blob: 0706d9b3a6b5d5c29ba855860e01ff7534f38a19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
/// A component with records for the Diagnostics system to retrieve.
/// To record diagnostics, a component allocates a VMO and begins writing records into the buffer,
/// incrementing a header value after each write to inform readers how much of the buffer has been
/// filled.
/// If any retrievers are connected, the `Source` sends them `OnBufferInit` events for each
/// diagnostic buffer created.
/// When the buffer fills, the `Source` sends `OnBufferDone` to the retrievers, and will wait for
/// all notified retrievers to reply with `RetireBuffer` when they have finished reading from the
/// buffer.
/// When all readers of the buffer have finished, the `Source` may recycle the buffer by zeroing it
/// and sending `OnBufferInit` again to connected retrievers.
/// Once a `Source` has sent `OnBufferDone` to a retriever, it is up to the `Source` to handle new
/// records that are generated while the retriever drains the buffer. Double buffering is
/// recommended to prevent excessive blocking, but this protocol does not mandate a specific
/// approach to handling records generated while buffers are full.
protocol Source {
/// Notifies the connected retriever of a new stream buffer. Should be emitted as soon as each
/// buffer is (re)initialized.
/// `latest` should be read-only.
-> OnBufferInit(handle<vmo> latest);
/// Asks the connected retriever to finish working with `buffer`, usually because the `Source`
/// does not intend to write further records.
-> OnBufferDone(zx.koid buffer);
/// Notifies the `Source` that the retriever is done reading from the buffer. If the `Source`
/// wishes it should zero the buffer's contents and recycle it for future records. Buffers must
/// be re-sent via `OnBufferInit` after they're zeroed.
RetireBuffer(zx.koid buffer);
/// Notifies the component of interest in a subset of diagnostic records.
/// Before the component receives this request it should filter according to a default interest
/// specifier.
/// After receiving this message components begin writing records according to the new
/// specifier. `Source` components must be prepared to handle multiple client connections,
/// and may filter records according to the union of all interest specifiers. Clients may
/// receive records outside the scope of their interest.
RegisterInterest(Interest desired);
/// The system's current interest in records.
/// Without having received an interest specifier or receiving one with empty fields, components
/// should assume a default interest specifier, as documented for each field in this table.
table Interest {
/// Minimum desired severity. The default is `INFO`.
1: Severity min_severity;
/// The severity of a given record.
enum Severity {
/// Components should only record fatal records prior to terminating operation. Fatal
/// records are informative only, and front-end libraries which trigger an exit in response
/// to them should clearly document this behavior to their users.
FATAL = 5;
/// Components should include error records as well as more severe records.
ERROR = 4;
/// Components should include warning records as well as more severe records.
WARN = 3;
/// Components should include informative records as well as more severe records. (default)
INFO = 2;
/// Components should include developer-facing debug records as well as more severe records.
DEBUG = 1;
/// Components should include all records.
ANY = 0;