blob: addfed8aee33a43411bded71662fb331d8d05534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//TODO( Move to
/// A state of audio usages in which no policy actions are taken on any streams with the usage.
type UsageStateUnadjusted = table {};
/// A state of audio usages in which a policy decision has been made to temporarily
/// lower the volume of all streams with this usage.
type UsageStateDucked = table {};
/// A state of audio usages in which a policy decision has been made to temporarily
/// mute the volume of all streams with this usage.
type UsageStateMuted = table {};
/// The state of audio policy enforcement on a stream or set of streams.
type UsageState = flexible union {
1: unadjusted UsageStateUnadjusted;
2: ducked UsageStateDucked;
3: muted UsageStateMuted;
/// A protocol for listening to changes to the policy state of an audio usage.
/// User actions, such as lowering the volume or muting a stream, are not reflected in this
/// API.
protocol UsageWatcher {
/// Called on first connection and whenever the watched usage changes. The provided
/// usage will always be the bound usage; it is provided so that an implementation of
/// this protocol may be bound to more than one usage.
/// Clients must respond to acknowledge the event. Clients that do not acknowledge their
/// events will eventually be disconnected.
OnStateChanged(struct {
usage Usage;
state UsageState;
}) -> ();
/// A protocol for setting up watchers of audio usages.
protocol UsageReporter {
Watch(resource struct {
usage Usage;
usage_watcher client_end:UsageWatcher;
/// A protocol for setting up watchers of usage gain.
protocol UsageGainReporter {
// TODO( Only report volume-to-gain translation, without
// including muting/ducking gain adjustments. Determine whether separate
// muting/ducking gain reporting is necessary
/// Connects a listener to a stream of usage gain setting changes
/// for `usage` on the device identified by `device_token`. Usage
/// Gain is not set directly by any client; it is a translation of
/// the usage volume setting for each device, summed with active
/// muting/ducking gain adjustments.
/// Devices may map the same volume level to different dbfs, so
/// a `device_unique_id` is needed to indentify the device.
/// `AudioDeviceEnumerator` provides programmatic access to devices
/// and their unique ids if it is necessary for a client to select
/// an id at runtime.
RegisterListener(resource struct {
device_unique_id string:36;
usage Usage;
usage_gain_listener client_end:UsageGainListener;
/// A protocol for watching changes to usage gain settings.
/// The channel will close when the device is not present.
protocol UsageGainListener {
/// Called immediately on connection and afterward any time
/// the usage gain setting changes.
/// Clients must respond to acknowledge the event. Clients that do not acknowledge their
/// events will eventually be disconnected.
/// Note: This API does not have mute reporting implemented; `muted` is always false.
// TODO( Update implementation to report on mute state.
OnGainMuteChanged(struct {
muted bool;
gain_dbfs float32;
}) -> ();