blob: 51f6a22118cdb93f5537b6eb2e5a2caf1953adcf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Single request handling for policy APIs.
//! The request mod defines the components necessary for executing a single, isolated command within
//! the [Job] ecosystem. Since policy APIs do not utilize hanging gets, all policy requests fall
//! under this umbrella.
//! Two concrete trait implementations must be defined in order to use the components of this mod.
//! The first trait is the [From] trait for [Response]. While [Response] could be broken
//! down into its contained [Payload](crate::policy::Payload) and
//! [Error](crate::policy::response::Error) types, callers often only care about the success of a call.
//! For example, add policy calls typically return an empty value upon success and therefore do not
//! have a value to convert. The second trait is [Responder], which takes the first trait
//! implementation as a parameter. Ths trait allows callers to customize how the response is handled
//! with their own type as defined in the [From<Response>] trait. One should note that the
//! responder itself is passed in on the callback. This allows for the consumption of any resources
//! in the one-time use callback.
use crate::job::work::{Independent, Load};
use crate::job::Job;
use crate::message::base::Audience;
use crate::policy::response::Response;
use crate::policy::Request;
use crate::policy::{Payload, PolicyType};
use crate::service::{message, Address};
use crate::trace;
use crate::trace::TracingNonce;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// A [Responder] is passed into [Work] as a handler for responses generated by the work.
pub(crate) trait Responder<R: From<Response> + Send + Sync + 'static> {
/// Invoked when a response to the request is ready.
fn respond(self, response: R);
/// [Work] executes a single request and passes the results back to a specified responder. Consumers
/// of [Work] specify a [SettingType] along with [Request] for proper routing.
pub(crate) struct Work<R, T>
R: From<Response> + Send + Sync + 'static,
T: Responder<R> + Send + Sync + 'static,
request: Request,
policy_type: PolicyType,
responder: T,
_data: PhantomData<R>,
impl<R: From<Response> + Send + Sync + 'static, T: Responder<R> + Send + Sync + 'static>
Work<R, T>
pub(crate) fn new(policy_type: PolicyType, request: Request, responder: T) -> Self {
Self { policy_type, request, responder, _data: PhantomData }
/// [Work] implements the [Independent] trait as each request execution should be done in isolation
/// and executes in the order it was received, not waiting on any existing [Job] of the same group
/// to be executed (as is the case for [crate::job::work::Sequential]).
impl<R, T> Independent for Work<R, T>
R: From<Response> + Send + Sync + 'static,
T: Responder<R> + Send + Sync + 'static,
async fn execute(self: Box<Self>, messenger: message::Messenger, nonce: TracingNonce) {
trace!(nonce, "Independent policy Work execute");
// Send request through MessageHub.
let mut response_listener = messenger
// On success, invoke the responder with the converted response.
self.responder.respond(R::from(match response_listener.next_of::<Payload>().await {
Ok((payload, _)) => match payload {
Payload::Response(response) => response,
_ => {
// While it's possible for the request to fail, this will be communicated
// through the response for logic related errors or the return value of
// receptor::next_of. Work should never encounter a different type of payload
// and therefore treat this scenario as fatal.
panic!("should not have received a different payload type:{:?}", payload);
_ => Err(crate::policy::response::Error::CommunicationError),
/// The [From] implementation here is for conveniently converting a [Work] definition into a [Job].
/// Since [Work] is a singleshot request, it is automatically converted into a [Load::Independent]
/// workload.
impl<R, T> From<Work<R, T>> for Job
R: From<Response> + Send + Sync + 'static,
T: Responder<R> + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn from(work: Work<R, T>) -> Job {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::message::base::MessengerType;
use crate::message::MessageHubUtil;
use crate::service::{Address, MessageHub};
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::channel::oneshot::Sender;
struct TestResponder {
sender: Sender<Response>,
impl TestResponder {
pub(crate) fn new(sender: Sender<Response>) -> Self {
Self { sender }
impl Responder<Response> for TestResponder {
fn respond(self, response: Response) {
self.sender.send(response).expect("send of response should succeed");
async fn test_request_basic_functionality() {
// Create MessageHub for communication between components.
let message_hub_delegate = MessageHub::create_hub();
// Create mock handler endpoint to receive request.
let mut handler_receiver = message_hub_delegate
.expect("policy handler messenger should be created")
// Create job to send request.
let request = Request::Restore;
let (response_tx, response_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<Response>();
let work = Box::new(Work::new(
let work_messenger = message_hub_delegate
.expect("messenger should be created")
// Retrieve signature before passing in messenger to work for verifying the sender of any
// requests.
let work_messenger_signature = work_messenger.get_signature();
// Execute work asynchronously.
let work_task_handle = fasync::Task::spawn(work.execute(work_messenger, 0));
// Ensure the request is sent from the right sender.
let (received_request, client) =
handler_receiver.next_of::<Payload>().await.expect("should successfully get request");
assert_matches!(received_request, Payload::Request(x) if x == request);
assert!(client.get_author() == work_messenger_signature);
// Ensure the response is received and forwarded by the work.
let reply = Ok(crate::policy::response::Payload::Restore);
let _ = client.reply(Payload::Response(reply.clone()).into()).send();
assert!(response_rx.await.expect("should receive successful response") == reply);
async fn test_error_propagation() {
// Create MessageHub for communication between components. Do not create any handler for the
// test PolicyType address.
let message_hub_delegate = MessageHub::create_hub();
let (response_tx, response_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<Response>();
// Create job to send request.
let request = Request::Restore;
let work = Box::new(Work::new(
// Execute work on async task.
let work_task_handle = fasync::Task::spawn(
.expect("messenger should be created")
// Ensure an error was returned, which should match that generated by the request work load.
assert_matches!(response_rx.await.expect("should receive successful response"),
Err(x) if x == crate::policy::response::Error::CommunicationError);