {
if let Ok((SettingPayload::Request(request), client)) =
SettingPayload::try_from_with_client(event) {
// Echo request to those listening.
let _ = test_messenger
match request {
SettingRequest::Listen => {
SettingRequest::Get => {
let _ = client
SettingRequest::Rebroadcast => {
// Inform all the service message hub listeners.
for listener in &listeners {
let _ = listener
_ => {
async fn serve_audio_info(&mut self, audio_info: AudioInfo) {
let messenger = self
.expect("receptor for handler should be created")
let mut receptor = messenger
while let Some(event) = {
if MessageEvent::Status(Status::Acknowledged) == event {
/// Creates a state containing all of the default audio streams.
fn get_default_state() -> State {
let audio_info = default_audio_info();
let mut state_builder = StateBuilder::new();
for stream in audio_info.streams.iter() {
state_builder = state_builder.add_property(stream.stream_type, TransformFlags::all());
/// Creates a media stream with the given volume and mute state.
fn create_media_stream(volume_level: f32, muted: bool) -> AudioStream {
AudioStream {
stream_type: AudioStreamType::Media,
source: AudioSettingSource::User,
user_volume_level: volume_level,
user_volume_muted: muted,
/// Verifies that a given state contains only the expected transform in the given target.
/// Since property IDs are globally unique and increasing, this is necessary since otherwise, two
/// state objects with transforms that were created separately cannot be equal.
fn verify_state(state: &State, target: PropertyTarget, transform: Transform) {
for property in state.get_properties() {
if == target {
// One property was added.
assert_eq!(property.active_policies.len(), 1);
// The expected transform was added.
property.active_policies.first().expect("should have policies").transform,
} else {
// Other properties have no policies.
assert_eq!(property.active_policies.len(), 0);
/// Adds a media volume limit to the handler in the test environment. Automatically handles a Get
/// request for the current audio info, which happens whenever policies are modified.
async fn set_media_volume_limit(
env: &mut TestEnvironment,
transform: Transform,
audio_info: AudioInfo,
) -> PolicyId {
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when policies are
// modified.
// Add the policy to the handler.
let policy_response = env
.expect("add policy succeeds");
if let Payload::Audio(Response::Policy(policy_id)) = policy_response {
} else {
panic!("Policy ID not returned from set");
/// Verifies that when the setting proxy returns the given internal volume level, that the setting
/// handler modifies the volume level and returns a result with the given expected volume level.
async fn get_and_verify_media_volume(
env: &mut TestEnvironment,
internal_volume_level: f32,
expected_volume_level: f32,
) {
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when a get request is
// received.
let mut audio_info = default_audio_info();
audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(internal_volume_level, false));
// Send the get request to the handler.
let request_transform = env.handler.handle_setting_request(SettingRequest::Get).await;
// Modify the audio info to contain the expected volume level.
audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(expected_volume_level, false));
assert_eq!(request_transform, Some(RequestTransform::Result(Ok(Some(audio_info.into())))));
/// Asks the handler in the environment to handle a set request and verifies that the transformed
/// request matches the given stream.
async fn set_and_verify_stream(
env: &mut TestEnvironment,
request_stream: impl Into<SetAudioStream>,
expected_stream: impl Into<SetAudioStream>,
) {
let request_transform = env
.handle_setting_request(SettingRequest::SetVolume(vec![request_stream.into()], 0))
Some(RequestTransform::Request(SettingRequest::SetVolume(vec![expected_stream.into()], 0)))
/// Asks the handler in the environment to handle a set request and verifies that the transformed
/// request matches the given volume level.
async fn set_and_verify_media_volume(
env: &mut TestEnvironment,
request_volume_level: f32,
expected_volume_level: f32,
) {
create_media_stream(request_volume_level, false),
create_media_stream(expected_volume_level, false),
async fn verify_stream_set(
receptor: &mut <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Receptor,
stream: impl Into<SetAudioStream>,
) {
while let Some(message_event) = {
if let MessageEvent::Message(incoming_payload, mut client) = message_event {
if let TestEnvironmentPayload::Request(SettingRequest::SetVolume(streams, _)) =
assert_eq!(vec![stream.into()], streams);
// We expect the setting handler scaffold to report it received a set request with the specified
// AudioStream. If that payload is not encountered before the end of the message stream
// (triggered by either removal of the receptor from the MessageHub or receptor going out of
// scope), this is considered an error.
panic!("didn't expected request");
/// Verifies that the setting proxy in the test environment received a set request for media volume.
async fn verify_media_volume_set(
receptor: &mut <MessageHub as MessageHubUtil>::Receptor,
volume_level: f32,
) {
verify_stream_set(receptor, create_media_stream(volume_level, false)).await;
// Verifies that the audio policy handler restores to a default state with all stream types when no
// persisted value is found.
async fn test_handler_no_persisted_state() {
let expected_value = get_default_state();
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
// Request the policy state from the handler.
let payload = env.handler.handle_policy_request(Request::Get).await.expect("get failed");
// The state response matches the expected value.
assert_eq!(payload, Payload::PolicyInfo(PolicyInfo::Audio(expected_value)));
// Verify that nothing was written to storage.
assert_eq!(<State>().await, State::default_value());
// Verifies that the audio policy handler reads the persisted state and restores it.
async fn test_handler_restore_persisted_state() {
let modified_property = AudioStreamType::Media;
let expected_transform = Transform::Max(1.0f32);
// Persisted state with only one stream and transform.
let mut persisted_state =
StateBuilder::new().add_property(AudioStreamType::Media, TransformFlags::all()).build();
let _ = persisted_state.add_transform(modified_property, expected_transform);
let storage_factory = TestEnvironment::create_storage_factory().await;
let store = storage_factory.get_store().await;
// Write the "persisted" value to storage for the handler to read on start.
let _ = store.write(&persisted_state).await.expect("write failed");
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new_with_store(storage_factory, None).await;
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests at startup.
// Request the policy state from the handler.
let payload = env.handler.handle_policy_request(Request::Get).await.expect("get failed");
// The state response matches the expected value.
if let Payload::PolicyInfo(PolicyInfo::Audio(mut state)) = payload {
// The persisted transform was found in the returned state.
verify_state(&state, modified_property, expected_transform);
// The returned state has the full list of properties from configuration, not just the
// single persisted property.
assert_eq!(, get_default_state().properties().len());
} else {
panic!("unexpected response")
// Tests adding and reading policies.
async fn test_handler_add_policy() {
let expected_transform = Transform::Max(1.0);
let modified_property = AudioStreamType::Media;
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when policies are
// modified.
// Add a policy transform.
let payload = env
.expect("get failed");
// Handler returns a response containing a policy ID.
assert_matches!(payload, Payload::Audio(Response::Policy(_)));
// Verify that the expected transform was written to storage.
let stored_value =<State>().await;
verify_state(&stored_value, modified_property, expected_transform);
// Request the policy state from the handler and verify that it matches the stored value.
let payload = env.handler.handle_policy_request(Request::Get).await.expect("get failed");
assert_eq!(payload, Payload::PolicyInfo(PolicyInfo::Audio(stored_value)));
// Tests that attempting to removing an unknown policy returns an appropriate error.
async fn test_handler_remove_unknown_policy() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let invalid_policy_id = PolicyId::create(42);
// Attempt to remove a policy, even though none have been added.
let response = env
// The response is an appropriate error.
format!("{:?}", invalid_policy_id).into()
// Tests removing added policies.
async fn test_handler_remove_policy() {
let expected_value = get_default_state();
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when policies are
// modified.
// Add a policy transform.
let payload = env
.expect("get failed");
let policy_id = match payload {
Payload::Audio(Response::Policy(policy_id)) => policy_id,
_ => panic!("unexpected response"),
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when policies are
// modified.
// Remove the added transform
let payload = env
.expect("get failed");
// The returned ID should match the original ID.
assert_eq!(payload, Payload::Audio(Response::Policy(policy_id)));
// Request the policy state from the handler.
let payload = env.handler.handle_policy_request(Request::Get).await.expect("get failed");
// The state response matches the expected value.
assert_eq!(payload, Payload::PolicyInfo(PolicyInfo::Audio(expected_value.clone())));
// Verify that the expected value is persisted to storage.
assert_eq!(<State>().await, expected_value);
// Verifies that adding a max volume policy adjusts the internal volume level if it's above the
// new max.
async fn test_handler_add_policy_modifies_internal_volume_above_max() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at max volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(1.0, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let max_volume = 0.6;
// Create observer to capture the events to follow.
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 60% (the max set by policy).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, max_volume).await;
// Verifies that adding a min volume policy adjusts the internal volume level if it's below the
// new min.
async fn test_handler_add_policy_modifies_internal_volume_below_min() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 0%.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.0, false));
// Set the min volume limit to 40%.
let min_volume = 0.4;
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(min_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 40% (the min set by policy).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, min_volume).await;
// Verifies that adding a min volume policy unmutes the volume stream.
async fn test_handler_add_min_limit_unmutes() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let starting_volume_level = 0.8;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
let expected_stream = create_media_stream(starting_volume_level, false);
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
// Starting audio info has media volume at max volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(starting_volume_level, true));
// Set a min limit so that the stream is unmuted.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(
&mut env,
// Handler requests that the setting handler unmute the stream.
verify_stream_set(&mut receptor, expected_stream).await;
// Verifies that adding a max volume policy of 0% succeeds and sets the volume 0%.
async fn test_handler_add_zero_max() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
// Starting audio info at non-zero value.
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
// Set the max volume limit to 0%.
let max_volume = 0.0;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 0%.
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, max_volume).await;
// Verifies that the internal volume will not be adjusted when it's already within policy limits.
async fn test_handler_add_policy_does_not_modify_internal_volume_within_limits() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 50%.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
// Set the min volume limit to 40%.
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.4), starting_audio_info.clone()).await;
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(0.6), starting_audio_info.clone()).await;
// So far, no set requests should have been sent to the setting proxy, set the min volume limit
// to 55% to ensure that the first set request the setting proxy receives is this one.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.55), starting_audio_info).await;
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 55% (the min set by policy).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, 0.55).await;
/// Verifies that the requestor in the test environment received a changed notification with the
/// given audio info.
async fn verify_media_volume_changed(
receptor: &mut service::message::Receptor,
audio_info: AudioInfo,
) {
verify_payload(SettingPayload::Response(Ok(Some(audio_info.into()))).into(), receptor, None)
// Verifies that when a max volume policy is removed, listeners will receive a changed event with
// the new external volume.
async fn test_handler_remove_policy_notifies_listeners() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
let max_volume = 0.6;
// Starting audio info has media volume at 60% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(max_volume, false));
let mut listener = env.create_volume_listener().await;
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let policy_id =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info.clone())
// The internal volume didn't change but the external volume did, so the handler manually sends
// a changed event to listeners. The value will still be the original value as there is
// no policy proxy to intercept the message and pass it back to the handler for processing.
verify_media_volume_changed(&mut listener, starting_audio_info.clone()).await;
// Start task to provide audio info to the handler, which it requests when policies are
// modified.
// Remove the policy from the handler.
let _ = env
.expect("remove policy succeeds");
// The internal volume didn't change but the external volume should be back at the original
// values.
verify_media_volume_changed(&mut listener, starting_audio_info).await;
// Verifies that when multiple max volume policies are in place, that the most strict one applies.
async fn test_handler_lowest_max_limit_applies_internally() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at max volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(1.0, false));
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
// Add a policy transform to limit the max media volume to 60%.
let max_volume = 0.6;
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info.clone())
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 60% (the max set by policy).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, max_volume).await;
// Internal audio level should now be at 60%.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(max_volume, false));
// Add a higher limit, which won't result in a new set request.
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(0.7), starting_audio_info.clone()).await;
// Add a lower limit, which will cause a new set request.
let lower_max_volume = 0.5;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(
&mut env,
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 50% (the lowest max).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, lower_max_volume).await;
// Verifies that when multiple min volume policies are in place, that the most strict one applies.
async fn test_handler_highest_min_limit_applies_internally() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 0% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.0, false));
let mut receptor = env.create_request_observer().await;
// Add a policy transform to limit the min media volume to 30%.
let min_volume = 0.3;
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(min_volume), starting_audio_info.clone())
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 30% (the max set by policy).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, min_volume).await;
// Internal audio level should now be at 30%.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(min_volume, false));
// Add a lower limit, which won't result in a new set request.
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.2), starting_audio_info.clone()).await;
// Add a higher limit, which will cause a new set request.
let higher_min_volume = 0.4;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(
&mut env,
// Handler requests that the setting handler set the volume to 40% (the highest min).
verify_media_volume_set(&mut receptor, higher_min_volume).await;
// Verifies that when no policies are in place that external set requests are not modified.
async fn test_handler_no_policy_external_sets_not_modified() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let external_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// Set requests have the same volume level before and after passing through the policy
// handler.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, external_volume_level, external_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that adding a max volume policy scales external set requests to an appropriate internal
// volume level.
async fn test_handler_max_volume_policy_scales_external_sets() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at max volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(1.0, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let max_volume = 0.6;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Test set requests with input volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let external_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// The volume in the set request will be a proportional percentage of the max volume. For
// example, 25% in the original set request would result in .60 * .25 = 15% internal volume.
let expected_volume_level = external_volume_level * max_volume;
// Set requests have the expected volume level after passing through the policy handler.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, external_volume_level, expected_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that adding a min volume policy scales external set requests to an appropriate internal
// volume level.
async fn test_handler_min_volume_policy_scales_external_sets() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 0% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.0, false));
// Set the min volume limit to 60%.
let min_volume = 0.2;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(min_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Test set requests with input volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let external_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// With only a min volume in place, the transformed internal volume will be the same as the
// external volume in the set request unless it's below the min volume.
let expected_volume_level = external_volume_level.max(min_volume);
// Set requests have the expected volume level after passing through the policy handler.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, external_volume_level, expected_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that adding a min volume policy prevents external sets from muting the stream.
async fn test_handler_min_volume_policy_prevents_mute() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
let starting_stream = create_media_stream(0.5, false);
// Set a min volume limit so the stream can't be muted.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.1), starting_audio_info).await;
// External client attempts to mute the volume.
let mut request = starting_stream;
request.user_volume_muted = true;
// Mute state doesn't change
set_and_verify_stream(&mut env, request, starting_stream).await;
// Verifies that adding both a max and a min volume policy scales external set requests to an
// appropriate internal volume level.
async fn test_handler_min_and_max_volume_policy_scales_external_volume() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 50% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 80%.
let max_volume = 0.8;
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info.clone())
// Set the min volume limit to 20%.
let min_volume = 0.2;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(min_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Test set requests with input volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let external_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// The volume in the set request will be a proportional percentage of the max volume, unless
// the result is below the min volume, in which case it is kept at the min volume. For
// example, 10% in the original set request would result in .80 * .10 = 8% internal volume.
// However, this is below the min of 20% so the resulting volume level is still 20%.
let expected_volume_level = (external_volume_level * max_volume).max(min_volume);
// Set requests have the expected volume level after passing through the policy handler.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, external_volume_level, expected_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that when no policies are in place that external get requests return the same
// level as the internal volume levels.
async fn test_handler_no_policy_gets_not_modified() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
// Test get requests with internal volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let internal_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// Get requests have the same volume level before and after passing through the policy
// handler.
get_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, internal_volume_level, internal_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that a max volume policy scales the result of get requests to the correct external
// volume level.
async fn test_handler_max_volume_policy_scales_gets() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 50% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let max_volume = 0.6;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info).await;
// Test get requests with internal volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let internal_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// Since the internal volume is already scaled by the max volume limit, the transformed
// output of the get request should undo this scaling. For example, 30% internal volume
// should result in 0.30 / 0.60 (max volume limit) = 50% external volume.
let expected_volume_level = round_volume_level(internal_volume_level / max_volume);
// Get requests have the expected volume level after passing through the policy handler.
get_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, internal_volume_level, expected_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that a min volume policy alone won't result in any scaling of the external volume
// levels.
async fn test_handler_min_volume_policy_scales_gets() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 50% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 60%.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.2), starting_audio_info).await;
for i in 2..=10 {
// 0.2 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1. Starting at 20% since the min limit clamps the
// internal volume at 20%.
let internal_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// When only a min limit is present, the output volume does not need to be scaled.
get_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, internal_volume_level, internal_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that the external volume returned by a get request is properly scaled when both a min
// and a max volume policy are in place.
async fn test_handler_min_and_max_volume_policy_scales_gets() {
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new().await;
let mut starting_audio_info = default_audio_info();
// Starting audio info has media volume at 50% volume.
starting_audio_info.replace_stream(create_media_stream(0.5, false));
// Set the max volume limit to 80%.
let max_volume = 0.8;
let _ =
set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(max_volume), starting_audio_info.clone())
// Set the min volume limit to 20%.
// Since internal volumes shouldn't be below the min volume anyways, the min volume level has no
// effect here.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Min(0.2), starting_audio_info).await;
// Test get requests with internal volumes from 0.0 to 1.0.
for i in 0..=10 {
// 0 to 1 inclusive, with steps of 0.1.
let internal_volume_level = i as f32 / 10.0;
// Since the internal volume is already scaled by the max volume limit, the transformed
// output of the get request should undo this scaling. For example, 30% internal volume
// should result in 0.30 / 0.60 (max volume limit) = 50% external volume.
let expected_volume_level = round_volume_level(internal_volume_level / max_volume);
// Get requests have the expected volume level after passing through the policy handler.
get_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, internal_volume_level, expected_volume_level).await;
// Verifies that build-time configuration scales external set calls.
async fn test_handler_audio_policy_config_scales_external_sets() {
// Set a max volume of 0.6 through the configuration.
let max_volume = 0.6;
let mut audio_policy_config = AudioPolicyConfig { transforms: Default::default() };
let _ = audio_policy_config
.insert(AudioStreamType::Media, vec![Transform::Max(max_volume)]);
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new_with_store(
// A set request for max volume will be limited to the max level specified by the config.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, 1.0, max_volume).await;
// Verifies that build-time configuration scales get calls.
async fn test_handler_audio_policy_config_scales_gets() {
// Set a max volume of 0.6 through the configuration.
let max_volume = 0.6;
let mut audio_policy_config = AudioPolicyConfig { transforms: Default::default() };
let _ = audio_policy_config
.insert(AudioStreamType::Media, vec![Transform::Max(max_volume)]);
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new_with_store(
// When the internal volume is max, it'll be limited to the max level specified by the config.
get_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, max_volume, 1.0).await;
// Verifies that build-time configuration scales external set calls and work in conjunction with
// policies added by clients of the volume policy FIDL api.
async fn test_handler_audio_policy_config_works_with_client_policies() {
// Set a max volume of 0.6 through the configuration.
let config_max_volume = 0.6;
let mut audio_policy_config = AudioPolicyConfig { transforms: Default::default() };
let _ = audio_policy_config
.insert(AudioStreamType::Media, vec![Transform::Max(config_max_volume)]);
let mut env = TestEnvironment::new_with_store(
// Set a higher max volume limit from a FIDL client.
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(&mut env, Transform::Max(0.8), default_audio_info()).await;
// A set request for max volume will be limited to the max level specified by the config.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, 1.0, config_max_volume).await;
// Set a lower max volume limit from a FIDL client.
let fidl_client_max_volume = 0.4;
let _ = set_media_volume_limit(
&mut env,
// A set request for max volume will be limited to the max level specified by the client.
set_and_verify_media_volume(&mut env, 1.0, fidl_client_max_volume).await;