blob: 2d88052a6fe4c9341d7dad375c58cd267f9d601a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.tracing;
// The controller interface used by the trace tool to start/stop tracing.
protocol TraceController {
// Requests to start tracing with the specified |options|.
// The trace controller acknowledges the request when all
// registered providers have been started or after |options.start_timeout_milliseconds| milliseconds.
// The trace controller emits trace data to |output| as a sequence of
// binary formatted trace records. Traces obtained from different providers
// are delimited by metadata records within the stream.
// The trace controller is responsible for lightly validating the structure of
// trace records as it copies them from trace buffers into the output.
// In particular, it must verify the size of each record header to ensure
// that the framing of trace records in the data stream is maintained.
// The trace controller does not validate the contents of the trace records
// themselves. For example, it should not try to check argument lengths in
// events. This ensures that the trace format can be extended without needing
// to modify the trace controller.
StartTracing(TraceOptions options, handle<socket> output) -> ();
// Requests to stop tracing.
// The trace controller continues to transfer any remaining data to the
// output until finished, then closes the output.
// Gets the known categories.
GetKnownCategories() -> (vector<KnownCategory> categories);
struct KnownCategory {
string:100 name;
string description;
// This is a copy of tracelink.fidl:BufferingMode.
enum BufferingMode : uint8 {
// Individual providers can be tuned with this.
table ProviderSpec {
1: string:100 name;
2: uint32 buffer_size_megabytes_hint;
// Provides options for the trace.
table TraceOptions {
// The trace categories to record, or an empty array for all.
1: vector<string:100>:100 categories;
// Suggested size of trace buffer which each provider should receive.
2: uint32 buffer_size_megabytes_hint = 4;
// Acknowledge start request after at most |start_timeout_milliseconds|.
3: uint64 start_timeout_milliseconds = 5000;
4: BufferingMode buffering_mode = ONESHOT;
// Overrides for particular providers.
5: vector<ProviderSpec>:100 provider_specs;