blob: d374818e8a739ffdb8d2d78366e3ad8efef75216 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
{{- define "Method:UnownedResult:WireMessagingHeader" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
class [[nodiscard]] {{ .WireUnownedResult }} final : public ::fidl::Status {
{{- if .Transport.HasSyncClient }}
{{- $args := (printf "::%s::UnownedClientEnd<%s> client_end" .Transport.Namespace .Protocol) }}
{{- $args = (List $args "::fidl::internal::AnyBufferAllocator& allocator") }}
{{- $args = (List $args (printf "%s* request" .WireTransactionalRequest)) }}
explicit {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}({{ RenderParams $args }});
{{- end }}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
explicit {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}({{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}* response)
: bytes_(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(response)) {
{{- if .Result }}
auto* raw_response = reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireResponse }} *>(
bytes_ + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
if (raw_response->result.is_err()) {
result_ = fitx::error(raw_response->result.err());
} else {
result_ = fitx::ok({{ if .Result.ValueParameters }}&(raw_response->result.response()){{ end }});
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
explicit {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}(const ::fidl::Status& result) : ::fidl::Status(result) {}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
explicit {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}(
::fidl::unstable::DecodedMessage<{{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}>&& decoded,
::fidl::internal::IncomingTransportContext context)
: ::fidl::Status(decoded)
if (decoded.ok()) {
bytes_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(decoded.PrimaryObject());
{{- if .Result }}
auto* raw_response = reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireResponse }} *>(
bytes_ + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
if (raw_response->result.is_err()) {
result_ = fitx::error(raw_response->result.err());
} else if (raw_response->result.is_response()) {
result_ = fitx::ok(
{{- if .Result.ValueParameters -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
} else {
bytes_ = nullptr;
{{- end }}
{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}({{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}&&) = delete;
{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}(const {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}&) = delete;
{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}* operator=({{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}&&) = delete;
{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}* operator=(const {{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}&) = delete;
{{- if and .HasResponse .Response.IsResource }}
~{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}() {
if (ok()) {
{{- else }}
~{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}() = default;
{{- end }}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
{{- if .ResponseArgs }}
{{ .WireResponse }}* Unwrap() {
return &(reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}*>(bytes_)->body);
const {{ .WireResponse }}* Unwrap() const {
return &(reinterpret_cast<const {{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}*>(bytes_)->body);
{{ .WireResultBase }}* Unwrap_NEW() {
{{- if .Result }}
return &result_.value();
{{- else }}
return &(reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}*>(bytes_)->body);
{{- end }}
const {{ .WireResultBase }}* Unwrap_NEW() const {
{{- if .Result }}
return &result_.value();
{{- else }}
return &(reinterpret_cast<const {{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}*>(bytes_)->body);
{{- end }}
{{ .WireResponse }}& value() { return *Unwrap(); }
const {{ .WireResponse }}& value() const { return *Unwrap(); }
{{ .WireResultBase }}& value_NEW() { return *Unwrap_NEW(); }
const {{ .WireResultBase }}& value_NEW() const { return *Unwrap_NEW(); }
{{ .WireResponse }}* operator->() { return &value(); }
const {{ .WireResponse }}* operator->() const { return &value(); }
{{ .WireResponse }}& operator*() { return value(); }
const {{ .WireResponse }}& operator*() const { return value(); }
{{- end }}
uint8_t* bytes_;
{{- if .Result }}
std::optional<{{ .WireResultBase }}> result_ = std::nullopt;
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "Method:UnownedResult:WireMessagingSource" }}
{{- if .Transport.HasSyncClient }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
{{- $args := (printf "::%s::UnownedClientEnd<%s> client_end" .Transport.Namespace .Protocol) }}
{{- $args = (List $args "::fidl::internal::AnyBufferAllocator& allocator") }}
{{- $args = (List $args (printf "%s* request" .WireTransactionalRequest)) }}
{{ .WireUnownedResult }}::{{ .WireUnownedResult.Self }}({{ RenderParams $args }}) {
{{/* TODO( Factor out common buffer allocation logic once we have other instances
of this pattern. */ -}}
{{/* Allocate one buffer for both request/response (if applicable). */ -}}
constexpr uint32_t buffer_size = ::fidl::SyncClientMethodBufferSizeInChannel<{{ .Marker }}>();
::fitx::result<::fidl::Error, ::fidl::BufferSpan> allocation = allocator.TryAllocate(buffer_size);
if (!allocation.is_ok()) {
uint8_t* buffer = allocation->data;
{{- if .HasResponse -}}
{{/* TODO( We should be able optimize this to just the max of
the send/receive size, once Zircon channel calls guarantee that the
send/receive buffers can overlap.
For now, the invariant of SyncClientMethodBufferSizeInChannel is that it returns
the sum of the request/response size, so we can index into it and get the
address of the response buffer. */ -}}
constexpr uint32_t request_byte_capacity = ::fidl::MaxSizeInChannel<
{{ .WireTransactionalRequest }}, ::fidl::MessageDirection::kSending>();
uint8_t* request_bytes = buffer;
static_assert(buffer_size > request_byte_capacity);
uint32_t response_byte_capacity = buffer_size - request_byte_capacity;
uint8_t* response_bytes = &buffer[request_byte_capacity];
{{- else }}
uint32_t request_byte_capacity = buffer_size;
uint8_t* request_bytes = buffer;
{{- end }}
::fidl::unstable::UnownedEncodedMessage<{{ .WireTransactionalRequest }}> request_message(
request_bytes, request_byte_capacity, request);
auto& outgoing = request_message.GetOutgoingMessage();
{{- if .HasResponse }}
outgoing.Call<{{ .WireTransactionalResponse }}>(client_end.handle(), response_bytes, response_byte_capacity);
bytes_ = response_bytes;
{{- if .Result }}
if (outgoing.ok()) {
auto* raw_response = reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireResponse }} *>(
bytes_ + sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
if (raw_response->result.is_err()) {
result_ = fitx::error(raw_response->result.err());
} else if (raw_response->result.is_response()) {
result_ = fitx::ok(
{{- if .Result.ValueParameters -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}