blob: f7fa74a3af4071dd46edfd72bc8d4bfb1681bb3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package cpuid provides basic functionality for creating and adjusting CPU
// feature sets.
// Each architecture should define its own FeatureSet type, that must be
// savable, along with an allFeatures map, appropriate arch hooks and a
// HostFeatureSet function. This file contains common functionality to all
// architectures, which is essentially string munging and some errors.
// Individual architectures may export methods on FeatureSet that are relevant,
// e.g. FeatureSet.Vendor(). Common to all architectures, FeatureSets include
// HasFeature, which provides a trivial mechanism to test for the presence of
// specific hardware features. The hardware features are also defined on a
// per-architecture basis.
package cpuid
import (
// contextID is the package for context.Context.Value keys.
type contextID int
const (
// CtxFeatureSet is the FeatureSet for the context.
CtxFeatureSet contextID = iota
// context represents context.Context.
type context interface {
Value(key interface{}) interface{}
// FromContext returns the FeatureSet from the context, if available.
func FromContext(ctx context) FeatureSet {
v := ctx.Value(CtxFeatureSet)
if v == nil {
return FeatureSet{} // Panics if used.
return v.(FeatureSet)
// Feature is a unique identifier for a particular cpu feature. We just use an
// int as a feature number on x86 and arm64.
// On x86, features are numbered according to "blocks". Each block is 32 bits, and
// feature bits from the same source (cpuid leaf/level) are in the same block.
// On arm64, features are numbered according to the ELF HWCAP definition, from:
// arch/arm64/include/uapi/asm/hwcap.h
type Feature int
// allFeatureInfo is the value for allFeatures.
type allFeatureInfo struct {
// displayName is the short display name for the feature.
displayName string
// shouldAppear indicates whether the feature normally appears in
// cpuinfo. This affects FlagString only.
shouldAppear bool
// String implements fmt.Stringer.String.
func (f Feature) String() string {
info, ok := allFeatures[f]
if ok {
return info.displayName
return fmt.Sprintf("[0x%x?]", int(f)) // No given name.
// reverseMap is a map from displayName to Feature.
var reverseMap = func() map[string]Feature {
m := make(map[string]Feature)
for feature, info := range allFeatures {
if info.displayName != "" {
// Sanity check that the name is unique.
if old, ok := m[info.displayName]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("feature %v has conflicting values (0x%x vs 0x%x)", info.displayName, old, feature))
m[info.displayName] = feature
return m
// FeatureFromString returns the Feature associated with the given feature
// string plus a bool to indicate if it could find the feature.
func FeatureFromString(s string) (Feature, bool) {
feature, ok := reverseMap[s]
return feature, ok
// AllFeatures returns the full set of all possible features.
func AllFeatures() (features []Feature) {
archFlagOrder(func(f Feature) {
features = append(features, f)
// Subtract returns the features present in fs that are not present in other.
// If all features in fs are present in other, Subtract returns nil.
// This does not check for any kinds of incompatibility.
func (fs FeatureSet) Subtract(other FeatureSet) (left map[Feature]struct{}) {
for feature := range allFeatures {
thisHas := fs.HasFeature(feature)
otherHas := other.HasFeature(feature)
if thisHas && !otherHas {
if left == nil {
left = make(map[Feature]struct{})
left[feature] = struct{}{}
// FlagString prints out supported CPU flags.
func (fs FeatureSet) FlagString() string {
var s []string
archFlagOrder(func(feature Feature) {
if !fs.HasFeature(feature) {
info := allFeatures[feature]
if !info.shouldAppear {
s = append(s, info.displayName)
return strings.Join(s, " ")
// ErrIncompatible is returned for incompatible feature sets.
type ErrIncompatible struct {
reason string
// Error implements error.Error.
func (e *ErrIncompatible) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("incompatible FeatureSet: %v", e.reason)
// CheckHostCompatible returns nil if fs is a subset of the host feature set.
func (fs FeatureSet) CheckHostCompatible() error {
hfs := HostFeatureSet()
// Check that hfs is a superset of fs.
if diff := fs.Subtract(hfs); len(diff) > 0 {
return &ErrIncompatible{
reason: fmt.Sprintf("missing features: %v", diff),
// Make arch-specific checks.
return fs.archCheckHostCompatible(hfs)