blob: 168457eb352abd701c0c28e570a0f2af5b3612f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.usb.peripheral.block;
using zx;
/// Represents a simulated USB block device whose cache can be controlled.
/// This allows for integration testing of USB mass storage devices
/// both with and without caches.
[Layout = "Simple"]
protocol Device {
/// Enables writeback caching. This requires the device
/// to be disconnected at the time of the call. Calling it when the device is connected
/// will result in undefined behavior.
/// All writes will be buffered until a BLOCK_OP_FLUSH is received.
EnableWritebackCache() -> (zx.status status);
/// Disables writeback caching. This requires the device to be disconnected at the time
/// of the call. Calling it when the device is connected will result in undefined behavior.
/// Disabling this cache will cause any writes to be written immediately to non-volatile storage
/// before returning to the caller.
DisableWritebackCache() -> (zx.status status);
/// Sets writeback cache reporting behavior. This requires the device
/// to be disconnected at the time of the call. Calling it when the device is connected
/// will result in undefined behavior.
/// If report is set to true, the device will report its cache capability correctly to the
/// host. If set to false, the writeback caching capabilities will NOT be reported.
/// This can be used to test host drivers to ensure that they respond properly
/// when the device does not report its caching capabilities.
SetWritebackCacheReported(bool report) -> (zx.status status);