blob: a7dd5ede36c223ba48a52a9bdbf2f5426ddc9b19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/pmt.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <set>
#include "macros.h"
// The classes in this namespace are for managing a limited set of HW protection ranges, while
// ensuring:
// * continuous protection of in-use buffers
// * as many pages are un-protected as possible, so we can decommit those pages
// * HW protection range modification rules are followed:
// * when deleting or shortening a range, the range must not overlap any in-use buffer unless
// the entire range or portion of a range being deleted/shortened is also covered by other
// protection ranges
// * when zeroing a sub-range, the sub-range must be fully covered by an existing protection
// range and not overlapping any other protection range
// * we don't re-optimize the protection ranges all at once; instead we do so incrementally to
// avoid churning loaned pages too fast for Zircon to keep up (in terms of borrowing
// newly-loaned pages to make up for pages reclaimed / un-loaned / committed)
namespace protected_ranges {
class ProtectedRanges;
// This class represents a single protected range.
// The begin_ and length_ are immutable (const) from when the Range is created, but the pmt_ is
// mutable.
class Range {
Range() = default;
~Range() { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!pmt_); }
// move-only
Range(Range&& to_move) = default;
Range& operator=(Range&& to_move) = default;
// no implicit copy
Range(const Range& to_copy) = delete;
Range& operator=(const Range& to_copy) = delete;
// explicit Clone(), as long as pmt_ is not set since we shouldn't clone that field
Range Clone() const {
return Range{begin_, length_};
static Range BeginLength(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) { return Range{begin, length}; }
static Range BeginEnd(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end) { return Range{begin, end - begin}; }
uint64_t begin() const {
return begin_;
uint64_t end() const {
return begin_ + length_;
uint64_t length() const {
return length_;
bool empty() const {
return end() <= begin();
// We have to define this because we want to use
// std::multiset<Range, CompareRangeByBegin>::operator==() which does _not_ use
// CompareRangeByBegin (unless we call CompareRangeByBegin within this operator==()).
bool operator==(const Range& rhs) const;
static bool IsOverlap(const Range& a, const Range& b);
static Range Intersect(const Range& a, const Range& b);
void SetMutablePmt(zx::pmt pmt) const {
pmt_ = std::move(pmt);
zx::pmt TakeMutablePmt() const {
// May or may not have a handle depending on whether client called SetPmt().
return std::move(pmt_);
friend class CompareRangeByBegin;
friend class CompareRangeByLength;
class MoveTracker {
MoveTracker() = default;
MoveTracker(MoveTracker&& to_move) noexcept {
moved_out_ = to_move.moved_out_;
to_move.moved_out_ = true;
MoveTracker& operator=(MoveTracker&& to_move) noexcept {
moved_out_ = to_move.moved_out_;
to_move.moved_out_ = true;
return *this;
void Check() const { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!moved_out_); }
bool moved_out_ = false;
explicit Range(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) : begin_(begin), length_(length) {}
void CheckNotMovedOut() const { move_tracker_.Check(); }
uint64_t begin_ = 0;
// We may as well have the primary representation use length instead of end, since it's convenient
// that regardless of whether the address space has all-0xFF as a valid address, a length of 0 is
// unambiguously less than the length of any real range (since zero-length ranges aren't "real" in
// this code) and a length of all-0xFF is unambiguously greater than the length of any real memory
// address space range since a length that large wouldn't leave room for anything else, like room
// for this code to have this length_ field.
// In contrast, an end value of 0 could be the "real" end of the block whose last byte is at
// std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() where the end value was forced to wrap, and even an
// all-0xFF end could be "real" if the block size is 1 byte (or a very large value of end could
// still be real if the block size isn't 1 byte).
// The choice to have length_ here instead of end_ here should _not_ be taken as a claim that the
// code currently handles all-0xFF being a valid address. At least for now, this code does not
// need to handle that situation, and is not tested to handle that situation, and will not
// encounter that situation.
uint64_t length_ = 0;
// Each protected range must be pinned while protected; the actual pinning and un-pinning is the
// client's responsibility (the implementation of ProtectedRangesControl must do the pinning and
// un-pinning). We track this here to avoid the client needing to maintain yet another set of
// tracked ranges.
mutable zx::pmt pmt_;
MoveTracker move_tracker_;
class CompareRangeByBegin {
bool operator()(const Range& left, const Range& right) const {
if (left.begin() < right.begin()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.begin() > right.begin()) {
// >
return false;
if (left.length() < right.length()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.length() > right.length()) {
// >
return false;
// ==
return false;
inline bool Range::operator==(const Range& rhs) const {
CompareRangeByBegin less;
return !less(*this, rhs) && !less(rhs, *this);
class CompareRangeByLength {
bool operator()(const Range& left, const Range& right) const {
// Non-empty is required.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(left.begin() != left.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(right.begin() != right.end());
if (left.length() < right.length()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.length() > right.length()) {
// >
return false;
if (left.begin() < right.begin()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.begin() > right.begin()) {
// >
return false;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(left.end() == right.end());
// ==
return false;
// Interface used by ProtectedRanges to query properties and control lower-layer HW ranges. This
// interface is sub-classed by ProtectedRangesControl which adds on UseRange() and UnUseRange().
// The interfaces are separate because ProtectedRangesCoreControl and the methods added by
// ProtectedRangesControl are implemented at different layers, and it's convenient for the lower
// layer to only implement ProtectedRangesCoreControl not ProtectedRangesControl.
class ProtectedRangesCoreControl {
// True means calls to DelRange() and ModRange() are allowed, and more than one call to AddRange()
// is allowed. False means only one call to AddRange() is allowed, and no other calls to
// AddRange(), DelRange(), ModRage() will happen.
virtual bool IsDynamic() = 0;
virtual uint64_t MaxRangeCount() = 0;
virtual uint64_t GetRangeGranularity() = 0;
virtual bool HasModProtectedRange() = 0;
// AddProtectedRange (required)
// If the system is too broken to add a range, ZX_PANIC() instead of returning. A hard reboot
// will result (after which all ranges are cleared).
// TODO( When possible, configure sysmem to trigger reboot on driver remove.
// Add a range, which may overlap with existing ranges, but which will have a unique (begin, end).
// By the time this returns, the new range is usable. Any portions of this range which overlap
// existing ranges must remain continuously usable during this call.
// Outside of tests, this will pin the range and HW-protect the range.
virtual void AddProtectedRange(const Range& range) = 0;
// DelProtectedRange (required)
// Delete a range uniquely identified by its unique (begin, end). All portions of the range which
// overlap with other extant ranges must remain continuously usable.
// This is not allowed to fail. If the system is too broken to delete a protected range,
// ZX_PANIC() instead of returning. A hard reboot will result (after which all ranges are
// cleared).
// TODO( When possible, configure sysmem to trigger reboot on driver remove.
// It is acceptable for the entire range to become unusable during delete iff any portion of the
// range is not covered by any other range(s). This applies even if some of the range is also
// covered by another range. This is to permit range permissions to be restricted while at least
// 1 byte of the range being deleted is being zeroed and the range is being deleted in HW.
// Outside of tests, this will HW-deprotect the range and un-pin. Other ranges may still protect
// some of the pages, in which case those pages will still have non-zero pin_count.
virtual void DelProtectedRange(const Range& range) = 0;
// ModProtectedRange
// If !HasModProtectedRange(), this won't get called ever and should not be overridden in the
// sub-class. If HasModProtectedRange(), this can get called and must be overridden in the
// sub-class.
// Modify an old range to become a new range, identifying the old range by its unique
// (begin, end).
// The modification will only ever modify one end of the range at a time. In other words, either
// old_range.begin() == new_range.begin(), or old_range.end() == new_range.end().
// If the system is too broken to modify a range, ZX_PANIC() instead of returning. A hard reboot
// will result (after which all ranges are cleared).
// TODO( When possible, configure sysmem to trigger reboot on driver remove.
// If a range is being shortened, it is acceptable for the entire old range to become temporarily
// unusable during the shortening iff any offsets no longer covered by this range are also not
// covered by any other range. This is to permit range permissions to be restricted while the
// portion being removed from the range is being zeroed by the TEE and the range is being
// shortened in HW.
// We only bother to use ModProtectedRange() (at this layer) when it makes the difference between
// 2 transient ranges and 1 transient ranges.
// The aml-securemem layer automatically uses range modification for any range deletion, to ensure
// that we never zero too much per call to the TEE.
// Outside of tests, this will pin the new range, modify the HW protection, and un-pin the old
// range.
virtual void ModProtectedRange(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range) {
// If this actually runs, it means the sub-class is returning true from HasModProtectedRange()
// despite not overriding ModRange().
ZX_PANIC("ModRange() not implemented by sub-class (despite HasModProtectedRange() true?)\n");
// Zero a sub-range of a current range. The sub-range must be fully covered by exactly one
// protected range, and not overlap with any other protected range.
// Zero the newly requested range using the TEE. This way, any protected mode devices will see
// the new buffer as filled with zeroes, instead of whatever REE-written zeroes might end up
// looking like post-scramble. In testing situations we pretend as if this is allowed at
// arbitrary granularity, but in actual use (so far) this will assert that range is aligned at
// page boundaries (partly because that's the smallest zeroing granularity that the TEE allows, by
// design).
// We don't currently have the ability to temporarily de-protected a sub-range in order to zero
// that sub-range outside the TEE. As necessary we could add that. However, that zeroing
// wouldn't necessarily really be zeroing from the point of view of a device in protected mode
// reading a page in the protected range due to some HW using a scramble. That zeroing however
// would avoid any possibility of bits from a different collection ending up effectively sent
// downstream of a decoder, for example. As long as we have actual zeroing of a protected
// sub-range, let's just use that, since it's more rigorously actually logically zero and also
// prevents any potential for mixing bits across collections.
virtual void ZeroProtectedSubRange(bool is_covering_range_explicit, const Range& range) = 0;
// This is the virtual interface that (outside of tests) is a thin wrapper on top of
// fuchsia.sysmem.SecureMem (ProtectedRangesCoreControl) and Zircon contiguous VMO + page loaning +
// page reclaim (additional methods added by ProtectedRangesControl). The only method of this
// interface that's allowed to fail is UseRange() since that can be expected to fail from Zircon
// under severe-enough memory pressure. All other failures are treated as ZX_PANIC()-level fatal,
// which will result in a hard reboot. Since any process including the sysmem driver can fail at
// any time due to system-wide memory overcommit, this ZX_PANIC() isn't any worse than that, and
// is only expected under similar circumstances. The thinking is that failing bigger is actually
// better from the user's point of view once we've gotten to the point where something is using so
// much memory that small allocations and faulting in a page start failing; a reboot is overall
// better than getting stuck in that state.
// TODO( When possible, configure sysmem to trigger reboot on driver remove.
class ProtectedRangesControl : public ProtectedRangesCoreControl {
// Lowest begin() possible for any requested range.
virtual uint64_t GetBase() = 0;
// GetBase() + GetSize() is the highest end() posisble for any requested range.
virtual uint64_t GetSize() = 0;
// UseRange
// This is called shortly before an offset becomes part of any range, and will not be called on a
// given offset more than once without any intervening un_use_range that covers the same offset.
// This information can be inferred by watching add_range and mod_range (including tracking of
// temporarily overlapping ranges), but it's simpler overall to implement UseRange() and let
// ProtectedRanges inform of all ranges that are changing from outside all ranges to inside at
// least one range.
// This is allowed to fail by returning false. This is so that Zircon can refuse to reclaim pages
// if memory pressure is too severe. If this happens, the range is still considered un-used, and
// will not be added.
virtual bool UseRange(const Range& range) = 0;
// UnUseRange
// This can't fail. If the system is too broken to UnUseRange(), then ZX_PANIC() instead. A hard
// reboot will result.
// TODO( When possible, configure sysmem to trigger reboot on driver remove.
// This is called shortly after an offset stops being part of any protected range, and will not be
// called on a given offset more than once without any intervening use_range that covers the same
// offset.
// This information can be inferred by watching del_range and mod_range (including tracking of
// temporarily overlapping ranges), but it's simpler overall to implement UnUseRange() and let
// ProtectedRanges inform of all ranges that are changing from inside at least one range to
// outside all ranges.
virtual void UnUseRange(const Range& range) = 0;
// The algorithmic goals of this class can be summarized as:
// * Incrementally change from range set A to range set B, by generating add, delete, modify
// steps.
// * Ensure that all offsets in the intersection of A and B remain continuously usable for
// protected DMA during the steps (and not accessible by REE CPU). Pages not in A or not in B
// may not be usable.
// * Never try to have more extant ranges than the set limit.
// * Maximize (to the degree implemented) the minimum number of pages that are outside any range
// during the overall A to B sequence. In other words, make the worst-case moment during the
// sequence of steps be only as bad as it needs to be in terms of how many bytes are under
// ranges (more bytes under ranges is worse, since we can't loan those ranges back to the rest
// of the system).
// To that end,
// * We'll never delete or modify to remove any offsets from a range unless the offsets being
// removed are fully covered by other currently-extant ranges, or the entire range being deleted
// or modified has no overlap with any offsets in the intersection of A and B. This is because
// removing offsets from a range is allowed to make the entire range temporarily unusable
// including offsets that overlap with other extant ranges, unless _all_ offsets being removed
// are covered by another extant range.
// * We'll prioritize removal of offsets from ranges over adding offsets to ranges, while staying
// under the set range count limit. If we're forced to add offsets to ranges to stay under the
// range count limit and we have multiple options, we'll choose the option that minimizes the
// number of additional offsets that are under ranges. If we have multiple options for how to
// remove offsets from ranges, we'll pick the option that maximizes the number of offsets that
// we're removing from ranges. When possible while staying under the range count limit, we
// choose to remove offsets from ranges before we add offsets to ranges.
// The intent is for this class to (ideally) handle range set updates such that there is no need for
// a securemem driver to hold ranges in reserve to emulate steps requested by this class. As of
// this comment, there are no known securemem drivers that need to hold ranges in reserve to emulate
// steps requested by this class.
// For now this is optimized for readability more than efficiency, but if we encounter HW with
// unlimited HW protection ranges, it may make sense to revisit the algorithm aspects.
// Checking that invariants are actually true is left to and
// ProtectedRangesTest_MiniStress, so that we can avoid doing repeated time-consuming invariant
// checks in debug builds. The ProtectedRangesTest_MiniStress test verifies that we maintain the
// invariants properly given many pseudo-random upper range requests.
class ProtectedRanges {
using Ranges = std::multiset<Range, CompareRangeByBegin>;
explicit ProtectedRanges(ProtectedRangesControl* ranges_control);
uint64_t max_logical_ranges();
// This method attempts to add an additional range to the set of requested protected ranges. The
// requested protected ranges are the ranges that need to all be continuously covered by a limited
// number of HW-supported ranges.
// If this returns true, the added range is now usable as a protected range. If this returns
// false, the range was not added and no attempt should be made to use the range as a protected
// range. Do not use ranges that happen to be protected due to being in the set of HW-backed
// protected ranges at any given moment, as HW-backed protected ranges may be adjusted at any
// time, and the implementation is free to cause DMA glitches in ranges that are not in the set
// of required protected ranges.
// This method typically will succeed even if there are more ranges added via AddRange() than the
// number of HW-backed ranges. In this case, at least one of the HW-backed ranges is used to
// cover more than one required range. This can lead to "extra" pages in between required ranges
// which are HW-protected despite not being used as protected ranges. These pages are still
// considered "used" in terms of ProtectedRangesControl.UseRange() and UnUseRange(), but must not
// be used for protected DMA, as the implementation is free to disrupt protected DMA to/from any
// such protected gap.
// During this call, outgoing callbacks to ranges_control _may_ be made to effect the change. The
// outgoing calls can in some cases be more numerous and change other ranges, as the HW-backed
// ranges are being re-optimized to some extent during this call.
// To finish optimizing ranges, the caller should call StepTowardOptimalRanges() until it returns
// true, typically with a timer delay in between calls to avoid churning loaned pages too fast.
// range - the range to add to the raw set of ranges that must be protected.
bool AddRange(const Range& range);
// This method removes a range from the set of required protected ranges. See also AddRange().
// This method can't fail. If the system is too broken to delete a required range, this method
// will ZX_PANIC() instead of returning. A hard reboot will result.
// During this call, outgoing callbacks to ranges_control _may_ be made to effect the change. The
// outgoing calls can in some cases be more numerous and change other ranges, as the HW-backed
// ranges are being re-optimized to some extent during this call.
// To finish optimizing ranges, the caller should call StepTowardOptimalRanges() until it returns
// true, typically with a timer delay in between calls to avoid churning loaned pages too fast.
// range - the range to remove from the raw set of ranges that must be protected.
void DeleteRange(const Range& range);
// When AddRange() or DeleteRange() is called, we don't instantly try to fix the ranges to be
// completely optimal immediately, because optimizing can involve some reclaiming of pages and
// loaning of different pages. If we do all of that too quickly, the opportunistic borrowing
// during PageQueues rotation / GC will not necessarily have enough time to soak up the
// newly-loaned pages before an OOM is triggered. We basically want to incrementally step toward
// optimal instead of slamming the whole set of ranges into place all at once, especially when
// the optimal set of ranges is changing to a quite different configuration.
// As we incrementally optimize, it's possible we'll end up triggering a PageQueues rotation / GC
// sooner than would have happened otherwise, and that's fine/good, but we do want to give
// PageQueues rotation enough time to borrow (or "re-borrow" if you like, from the point of view
// of an offset of a pager-backed VMO) some pages before we perform another step toward optimal
// ranges.
// Despite the delayed optimization of ranges in steps with some delay in between steps, a
// a successful call to AddRange() is guaranteed to make the added range usable for protected DMA.
// Calling this "extra" times after this has returned true and before any more AddRange() or
// DeleteRange() is permitted, but is also not necessary, and won't achieve any further
// optimization (until called after the next AddRange() or DeleteRange() when there may be more
// optimizing to do).
// This method guarantees that it'll eventually return true if called repeatedly without any more
// calls to AddRange() or DeleteRange(), _if_ memory pressure is low enough to allow optimizing
// ranges. If memory pressure is too high to make progress for a while, this method will keep
// returning true during that while.
// true - known done optimizing, until the next call to AddRange() or DeleteRange().
// false - call again later to try to do more optimizing.
bool StepTowardOptimalRanges();
// For each of the following Ranges accessors, the return reference should not be retained beyond
// the next AddRange() or DeleteRange().
// requested ranges
const Ranges& requested_ranges() const { return requested_ranges_; }
// requested_ranges() processed to align to block boundaries
const Ranges& required_ranges() const { return required_ranges_; }
// required_ranges() processed to merge overlaps and barely-touching ranges
const Ranges& coalesced_required_ranges() const { return coalesced_required_ranges_; }
// coalesced_required_ranges() gaps
const Ranges& interior_unused_ranges() const { return interior_unused_ranges_; }
// interior_unused_ranges() processed to keep only the largest gaps
const Ranges& largest_interior_unused_ranges() const { return largest_interior_unused_ranges_; }
// largest_interior_unused_ranges() gaps plus the left-most and right-most ranges needed to cover
// the rest of colesced_required_ranges()
const Ranges& goal_ranges() const { return goal_ranges_; }
// current ranges; when called within a ProtectedRangesControl method, this will reutnr the
// "before" ranges.
const Ranges& ranges() const { return ranges_; }
// only for dumping the small ranges in unit tests
void DebugDumpRangeForUnitTest(const Range& range, const char* info);
void DebugDumpRangesForUnitTest(const Ranges& ranges, const char* info);
void DebugDumpOffset(uint64_t offset, const char* info);
void DebugDumpBacktrace();
void DynamicSetDlogEnabled(bool enabled);
template <typename F1>
void ForUnprotectedRanges(F1 callback) {
const auto range = Range::BeginLength(ranges_control_->GetBase(), ranges_control_->GetSize());
ForUnprotectedRangesOverlappingRange(range, std::move(callback));
template <typename F1>
void ForUnprotectedRangesOverlappingRange(const Range& range, F1 callback) {
const auto entire_range =
Range::BeginLength(ranges_control_->GetBase(), ranges_control_->GetSize());
if (!is_dynamic_) {
// If !is_dynamic_, there are no logically unprotected ranges.
if (ranges_.empty()) {
callback(Range::Intersect(entire_range, range));
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
auto [iter_begin, iter_end] =
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(range, ranges_);
// Back up by one range in case there's a gap before that overlaps range.
if (iter_begin != ranges_.begin()) {
// Advance by one range in case there's a gap after that overlaps range.
if (iter_end != ranges_.end()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(iter_begin != iter_end);
// We need both interior and exterior gaps.
// Check for overlapping exterior gap at the beginning.
if (iter_begin == ranges_.begin()) {
const auto first_gap = Range::BeginEnd(entire_range.begin(), iter_begin->begin());
if (Range::IsOverlap(first_gap, range)) {
callback(Range::Intersect(first_gap, range));
// Handle all the interior gaps.
for (auto iter = iter_begin; iter != iter_end; prev_end = iter->end(), ++iter) {
if (!prev_end) {
const auto gap = Range::BeginEnd(*prev_end, iter->begin());
if (Range::IsOverlap(gap, range)) {
callback(Range::Intersect(gap, range));
// Check for overlapping exterior gap at the end.
if (iter_end == ranges_.end()) {
const auto last_gap = Range::BeginEnd(ranges_.rbegin()->end(), entire_range.end());
if (Range::IsOverlap(last_gap, range)) {
callback(Range::Intersect(last_gap, range));
// Requirement: Either ranges must not contain any self-overlaps (all Ranges available via this
// class except required_ranges()), or ranges must be required_ranges(). The required_ranges()
// can have a limited degree of self-overlap, which this method does accommodate.
// The returned iterators are a begin, end pair. If there is no range in "ranges" that overlaps
// "range", then both iterators will be ranges.end(). If there are any ranges in "ranges" that
// overlap "range", then [begin, end) is exactly those ranges in "ranges" which overlap "range".
static std::pair<Ranges::iterator, Ranges::iterator>
IteratorsCoveringPotentialOverlapsOfRangeWithRanges(const Range& range, const Ranges& ranges);
// un-covered pages / un-used pages
// 1.0 - all un-used pages are un-covered so they can be loaned.
// 0.0 - zero un-used pages are un-covered; no loaning of unused pages can happen.
// If there are zero unused pages, all pages un-coverd returns 1.0, and any pages covered
// returns 0.0.
double GetEfficiency();
// un-covered pages / total pages
// 1.0 - all protected pages loaned
// 0.0 - no protected pages loaned
double GetLoanableRatio();
// un-covered bytes
uint64_t GetLoanableBytes();
using RangesByLength = std::multiset<Range, CompareRangeByLength>;
// This is the core routine that is called from StepTowardOptimalRanges() with allow_userange true
// and to fix up after DeleteRange() with allow_userange false.
bool StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(bool allow_userange);
// Uses required_ranges_ to incrementally update coalesced_required_ranges_ and
// interior_unused_ranges_. Re-builds largest_interior_unused_ranges_ and goal_ranges_.
// This just calls these methods in sequence:
// * UpdateCoalescedRequiredRanges()
// * UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges()
// * BuildLargestInteriorUnusedRanges()
// * BuildGoalRanges()
void PropagateRequiredRangesToGoalRanges(const Range& diff_range);
// Incrementally update coalesced_required_ranges_ from overlaps-allowed required_ranges_.
// The caller promises that in required_ranges_ the protected/non-protected status of aligned
// blocks outside of diff_range has not changed.
void UpdateCoalescedRequiredRanges(const Range& diff_range);
// Incrementally update interior_unused_ranges_ and interior_unused_ranges_by_length_ from
// coalesced_required_ranges_. The caller promises that in coalesced_required_ranges_ the
// protected/non-protected status of aligned blocks outside of diff_range has not changed since
// last time UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges() was called.
void UpdateInteriorUnusedRanges(const Range& diff_range);
// Clear and re-build largest_interior_unused_ranges_ from interior_unused_ranges_by_length_.
void BuildLargestInteriorUnusedRanges();
// Clear and re-build goal_ranges_ from largest_interior_unused_ranges_.
void BuildGoalRanges();
bool FixupRangesDuringAdd(const Range& new_required_range);
void FixupRangesDuringDelete(const Range& old_required_range);
// Each of the "DoOpX" methods below start with ranges_ non-overlapping and coalesced, and end
// with ranges_ non-overlapping and coalesced. Within a DoOpX(), ranges_ can overlap and not
// be coalesced. For each DoOpX() that returns a bool, false means failure with no changes made,
// and true means success including re-establishing ranges_ as non-overlapping and coalesced.
// The new_range must not overlap with any range in ranges_ on entry, but it may be immediately
// adjacent to a range already in ranges_.
bool DoOpAddRange(const Range& new_range);
// The old_range (exact match) must exist in ranges_ on entry.
void DoOpDelRange(const Range& old_range);
// Shorten at exactly one end.
void DoOpShortenRange(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range);
// Merge two ranges separated only by a non-empty (non-zero-length) gap. To merge two ranges with
// no gap in between we use TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt() instead.
bool DoOpMergeRanges(const Range& first_range, const Range& second_range);
// Split a range into two ranges, with a new_gap_to_stop_using non-zer-length gap that must
// initially be covered by the range_to_split and not touch the beginning or end of the range to
// split.
void DoOpSplitRange(const Range& range_to_split, const Range& new_gap_to_stop_using);
// The old_range and new_range must not overlap any _other_ ranges in ranges_, but there must be
// overlap between old_range and new_range. The old_range.begin() must equal new_range.begin().
bool DoOpExtendRangeEnd(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range);
// TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt()
// This is "try" in the sense that there may not be two ranges that are adjacent with no gap
// (barely) touching at location. If two ranges are touching at location, they will be coalesced.
// On entry *ranges has no overlaps, but may have adjacent barely-touching ranges. There _may_ be
// a pair of ranges that barely touch at location.
// On return, if there were two ranges barely touching at location, those two ranges are logically
// replaced with a single range that covers the entire range of blocks previously spanned by the
// two ranges. This method doesn't try to coalesce the new larger block with any further
// adjacent blocks; welding of two blocks is only performed for the specific location passed in.
void TryCoalesceAdjacentRangesAt(Ranges* ranges, uint64_t location);
ProtectedRangesControl* ranges_control_ = nullptr;
// Each of the RangeSet(s) below is either incrementally updated or limited in size to no more
// than max_logical_ranges().
// The set of ranges that the client of ProtectedRanges has requested be protected. The limited
// number of HW-backed ranges will be used to cover at least these ranges.
// The alignment of these ranges may not be range_granularity_. Typically these ranges will be
// page aligned while range_granularity_ is a larger power of 2 like 64 KiB.
// Overlap within this set of ranges is not allowed.
Ranges requested_ranges_;
uint64_t requested_bytes_ = 0;
// These are requested_ranges_ but with each range aligned to range_granularity_. Duplicates are
// allowed because aligning two short nearby ranges can cause them to become duplicates. We
// expect consistency in the number of copies of a given short range with how many ranges in
// requested_ranges_ will generate that range. Overlaps are allowed because the end of a first
// range gets rounded up and the beginning of a next range gets rounded down. However, these
// overlaps are not arbitrary overlap in the sense that there's only a maximum of 1 block of
// overlap between any two ranges. We exploit the fact that the overlaps aren't completely
// arbitrary to avoid unnecessary generality in the range processing code.
Ranges required_ranges_;
// This is a non-overlapping and coalesced set of ranges derived from required_ranges_. If an
// aligned block is covered by any range in required_ranges_, the same aligned block will be
// covered by exactly one range in non_overlapping_required_ranges_, else the block will not be
// covered by any range in coalesced_required_ranges_. This is updated based on required_ranges_
// incrementally. This incremental update exploits the fact that required_ranges_ has only highly
// constrained duplicates and overlaps, not arbitrary duplicates and overlaps.
Ranges coalesced_required_ranges_;
// This is a non-overlapping and coalesced set of ranges which is the negative of the interior
// portion of coalesced_required_ranges_. This is updated based on coalesced_required_ranges_
// incrementally. Along with interior_unused_ranges_by_length_, this allows us to determine the
// most optimal set of gaps (covering the most blocks) to have _between_ the limited number of
// available HW-based protection ranges. We only analyze the interior unused ranges because the
// exterior unused ranges must exist regardless (we get those for free). The exterior unused
// ranges are dealt with in a later stage by including the blocks covered by the first and last
// ranges in required_ranges_ when building goal_ranges_.
Ranges interior_unused_ranges_;
RangesByLength interior_unused_ranges_by_length_;
// This is the current goal set of interior gaps. We keep this as a member variable for tests.
// This is the max_logical_ranges() max-sized ranges in interior_unused_ranges_by_length_, sorted
// by begin() instead of length. We do not update this incrementally, but its size is limited to
// max_logical_ranges() - 1.
Ranges largest_interior_unused_ranges_;
// This is the current goal set of ranges. This is what ranges_ "should" be asap to loan the max
// number of pages back to Zircon. However, to avoid churning pages from/to Zircon, the ranges_
// can lag behind goal_ranges_. StepTowardOptimalRanges() is called to get ranges_ one "step"
// closer to goal_ranges_. This is the negative of largest_interior_unused_ranges_, expanded to
// include the first and last range in coalesced_required_ranges_. We don't update this
// incrementally, but its size is limited to max_logical_ranges().
Ranges goal_ranges_;
// Current state of protection ranges that have been set via ranges_control_. During a call out
// via ranges_control_, this is the pre-modification set of ranges. This is updated incrementally
// and it's size is limited to no more than max_logical_ranges() + 3 (or +2 if
// HasModProtectedRange()).
// If warm reboot is needed, the secmem driver is responsible for deleting all protection ranges
// immediately before the warm reboot (at least for now). While that mechanism will delete the
// same set of ranges as ranges_ has, that mechanism is entirely in aml-securemem and not reliant
// on ranges_ here.
Ranges ranges_;
uint64_t ranges_bytes_ = 0;
// If false, only a single call to AddRange() is allowed. Even if ProtectedRanges is deleted,
// the single added range is not deleted. Immediately prior to a warm reboot, the secmem driver
// itself will remove the single added range.
bool is_dynamic_ = false;
// This (absolute) max applies to ranges_ (at all times), not to required_ranges_.
uint64_t max_range_count_ = 0;
// If true, we can use ModProtectedRange(). If false, ModProtectedRange() can't be used and will
// likely ZX_PANIC() if called.
bool is_mod_available_ = false;
// This (logical) max applies to ranges_ (while outside transient transitions), not to
// required_ranges_.
uint64_t max_logical_range_count_ = 0;
// The alignment requirement for ranges.
uint64_t range_granularity_ = 0;
} // namespace protected_ranges