blob: 825fca3d2b0892ed710da50476112f8c0aa13639 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "screen_capture_buffer_collection_importer.h"
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
namespace {
// Image formats supported by Scenic in a priority order.
const vk::Format kSupportedImageFormats[] = {vk::Format::eR8G8B8A8Srgb, vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Srgb};
} // anonymous namespace
namespace screen_capture {
std::shared_ptr<flatland::VkRenderer> renderer)
: dispatcher_(async_get_default_dispatcher()), renderer_(renderer) {}
ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter::~ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter() {
for (auto& id : buffer_collection_infos_) {
bool ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter::ImportBufferCollection(
allocation::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id,
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken> token) {
if (!token.is_valid()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "ImportBufferCollection called with invalid token";
return false;
if (buffer_collection_infos_.find(collection_id) != buffer_collection_infos_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << "failed, called with pre-existing collection_id "
<< collection_id << ".";
return false;
bool success =
renderer_->RegisterRenderTargetCollection(collection_id, sysmem_allocator, std::move(token));
if (!success) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << " failed, could not register with VkRenderer";
return false;
return true;
void ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter::ReleaseBufferCollection(
allocation::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id) {
auto collection_itr = buffer_collection_infos_.find(collection_id);
// If the collection is not in the map, then there's nothing to do.
if (collection_itr == buffer_collection_infos_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Attempting to release a non-existent buffer collection.";
bool ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter::ImportBufferImage(
const allocation::ImageMetadata& metadata) {
// The metadata can't have an invalid collection id.
if (metadata.collection_id == allocation::kInvalidId) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Image has invalid collection id.";
return false;
// The metadata can't have an invalid identifier.
if (metadata.identifier == allocation::kInvalidImageId) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Image has invalid identifier.";
return false;
// Check for valid dimensions.
if (metadata.width == 0 || metadata.height == 0) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Image has invalid dimensions: "
<< "(" << metadata.width << ", " << metadata.height << ").";
return false;
// Make sure that the collection that will back this image's memory
// is actually registered.
auto collection_itr = buffer_collection_infos_.find(metadata.collection_id);
if (collection_itr == buffer_collection_infos_.end()) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Collection with id " << metadata.collection_id << " does not exist.";
return false;
bool success = renderer_->ImportBufferImage(metadata);
if (!success) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << __func__ << " failed, could not import to VkRenderer";
return false;
return true;
void ScreenCaptureBufferCollectionImporter::ReleaseBufferImage(allocation::GlobalImageId image_id) {
} // namespace screen_capture