blob: 1921537daa00ed2f592e7576717d0eca267c47ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/arena.h>
#include <lib/fdf/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/client_base.h>
#include <lib/fidl_driver/cpp/internal/wire_client_details.h>
#include <lib/fidl_driver/cpp/transport.h>
#include <lib/fidl_driver/cpp/wire_messaging_declarations.h>
// Maintainer's note: when updating the documentation and function signatures
// below, please make similar updates to the one in
// //zircon/system/ulib/fidl/include/lib/fidl/llcpp/client.h.
// |fdf::WireClient| is the driver counterpart to |fidl::WireClient|, augmented
// to work with driver runtime objects, and similar for |fdf::WireSharedClient|
// and |fdf::WireSharedClient|. There is no hard-and-fast rule as to their
// interface requirements, but methods that don't concern themselves with driver
// specifics should generally stay identical between `fdf` and `fidl`.
namespace fdf {
namespace internal {
// Helper to chain .sync().buffer(*)->Foo(..)
template <typename Protocol>
class WireSyncBufferNeededVeneer {
explicit WireSyncBufferNeededVeneer(fidl::internal::ClientBase* client_base)
: client_base_(client_base) {}
auto buffer(const fdf::Arena& arena) const {
return fidl::internal::Arrow<fidl::internal::WireWeakSyncClientImpl<Protocol>>{client_base_,
fidl::internal::ClientBase* client_base_;
} // namespace internal
// |fdf::WireClient| is a client for sending and receiving FIDL wire messages
// over the driver transport. It exposes similar looking interfaces as
// |fidl::WireClient|, but has driver-specific concepts such as arenas and
// driver dispatchers.
// See |fidl::WireClient| for lifecycle notes, which also apply to
// |fdf::WireClient|.
// ## Thread safety
// |WireClient| provides an easier to use API in exchange of a more restrictive
// threading model:
// - There must only ever be one thread executing asynchronous operations for
// the provided |fdf_dispatcher_t|, termed "the dispatcher thread".
// - The client must be bound on the dispatcher thread.
// - The client must be destroyed on the dispatcher thread.
// - FIDL method calls may be made on other threads, but the response is always
// delivered on the dispatcher thread, as are event callbacks.
// The above rules are checked in debug builds at run-time. In short, the client
// is local to a thread.
// Note that FIDL method calls must be synchronized with operations that consume
// or mutate the |WireClient| itself:
// - Assigning a new value to the |WireClient| variable.
// - Moving the |WireClient| to a different location.
// - Destroying the |WireClient|.
// See
// for thread safety notes on |fidl::WireClient|, which also largely apply to
// |fdf::WireClient|.
// TODO( support hopping threads in the driver async dispatcher
// as long as the dispatcher is SYNCHRONIZED.
template <typename Protocol>
class WireClient {
// Create an initialized client which manages the binding of the client end of
// a channel to a dispatcher, as if that client had been default-constructed
// then later bound to that endpoint via |Bind|.
// It is a logic error to use a dispatcher that is shutting down or already
// shut down. Doing so will result in a panic.
// If any other error occurs during initialization, the
// |event_handler->on_fidl_error| handler will be invoked asynchronously with
// the reason, if specified.
WireClient(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>* event_handler = nullptr) {
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, event_handler);
// Create an uninitialized client. The client may then be bound to an endpoint
// later via |Bind|.
// Prefer using the constructor overload that binds the client to a channel
// atomically during construction. Use this default constructor only when the
// client must be constructed first before a channel could be obtained (for
// example, if the client is an instance variable).
WireClient() = default;
// Returns if the |WireClient| is initialized.
bool is_valid() const { return controller_.is_valid(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
// The destructor of |WireClient| will initiate binding teardown.
// When the client destructs:
// - The channel will be closed.
// - Pointers obtained via |get| will be invalidated.
// - Binding teardown will happen, implying:
// * In-progress calls will be forgotten. Async callbacks will be dropped.
~WireClient() = default;
// |WireClient|s can be safely moved without affecting any in-flight FIDL
// method calls. Note that calling methods on a client should be serialized
// with respect to operations that consume the client, such as moving it or
// destroying it.
WireClient(WireClient&& other) noexcept = default;
WireClient& operator=(WireClient&& other) noexcept = default;
// Initializes the client by binding the |client_end| endpoint to the
// dispatcher.
// It is a logic error to invoke |Bind| on a dispatcher that is shutting down
// or already shut down. Doing so will result in a panic.
// When other errors occur during binding, the |event_handler->on_fidl_error|
// handler will be asynchronously invoked with the reason, if specified.
// It is not allowed to call |Bind| on an initialized client. To rebind a
// |WireClient| to a different endpoint, simply replace the |WireClient|
// variable with a new instance.
void Bind(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>* event_handler = nullptr) {
fidl::internal::MakeAnyEventDispatcher(event_handler), event_handler,
// Returns an interface for making FIDL calls, using the provided |arena| to
// allocate buffers necessary for each call. Requests will live on the arena.
// Responses on the other hand live on the arena passed along with the
// response, which may or may not be the same arena as the request.
// ## Lifecycle
// The returned object borrows from this object, hence must not outlive
// the client object. The return object borrows the arena, hence must not
// outlive the arena.
// The returned object may be briefly persisted for use over multiple calls:
// fdf::Arena my_arena = /* create the arena */;
// fdf::WireClient client(std::move(client_end), some_dispatcher);
// auto buffered = client.buffer(my_arena);
// buffered->FooMethod(args).ThenExactlyOnce(foo_response_context);
// buffered->BarMethod(args).ThenExactlyOnce(bar_response_context);
// ...
// In this situation, those calls will all use the initially provided arena
// to allocate their message buffers.
auto buffer(const fdf::Arena& arena) const {
return fidl::internal::Arrow<fidl::internal::WireWeakAsyncBufferClientImpl<Protocol>>(&get(),
// Returns a veneer object exposing synchronous calls. Example:
// fdf::WireClient client(std::move(client_end), some_dispatcher);
// fdf::WireResult result = client.sync().buffer(...)->FooMethod(args);
auto sync() const {
return fdf::internal::WireSyncBufferNeededVeneer<Protocol>(&get());
fidl::internal::ClientBase& get() const { return controller_.get(); }
WireClient(const WireClient& other) noexcept = delete;
WireClient& operator=(const WireClient& other) noexcept = delete;
fidl::internal::ClientController controller_;
// |fdf::WireSharedClient| is a client for sending and receiving FIDL wire messages
// over the driver transport. It exposes similar looking interfaces as
// |fidl::WireSharedClient|, but has driver-specific concepts such as arenas and
// driver dispatchers.
// |WireSharedClient| is suitable for systems with less defined threading
// guarantees, by providing the building blocks to implement a two-phase
// asynchronous shutdown pattern.
// In addition, |WireSharedClient| supports cloning multiple instances sharing
// the same underlying endpoint.
// ## Thread safety
// FIDL method calls on this class are thread-safe. |AsyncTeardown| and |Clone|
// are also thread-safe, and may be invoked in parallel with FIDL method calls.
// However, those operations must be synchronized with operations that consume
// or mutate the |WireSharedClient| itself:
// - Assigning a new value to the |WireSharedClient| variable.
// - Moving the |WireSharedClient| to a different location.
// - Destroying the |WireSharedClient| variable.
// See
// for thread safety notes on |fidl::WireSharedClient|, which also largely apply
// to |fdf::WireSharedClient|.
template <typename Protocol>
class WireSharedClient final {
// Creates an initialized |WireSharedClient| which manages the binding of the
// client end of a channel to a dispatcher.
// It is a logic error to use a dispatcher that is shutting down or already
// shut down. Doing so will result in a panic.
// If any other error occurs during initialization, the
// |event_handler->on_fidl_error| handler will be invoked asynchronously with
// the reason, if specified.
// |event_handler| will be destroyed when teardown completes.
WireSharedClient(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::unique_ptr<fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>> event_handler) {
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, std::move(event_handler));
// Creates a |WireSharedClient| that supports custom behavior on teardown
// completion via |teardown_observer|. Through helpers that return an
// |AnyTeardownObserver|, users may link the completion of teardown to the
// invocation of a callback or the lifecycle of related business objects. See
// for example |fidl::ObserveTeardown| and |fidl::ShareUntilTeardown|.
// This overload does not demand taking ownership of |event_handler| by
// |std::unique_ptr|, hence is suitable when the |event_handler| needs to be
// managed independently of the client lifetime.
// See |WireSharedClient| above for other behavior aspects of the constructor.
fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>* event_handler,
fidl::AnyTeardownObserver teardown_observer = fidl::AnyTeardownObserver::Noop()) {
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, event_handler, std::move(teardown_observer));
// Overload of |WireSharedClient| that omits the |event_handler|, to
// workaround C++ limitations on default arguments.
// See |WireSharedClient| above for other behavior aspects of the constructor.
fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fidl::AnyTeardownObserver teardown_observer = fidl::AnyTeardownObserver::Noop()) {
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, nullptr, std::move(teardown_observer));
// Creates an uninitialized |WireSharedClient|.
// Prefer using the constructor overload that binds the client to a channel
// atomically during construction. Use this default constructor only when the
// client must be constructed first before a channel could be obtained (for
// example, if the client is an instance variable).
WireSharedClient() = default;
// Returns if the |WireSharedClient| is initialized.
bool is_valid() const { return controller_.is_valid(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
// If the current |WireSharedClient| is the last instance controlling the
// current connection, the destructor of this |WireSharedClient| will trigger
// teardown.
// When the last |WireSharedClient| destructs:
// - The channel will be closed.
// - Pointers obtained via |get| will be invalidated.
// - Teardown will be initiated. See the **Lifecycle** section from the
// class documentation of |fidl::WireClient|.
// See also: |AsyncTeardown|.
~WireSharedClient() = default;
// |fidl::WireSharedClient|s can be safely moved without affecting any in-progress
// operations. Note that calling methods on a client should be serialized with
// respect to operations that consume the client, such as moving it or
// destroying it.
WireSharedClient(WireSharedClient&& other) noexcept = default;
WireSharedClient& operator=(WireSharedClient&& other) noexcept = default;
// Initializes the client by binding the |client_end| endpoint to the dispatcher.
// It is a logic error to invoke |Bind| on a dispatcher that is shutting down
// or already shut down. Doing so will result in a panic.
// It is not allowed to call |Bind| on an initialized client. To rebind a
// |WireSharedClient| to a different endpoint, simply replace the
// |WireSharedClient| variable with a new instance.
// When other error occurs during binding, the |event_handler->on_fidl_error|
// handler will be asynchronously invoked with the reason, if specified.
// |event_handler| will be destroyed when teardown completes.
void Bind(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
std::unique_ptr<fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>> event_handler) {
auto event_handler_raw = event_handler.get();
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, event_handler_raw,
// Overload of |Bind| that supports custom behavior on teardown completion via
// |teardown_observer|. Through helpers that return an |AnyTeardownObserver|,
// users may link the completion of teardown to the invocation of a callback
// or the lifecycle of related business objects. See for example
// |fidl::ObserveTeardown| and |fidl::ShareUntilTeardown|.
// This overload does not demand taking ownership of |event_handler| by
// |std::unique_ptr|, hence is suitable when the |event_handler| needs to be
// managed independently of the client lifetime.
// See |Bind| above for other behavior aspects of the function.
void Bind(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fdf::WireAsyncEventHandler<Protocol>* event_handler,
fidl::AnyTeardownObserver teardown_observer = fidl::AnyTeardownObserver::Noop()) {
fidl::internal::MakeAnyEventDispatcher(event_handler), event_handler,
// Overload of |Bind| that omits the |event_handler|, to
// workaround C++ limitations on default arguments.
// See |Bind| above for other behavior aspects of the constructor.
void Bind(fdf::ClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fidl::AnyTeardownObserver teardown_observer = fidl::AnyTeardownObserver::Noop()) {
Bind(std::move(client_end), dispatcher, nullptr, std::move(teardown_observer));
// Initiates asynchronous teardown of the bindings. See the **Lifecycle**
// section from |fidl::WireSharedClient|.
// |Bind| must have been called before this.
// While it is safe to invoke |AsyncTeardown| from any thread, it is unsafe to
// wait for teardown to complete from a dispatcher thread, as that will likely
// deadlock.
void AsyncTeardown() { controller_.Unbind(); }
// Returns another |WireSharedClient| instance sharing the same channel.
// Prefer to |Clone| only when necessary e.g. extending the lifetime of a
// |SharedClient| to a different scope. Any clone will prevent the cleanup
// of the channel while the binding is alive.
WireSharedClient Clone() { return WireSharedClient(*this); }
// Returns a veneer object which exposes the caller-allocating API, using
// the provided |resource| to allocate buffers necessary for each call.
// See documentation on |WireClient::buffer| for detailed behavior.
// TODO( Consider taking |const fdf::Arena&| or similar.
auto buffer(const fdf::Arena& arena) const {
return fidl::internal::Arrow<fidl::internal::WireWeakAsyncBufferClientImpl<Protocol>>(&get(),
// Returns a veneer object exposing synchronous calls. Example:
// fidl::WireClient client(std::move(client_end), some_dispatcher);
// fidl::WireResult result = client.sync().buffer(...)->FooMethod(args);
auto sync() const {
return fdf::internal::WireSyncBufferNeededVeneer<Protocol>(&get());
// Allow unit tests to peek into the internals of this class.
friend ::fidl_testing::ClientChecker;
fidl::internal::ClientBase& get() const { return controller_.get(); }
WireSharedClient(const WireSharedClient& other) noexcept = default;
WireSharedClient& operator=(const WireSharedClient& other) noexcept = default;
fidl::internal::ClientController controller_;
} // namespace fdf