blob: ef1e6ba2c96bb7c7d2c2067864bc1ac1e389ac89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/partition/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/volume/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fd.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fdio/limits.h>
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <lib/fdio/watcher.h>
#include <lib/fzl/fdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/device/vfs.h>
#include <zircon/processargs.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fs-management/fvm.h>
#include <fs/client.h>
#include <fvm/format.h>
namespace {
constexpr char kBlockDevPath[] = "/dev/class/block/";
constexpr char kBlockDevRelativePath[] = "class/block/";
// Checks that |fd| is a partition which matches |uniqueGUID| and |typeGUID|.
// If either is null, it doesn't compare |fd| with that guid.
// At least one of the GUIDs must be non-null.
bool IsPartition(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, const uint8_t* uniqueGUID, const uint8_t* typeGUID) {
ZX_ASSERT(uniqueGUID || typeGUID);
fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID guid;
fzl::UnownedFdioCaller partition_connection(fd.get());
zx::unowned_channel channel(partition_connection.borrow_channel());
zx_status_t io_status, status;
if (typeGUID) {
io_status =
fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_PartitionGetTypeGuid(channel->get(), &status, &guid);
if (io_status != ZX_OK || status != ZX_OK ||
memcmp(guid.value, typeGUID, BLOCK_GUID_LEN) != 0) {
return false;
if (uniqueGUID) {
io_status =
fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_PartitionGetInstanceGuid(channel->get(), &status, &guid);
if (io_status != ZX_OK || status != ZX_OK ||
memcmp(guid.value, uniqueGUID, BLOCK_GUID_LEN) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
// Overwrites the FVM and waits for it to disappear from devfs.
// devfs_root_fd: (OPTIONAL) A connection to devfs. If supplied, |path| is relative to this root.
// parent_fd: An fd to the parent of the FVM device.
// path: The path to the FVM device. Relative to |devfs_root_fd| if supplied.
zx_status_t DestroyFVMAndWait(int devfs_root_fd, fbl::unique_fd parent_fd, fbl::unique_fd driver_fd,
const char* path) {
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo volume_info;
zx_status_t status = fvm_query(driver_fd.get(), &volume_info);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
struct fvm_destroyer {
int devfs_root_fd;
uint64_t slice_size;
const char* path;
bool destroyed;
} destroyer;
destroyer.devfs_root_fd = devfs_root_fd;
destroyer.slice_size = volume_info.slice_size;
destroyer.path = path;
destroyer.destroyed = false;
auto cb = [](int dirfd, int event, const char* fn, void* cookie) {
auto destroyer = static_cast<fvm_destroyer*>(cookie);
if (event == WATCH_EVENT_WAITING) {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
if (destroyer->devfs_root_fd != -1) {
status = fvm_overwrite_with_devfs(destroyer->devfs_root_fd, destroyer->path,
} else {
status = fvm_overwrite(destroyer->path, destroyer->slice_size);
destroyer->destroyed = true;
return status;
if ((event == WATCH_EVENT_REMOVE_FILE) && !strcmp(fn, "fvm")) {
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_OK;
status = fdio_watch_directory(parent_fd.get(), cb, zx::time::infinite().get(), &destroyer);
if (status != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace
zx_status_t fvm_init_preallocated(int fd, uint64_t initial_volume_size, uint64_t max_volume_size,
size_t slice_size) {
if (slice_size % fvm::kBlockSize != 0) {
// Alignment
} else if ((slice_size * fvm::kMaxVSlices) / fvm::kMaxVSlices != slice_size) {
// Overflow
} else if (initial_volume_size > max_volume_size || initial_volume_size == 0 ||
max_volume_size == 0) {
fvm::FormatInfo format_info =
fvm::FormatInfo::FromPreallocatedSize(initial_volume_size, max_volume_size, slice_size);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> mvmo(new uint8_t[format_info.metadata_allocated_size() * 2]);
// Clear entire primary copy of metadata
memset(mvmo.get(), 0, format_info.metadata_allocated_size());
// Superblock
fvm::fvm_t* sb = reinterpret_cast<fvm::fvm_t*>(mvmo.get());
sb->magic = fvm::kMagic;
sb->version = fvm::kVersion;
sb->pslice_count = format_info.slice_count();
sb->slice_size = slice_size;
sb->fvm_partition_size = initial_volume_size;
sb->vpartition_table_size = fvm::kVPartTableLength;
sb->allocation_table_size = fvm::AllocTableLength(max_volume_size, slice_size);
sb->generation = 0;
if (sb->pslice_count == 0) {
fvm_update_hash(mvmo.get(), format_info.metadata_size());
void* backup = mvmo.get() + format_info.GetSuperblockOffset(fvm::SuperblockType::kSecondary);
memcpy(backup, mvmo.get(), format_info.metadata_size());
zx_status_t status =
fvm_validate_header(mvmo.get(), backup, format_info.metadata_size(), nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
// Write to primary copy.
if (write(fd, mvmo.get(), format_info.metadata_allocated_size()) !=
static_cast<ssize_t>(format_info.metadata_allocated_size())) {
// Write to secondary copy, to overwrite any previous FVM metadata copy that
// could be here.
if (write(fd, mvmo.get(), format_info.metadata_allocated_size()) !=
static_cast<ssize_t>(format_info.metadata_allocated_size())) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t fvm_init_with_size(int fd, uint64_t volume_size, size_t slice_size) {
return fvm_init_preallocated(fd, volume_size, volume_size, slice_size);
zx_status_t fvm_init(int fd, size_t slice_size) {
// The metadata layout of the FVM is dependent on the
// size of the FVM's underlying partition.
fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockInfo block_info;
fzl::UnownedFdioCaller disk_connection(fd);
zx_status_t status;
zx_status_t io_status =
fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockGetInfo(disk_connection.borrow_channel(), &status, &block_info);
if (io_status != ZX_OK) {
return io_status;
} else if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else if (slice_size == 0 || slice_size % block_info.block_size) {
return fvm_init_with_size(fd, block_info.block_count * block_info.block_size, slice_size);
// Helper function to overwrite FVM given the slice_size
zx_status_t fvm_overwrite_impl(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, size_t slice_size) {
fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockInfo block_info;
fzl::UnownedFdioCaller disk_connection(fd.get());
zx::unowned_channel channel(disk_connection.borrow_channel());
zx_status_t status;
zx_status_t io_status = fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockGetInfo(channel->get(), &status, &block_info);
if (io_status != ZX_OK) {
return io_status;
} else if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
size_t disk_size = block_info.block_count * block_info.block_size;
size_t metadata_size = fvm::MetadataSize(disk_size, slice_size);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf(new uint8_t[metadata_size]);
memset(buf.get(), 0, metadata_size);
if (lseek(fd.get(), 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
return ZX_ERR_IO;
// Write to primary copy.
if (write(fd.get(), buf.get(), metadata_size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(metadata_size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm_overwrite_impl: Failed to write metadata\n");
return ZX_ERR_IO;
// Write to backup copy
if (write(fd.get(), buf.get(), metadata_size) != static_cast<ssize_t>(metadata_size)) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm_overwrite_impl: Failed to write metadata (secondary)\n");
return ZX_ERR_IO;
io_status = fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockRebindDevice(channel->get(), &status);
if (io_status != ZX_OK) {
return io_status;
return status;
zx_status_t fvm_overwrite(const char* path, size_t slice_size) {
fbl::unique_fd fd(open(path, O_RDWR));
if (!fd) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm_overwrite: Failed to open block device\n");
return fvm_overwrite_impl(fd, slice_size);
zx_status_t fvm_overwrite_with_devfs(int devfs_root_fd, const char* relative_path,
size_t slice_size) {
fbl::unique_fd fd(openat(devfs_root_fd, relative_path, O_RDWR));
if (!fd) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm_overwrite_with_devfs: Failed to open block device\n");
return fvm_overwrite_impl(fd, slice_size);
// Helper function to destroy FVM
zx_status_t fvm_destroy(const char* path) {
fbl::String driver_path = fbl::StringPrintf("%s/fvm", path);
fbl::unique_fd parent_fd(open(path, O_RDWR));
if (!parent_fd) {
fbl::unique_fd fvm_fd(open(driver_path.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (!fvm_fd) {
return DestroyFVMAndWait(-1, std::move(parent_fd), std::move(fvm_fd), path);
zx_status_t fvm_destroy_with_devfs(int devfs_root_fd, const char* relative_path) {
fbl::String driver_path = fbl::StringPrintf("%s/fvm", relative_path);
fbl::unique_fd parent_fd(openat(devfs_root_fd, relative_path, O_RDWR));
if (!parent_fd) {
fbl::unique_fd fvm_fd(openat(devfs_root_fd, driver_path.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (!fvm_fd) {
return DestroyFVMAndWait(devfs_root_fd, std::move(parent_fd), std::move(fvm_fd), relative_path);
int fvm_allocate_partition_impl(int fvm_fd, const alloc_req_t* request) {
fzl::UnownedFdioCaller caller(fvm_fd);
fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID type_guid;
memcpy(type_guid.value, request->type, BLOCK_GUID_LEN);
fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID instance_guid;
memcpy(instance_guid.value, request->guid, BLOCK_GUID_LEN);
zx_status_t status;
zx_status_t io_status = fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManagerAllocatePartition(
caller.borrow_channel(), request->slice_count, &type_guid, &instance_guid, request->name,
BLOCK_NAME_LEN, request->flags, &status);
if (io_status != ZX_OK || status != ZX_OK) {
return -1;
return 0;
// Helper function to allocate, find, and open VPartition.
int fvm_allocate_partition(int fvm_fd, const alloc_req_t* request) {
int alloc_status = fvm_allocate_partition_impl(fvm_fd, request);
if (alloc_status != 0) {
return alloc_status;
return open_partition(request->guid, request->type, ZX_SEC(10), nullptr);
int fvm_allocate_partition_with_devfs(int devfs_root_fd, int fvm_fd, const alloc_req_t* request) {
int alloc_status = fvm_allocate_partition_impl(fvm_fd, request);
if (alloc_status != 0) {
return alloc_status;
return open_partition_with_devfs(devfs_root_fd, request->guid, request->type, ZX_SEC(10),
zx_status_t fvm_query(int fvm_fd, fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo* out) {
fzl::UnownedFdioCaller caller(fvm_fd);
zx_status_t status;
zx_status_t io_status =
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManagerQuery(caller.borrow_channel(), &status, out);
if (io_status != ZX_OK) {
return io_status;
return status;
// Takes ownership of |dir|.
int open_partition_impl(DIR* dir, const char* out_path_base, const uint8_t* uniqueGUID,
const uint8_t* typeGUID, zx_duration_t timeout, char* out_path) {
typedef struct {
const uint8_t* guid;
const uint8_t* type;
const char* out_path_base;
char* out_path;
fbl::unique_fd out_partition;
} alloc_helper_info_t;
alloc_helper_info_t info;
info.guid = uniqueGUID;
info.type = typeGUID;
info.out_path_base = out_path_base;
info.out_path = out_path;
auto cb = [](int dirfd, int event, const char* fn, void* cookie) {
if (event != WATCH_EVENT_ADD_FILE) {
return ZX_OK;
} else if ((strcmp(fn, ".") == 0) || strcmp(fn, "..") == 0) {
return ZX_OK;
auto info = static_cast<alloc_helper_info_t*>(cookie);
fbl::unique_fd devfd(openat(dirfd, fn, O_RDWR));
if (!devfd) {
return ZX_OK;
if (IsPartition(devfd, info->guid, info->type)) {
info->out_partition = std::move(devfd);
if (info->out_path) {
strcpy(info->out_path, info->out_path_base);
strcat(info->out_path, fn);
return ZX_ERR_STOP;
return ZX_OK;
zx_time_t deadline = zx_deadline_after(timeout);
if (fdio_watch_directory(dirfd(dir), cb, deadline, &info) != ZX_ERR_STOP) {
return -1;
return info.out_partition.release();
int open_partition(const uint8_t* uniqueGUID, const uint8_t* typeGUID, zx_duration_t timeout,
char* out_path) {
ZX_ASSERT(uniqueGUID || typeGUID);
DIR* dir = opendir(kBlockDevPath);
if (dir == nullptr) {
return -1;
return open_partition_impl(dir, kBlockDevPath, uniqueGUID, typeGUID, timeout, out_path);
int open_partition_with_devfs(int devfs_root_fd, const uint8_t* uniqueGUID, const uint8_t* typeGUID,
zx_duration_t timeout, char* out_path_relative) {
ZX_ASSERT(uniqueGUID || typeGUID);
fbl::unique_fd block_dev_fd(openat(devfs_root_fd, kBlockDevRelativePath, O_RDONLY));
if (!block_dev_fd) {
return -1;
DIR* dir = fdopendir(block_dev_fd.get());
if (dir == nullptr) {
return -1;
return open_partition_impl(dir, kBlockDevRelativePath, uniqueGUID, typeGUID, timeout,
zx_status_t destroy_partition_impl(fbl::unique_fd&& fd) {
fzl::FdioCaller partition_caller(std::move(fd));
zx_status_t status;
zx_status_t io_status =
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeDestroy(partition_caller.borrow_channel(), &status);
if (io_status) {
return io_status;
return status;
zx_status_t destroy_partition(const uint8_t* uniqueGUID, const uint8_t* typeGUID) {
char path[PATH_MAX];
fbl::unique_fd fd(open_partition(uniqueGUID, typeGUID, 0, path));
if (!fd) {
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return destroy_partition_impl(std::move(fd));
zx_status_t destroy_partition_with_devfs(int devfs_root_fd, const uint8_t* uniqueGUID,
const uint8_t* typeGUID) {
char relative_path[PATH_MAX];
fbl::unique_fd fd(
open_partition_with_devfs(devfs_root_fd, uniqueGUID, typeGUID, 0, relative_path));
if (!fd) {
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return destroy_partition_impl(std::move(fd));