blob: 088a1e95c2f47c938106cd4968479201863e5a5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::base::{SettingInfo, SettingType};
use crate::handler::base::Request;
use crate::ingress::{request, watch, Scoped};
use crate::job::source::{Error as JobError, ErrorResponder};
use crate::job::Job;
use crate::night_mode::types::NightModeInfo;
use fidl::prelude::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_settings::{
NightModeRequest, NightModeSetResponder, NightModeSetResult, NightModeSettings,
use fuchsia_syslog::fx_log_warn;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
impl ErrorResponder for NightModeSetResponder {
fn id(&self) -> &'static str {
fn respond(self: Box<Self>, error: fidl_fuchsia_settings::Error) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
self.send(&mut Err(error))
impl request::Responder<Scoped<NightModeSetResult>> for NightModeSetResponder {
fn respond(self, Scoped(mut response): Scoped<NightModeSetResult>) {
let _ = self.send(&mut response);
impl watch::Responder<NightModeSettings, fuchsia_zircon::Status> for NightModeWatchResponder {
fn respond(self, response: Result<NightModeSettings, fuchsia_zircon::Status>) {
match response {
Ok(settings) => {
let _ = self.send(settings);
Err(error) => {
impl From<SettingInfo> for NightModeSettings {
fn from(response: SettingInfo) -> Self {
if let SettingInfo::NightMode(info) = response {
let mut night_mode_settings = NightModeSettings::EMPTY;
night_mode_settings.night_mode_enabled = info.night_mode_enabled;
return night_mode_settings;
panic!("incorrect value sent to night_mode");
impl From<NightModeSettings> for Request {
fn from(settings: NightModeSettings) -> Self {
let mut night_mode_info = NightModeInfo::empty();
night_mode_info.night_mode_enabled = settings.night_mode_enabled;
impl TryFrom<NightModeRequest> for Job {
type Error = JobError;
fn try_from(item: NightModeRequest) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match item {
NightModeRequest::Set { settings, responder } => {
Ok(request::Work::new(SettingType::NightMode, to_request(settings), responder)
NightModeRequest::Watch { responder } => {
Ok(watch::Work::new_job(SettingType::NightMode, responder))
_ => {
fx_log_warn!("Received a call to an unsupported API: {:?}", item);
fn to_request(settings: NightModeSettings) -> Request {
Request::SetNightModeInfo(NightModeInfo { night_mode_enabled: settings.night_mode_enabled })
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::job::{execution, work};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fidl_fuchsia_settings::{NightModeMarker, NightModeRequestStream};
use futures::StreamExt;
fn test_request_from_settings_empty() {
let request = to_request(NightModeSettings::EMPTY);
let night_mode_info = NightModeInfo::empty();
assert_eq!(request, Request::SetNightModeInfo(night_mode_info));
fn test_request_from_settings() {
const NIGHT_MODE_ENABLED: bool = true;
let mut night_mode_settings = NightModeSettings::EMPTY;
night_mode_settings.night_mode_enabled = Some(NIGHT_MODE_ENABLED);
let request = to_request(night_mode_settings);
let mut night_mode_info = NightModeInfo::empty();
night_mode_info.night_mode_enabled = Some(NIGHT_MODE_ENABLED);
assert_eq!(request, Request::SetNightModeInfo(night_mode_info));
async fn try_from_set_converts_supplied_params() {
let (proxy, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<NightModeMarker>()
.expect("should be able to create proxy");
let _fut = proxy
.set(NightModeSettings { night_mode_enabled: Some(true), ..NightModeSettings::EMPTY });
let mut request_stream: NightModeRequestStream =
server.into_stream().expect("should be able to convert to stream");
let request = request_stream
.expect("should have on request before stream is closed")
.expect("should have gotten a request");
let job = Job::try_from(request);
let job = job.as_ref();
assert_matches!(|j| j.workload()), Ok(work::Load::Independent(_)));
assert_matches!(|j| j.execution_type()), Ok(execution::Type::Independent));
async fn try_from_watch_converts_supplied_params() {
let (proxy, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<NightModeMarker>()
.expect("should be able to create proxy");
let _fut =;
let mut request_stream: NightModeRequestStream =
server.into_stream().expect("should be able to convert to stream");
let request = request_stream
.expect("should have on request before stream is closed")
.expect("should have gotten a request");
let job = Job::try_from(request);
let job = job.as_ref();
assert_matches!(|j| j.workload()), Ok(work::Load::Sequential(_, _)));
assert_matches!(|j| j.execution_type()), Ok(execution::Type::Sequential(_)));