blob: 01dade6ee7a482ad49c46c9e9ce1f4aedede3919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_light::{Info, LightMarker, LightProxy};
use crate::agent::storage::device_storage::{DeviceStorageAccess, DeviceStorageCompatible};
use crate::base::{SettingInfo, SettingType};
use crate::config::default_settings::DefaultSetting;
use crate::handler::base::Request;
use crate::handler::setting_handler::persist::{controller as data_controller, ClientProxy};
use crate::handler::setting_handler::{
controller, ControllerError, ControllerStateResult, IntoHandlerResult, SettingHandlerResult,
use crate::input::MediaButtons;
use crate::light::light_hardware_configuration::DisableConditions;
use crate::light::types::{LightGroup, LightInfo, LightState, LightType, LightValue};
use crate::service_context::ExternalServiceProxy;
use crate::{call_async, LightHardwareConfiguration};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
/// Used as the argument field in a ControllerError::InvalidArgument to signal the FIDL handler to
/// signal that a LightError::INVALID_NAME should be returned to the client.
pub(crate) const ARG_NAME: &str = "name";
/// Hardware path used to connect to light devices.
pub(crate) const DEVICE_PATH: &str = "/dev/class/light/*";
impl DeviceStorageCompatible for LightInfo {
fn default_value() -> Self {
LightInfo { light_groups: Default::default() }
const KEY: &'static str = "light_info";
impl From<LightInfo> for SettingInfo {
fn from(info: LightInfo) -> SettingInfo {
pub struct LightController {
/// Provides access to common resources and functionality for controllers.
client: ClientProxy,
/// Proxy for interacting with light hardware.
light_proxy: ExternalServiceProxy<LightProxy>,
/// Hardware configuration that determines what lights to return to the client.
/// If present, overrides the lights from the underlying fuchsia.hardware.light API.
light_hardware_config: Option<LightHardwareConfiguration>,
impl DeviceStorageAccess for LightController {
const STORAGE_KEYS: &'static [&'static str] = &[LightInfo::KEY];
impl data_controller::Create for LightController {
async fn create(client: ClientProxy) -> Result<Self, ControllerError> {
let light_hardware_config = DefaultSetting::<LightHardwareConfiguration, &str>::new(
.map_err(|_| {
ControllerError::InitFailure("Invalid default light hardware config".into())
LightController::create_with_config(client, light_hardware_config).await
impl controller::Handle for LightController {
async fn handle(&self, request: Request) -> Option<SettingHandlerResult> {
match request {
Request::Restore => Some(self.restore().await),
Request::OnButton(MediaButtons { mic_mute: Some(mic_mute), .. }) => {
Request::SetLightGroupValue(name, state) => {
// Validate state contains valid float numbers.
for light_state in &state {
if !light_state.is_finite() {
return Some(Err(ControllerError::InvalidArgument(
format!("{:?}", light_state).into(),
Some(self.set(name, state).await)
Request::Get => {
// Read all light values from underlying fuchsia.hardware.light before returning a
// value to ensure we have the latest light state.
// TODO( remove once all clients are migrated.
let _ = self.restore().await;
_ => None,
/// Controller for processing requests surrounding the Light protocol.
impl LightController {
/// Alternate constructor that allows specifying a configuration.
pub(crate) async fn create_with_config(
client: ClientProxy,
light_hardware_config: Option<LightHardwareConfiguration>,
) -> Result<Self, ControllerError> {
let light_proxy = client
.map_err(|e| {
format!("failed to connect to fuchsia.hardware.light with error: {:?}", e)
Ok(LightController { client, light_proxy, light_hardware_config })
async fn set(&self, name: String, state: Vec<LightState>) -> SettingHandlerResult {
let nonce = fuchsia_trace::generate_nonce();
let mut current = self.client.read_setting::<LightInfo>(nonce).await;
let mut entry = match current.light_groups.entry(name.clone()) {
Entry::Vacant(_) => {
// Reject sets if the light name is not known.
return Err(ControllerError::InvalidArgument(
Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry,
let group = entry.get_mut();
if state.len() != group.lights.len() {
// If the number of light states provided doesn't match the number of lights,
// return an error.
return Err(ControllerError::InvalidArgument(
format!("{:?}", state).into(),
if !state.iter().filter_map(|state| state.value.clone()).all(|value| {
match group.light_type {
LightType::Brightness => matches!(value, LightValue::Brightness(_)),
LightType::Rgb => matches!(value, LightValue::Rgb(_)),
LightType::Simple => matches!(value, LightValue::Simple(_)),
}) {
// If not all the light values match the light type of this light group, return an
// error.
return Err(ControllerError::InvalidArgument(
format!("{:?}", state).into(),
// After the main validations, write the state to the hardware.
self.write_light_group_to_hardware(group, &state).await?;
self.client.write_setting(current.into(), nonce).await.into_handler_result()
/// Writes the given list of light states for a light group to the actual hardware.
/// None elements in the vector are ignored and not written to the hardware.
async fn write_light_group_to_hardware(
group: &mut LightGroup,
state: &[LightState],
) -> ControllerStateResult {
for (i, (light, hardware_index)) in
let (set_result, method_name) = match light.clone().value {
// No value provided for this index, just skip it and don't update the
// stored value.
None => continue,
Some(LightValue::Brightness(brightness)) => (
call_async!(self.light_proxy =>
set_brightness_value(*hardware_index, brightness))
Some(LightValue::Rgb(rgb)) => {
let mut value = rgb.clone().try_into().map_err(|_| {
format!("{:?}", rgb).into(),
call_async!(self.light_proxy =>
set_rgb_value(*hardware_index, &mut value))
Some(LightValue::Simple(on)) => (
call_async!(self.light_proxy => set_simple_value(*hardware_index, on)).await,
};|_| ()).map_err(|_| {
format!("{} for light {}", method_name, hardware_index).into(),
// Set was successful, save this light value.
group.lights[i] = light.clone();
async fn on_mic_mute(&self, mic_mute: bool) -> SettingHandlerResult {
let nonce = fuchsia_trace::generate_nonce();
let mut current = self.client.read_setting::<LightInfo>(nonce).await;
for light in current
.filter(|l| l.disable_conditions.contains(&DisableConditions::MicSwitch))
// This condition means that the LED is hard-wired to the mute switch and will only be
// on when the mic is disabled.
light.enabled = mic_mute;
self.client.write_setting(current.into(), nonce).await.into_handler_result()
async fn restore(&self) -> SettingHandlerResult {
if let Some(config) = self.light_hardware_config.clone() {
// Configuration is specified, restore from the configuration.
} else {
// Read light info from hardware.
/// Restores the light information from a pre-defined hardware configuration. Individual light
/// states are read from the underlying fuchsia.hardware.Light API, but the structure of the
/// light groups is determined by the given `config`.
async fn restore_from_configuration(
config: LightHardwareConfiguration,
) -> SettingHandlerResult {
let nonce = fuchsia_trace::generate_nonce();
let current = self.client.read_setting::<LightInfo>(nonce).await;
let mut light_groups: HashMap<String, LightGroup> = HashMap::new();
for group_config in config.light_groups {
let mut light_state: Vec<LightState> = Vec::new();
// TODO( once all clients go through setui, restore state from hardware
// only if not found in persistent storage.
for light_index in group_config.hardware_index.iter() {
self.light_state_from_hardware_index(*light_index, group_config.light_type)
// Restore previous state.
let enabled = current
.map(|found_group| found_group.enabled)
let _ = light_groups.insert(,
LightGroup {
light_type: group_config.light_type,
lights: light_state,
hardware_index: group_config.hardware_index,
disable_conditions: group_config.disable_conditions,
.write_setting(LightInfo { light_groups }.into(), nonce)
/// Restores the light information when no hardware configuration is specified by reading from
/// the underlying fuchsia.hardware.Light API and turning each light into a [`LightGroup`].
/// [`LightGroup`]: ../../light/types/struct.LightGroup.html
async fn restore_from_hardware(&self) -> SettingHandlerResult {
let num_lights =
self.light_proxy.call_async(LightProxy::get_num_lights).await.map_err(|_| {
let nonce = fuchsia_trace::generate_nonce();
let mut current = self.client.read_setting::<LightInfo>(nonce).await;
for i in 0..num_lights {
let info = match call_async!(self.light_proxy => get_info(i)).await {
Ok(Ok(info)) => info,
_ => {
return Err(ControllerError::ExternalFailure(
format!("get_info for light {}", i).into(),
let (name, group) = self.light_info_to_group(i, info).await?;
let _ = current.light_groups.insert(name, group);
self.client.write_setting(current.into(), nonce).await.into_handler_result()
/// Converts an Info object from the fuchsia.hardware.Light API into a LightGroup, the internal
/// representation used for our service.
async fn light_info_to_group(
index: u32,
info: Info,
) -> Result<(String, LightGroup), ControllerError> {
let light_type: LightType = info.capability.into();
let light_state = self.light_state_from_hardware_index(index, light_type).await?;
LightGroup {
// When there's no config, lights are assumed to be always enabled.
enabled: true,
lights: vec![light_state],
hardware_index: vec![index],
disable_conditions: vec![],
/// Reads light state from the underlying fuchsia.hardware.Light API for the given hardware
/// index and light type.
async fn light_state_from_hardware_index(
index: u32,
light_type: LightType,
) -> Result<LightState, ControllerError> {
// Read the proper value depending on the light type.
let value = match light_type {
LightType::Brightness => LightValue::Brightness(
match call_async!(self.light_proxy => get_current_brightness_value(index)).await {
Ok(Ok(brightness)) => brightness,
_ => {
return Err(ControllerError::ExternalFailure(
format!("get_current_brightness_value for light {}", index).into(),
LightType::Rgb => {
match call_async!(self.light_proxy => get_current_rgb_value(index)).await {
Ok(Ok(rgb)) => rgb.into(),
_ => {
return Err(ControllerError::ExternalFailure(
format!("get_current_rgb_value for light {}", index).into(),
LightType::Simple => LightValue::Simple(
match call_async!(self.light_proxy => get_current_simple_value(index)).await {
Ok(Ok(on)) => on,
_ => {
return Err(ControllerError::ExternalFailure(
format!("get_current_simple_value for light {}", index).into(),
Ok(LightState { value: Some(value) })