blob: 8452e175b4fdf814bb45dbeaf023b0e6bec57eee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.brightness;
using kelvin = float32;
protocol ColorTint {
// Given a light sensor reading returns tint values and brightness settings.
CalculateColorTint(SensorInfo request) -> (TargetColorTint reply);
// Values for a generic sensor.
// Not all entries may be given by a particular sensor.
table SensorInfo {
// Reg, green, blue and clear are values relative to each other,
// given by the sensor. They have no units.
1: float32 red;
2: float32 green;
3: float32 blue;
4: float32 clear;
// The color temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin.
5: kelvin color_temperature;
// The lux is the measured brightness that the sensor is seeing. This will
// be a calibrated value for each type of sensor
// and each device it is built into.
6: float32 lux;
// Values for adjusting the screen based on the given sensor information.
// Not all entries may be populated by a particular algorithm.
// Either the RGB values or the color temperature may be used to
// tint the screen, they are interchangeable.
table TargetColorTint {
// Red, green and blue are numbers between 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive.
// They are used as multipliers for all the RGB values on the screen.
1: float32 red;
2: float32 green;
3: float32 blue;
// The lux is the derived lux from the R, G, B and clear sensor readings.
4: float32 lux;
// The derived color temperature matching the red, green and blue values.
5: kelvin color_temperature;
// Brightness in range 0.0 - 1.0 inclusive if color tinting is used.
6: float32 brightness_with_color_match;
// Brightness in range 0.0 - 1.0 inclusive if color tinting is not used.
7: float32 brightness_without_color_match;