blob: d03c9cef4ec61c7f956fe07392a25e4fe5c54e29 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import sys
def read_contents(manifest):
with open(manifest, 'r') as manifest_file:
lines = manifest_file.readlines()
return dict(map(lambda l: l.strip().split('=', 1), lines))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Path to the generated manifest',
help='Path to the reference manifest',
help='Path to the stamp file',
args = parser.parse_args()
items_gen = read_contents(args.generated)
items_ref = read_contents(args.reference)
missing_keys_ref = [k for k in items_gen if k not in items_ref]
missing_keys_gen = [k for k in items_ref if k not in items_gen]
different_keys = [k for k in items_gen
if k in items_ref and items_gen[k] != items_ref[k]]
if not missing_keys_gen and not missing_keys_ref and not different_keys:
with open(args.stamp, 'w') as stamp_file:
stamp_file.write('Comparison successful \o/')
return 0
print('This build step failed because the Zircon and Fuchsia builds are '
'out of sync.')
if missing_keys_gen:
print("Items not in generated manifest")
for item in sorted(missing_keys_gen):
print('- ' + item)
print('For items missing from the generated manifest, augment the '
'appropriate target in //build/unifications/images/ '
'with a dependency on the missing item\'s target. For example, '
'if "bin/foobar" is missing, just add a dependency on the '
'":bin.foobar" target.')
print('Note that these targets are generated from metadata produced '
'by the Zircon build. If the target does not exist, please '
'verify that its original version in the Zircon build is '
'declared with a target of type "zx_something".')
if missing_keys_ref:
print("Items not in reference manifest")
for item in sorted(missing_keys_ref):
print('- ' + item)
print('For items not in the reference manifest, inspect the '
'dependencies of the failing target in '
'//build/unifications/images/ and remove the extraneous '
if different_keys:
print("Items with different paths")
for item in different_keys:
print('- ' + item)
print(' generated: ' + items_gen[item])
print(' reference: ' + items_ref[item])
print('If the generated and reference manifests cannot agree on the '
'path of a given object, then something is busted in the Zircon '
'build. Please see //build/unification/OWNERS for a list of '
'folks who can help.')
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':