blob: 3553c2b9ad221324333fa0dd9676d0fc92d9a592 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
/// A component is a unit of executable software.
/// This object provides the component's declaration, access to its package's
/// content, and relevant metadata.
table Component {
/// The resolved URL of the component.
/// This is the canonical URL obtained by the component resolver after
/// after following redirects and resolving relative paths.
1: string resolved_url;
/// The component's declaration.
/// This information is typically obtained from the component's manifest
/// or generated by the component resolver.
2: ComponentDecl decl;
/// The package that contains the component.
/// By convention, the component's package is mapped to "/pkg" in its
/// namespace at runtime.
/// This is null if the component is not represented as a package.
/// In that case, it is the runner's responsibility to load the component's
/// resource from the `resolved_url`. This mechanism is used for web
/// applications.
// TODO(CP-154): It might be better to return a package loader interface
// here instead of immediately providing the package's content.
// That would allow for finer grained pipelining of component installation
// and launching of the component's runner. Moreover, sometimes we only
// need the component's declarative information.
3: Package package;