blob: 4b5e8e70f39acd4537189366eba6ad773f7d48eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/async_binding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/internal/arrow.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/internal/endpoints.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/internal/transport.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message_storage.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/status.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/wire_messaging_declarations.h>
namespace fidl {
// Forward declarations.
template <typename Protocol>
class ServerBindingRef;
// |OnUnboundFn| can represent the callback which will be invoked after the
// server end of a channel is unbound from the dispatcher. See documentation on
// |BindServer| for details.
// It is not required to wrap the callback lambda in this type; |BindServer|
// accepts a lambda function directly.
template <typename ServerImpl>
using OnUnboundFn = fit::callback<void(
ServerImpl*, UnbindInfo, internal::ServerEndType<typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol>)>;
namespace internal {
// Definitions supporting the dispatch of a FIDL message
// The interface for dispatching incoming FIDL messages. The code generator
// will provide conforming implementations for relevant FIDL protocols.
class IncomingMessageDispatcher {
virtual ~IncomingMessageDispatcher() = default;
// Dispatches an incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the
// protocol. If there is no matching handler, closes all the handles in
// |msg| and initiates binding teardown.
// Note that the |dispatch_message| name avoids conflicts with FIDL method
// names which would appear on the subclasses.
// Always consumes the handles in |msg|.
virtual void dispatch_message(::fidl::IncomingMessage&& msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn,
internal::IncomingTransportContext transport_context) = 0;
// Defines an incoming method entry. Used by a server to dispatch an incoming message.
struct MethodEntry {
// The ordinal of the method handled by the entry.
uint64_t ordinal;
// The function which handles the encoded message.
// The function must consume the handles in |msg|.
// The function should perform decoding, and return the decoding status.
::fidl::Status (*dispatch)(void* interface, ::fidl::IncomingMessage&& msg,
internal::IncomingTransportContext transport_context,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// The compiler generates an array of MethodEntry for each protocol.
// The TryDispatch method for each protocol calls this function using the generated entries, which
// searches through the array using the method ordinal to find the corresponding dispatch function.
::fidl::DispatchResult TryDispatch(void* impl, ::fidl::IncomingMessage& msg,
fidl::internal::IncomingTransportContext transport_context,
::fidl::Transaction* txn, const MethodEntry* begin,
const MethodEntry* end);
// Similar to |TryDispatch|, but closes all the handles in |msg| and notifies
// |txn| of an error in case of an unknown FIDL method.
void Dispatch(void* impl, ::fidl::IncomingMessage& msg,
fidl::internal::IncomingTransportContext transport_context, ::fidl::Transaction* txn,
const MethodEntry* begin, const MethodEntry* end);
// The common bits in a weak event sender, i.e. an event sender that allows the
// transport to be destroyed from underneath it.
// This class is related to |AsyncTransaction|, but the latter has an special
// optimization for synchronous server method handlers, where it keeps a strong
// reference to the binding by default and does not need weak pointer promotion.
class WeakEventSenderInner {
explicit WeakEventSenderInner(std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncServerBinding>&& binding)
: binding_(std::move(binding)) {}
// Sends an event.
// |message| will have its transaction ID set to zero.
// Errors are returned to the caller.
fidl::Status SendEvent(::fidl::OutgoingMessage& message) const;
// Handles errors in sending events. This may lead to binding teardown.
void HandleSendError(fidl::Status error) const;
const std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncServerBinding>& binding() const { return binding_; }
std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncServerBinding> binding_;
// Base class for all weak event senders with managed memory allocation.
class WeakEventSenderBase {
explicit WeakEventSenderBase(std::weak_ptr<AsyncServerBinding> binding)
: inner_(std::move(binding)) {}
WeakEventSenderInner& _inner() { return inner_; }
WeakEventSenderInner inner_;
// Base class for all weak event senders with caller-controlled memory allocation.
struct WeakBufferEventSenderBase {
explicit WeakBufferEventSenderBase(std::weak_ptr<AsyncServerBinding> binding,
AnyBufferAllocator&& allocator)
: inner_(std::move(binding)), allocator_(std::move(allocator)) {}
WeakEventSenderInner& _inner() { return inner_; }
AnyBufferAllocator& _allocator() { return allocator_; }
WeakEventSenderInner inner_;
AnyBufferAllocator allocator_;
// A base class that adds the ability to set and get a contained |AnyBufferAllocator|.
class BufferCompleterImplBase {
explicit BufferCompleterImplBase(fidl::CompleterBase* core, AnyBufferAllocator&& allocator)
: core_(core), allocator_(std::move(allocator)) {}
// This object isn't meant to be passed around.
BufferCompleterImplBase(BufferCompleterImplBase&&) noexcept = delete;
BufferCompleterImplBase& operator=(BufferCompleterImplBase&&) noexcept = delete;
fidl::CompleterBase* _core() const { return core_; }
AnyBufferAllocator& _allocator() { return allocator_; }
fidl::CompleterBase* core_;
AnyBufferAllocator allocator_;
// A base class that adds a `.buffer(...)` call to return a caller-allocating completer interface.
template <typename Method>
class CompleterImplBase {
using Derived = fidl::internal::WireCompleterImpl<Method>;
using BufferCompleterImpl = fidl::internal::WireBufferCompleterImpl<Method>;
// This object isn't meant to be passed around.
CompleterImplBase(CompleterImplBase&&) noexcept = delete;
CompleterImplBase& operator=(CompleterImplBase&&) noexcept = delete;
// Returns a veneer object which exposes the caller-allocating API, using the
// provided |resource| to allocate buffers necessary for the reply. Responses
// will live on those buffers.
template <typename MemoryResource>
BufferCompleterImpl buffer(MemoryResource&& resource) {
return BufferCompleterImpl(
core_, internal::MakeAnyBufferAllocator(std::forward<MemoryResource>(resource)));
explicit CompleterImplBase(fidl::CompleterBase* core) : core_(core) {}
fidl::CompleterBase* _core() const { return core_; }
void _set_core(fidl::CompleterBase* core) { core_ = core; }
fidl::CompleterBase* core_;
// Definitions related to binding a connection to a dispatcher
// Binds an implementation of some FIDL server protocol |interface| and
// |server_end| to the |dispatcher|.
// |interface| should be a pointer to some |fidl::WireServer<Protocol>| class.
// |IncomingMessageDispatcher::dispatch_message| looks up an incoming FIDL
// message in the associated protocol and possibly invokes a handler on
// |interface|, which will be provided as the first argument.
// |on_unbound| will be called with |interface| if |on_unbound| is specified.
// The public |fidl::BindServer| functions should translate |interface| back to
// the user pointer type, possibly at an offset, before invoking the
// user-provided on-unbound handler.
template <typename Protocol>
ServerBindingRefType<Protocol> BindServerTypeErased(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fidl::internal::ServerEndType<Protocol> server_end,
IncomingMessageDispatcher* interface, internal::AnyOnUnboundFn on_unbound) {
std::shared_ptr<AsyncServerBinding> internal_binding =
AsyncServerBinding::Create(dispatcher, internal::MakeAnyTransport(server_end.TakeHandle()),
interface, std::move(on_unbound));
ServerBindingRefType<Protocol> binding_ref(internal_binding);
AsyncServerBinding* binding_ptr = internal_binding.get();
// The binding object keeps itself alive until unbinding, so dropping the
// shared pointer here is fine.
return binding_ref;
// All overloads of |BindServer| calls into this function.
// This function exists to support deducing the |OnUnbound| type,
// and type-erasing the interface and the |on_unbound| handlers, before
// calling into |BindServerTypeErased|.
// Note: if you see a compiler error that ends up in this function, that is
// probably because you passed in an incompatible |on_unbound| handler.
template <typename ServerImpl, typename OnUnbound>
ServerBindingRefType<typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol> BindServerImpl(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fidl::internal::ServerEndType<typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol> server_end,
ServerImpl* impl, OnUnbound&& on_unbound) {
using ProtocolType = typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol;
using Transport = typename ProtocolType::Transport;
return BindServerTypeErased<ProtocolType>(
dispatcher, std::move(server_end), impl,
[on_unbound = std::forward<OnUnbound>(on_unbound)](
internal::IncomingMessageDispatcher* any_interface, UnbindInfo info,
AnyTransport channel) mutable {
// Note: this cast may change the value of the pointer, due to how C++
// implements classes with virtual tables.
auto* impl = static_cast<ServerImpl*>(any_interface);
std::invoke(on_unbound, impl, info,
template <typename OnUnbound>
using OnUnboundIsNull = std::is_same<std::remove_reference_t<OnUnbound>, std::nullptr_t>;
// This base class provides either a functioning `operator()` or a no-op,
// depending on whether the |OnUnbound| type is a nullptr.
template <typename Derived, typename OnUnbound, typename Enable = void>
struct UnboundThunkCallOperator;
template <typename Derived, typename OnUnbound>
struct UnboundThunkCallOperator<Derived, OnUnbound,
std::enable_if_t<!OnUnboundIsNull<OnUnbound>::value>> {
template <typename ServerImpl>
void operator()(
ServerImpl* impl_ptr, UnbindInfo info,
fidl::internal::ServerEndType<typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol>&& server_end) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<OnUnbound, OnUnboundFn<ServerImpl>>,
"|on_unbound| must have the same signature as fidl::OnUnboundFn<ServerImpl>.");
auto* self = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
std::invoke(self->on_unbound_, impl_ptr, info, std::move(server_end));
template <typename Derived, typename OnUnbound>
struct UnboundThunkCallOperator<Derived, OnUnbound,
std::enable_if_t<OnUnboundIsNull<OnUnbound>::value>> {
template <typename ServerImpl>
void operator()(
ServerImpl* impl_ptr, UnbindInfo info,
fidl::internal::ServerEndType<typename ServerImpl::_EnclosingProtocol>&& server_end) {
// |fn_| is a nullptr, meaning the user did not provide an |on_unbound| callback.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<OnUnbound, std::nullptr_t>, "|on_unbound| is no-op here");
// An |UnboundThunk| is a functor that delegates to an |OnUnbound| callable,
// and which ensures that the server implementation is only destroyed after
// the invocation and destruction of the |OnUnbound| callable, when the server
// is managed in a |shared_ptr| or |unique_ptr|.
template <typename ServerImplMaybeOwned, typename OnUnbound>
struct UnboundThunk
: public UnboundThunkCallOperator<UnboundThunk<ServerImplMaybeOwned, OnUnbound>, OnUnbound> {
UnboundThunk(ServerImplMaybeOwned&& impl, OnUnbound&& on_unbound)
: impl_(std::forward<ServerImplMaybeOwned>(impl)),
on_unbound_(std::forward<OnUnbound>(on_unbound)) {}
std::remove_reference_t<ServerImplMaybeOwned> impl_;
std::remove_reference_t<OnUnbound> on_unbound_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl