blob: 579c1226bd26ea15d9e995f6e65c85f46d0a89da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
using fuchsia.io2;
/// Declares a capability exposed to either a component's containing realm or to the framework.
/// For example, a legacy service exposed by the component at runtime.
xunion ExposeDecl {
ExposeServiceDecl service;
ExposeLegacyServiceDecl legacy_service;
ExposeDirectoryDecl directory;
ExposeRunnerDecl runner;
/// Declares a service exposed to a component's containing realm, such as a
/// service exposed by the component or one of its children at runtime.
/// To learn more about services, see:
table ExposeServiceDecl {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `self` or `child`.
1: Ref source;
/// Path identifying the service, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
2: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH source_path;
/// The destination to which the service is exposed: either the component's realm or the
/// framework.
3: Ref target;
/// The path by which the capability is being exposed.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
4: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH target_path;
/// Declares a legacy service exposed to a component's containing realm, such as
/// a legacy service exposed by the component or one of its children at runtime.
/// A legacy service is a service with a single instance, provided by a single
/// FIDL protocol.
table ExposeLegacyServiceDecl {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `self` or `child`.
1: Ref source;
/// Path identifying the legacy service, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
2: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH source_path;
/// The destination to which the legacy service is exposed: either the component's realm or the
/// framework.
3: Ref target;
/// The path by which the capability is being exposed.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
4: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH target_path;
/// Declares a directory exposed to a component's containing realm, such as a
/// directory exposed by the component or one of its children at runtime.
table ExposeDirectoryDecl {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `self` or `child`.
1: Ref source;
/// Path identifying the directory, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
2: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH source_path;
/// The destination to which the directory is exposed: either the component's realm or the
/// framework.
3: Ref target;
/// The path by which the capability is being exposed.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
4: string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH target_path;
/// The rights to expose this directory with, required iff `source == self`.
5: fuchsia.io2.Rights rights;
/// Declares a runner exposed to a component's containing realm, such as a
/// runner exposed by the component or one of its children at runtime.
table ExposeRunnerDecl {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `self` or `child`.
1: Ref source;
/// The name of the runner, by which it was presented to this component.
2: runner_name source_name;
/// The destination to which the runner is exposed: either the component's realm or the
/// framework.
3: Ref target;
/// The name by which the capability is being exposed.
4: runner_name target_name;