blob: 52381e8cf90ae128f5ba5f654e0dbd1f2ecbcbb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("integration_input_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("workstation_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
fuchsia_component("wrapped-root-presenter") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/wrapped-root-presenter.cml"
deps = [ "//src/ui/bin/root_presenter:component_v1_for_test" ]
fuchsia_component("wrapped-input-pipeline") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/wrapped-input-pipeline.cml"
deps = [ "//src/ui/bin/input-pipeline:component-for-test" ]
# scenic-test-realm is a realm replicating the scenic setup that
# can be stenciled out in tests, and amended to fit.
fuchsia_component("scenic-test-realm") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/scenic-test-realm.cml"
deps = [
# workstation-test-realm is a realm replicating the workstation UI setup that
# can be stenciled out in tests, and amended to fit.
# TODO(92183): The realm definition is still under construction.
fuchsia_component("workstation-test-realm") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/workstation-test-realm.cml"
deps = [
# input-pipeline-test-realm is a realm replicating the input UI setup that
# can be stenciled out in tests, and amended to fit.
fuchsia_component("input-pipeline-test-realm") {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/input-pipeline-test-realm.cml"
deps = [