blob: 400d3f6f90ea87636089c59b080c115a29d71093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/blobfs/iterator/allocated-extent-iterator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/storage/blobfs/format.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/iterator/block-iterator.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/iterator/node-populator.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/test/unit/utils.h"
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
// Allocates a blob with the provided number of extents / nodes.
// Returns the allocator, the extents, and nodes used.
void TestSetup(size_t allocated_blocks, size_t allocated_nodes, bool fragmented,
MockSpaceManager* space_manager, std::unique_ptr<Allocator>* out_allocator,
fbl::Vector<Extent>* out_extents, fbl::Vector<uint32_t>* out_nodes) {
// Block count is large enough to allow for both fragmentation and the
// allocation of |allocated_blocks| extents.
size_t block_count = 3 * allocated_blocks;
InitializeAllocator(block_count, allocated_nodes, space_manager, out_allocator);
if (fragmented) {
ForceFragmentation(out_allocator->get(), block_count);
// Allocate the initial nodes and blocks.
fbl::Vector<ReservedNode> nodes;
fbl::Vector<ReservedExtent> extents;
ASSERT_EQ((*out_allocator)->ReserveNodes(allocated_nodes, &nodes), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ((*out_allocator)->ReserveBlocks(allocated_blocks, &extents), ZX_OK);
if (fragmented) {
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_blocks, extents.size());
// Keep a copy of the nodes and blocks, since we are passing both to the
// node populator, but want to verify them afterwards.
CopyExtents(extents, out_extents);
CopyNodes(nodes, out_nodes);
// Actually populate the node with the provided extents and nodes.
auto on_node = [&](uint32_t node_index) {};
auto on_extent = [&](ReservedExtent& extent) {
return NodePopulator::IterationCommand::Continue;
NodePopulator populator(out_allocator->get(), std::move(extents), std::move(nodes));
ASSERT_EQ(populator.Walk(on_node, on_extent), ZX_OK);
// Iterate over the null blob.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, Null) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = 0;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 1;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode->extent_count);
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter->BlockIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(0u, iter->ExtentIndex());
// Iterate over a blob with inline extents.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, InlineNode) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = kInlineMaxExtents;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 1;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode->extent_count);
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter->BlockIndex());
uint32_t blocks_seen = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < allocated_extents.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(node_index, iter->NodeIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(i, iter->ExtentIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(blocks_seen, iter->BlockIndex());
const Extent* extent;
ASSERT_EQ(iter->Next(&extent), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_TRUE(allocated_extents[i] == *extent);
blocks_seen += extent->Length();
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_extents.size(), iter->ExtentIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(blocks_seen, iter->BlockIndex());
// Iterate over a blob with multiple nodes.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, MultiNode) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = kInlineMaxExtents + kContainerMaxExtents + 1;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 3;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode->extent_count);
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, iter->ExtentIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter->BlockIndex());
uint32_t blocks_seen = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < allocated_extents.size(); i++) {
if (i < kInlineMaxExtents) {
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_nodes[0], iter->NodeIndex());
} else if (i < kInlineMaxExtents + kContainerMaxExtents) {
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_nodes[1], iter->NodeIndex());
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_nodes[2], iter->NodeIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(i, iter->ExtentIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(blocks_seen, iter->BlockIndex());
const Extent* extent;
ASSERT_EQ(iter->Next(&extent), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_TRUE(allocated_extents[i] == *extent);
blocks_seen += extent->Length();
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_extents.size(), iter->ExtentIndex());
ASSERT_EQ(blocks_seen, iter->BlockIndex());
// Demonstrate that the allocated extent iterator won't let us access invalid
// nodes.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, BadInodeNextNode) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = kInlineMaxExtents + kContainerMaxExtents + 1;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 4;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode->extent_count);
// Manually corrupt the next inode to point to itself.
inode->header.next_node = node_index;
// The iterator should reflect this corruption by returning an error during
// traversal from the node to the container.
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
const Extent* extent;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kInlineMaxExtents - 1; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(iter->Next(&extent), ZX_OK);
// Manually corrupt the next inode to point to an unallocated (but otherwise
// valid) node.
inode->header.next_node = allocated_nodes[kAllocatedNodes - 1];
// The iterator should reflect this corruption by returning an error during
// traversal from the node to the container.
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
const Extent* extent;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kInlineMaxExtents - 1; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(iter->Next(&extent), ZX_OK);
// Manually corrupt the next inode to point to a completely invalid node.
inode->header.next_node = kMaxNodeId - 1;
// The iterator should reflect this corruption by returning an error during
// traversal from the node to the container.
auto iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
const Extent* extent;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kInlineMaxExtents - 1; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(iter->Next(&extent), ZX_OK);
// Test utilization of the BlockIterator over the allocated extent iterator
// while the underlying storage is maximally fragmented.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, BlockIteratorFragmented) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = kInlineMaxExtents + kContainerMaxExtents + 1;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 3;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode->extent_count);
auto extent_iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
BlockIterator iter(std::make_unique<AllocatedExtentIterator>(std::move(extent_iter.value())));
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter.BlockIndex());
// Since we are maximally fragmented, we're polling for single block
// extents. This means that each call to "Next" will return at most one.
uint32_t blocks_seen = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < allocated_extents.size(); i++) {
uint32_t actual_length;
uint64_t actual_start;
// "i + 1" is arbitrary, but it checks trying a request for "at least
// one" block, and some additional request sizes. It doesn't matter in
// the fragmented case, since the |actual_length| should always be one.
ASSERT_EQ(iter.Next(static_cast<uint32_t>(i + 1), &actual_length, &actual_start), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, actual_length);
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_extents[i].Start(), actual_start);
blocks_seen += actual_length;
ASSERT_EQ(blocks_seen, iter.BlockIndex());
// Test utilization of the BlockIterator over the allocated extent iterator
// while the underlying storage is unfragmented.
TEST(AllocatedExtentIteratorTest, BlockIteratorUnfragmented) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedBlocks = 100;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 1;
TestSetup(kAllocatedBlocks, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/false, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, inode->extent_count);
// The allocation is contiguous, so the number of blocks we see is
// completely dependent on the amount we ask for.
// Try asking for all the blocks.
auto extent_iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
BlockIterator iter(std::make_unique<AllocatedExtentIterator>(std::move(extent_iter.value())));
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter.BlockIndex());
uint32_t actual_length;
uint64_t actual_start;
ASSERT_EQ(iter.Next(10000, &actual_length, &actual_start), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedBlocks, actual_length);
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_extents[0].Start(), actual_start);
// Try asking for some of the blocks (in a linearly increasing size).
auto extent_iter = AllocatedExtentIterator::Create(allocator.get(), node_index);
BlockIterator iter(std::make_unique<AllocatedExtentIterator>(std::move(extent_iter.value())));
ASSERT_EQ(0ul, iter.BlockIndex());
uint32_t blocks_seen = 0;
size_t request_size = 1;
while (!iter.Done()) {
uint32_t actual_length;
uint64_t actual_start;
ASSERT_EQ(iter.Next(static_cast<uint32_t>(request_size), &actual_length, &actual_start),
ASSERT_EQ(std::min(request_size, kAllocatedBlocks - blocks_seen), actual_length);
ASSERT_EQ(allocated_extents[0].Start() + blocks_seen, actual_start);
blocks_seen += actual_length;
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedBlocks, iter.BlockIndex());
TEST(AllocatedEXtentIteratorTest, VerifyIteration) {
MockSpaceManager space_manager;
std::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator;
fbl::Vector<Extent> allocated_extents;
fbl::Vector<uint32_t> allocated_nodes;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedExtents = kInlineMaxExtents + (2 * kContainerMaxExtents) + 1;
constexpr size_t kAllocatedNodes = 4;
TestSetup(kAllocatedExtents, kAllocatedNodes, /* fragmented=*/true, &space_manager, &allocator,
&allocated_extents, &allocated_nodes);
// After walking, observe that the inode is allocated.
const uint32_t node_index = allocated_nodes[0];
auto inode_ptr = allocator->GetNode(node_index);
ASSERT_EQ(kAllocatedExtents, inode_ptr->extent_count);
Inode* inode = inode_ptr.value().get();
// Normal successful iteration
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_OK);
// Corrupt last node extent count to be too high.
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
// Correct extent count.
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_OK);
// Skip to the last node from the second, should notice a non-packed node.
allocator->GetNode(allocated_nodes[1])->AsExtentContainer()->header.next_node =
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
// Correct the node pointer.
allocator->GetNode(allocated_nodes[1])->AsExtentContainer()->header.next_node =
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_OK);
// Loop node 2 to point at node 1 to detect the cycle on fast iteration.
allocator->GetNode(allocated_nodes[2])->AsExtentContainer()->header.next_node =
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode),
// Correct the list pointer.
allocator->GetNode(allocated_nodes[2])->AsExtentContainer()->header.next_node =
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode), ZX_OK);
// Loop node 2 to point at itself to detect the cycle on slow iteration.
inode->extent_count = 999;
allocator->GetNode(allocated_nodes[2])->AsExtentContainer()->header.next_node =
ASSERT_EQ(AllocatedExtentIterator::VerifyIteration(allocator.get(), inode),
} // namespace
} // namespace blobfs