blob: b51590278da6e388ec1cbdab69188e57ce62d422 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::handler::base::Error;
use fuchsia_syslog::fx_log_warn;
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This macro generates a mod containing the logic to process a FIDL stream for the
/// fuchsia.settings namespace.
/// Callers can spawn a handler task by invoking fidl_io::spawn.
/// Macro usages specify the interface's base name (prefix for all generated
/// classes), along with a repeated set of the following:
/// - `Switchboard` setting type.
/// - FIDL setting type.
/// - The responder type for the `HangingGetHandler`.
/// - A type of a key for change functions if custom change functions are used.
/// - If change functions aren't used, the `change_func_key` is ignored,
/// so can be anything.
/// TODO(fxb/68167): Restructure this code to avoid needing to specify
/// unneeded parameters.
/// - The handler function for requests.
macro_rules! fidl_process_full {
($interface:ident $(,$setting_type:expr, $fidl_settings:ty,
$fidl_responder:ty, $change_func_key:ty, $handle_func:ident)+$(,)*) => {
type HandleResult<'a> = ::futures::future::LocalBoxFuture<
Result<Option<paste::paste!{[<$interface Request>]}>, anyhow::Error>,
pub(crate) mod fidl_io {
use fidl_fuchsia_settings::{[<$interface Marker>], [<$interface RequestStream>]};
use super::*;
use $crate::fidl_processor::processor::SettingsFidlProcessor;
use $crate::service;
use $crate::message::base::MessengerType;
use ::fuchsia_async as fasync;
use ::futures::FutureExt;
pub(crate) fn spawn (
delegate: service::message::Delegate,
stream: paste::paste!{[<$interface RequestStream>]}
) {
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let service_messenger = delegate
.await.expect("service messenger should be created")
let mut processor =
SettingsFidlProcessor::<paste::paste!{[<$interface Marker>]}>::new(
stream, service_messenger,
.register::<$fidl_settings, $fidl_responder, $change_func_key>(
Box::new(move |context, req| -> HandleResult<'_> {
async move { $handle_func(context, req).await }.boxed_local()
macro_rules! fidl_process {
// Generates a fidl_io mod with a spawn for the given fidl interface,
// setting type, and handler function. Additional handlers can be specified
// by providing the internal setting type, fidl setting type, watch
// responder, and handle function.
($interface:ident, $setting_type:expr, $handle_func:ident
$(,$item_setting_type:expr, $fidl_settings:ty, $fidl_responder:ty,
$item_handle_func:ident)*$(,)*) => {
paste::paste! {
[<$interface Settings>],
[<$interface WatchResponder>],
$(,$item_setting_type, $fidl_settings, $fidl_responder, String, $item_handle_func)*
// Generates a fidl_io mod with a spawn for the given fidl interface,
// setting type, and handler function. Additional handlers can be specified
// by providing the responder type and handle function.
($interface:ident, $setting_type:expr, $handle_func:ident
$(, $fidl_responder:ty, $item_handle_func:ident)*$(,)*) => {
paste::paste! {
[<$interface Settings>],
[<$interface WatchResponder>],
$(, $setting_type,
[<$interface Settings>],
// Generates a fidl_io mod with a spawn for the given fidl interface,
// setting type, fidl setting type and handler function. To be used when the
// fidl interface and fidl setting type differ in name.
($interface:ident, $setting_type:expr, $fidl_settings:ident,
$handle_func:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
[<$interface WatchResponder>],
// Fully custom named inputs for when there are multiple simultaneous interfaces
// that do not have one specific pattern to conform to.
// TODO( Remove once clients are migrated to input2.
macro_rules! fidl_process_custom {
($interface:ident, $setting_type:expr, $fidl_responder:ty, $fidl_settings:ident, $handle_func:ident
$(, $item_setting_type:expr, $item_fidl_responder:ty, $item_fidl_settings:ident, $item_handle_func:ident)*$(,)*) => {
paste::paste! {
$(, $item_setting_type,
pub(crate) fn convert_to_epitaph(error: &anyhow::Error) -> fuchsia_zircon::Status {
match error.root_cause().downcast_ref::<Error>() {
Some(Error::UnhandledType(_)) => fuchsia_zircon::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
_ => fuchsia_zircon::Status::INTERNAL,
/// Shuts down the given fidl `responder` using a zircon epitaph generated from
/// the given `error`.
macro_rules! shutdown_responder_with_error {
($responder:expr, $error:ident) => {
// Extra pair of braces is needed to limit the scope of the import.
use ::fidl::prelude::*;
/// Implements the Sender trait for the given FIDL responder(s) that send typed data.
macro_rules! fidl_hanging_get_responder {
($marker_type:ty $(, $setting_type:ty, $responder_type:ty)+$(,)*) => {
$(impl $crate::hanging_get_handler::Sender<$setting_type> for $responder_type {
fn send_response(self, data: $setting_type) {
use $crate::fidl_common::FidlResponseErrorLogger;
<$marker_type as ::fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME);
fn on_error(self, error: &anyhow::Error) {
"error occurred watching for service: {:?}. Error is: {:?}",
<$marker_type as ::fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
crate::shutdown_responder_with_error!(self, error);
/// Implements the Sender trait for the given FIDL responder(s) that send a result type.
macro_rules! fidl_result_sender_for_responder {
($marker_type:ty $(, $result_type:ty, $responder_type:ty)+$(,)*) => {
$(impl $crate::hanging_get_handler::Sender<$result_type> for $responder_type {
fn send_response(self, mut result: $result_type) {
use $crate::fidl_common::FidlResponseErrorLogger;
self.send(&mut result).log_fidl_response_error(
<$marker_type as ::fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME);
fn on_error(self, error:&anyhow::Error) {
"error occurred watching for service: {:?}. Error is: {:?}",
<$marker_type as ::fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
crate::shutdown_responder_with_error!(self, error);
/// Custom trait used to handle results from responding to FIDL calls.
pub trait FidlResponseErrorLogger {
fn log_fidl_response_error(&self, client_name: &str);
/// In order to not crash when a client dies, logs but doesn't crash for the specific case of
/// being unable to write to the client. Crashes if other types of errors occur.
impl FidlResponseErrorLogger for Result<(), fidl::Error> {
fn log_fidl_response_error(&self, client_name: &str) {
if let Some(error) = self.as_ref().err() {
match error {
fidl::Error::ServerResponseWrite(_) => {
fx_log_warn!("Failed to respond to client {:?} : {:?}", client_name, error);
_ => {
"Unexpected client response error from client {:?} : {:?}",
client_name, error
mod tests {
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use super::*;
// Should succeed either when responding was successful or there was an error on the client
// side.
fn test_error_logger_succeeds() {
let result = Err(fidl::Error::ServerResponseWrite(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED));
let result = Ok(());
// Should fail at all other times.
fn test_error_logger_fails() {
let result = Err(fidl::Error::ServerRequestRead(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED));