blob: ac765ff9e70c7d4ad0c54edbd13125697d4d7049 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ninjagraph provides utilities to parse the DOT output from Ninja's `-t graph`
// tool to a Go native format.
package ninjagraph
import (
var (
// Example: "0x1234567" [label="../../path/to/"]
nodePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^"0x([0-9a-f"]+)" \[label="([^"]+)"`)
// Example:
// "0x1234567" -> "0x7654321"
// or
// "0x1234567" -> "0x7654321" [label=" host_x64_cxx"]
// Labels for edges currently have a leading space. Optionally match it just
// in case it's removed in the future.
edgePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^"0x([0-9a-f]+)" -> "0x([0-9a-f]+)"(?: \[label=" ?([^"]+)")?`)
const ninjagoArtificialSinkRule = "🏁ninjago_artificial_sink_rule"
// graphvizNode is a node in Ninja's Graphviz output.
// It is possible for a graphviz node to represent an edge with multiple
// inputs/outputs in Ninja's build graph.
type graphvizNode struct {
id int64
label string
// isNinjaEdge is true if this Graphviz node represents a Ninja build edge.
isNinjaEdge bool
// graphvizEdge is an edge in Ninja's Graphviz output.
type graphvizEdge struct {
from, to int64
// If label is non-empty, this edge represents a build edge in Ninja's build
// graph, and label is the rule for this build edge.
label string
func graphvizNodeFrom(line string) (graphvizNode, bool, error) {
match := nodePattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if match == nil {
return graphvizNode{}, false, nil
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(match[1], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return graphvizNode{}, false, err
return graphvizNode{
id: id,
label: match[2],
// A Graphviz node can represent a Ninja build edge with multiple inputs and
// outputs, in this case Ninja draws a ellipse instead of a rectangle.
isNinjaEdge: strings.HasSuffix(line, "shape=ellipse]"),
}, true, nil
func graphvizEdgeFrom(line string) (graphvizEdge, bool, error) {
match := edgePattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if match == nil {
return graphvizEdge{}, false, nil
from, err := strconv.ParseInt(match[1], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return graphvizEdge{}, false, err
to, err := strconv.ParseInt(match[2], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return graphvizEdge{}, false, err
var label string
if len(match) > 3 {
label = match[3]
return graphvizEdge{
from: from,
to: to,
label: label,
}, true, nil
// Node is a node in Ninja's build graph. It represents an input/ouput file in
// the build.
type Node struct {
// ID is an unique ID of this node.
ID int64
// Path is the path to the input/output file this node represents.
Path string
// In is the edge that produced this node. Nil if this node is not produced by
// any rule.
In *Edge
// Outs contains all edges that use this node as input.
Outs []*Edge
// Fields below are used to memoize search results while looking up the
// critical path.
// criticalInput points to the one of inputs used to produce this node, which
// took the longest time to build.
criticalInput *Node
// criticalBuildDuration is the sum of build durations of all edges along the
// critical path that produced this output.
criticalBuildDuration *time.Duration
// Edge is an edge in Ninja's build graph. It links nodes with a build rule.
type Edge struct {
Inputs []int64
Outputs []int64
Rule string
// Fields below are populated after `PopulateEdges`.
// Step is a build step associated with this edge. It can be derived from
// joining with ninja_log. After the join, all steps on non-phony edges are
// populated.
Step *ninjalog.Step
// Fields to memoize earliest start and latest finish for critical path
// calculation based on float.
earliestStart, latestFinish *time.Duration
// Graph is a Ninja build graph.
type Graph struct {
// Nodes maps from node IDs to nodes.
Nodes map[int64]*Node
// Edges contains all edges in the graph.
Edges []*Edge
// sink is an edge that marks the completion of the build.
// This edge will only be populated after `addSink`.
sink *Edge
// addEdge adds an edge to the graph and updates the related nodes accordingly.
func (g *Graph) addEdge(e *Edge) error {
for _, input := range e.Inputs {
n, ok := g.Nodes[input]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("node %x not found, while an edge claims to use it as input", input)
n.Outs = append(n.Outs, e)
var outputs []int64
for _, output := range e.Outputs {
n, ok := g.Nodes[output]
if !ok {
// Skip this output because it is not included in the build graph.
// This is possible when a rule produces multiple outputs, and some of
// those outputs are not explicitly included in the build graph. For
// example, some rule produces both stripped and unstripped versions of a
// binary, and the unstripped ones are not included in the build graph.
outputs = append(outputs, output)
if n.In != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("multiple edges claim to produce %x as output", output)
n.In = e
e.Outputs = outputs
g.Edges = append(g.Edges, e)
return nil
// FromDOT reads all lines from the input reader and parses it into a `Graph`.
// This function expects the content to be parsed to follow the Ninja log format,
// otherwise the results is undefined.
func FromDOT(r io.Reader) (Graph, error) {
var gNodes []graphvizNode
var gEdges []graphvizEdge
gNodesCh := make(chan []graphvizNode)
gEdgesCh := make(chan []graphvizEdge)
// If a Ninja build edge contains zero or multiple inputs and multiple outputs,
// it is represented as a Graphviz node + edges connected to input and output
// nodes. These two indexes are useful later when we convert the Graphviz
// representation back into a Ninja build edge.
edgesBySrc := make(map[int64][]graphvizEdge)
edgesByDst := make(map[int64][]graphvizEdge)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for ns := range gNodesCh {
gNodes = append(gNodes, ns...)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for es := range gEdgesCh {
gEdges = append(gEdges, es...)
for _, e := range es {
edgesBySrc[e.from] = append(edgesBySrc[e.from], e)
edgesByDst[] = append(edgesByDst[], e)
eg := errgroup.Group{}
sem := make(chan struct{}, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)-2)
s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for s.Scan() {
sem <- struct{}{}
// Chunk the lines to reduce channel IO, this significantly reduces runtime.
lines := []string{s.Text()}
for i := 0; i < 10_000 && s.Scan(); i++ {
lines = append(lines, s.Text())
eg.Go(func() error {
defer func() { <-sem }()
var ns []graphvizNode
var es []graphvizEdge
for _, line := range lines {
n, ok, err := graphvizNodeFrom(line)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
ns = append(ns, n)
e, ok, err := graphvizEdgeFrom(line)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
es = append(es, e)
gNodesCh <- ns
gEdgesCh <- es
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return Graph{}, err
if err := s.Err(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return Graph{}, err
// We've done parsing of the Graphviz representation, now map it back to the
// actual Ninja build graph.
g := Graph{
Nodes: make(map[int64]*Node),
// Collect all Graphviz nodes that represent Ninja build edges and assemble
// them later.
var edgeNodes []graphvizNode
// Later steps require all nodes to be present in the graph, so this step
// cannot be done in parallel. This is fine because the number of nodes is
// usually much smaller than the number of edges.
for _, n := range gNodes {
if n.isNinjaEdge {
edgeNodes = append(edgeNodes, n)
g.Nodes[] = &Node{ID:, Path: n.label}
edges := make(chan []*Edge)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var es []*Edge
for _, edge := range gEdges {
if edge.label == "" {
es = append(es, &Edge{
Inputs: []int64{edge.from},
Outputs: []int64{},
Rule: edge.label,
// Chunk the edges to reduce channel IO, this significantly reduces runtime.
if len(es) > 10_000 {
edges <- es
es = nil
edges <- es
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var es []*Edge
for _, n := range edgeNodes {
// If a Ninja build edge is represented as a Graphviz node, all the
// Graphviz edges pointing to it are connected to inputs, and all the
// Graphviz edges going out of it are connected to outputs.
e := &Edge{Rule: n.label}
for _, from := range edgesByDst[] {
e.Inputs = append(e.Inputs, from.from)
for _, to := range edgesBySrc[] {
e.Outputs = append(e.Outputs,
es = append(es, e)
// Chunk the edges to reduce channel IO, this significantly reduces runtime.
if len(es) > 10_000 {
edges <- es
es = nil
edges <- es
go func() {
for es := range edges {
for _, e := range es {
if err := g.addEdge(e); err != nil {
return Graph{}, err
return g, nil
// PopulateEdges joins the build steps from ninjalog with the graph and
// populates build time on edges.
// `steps` should be deduplicated, so they have a 1-to-1 mapping to edges.
func (g *Graph) PopulateEdges(steps []ninjalog.Step) error {
stepByOut := make(map[string]ninjalog.Step)
for _, step := range steps {
// Index all outputs, otherwise the edges can miss steps due to missing
// nodes. If steps are only indexed on their main output, and that output
// node is missing from the graph, we can't draw a link between the step and
// its corresponding edge.
// For example, if a step has its main output set to `foo`, and also
// produces `bar` and `baz`, we want to index this step on all three of the
// outputs. This way, if an edge missed `foo` in its output (possible when
// the output node is not included in the build graph), it can still be
// associated with the step since it can match on both other outputs.
for _, out := range append(step.Outs, step.Out) {
if _, ok := stepByOut[out]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("multiple steps claim to produce the same output %s", out)
stepByOut[out] = step
for _, edge := range g.Edges {
// Skip "phony" builds. For example "build default: phony obj/default.stamp"
// can be included in the graph.
if edge.Rule == "phony" {
var nodes []*Node
for _, output := range edge.Outputs {
node := g.Nodes[output]
if node == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("node %x not found, yet an edge claims to produce it, invalid graph", output)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
// Look for the corresponding ninjalog step for this edge. We do this by
// matching outputs: for each output we look for the build step that
// produced it, and associate that with the edge. Along the way we also
// check all the outputs claimed by this edge is produced by the same step,
// so there is a 1-to-1 mapping between them.
var step *ninjalog.Step
for _, node := range nodes {
s, ok := stepByOut[node.Path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no steps are producing output %s, yet an edge claims to produce it", node.Path)
if step != nil && step.CmdHash != s.CmdHash {
return fmt.Errorf("multiple steps match the same edge on outputs %v, previous step: %#v, this step: %#v", pathsOf(nodes), step, s)
step = &s
if step == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no build steps found for build edge with output(s): %v", pathsOf(nodes))
edge.Step = step
return nil
func pathsOf(nodes []*Node) []string {
var paths []string
for _, n := range nodes {
paths = append(paths, n.Path)
return paths
// buildTimeOf returns the total amount of time spent to produce the output.
// This function also memoizes results on the nodes to avoid repeated work.
func (g *Graph) buildTimeOf(id int64) (time.Duration, error) {
node, ok := g.Nodes[id]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("node %x not found", id)
// Root nodes take no time to build since they are readily available at the
// beginning of the build.
if node.In == nil {
return 0, nil
// Return memoized results immediate to avoid repeated traversal of
// overlapping parts of the graph.
if node.criticalBuildDuration != nil {
return *node.criticalBuildDuration, nil
if node.In.Rule != "phony" && node.In.Step == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("input edge to node %q has not step associated to it, this should not happen if edges are correctly populated", node.Path)
var maxBuildTime time.Duration
for _, input := range node.In.Inputs {
d, err := g.buildTimeOf(input)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to get build time of input node %x: %v", input, err)
if d >= maxBuildTime {
node.criticalInput = g.Nodes[input]
maxBuildTime = d
if node.In.Step != nil {
maxBuildTime += node.In.Step.Duration()
node.criticalBuildDuration = &maxBuildTime
return maxBuildTime, nil
// CriticalPath returns the build path that takes the longest time to finish.
// That is, the sum of build durations on edges along this path is the largest
// among all build paths.
// `Step`s on all non-phony edges must be populated before this function is
// called, otherwise an error is returned.
func (g *Graph) CriticalPath() ([]ninjalog.Step, error) {
var lastCriticalNode *Node
var maxBuildDuration time.Duration
for id, node := range g.Nodes {
d, err := g.buildTimeOf(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct critical path: %v", err)
if d >= maxBuildDuration {
maxBuildDuration = d
lastCriticalNode = node
if lastCriticalNode == nil {
return nil, nil
var criticalPath []ninjalog.Step
for lastCriticalNode != nil {
n := lastCriticalNode
lastCriticalNode = lastCriticalNode.criticalInput
// Pure input files (for example source code files) don't have In edges on them.
if n.In == nil {
// Phony edges don't have steps associated with them.
if n.In.Step == nil {
criticalPath = append(criticalPath, *n.In.Step)
// Reverse the critical path to follow chronological order.
for left, right := 0, len(criticalPath)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
criticalPath[left], criticalPath[right] = criticalPath[right], criticalPath[left]
return criticalPath, nil
// addSink adds a sink edge to the graph.
// The added edge takes all pure outputs (output files that are not inputs to
// any existing edges) as input, and outputs nothing. This edge marks the
// completion of the build. It is necessary for calculating critical path using
// float, because floats of actions are calculated against the completion of the
// whole build.
func (g *Graph) addSink() error {
if len(g.Edges) == 0 || g.sink != nil {
return nil
var pureOutputs []int64
for id, n := range g.Nodes {
if len(n.Outs) == 0 {
pureOutputs = append(pureOutputs, id)
if len(pureOutputs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("the build graph doesn't output anything")
sink := Edge{
Inputs: pureOutputs,
Rule: ninjagoArtificialSinkRule,
// A step with 0 duration is necessary to facilitate drag calculation.
Step: &ninjalog.Step{},
for _, id := range pureOutputs {
g.Nodes[id].Outs = []*Edge{&sink}
g.Edges = append(g.Edges, &sink)
g.sink = &sink
return nil
// totalFloat calculates total float of an edge. Float is the amount of time an
// action can be delayed without affecting the completion time of the build.
func (g *Graph) totalFloat(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
es, err := g.earliestStart(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating earliest start: %w", err)
ls, err := g.latestStart(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating latest start: %w", err)
return ls - es, nil
// earliestStart returns the earliest time an edge can start in the build.
func (g *Graph) earliestStart(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
if edge.earliestStart != nil {
return *edge.earliestStart, nil
// Earliest start of this action is the latest earliest finish of all its
// dependencies.
var es time.Duration
for _, input := range edge.Inputs {
n, ok := g.Nodes[input]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("node %x not found", input)
in := n.In
if in == nil {
// The input node is a pure input (for example source code file), so
// there's no action generating that node.
ef, err := g.earliestFinish(in)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating earliest start for action generating %s: %v", n.Path, err)
if ef > es {
es = ef
edge.earliestStart = &es
return es, nil
// earliestFinish returns the earliest time an edge can finish in the build.
func (g *Graph) earliestFinish(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
es, err := g.earliestStart(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Phony rules don't actually run anything, so they have a duration of 0.
if edge.Rule == "phony" {
return es, nil
if edge.Step == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("step is missing on edge, step can be populated by calling `PopulateEdges`")
return es + edge.Step.Duration(), nil
// latestStart returns the latest time an edge can start in the build.
func (g *Graph) latestStart(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
lf, err := g.latestFinish(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Phony rules don't actually run anything, so they have a duration of 0.
if edge.Rule == "phony" {
return lf, nil
if edge.Step == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("step is missing on edge, step can be populated by calling `PopulateEdges`")
return lf - edge.Step.Duration(), nil
// latestFinish returns the latest time an edge can finish in the build.
func (g *Graph) latestFinish(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
if edge.latestFinish != nil {
return *edge.latestFinish, nil
if len(edge.Outputs) == 0 {
return g.earliestFinish(edge)
// Latest finish of this action is the earliest latest start of all its
// dependents.
lf := time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
for _, output := range edge.Outputs {
n, ok := g.Nodes[output]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("node %x not found", output)
for _, out := range n.Outs {
ls, err := g.latestStart(out)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if ls < lf {
lf = ls
edge.latestFinish = &lf
return lf, nil
// CriticalPathV2 calculates critical path by looking for all actions with zero
// float.
// A critical path is the path through the build that results in the latest
// completion of the build.
func (g *Graph) CriticalPathV2() ([]ninjalog.Step, error) {
if len(g.Edges) == 0 {
return nil, nil
if err := g.addSink(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("adding sink to graph: %w", err)
criticalEdge := g.sink
var criticalPath []ninjalog.Step
for criticalEdge != nil {
if criticalEdge.Rule != "phony" && criticalEdge.Rule != ninjagoArtificialSinkRule {
if criticalEdge.Step == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("step is missing on edge, step can be populated by calling `PopulateEdges`")
criticalPath = append(criticalPath, *criticalEdge.Step)
var nextCriticalEdge *Edge
for _, id := range criticalEdge.Inputs {
n, ok := g.Nodes[id]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("node %x not found", id)
if n.In == nil {
tf, err := g.totalFloat(n.In)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("calculating total float: %w", err)
if tf == 0 {
nextCriticalEdge = n.In
criticalEdge = nextCriticalEdge
sort.Slice(criticalPath, func(i, j int) bool { return criticalPath[i].Start < criticalPath[j].Start })
return criticalPath, nil
// parallelizableEdges returns all edges that can be run in parallel with the
// input edge.
func (g *Graph) parallelizableEdges(edge *Edge) ([]*Edge, error) {
if edge.Step == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("input edge has no step associated to it, this should not happen if edges are correctly populated")
latestFinish, err := g.latestFinish(edge)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret []*Edge
for _, e := range g.Edges {
if e == edge || e.Rule == "phony" || e.Rule == ninjagoArtificialSinkRule {
if e.Step == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("step is missing on edge, step can be populated by calling `PopulateEdges`")
es, err := g.earliestStart(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lf, err := g.latestFinish(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(jayzhuang): validate whether the checks below are good enough to get
// all parallelizable edges.
// This check covers 2 possibilities:
// edge: |oooooooo|
// e: |-----------------|
// or
// edge: |ooooooooo|
// e: |------------|
if lf >= latestFinish && es < latestFinish {
ret = append(ret, e)
return ret, nil
// drag returns drag of the input edge. Drag is the amount of time an action
// on the critical path is adding the total build time.
// NOTE: drag calculation assumes unconstrained parallelism, such that actions
// can always begin as soon as their inputs are satisfied and never wait to be
// scheduled on an available machine resources (CPU, RAM, I/O).
func (g *Graph) drag(edge *Edge) (time.Duration, error) {
if edge.Step == nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("step is missing on edge, step can be populated by calling `PopulateEdges`")
tf, err := g.totalFloat(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating total float: %w", err)
if tf != 0 {
// This edge is not on the critical path, so drag = 0.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("drag called for non-critical edge")
edges, err := g.parallelizableEdges(edge)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("getting parallelizable edges: %w", err)
drag := edge.Step.Duration()
for _, e := range edges {
tf, err := g.totalFloat(e)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("calculating total float of parallel edges: %w", err)
if tf < drag {
drag = tf
return drag, nil