blob: 388e89e870d6a8e12988ae9161be38443c15dfac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/block.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/util.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/vmo_fields.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/testing.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../util.dart';
void main() {
group('Block', () {
test('accepts state (type) correctly', () {
_accepts('lock/unlock', [BlockType.header], (block) {
'becomeNode', [BlockType.anyValue], (block) => block.becomeNode());
_accepts('becomeBuffer', [BlockType.anyValue],
(block) => block.becomeBuffer());
_accepts('setChildren', [BlockType.nodeValue, BlockType.tombstone],
(block) => block.childCount = 0);
_accepts('getChildren', [BlockType.nodeValue, BlockType.tombstone],
(block) => block.childCount);
_accepts('setBufferTotalLength', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferTotalLength = 0);
_accepts('getBufferTotalLength', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferTotalLength);
_accepts('setBufferExtentIndex', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferExtentIndex = 0);
_accepts('getBufferExtentIndex', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferExtentIndex);
_accepts('setBufferFlags', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferFlags = 0);
_accepts('getBufferFlags', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferFlags);
_accepts('becomeTombstone', [BlockType.nodeValue],
(block) => block.becomeTombstone());
_accepts('becomeReserved', [],
(block) => block.becomeReserved());
_accepts('nextFree', [], (block) => block.nextFree);
_accepts('becomeValue', [BlockType.reserved],
(block) => block.becomeValue(nameIndex: 1, parentIndex: 2));
(block) => block.nameIndex);
(block) => block.parentIndex);
_accepts('becomeDoubleMetric', [BlockType.anyValue],
(block) => block.becomeDoubleMetric(0.0));
_accepts('becomeIntMetric', [BlockType.anyValue],
(block) => block.becomeIntMetric(0));
_accepts('becomeBoolMetric', [BlockType.anyValue],
(block) => block.becomeBoolMetric(false));
_accepts('intValueGet', [BlockType.intValue], (block) => block.intValue);
'intValueSet', [BlockType.intValue], (block) => block.intValue = 0);
_accepts('doubleValueGet', [BlockType.doubleValue],
(block) => block.doubleValue);
_accepts('doubleValueSet', [BlockType.doubleValue],
(block) => block.doubleValue = 0.0);
_accepts('becomeName', [BlockType.reserved],
(block) => block.becomeName('foo'));
_accepts('extentIndexSet', [BlockType.bufferValue],
(block) => block.bufferExtentIndex = 0);
'nextExtentGet', [BlockType.extent], (block) => block.nextExtent);
test('can read, including payload bits', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(32);
..setUint8(0, 0x01)
..setUint8(1, BlockType.bufferValue.value)
..setUint8(2, 0x14) // Parent index should be 0x14
..setUint8(5, 0x32) // Name index should be 0x32
..setUint8(8, 0x7f) // Length should be 0x7f
..setUint8(12, 0x0a) // Extent
..setUint8(15, 0xb0); // Flags 0xb
final p = hexChar(BlockType.bufferValue.value);
compare(vmo, 0, '01 0$p 14 00 00 32 00 00 7f00 0000 0a00 00b0');
final block =, 0);
expect(block.size, 32);
expect(block.type.value, BlockType.bufferValue.value);
expect(block.parentIndex, 0x14);
expect(block.nameIndex, 0x32);
expect(block.bufferTotalLength, 0x7f);
expect(block.bufferExtentIndex, 0xa);
expect(block.bufferFlags, 0xb);
test('can read, including payload bytes', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(32);
..setUint8(0, 0x01)
..setUint8(1, BlockType.nameUtf8.value)
..setUint8(2, 0x02) // Set length to 2
..setUint8(8, 0x41) // 'a'
..setUint8(9, 0x42); // 'b'
final n = hexChar(BlockType.nameUtf8.value);
compare(vmo, 0, '01 0$n 02 00 0000 0000 4142 0000 0000 0000 0000');
final block =, 0);
expect(block.size, 32);
expect(block.type.value, BlockType.nameUtf8.value);
expect(block.payloadBytes.getUint8(0), 0x41);
expect(block.payloadBytes.getUint8(1), 0x42);
group('Block operations write to VMO correctly:', () {
test('Creating, locking, and unlocking the VMO header', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(32);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 0)..becomeHeader();
final h = hexChar(BlockType.header.value);
compare(vmo, 0, '00 0$h 0100 49 4E 53 50 0000 0000 0000 0000');
compare(vmo, 0, '00 0$h 0100 49 4E 53 50 0100 0000 0000 0000');
compare(vmo, 0, '00 0$h 0100 49 4E 53 50 0200 0000 0000 0000');
test('Becoming and modifying an intValue via free, reserved, anyValue', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)..becomeFree(5);
final f = hexChar(;
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$f 05 00 0000 0000');
expect(block.nextFree, 5);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0${hexChar(BlockType.reserved.value)}');
block.becomeValue(parentIndex: 0xbc, nameIndex: 0x7d);
final a = hexChar(BlockType.anyValue.value);
final i = hexChar(BlockType.intValue.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$a bc 00 00 7d 00 00');
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$i bc 00 00 7d 00 00 efbe');
block.intValue += 1;
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$i bc 00 00 7d 00 00 f0be');
test('Becoming a nodeValue and then a tombstone', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)
..becomeValue(parentIndex: 0xbc, nameIndex: 0x7d)
final n = hexChar(BlockType.nodeValue.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$n bc 00 00 7d 00 00 0000');
block.childCount += 1;
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$n bc 00 00 7d 00 00 0100');
final t = hexChar(BlockType.tombstone.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$t bc 00 00 7d 00 00 0100');
test('Becoming and modifying doubleValue', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)
..becomeValue(parentIndex: 0xbc, nameIndex: 0x7d)
final d = hexChar(BlockType.doubleValue.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$d bc 00 00 7d 00 00');
expect(vmo.bytes.getFloat64(40, Endian.little), 1.0);
expect(vmo.bytes.getFloat64(40, Endian.little), 2.0);
test('Becoming and modifying a bufferValue', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)
..becomeValue(parentIndex: 0xbc, nameIndex: 0x7d)
final p = hexChar(BlockType.bufferValue.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$p bc 00 00 7d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00');
..bufferExtentIndex = 0x35
..bufferTotalLength = 0x17b
..bufferFlags = 0xa;
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$p bc 00 00 7d 00 00 7b 01 00 00 35 00 00 a0');
expect(block.bufferTotalLength, 0x17b);
expect(block.bufferExtentIndex, 0x35);
expect(block.bufferFlags, 0xa);
test('Becoming a name', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)..becomeName('abc');
final n = hexChar(BlockType.nameUtf8.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$n 03 00 0000 0000 61 62 63');
block.nameUtf8.buffer, 0, block.nameUtf8.lengthInBytes),
Uint8List.fromList([0x61, 0x62, 0x63]));
test('Becoming and setting an extent', () {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(64);
final block = Block.create(vmo, 2)
final e = hexChar(BlockType.extent.value);
compare(vmo, 32, '01 0$e 42 00 0000 0000 61 62 63');
expect(block.nextExtent, 0x42);
expect(block.payloadSpaceBytes, block.size - headerSizeBytes);
/// Verify which block types are accepted by which functions.
/// For all block types (including anyValue), creates a block of that type and
/// passes it to [testFunction].
/// [previousStates] contains the types that should not throw
/// an error. All others should throw.
void _accepts(String testName, List<BlockType> previousStates, testFunction) {
final vmo = FakeVmoHolder(4096);
for (BlockType type in BlockType.values) {
final block = Block.createWithType(vmo, 0, type);
if (previousStates.contains(type)) {
expect(() => testFunction(block), returnsNormally,
reason: '$testName should have accepted type $type');
} else {
expect(() => testFunction(block), throwsA(anything),
reason: '$testName should not accept type $type');