blob: 8c40b0711c3295e7c64225393dc49cb69a502534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::sync::Arc;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_inspect::{self as inspect, component, Property};
use fuchsia_syslog::fx_log_err;
use futures::StreamExt;
use crate::agent::{Context, Lifespan, Payload};
use crate::base::{SettingInfo, SettingType};
use crate::blueprint_definition;
use crate::clock;
use crate::handler::base::{Payload as SettingPayload, Request};
use crate::handler::device_storage::DeviceStorageAccess;
use crate::handler::setting_handler::{Event, Payload as HandlerPayload};
use crate::message::base::{filter, Audience, MessageEvent, MessengerType};
use crate::service;
use crate::service::message::Messenger;
use crate::service::TryFromWithClient;
const INSPECT_NODE_NAME: &str = "setting_values";
const SETTING_TYPE_INSPECT_NODE_NAME: &str = "setting_types";
/// An agent that listens in on messages between the proxy and setting handlers to record the
/// values of all settings to inspect.
pub struct InspectSettingAgent {
messenger_client: Messenger,
inspect_node: inspect::Node,
setting_values: HashMap<&'static str, InspectSettingInfo>,
setting_types: HashSet<SettingType>,
_setting_types_inspect_node: SettingTypesInspectInfo,
/// Information about the setting types available in the settings service.
/// Inspect nodes are not used, but need to be held as they're deleted from inspect once they go
/// out of scope.
struct SettingTypesInspectInfo {
_node: inspect::Node,
_value: inspect::StringProperty,
/// Information about a setting to be written to inspect.
/// Inspect nodes are not used, but need to be held as they're deleted from inspect once they go
/// out of scope.
struct InspectSettingInfo {
/// Node of this info.
_node: inspect::Node,
/// Debug string representation of the value of this setting.
value: inspect::StringProperty,
/// Milliseconds since Unix epoch that this setting's value was changed.
timestamp: inspect::StringProperty,
impl DeviceStorageAccess for InspectSettingAgent {
const STORAGE_KEYS: &'static [&'static str] = &[];
impl InspectSettingAgent {
async fn create(context: Context) {
/// Create an agent to listen in on all messages between Proxy and setting
/// handlers. Agent starts immediately without calling invocation, but
/// acknowledges the invocation payload to let the Authority know the agent
/// starts properly.
pub async fn create_with_node(
context: Context,
inspect_node: inspect::Node,
custom_inspector: Option<&inspect::Inspector>,
) {
let inspector = custom_inspector.unwrap_or_else(|| component::inspector());
let (messenger_client, receptor) = match context
filter::Condition::Custom(Arc::new(move |message| {
// Only catch messages that were originally sent from the interfaces, and
// that contain a request for the specific setting type we're interested in.
Ok(messenger) => messenger,
Err(err) => {
fx_log_err!("could not create inspect: {:?}", err);
// Add inspect node for the setting types.
let setting_type_node = inspector.root().create_child(SETTING_TYPE_INSPECT_NODE_NAME);
let mut setting_types_list: Vec<String> = context
.map(|component| format!("{:?}", component))
let setting_types_value =
setting_type_node.create_string("value", format!("{:?}", setting_types_list));
let setting_types_inspect_node =
SettingTypesInspectInfo { _node: setting_type_node, _value: setting_types_value };
let mut agent = Self {
setting_values: HashMap::new(),
setting_types: context.available_components.clone(),
_setting_types_inspect_node: setting_types_inspect_node,
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let event = receptor.fuse();
let agent_event = context.receptor.fuse();
futures::pin_mut!(agent_event, event);
loop {
futures::select! {
message_event = event.select_next_some() => {
agent_message = agent_event.select_next_some() => {
if let MessageEvent::Message(
service::Payload::Agent(Payload::Invocation(invocation)), client)
= agent_message {
if invocation.lifespan == Lifespan::Service {
// Since the agent runs at creation, there is no
// need to handle state here.
/// This function iterates over the available components, requesting the current value with a
/// Get Request. The returned values combined with updates returned through watching for changes
/// (which should be registered for observing beforehand) provide full coverage of current
/// setting values.
async fn fetch_initial_values(&mut self) {
for setting_type in self.setting_types.clone() {
let mut receptor = self
if let Ok((
)) = receptor.next_payload().await
} else {
fx_log_err!("Could not fetch initial value for setting type:{:?}", setting_type);
/// Identifies [`service::message::MessageEvent`] that contains a changing event from a setting
/// handler to the proxy and records the setting values.
async fn process_message_event(&mut self, event: service::message::MessageEvent) {
if let Ok((HandlerPayload::Event(Event::Changed(setting_info)), _)) =
/// Writes a setting value to inspect.
async fn write_setting_to_inspect(&mut self, setting: SettingInfo) {
let (key, value) = setting.for_inspect();
let timestamp = clock::inspect_format_now();
match self.setting_values.get_mut(key) {
Some(setting) => {
// Value already known, just update its fields.
None => {
// Setting value not recorded yet, create a new inspect node.
let node = self.inspect_node.create_child(key);
let value_prop = node.create_string("value", value);
let timestamp_prop = node.create_string("timestamp", timestamp.clone());
InspectSettingInfo {
_node: node,
value: value_prop,
timestamp: timestamp_prop,
mod tests {
use fuchsia_inspect::assert_inspect_tree;
use fuchsia_zircon::Time;
use crate::agent::Invocation;
use crate::base::{SettingInfo, SettingType, UnknownInfo};
use crate::message::base::Status;
use crate::service::message::create_hub;
use crate::service_context::ServiceContext;
use super::*;
async fn create_context() -> Context {
let hub = create_hub();
hub.create(MessengerType::Unbound).await.expect("should be present").1,
/// Verifies that inspect agent intercepts a restore request and writes the setting value to
/// inspect.
async fn test_write_inspect_on_service_lifespan() {
// Set the clock so that timestamps will always be 0.
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
let inspect_node = inspector.root().create_child(INSPECT_NODE_NAME);
let context = create_context().await;
let messenger_factory = context.messenger_factory.clone();
let agent_signature = context.receptor.get_signature();
let (_, mut setting_proxy_receptor) = context
.expect("should create proxy");
InspectSettingAgent::create_with_node(context, inspect_node, Some(&inspector)).await;
// Inspect agent should not report any setting values.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
setting_types: {
"value": "[\"Unknown\"]",
setting_values: {
// Message service lifespan to agent.
.expect("should create messenger")
Payload::Invocation(Invocation {
lifespan: Lifespan::Service,
service_context: Arc::new(ServiceContext::new(None, None)),
// Setting handler reply to get.
let (_, reply_client) =
setting_proxy_receptor.next_payload().await.expect("payload should be present");
let mut reply_receptor = reply_client
while let Some(message_event) = {
if matches!(message_event, service::message::MessageEvent::Status(Status::Acknowledged))
// Inspect agent writes value to inspect.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
setting_types: {
"value": "[\"Unknown\"]",
setting_values: {
"Unknown": {
value: "UnknownInfo(true)",
timestamp: "0.000000000",
/// Verifies that inspect agent intercepts setting change events and writes the setting value
/// to inspect.
async fn test_write_inspect_on_changed() {
// Set the clock so that timestamps will always be 0.
let inspector = inspect::Inspector::new();
let inspect_node = inspector.root().create_child(INSPECT_NODE_NAME);
let context = create_context().await;
let messenger_factory = context.messenger_factory.clone();
let mut proxy_receptor = messenger_factory
.expect("should create proxy messenger")
InspectSettingAgent::create_with_node(context, inspect_node, Some(&inspector)).await;
// Inspect agent should not report any setting values.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
setting_types: {
"value": "[\"Unknown\"]",
setting_values: {
// Setting handler notifies proxy of setting changed.
.expect("seting handler should be created")
// Await for the event changed. The agent will intercept it in-between so capturing here
// will ensure the inspect operation has fully occurred.
let _payload = proxy_receptor.next_payload().await;
// Inspect agent writes value to inspect.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
setting_types: {
"value": "[\"Unknown\"]",
setting_values: {
"Unknown": {
value: "UnknownInfo(false)",
timestamp: "0.000000000",