blob: f020b618c16cb9feb1f19021ff7e0fe8f8f12bef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// The FIDL representation of the component ID Index.
/// See (component ID index)[//docs/development/components/]
/// for documentation on the schema.
library fuchsia.component.internal;
using fuchsia.component;
using fuchsia.sys;
/// 256 bits encoded in lower-cased base64 (64 chars).
alias InstanceId = string:64;
/// The path to the appmgr realm where the component runs.
alias AppmgrRealmPath = vector<>:256;
/// Top-level type describing the component ID index.
type ComponentIdIndex = table {
/// If `true`, `appmgr` requires components which use
/// `isolated-persistent-storage` to list their instance in the index.
/// Otherwise, they fail to run. Note that this flag is only used by appmgr,
/// and is ignored by component_manager.
1: appmgr_restrict_isolated_persistent_storage bool;
/// A list of component ID instance entries.
/// Required, but may be empty.
2: instances vector<InstanceIdEntry>:1024;
type InstanceIdEntry = table {
/// A 256-bit identifier encoded in base64 which is unique across all other
/// instance IDs in the index.
1: instance_id InstanceId;
/// An appmgr-based moniker identifying an appmgr component instance
/// associated with `instance_id`. Note that component manager ignores
/// this field; it is only consumed by appmgr.
2: appmgr_moniker AppmgrMoniker;
/// The absolute moniker identifying the component instance. Note that
/// appmgr ignores thie field; it is only consumed by component manager.
3: moniker string:fuchsia.component.MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH;
type AppmgrMoniker = table {
/// The component's URL.
1: url fuchsia.sys.component_url;
/// The path to the appmgr realm where the component runs.
2: realm_path AppmgrRealmPath;
/// The component instance's previous realm paths. `appmgr` will consider
/// these realms in addition to `realm_path`. This feature is useful when
/// moving a component to a new `realm_path`, but still needing to retain the
/// previous realm paths. For example, this feature can be used when a
/// component ID index change and the realm path code change cannot be
/// submitted atomically.
/// Optional.
3: transitional_realm_paths vector<AppmgrRealmPath>:64;