blob: b4f0843029352d0605d23b7441e97ee19514b09e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.posix.socket.raw;
using fuchsia.posix;
using fuchsia.posix.socket;
type Empty = struct {};
/// The protocol a raw socket may be associated with.
alias Protocol = uint8;
/// The protocol a raw socket is associated with.
type ProtocolAssociation = strict union {
/// Indicates no association with any protocol.
/// The socket will not receive packets. Sent packets must include the
/// network header.
1: unassociated Empty;
/// The associated protocol.
/// The socket may only send and receive network packets for the associated
/// protocol.
2: associated Protocol;
/// A raw network socket provider.
protocol Provider {
/// Requests a raw socket.
Socket(struct {
domain fuchsia.posix.socket.Domain;
proto ProtocolAssociation;
}) -> (resource struct {
s client_end:Socket;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// A filter for ICMPv6 types.
type Icmpv6Filter = struct {
/// Indicates whether or not an ICMPv6 type should be blocked.
/// Each bit index encodes an ICMPv6 type; bit 0 in `blocked_types[0]` holds
/// the flag for ICMPv6 type 0 and bit 31 in `blocked_types[7]` holds the
/// flag for ICMPv6 type 255.
/// Equivalent to Linux's `icmp6_filter.icmp6_filt`.
blocked_types array<uint32, 8>;
/// IPv6 socket checksum configuration.
type Ipv6ChecksumConfiguration = strict union {
/// Indicates that the stack should not calculate checksums for outgoing
/// packets and valiate checksums for incoming packets.
1: disabled Empty;
/// Indicates that the stack should calculate checksums for outgoing packets
/// and validate checksums for incoming packets.
/// `offset` indicates where the checksum is found in the IPv6 packet's
/// payload.
/// The offset must be aligned to the size of an internet checksum as
/// specified in RFC 1071. That is, the offset must be 2-byte aligned.
2: offset int32;
/// A raw network socket.
/// Once a socket has been retrieved from a provider, this interface is then
/// used to further configure and use the socket. This interface is essentially
/// POSIX.
/// All methods on this type are nonblocking; their exact behaviors match their
/// Linux counterparts.
/// *Warning:* This protocol is not yet ready for direct use by clients.
/// Instead, clients should use the BSD sockets API to interact with sockets.
/// We plan to change this protocol substantially and clients that couple
/// directly to this protocol will make those changes more difficult.
protocol Socket {
compose fuchsia.posix.socket.BaseNetworkSocket;
/// Receives a message from the socket.
/// + request `want_addr` request message's source address information to
/// be returned.
/// + request `data_len` the maximum allowed length of the response data
/// buffer.
/// + request `want_control` request ancillary data to be returned.
/// + request `flags` flags for the receive request.
/// - response `addr` the message's source address information, if
/// requested.
/// - response `data` the message.
/// - response `control` control messages, if requested.
/// - response `truncated` indicates whether or not the returned message
/// was truncated.
RecvMsg(struct {
want_addr bool;
data_len uint32;
want_control bool;
flags fuchsia.posix.socket.RecvMsgFlags;
}) -> (struct {
data bytes;
control fuchsia.posix.socket.NetworkSocketRecvControlData;
truncated uint32;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Sends a message on the socket.
/// + request `addr` the address to send the message to. If unset, will
/// send to the connected peer.
/// + request `data` the message.
/// + request `control` ancillary data.
/// + request `flags` flags for the send request.
SendMsg(struct {
data bytes:MAX;
control fuchsia.posix.socket.NetworkSocketSendControlData;
flags fuchsia.posix.socket.SendMsgFlags;
}) -> (struct {}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Retrieves creation information from the socket.
/// - response `domain` the socket's associated domain.
/// - response `proto` the socket's associated protocol.
GetInfo() -> (struct {
domain fuchsia.posix.socket.Domain;
proto ProtocolAssociation;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Set `SOL_IP` -> `IP_HDRINCL`.
SetIpHeaderIncluded(struct {
value bool;
}) -> (struct {}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Get `SOL_IP` -> `IP_HDRINCL`.
GetIpHeaderIncluded() -> (struct {
value bool;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Set `SOL_ICMPV6` -> `ICMP6_FILTER`.
SetIcmpv6Filter(struct {
filter Icmpv6Filter;
}) -> (struct {}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Get `SOL_ICMPV6` -> `ICMP6_FILTER`.
GetIcmpv6Filter() -> (struct {
filter Icmpv6Filter;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Set `SOL_IPV6` -> `IPV6_CHECKSUM`.
SetIpv6Checksum(struct {
config Ipv6ChecksumConfiguration;
}) -> (struct {}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;
/// Get `SOL_IPV6` -> `IPV6_CHECKSUM`.
GetIpv6Checksum() -> (struct {
config Ipv6ChecksumConfiguration;
}) error fuchsia.posix.Errno;