blob: 81028c081642fdb441d5402c72ac225ac5e0cd8b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# The tests listed in this target will be built by the default build.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("deprecated_misc_storage_allowlist") {
# ________ _________ ________ ________
# |\ ____\|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \
# \ \ \___|\|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \
# \ \_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ____\
# \|____|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \___|
# ____\_\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\
# |\_________\ \|__| \|_______|\|__|
# \|_________|
# This is an allowlist of packages that have components manifests that include
# the "deprecated-misc-storage" feature. This is only intended to be used as
# a temporary hack for OTAs. Do not add to this list.
visibility = [
group("deprecated_bare_tests_allowlist") {
# ________ _________ ________ ________
# |\ ____\|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \
# \ \ \___|\|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \
# \ \_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ____\
# \|____|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \___|
# ____\_\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\
# |\_________\ \|__| \|_______|\|__|
# \|_________|
# This is an allowlist of packages that have bare tests which haven't been converted to components yet.
# This is only intended to be used as a temporary allowlist. Do not add to this list.
visibility = [
group("global_data_allowlist") {
# Only Archivist may use this feature, it's use case will be ported to component_manager.
# We use this to obtain storage stats in the archive output.
# Note that there is a secondary allow-list to trigger this behavior at
# //src/sys/appmgr/global_data_allowlist.txt
visibility = [
group("deprecated_shell_allowlist") {
# ________ _________ ________ ________
# |\ ____\|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \
# \ \ \___|\|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \
# \ \_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ____\
# \|____|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \___|
# ____\_\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\
# |\_________\ \|__| \|_______|\|__|
# \|_________|
# This is an allowlist of packages that have components manifests that include
# the "deprecated-shell" feature. Do not add to this list. If the manifest
# does not otherwise include the feature you need, please file a feature
# request for that fine-grained feature to help us support least-privileged
# components.
visibility = [
group("rootresource_svc_allowlist") {
# ________ _________ ________ ________
# |\ ____\|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \
# \ \ \___|\|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \
# \ \_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ____\
# \|____|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \___|
# ____\_\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\
# |\_________\ \|__| \|_______|\|__|
# \|_________|
# This is an allowlist of packages that have components manifests that include
# the "fuchsia.boot.RootResource" service. This is a highly privileged service that vends
# out a very powerful capability. Do not add yourself to this unless this is the only
# way to accomplish your goal and you have talked to the security team about this.
visibility = [
group("rootjob_svc_allowlist") {
# ________ _________ ________ ________
# |\ ____\|\___ ___\\ __ \|\ __ \
# \ \ \___|\|___ \ \_\ \ \|\ \ \ \|\ \
# \ \_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ ____\
# \|____|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \___|
# ____\_\ \ \ \__\ \ \_______\ \__\
# |\_________\ \|__| \|_______|\|__|
# \|_________|
# This is an allowlist of packages that have components manifests that include
# the "fuchsia.boot.RootJob" service. This is a highly privileged service that vends
# out a very powerful capability. Do not add yourself to this unless this is the only
# way to accomplish your goal and you have talked to the security team about this.
visibility = [