blob: 88fd74c4d0d778097450b14f7ced510b245e3ce5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Produce a package that collects all binaries entries produced by packages
# declared in deps, into a new package.
# There are two ways of contributing to a shell_commands package:
# 1. Preferred: using the `shell_command()` template below.
# 2. Legacy: using the `package()` template by specifying `shell = true`.
# The generated package doesn't include any actual binaries, but rather
# "trampolines" that launch these binaries from other packages.
# This allows putting a shell_commands package in base, such that it cannot be
# updated at runtime, while updating the packages that include the actual
# binaries.
# Paramters
# package_name (optional)
# Default: target_name
# deps (optional)
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("shell_commands") {
# Collect all shell binaries.
shell_binary_entries_target = "${target_name}_shell_binary_entries"
shell_binary_entries = "$target_out_dir/$shell_binary_entries_target"
generated_file(shell_binary_entries_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# This contract is known to package.gni.
data_keys = [
walk_keys = [ "shell_binary_barrier" ]
outputs = [ shell_binary_entries ]
output_conversion = "json"
metadata = {
# Don't pick up resources from deps
distribution_entries_barrier = []
# Expose the distribution manifest to the shell commands package.
distribution_entries_target = "${target_name}_distribution_entries_file"
distribution_entries_file(distribution_entries_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [ ":$shell_binary_entries_target" ]
file = shell_binary_entries
fuchsia_package(target_name) {
deps = [ ":$distribution_entries_target" ]
metadata = {
shell_binary_barrier = []
# Wrap binaries as shell commands.
# Any binaries produced by `deps` will be available in the shell, and can be
# launched for instance with `fx shell`.
# Binaries will be available in the shell by their intrinsic names.
# For instance, if you defined:
# executable("foo") { ... }
# Then adding ":foo" to your deps will result in the binary "foo" being
# available in the shell.
# To rename binaries, change their intrinsic name. For instance:
# executable("foo") {
# output_name = "bar"
# }
# Parameters
# package_name (required)
# The name of a package that the binary is included in.
# deps (required)
# One or more targets that package files into `bin/`.
# testonly
# visibility
template("shell_command") {
assert(defined(invoker.package_name), "Must specify package_name")
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "Must specify deps")
# Collect all distribution entries from deps.
distribution_manifest_target = "${target_name}_distribution_manifest"
distribution_manifest = "$target_out_dir/$distribution_manifest_target"
distribution_manifest(distribution_manifest_target) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
outputs = [ distribution_manifest ]
# Generate shebang files for each `bin/` entry,
# then create distribution entries for the generated shebang files.
output = "$target_out_dir/${target_name}_resolve_files"
depfile = "$target_out_dir/$target_name.d"
action(target_name) {
script = "//build/images/"
inputs = [ distribution_manifest ]
outputs = [ output ]
args = [
rebase_path(distribution_manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$target_out_dir/shell_commands/", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
depfile = depfile
if (!defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$distribution_manifest_target" ]
metadata = {
shell_binary_entries_files = [
file = rebase_path(output, root_build_dir)
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")