blob: 847a98def4ceff2f8edc9d3f767064d632f2c86a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Add Flags type so that MeshAttribute doesn't need vk::Flags.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/vulkan_limits.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
namespace escher {
// These are the attributes which can be present in a MeshSpec. Each of them has a semantic meaning
// which is distinct from its representation. For example, kPosition2 and kUV are both represented
// as vec2, but the data meant for one shouldn't be confused with the other.
enum class MeshAttribute : uint32_t {
// vec2. Position of the vertex, to be transformed by model-view-projection
// (MVP) matrix.
kPosition2D = 1,
// vec3. Position of the vertex, to be transformed by model-view-projection
// (MVP) matrix.
kPosition3D = 1 << 1,
// vec2. Scalable position offset. If this is present, add (some scaled
// version of) this to the position attribute before multiplying by the
// MVP matrix.
kPositionOffset = 1 << 2,
// vec2. UV surface parameterization, often used as texture coordinates.
kUV = 1 << 3,
// float. Parameterization around the perimeter of an shape, which varies from
// 0 - 1, and allows the vertex shader to know "where it is" on the shape.
kPerimeterPos = 1 << 4,
// float. Describes how much this vertex should be affected by some
// transformation implemented by the vertex shader.
kBlendWeight1 = 1 << 5,
// Pseudo-attribute, used to obtain the vertex stride for the mesh.
kStride = 1 << 6,
// This struct specifies the vertex shader binding location for each type of mesh attribute; it
// should correspond to the value expected by the GLSL/SPIR-V shader code, i.e. the |attrib|
// argument to CommandBuffer::SetVertexAttributes(). Also see RenderFuncs::VertexAttributeBinding.
struct MeshAttributeBindingLocations {
uint32_t position_2d;
uint32_t position_3d;
uint32_t position_offset;
uint32_t uv;
uint32_t perimeter_pos;
uint32_t blend_weight1;
// Describes all of the attributes that are associated with a specific vertex binding.
using MeshAttributes = vk::Flags<MeshAttribute>;
inline MeshAttributes operator|(MeshAttribute bit0, MeshAttribute bit1) {
return MeshAttributes(bit0) | bit1;
// Return the per-vertex size of the specified attribute, as documented above
// (e.g. kPosition2D == sizeof(vec2)).
uint32_t GetMeshAttributeSize(MeshAttribute attr);
// Return the byte-offset of the specified attribute |attr| within a vertex that contains all of the
// attributes specified by |attributes|. For example, if |attributes| is "kPosition3D | kUV" and
// |attr| is "kUV" then the result will be 12, because the UV coordinates will immediately follow
// the vec3 position, and sizeof(vec3) == 12.
// NOTE: this can also be used to find the stride of the vertex. In the above
// example, if we replace |attr| with "kStride", then the result will be 20,
// because the vertex consists of a vec3 position followed by vec2 UV coords,
// and sizeof(vec3) + sizeof(vec2) == 20.
uint32_t GetMeshAttributeOffset(const MeshAttributes& attributes, MeshAttribute attr);
// Describes the format of a mesh with >= 1 attribute buffers (<= VulkanLimits::kNumVertexBuffers),
// more specifically the layout of attributes within those buffers. Some or all of the attributes
// may be interleaved, or not. For example, here are three different specs with the same 3
// attributes:
// - MeshSpec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D | MeshAttribute::kUV | MeshAttribute::kBlendWeight1}}
// - MeshSpec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D, MeshAttribute::kUV | MeshAttribute::kBlendWeight1}}
// - MeshSpec{{MeshAttribute::kPosition2D, MeshAttribute::kUV, MeshAttribute::kBlendWeight1}}
// The first interleaves all three attributes.
// The second interleaves the UV and blend weight attributes, but not the position attribute.
// The third interleaves no attributes.
struct MeshSpec {
using IndexType = uint32_t;
static constexpr vk::IndexType IndexTypeEnum = vk::IndexType::eUint32;
// Describes the vertex attributes for each vertex buffer bound by the mesh.
// Requirements:
// - the same attribute cannot appear in multiple vertex buffers.
// - there must be exatly one position attribute (either 2D or 3D), and it
// must appear in the first vertex buffer.
std::array<MeshAttributes, VulkanLimits::kNumVertexBuffers> attributes;
// Return the number of attributes in the specified vertex buffer.
uint32_t attribute_count(uint32_t vertex_buffer_index) const;
// Return the total number of attributes in all vertex buffers.
uint32_t total_attribute_count() const;
// Delegates to GetMeshAttributeOffset() after verifying that
// |vertex_buffer_index| is sane.
uint32_t attribute_offset(uint32_t vertex_buffer_index, MeshAttribute attr) const;
// Return true if the specified vertex buffer has the specifed attribute, and
// false otherwise.
bool has_attribute(uint32_t vertex_buffer_index, MeshAttribute attr) const;
// Return true if the specified vertex buffer has the specifed attributes, and
// false otherwise.
bool has_attributes(uint32_t vertex_buffer_index, MeshAttributes attrs) const;
// Return the number of vertex buffers that have at least one attribute.
uint32_t vertex_buffer_count() const;
uint32_t stride(uint32_t vertex_buffer_index) const {
return attribute_offset(vertex_buffer_index, MeshAttribute::kStride);
// Return the union of all attributes, from all vertex buffers.
MeshAttributes all_attributes() const;
// There must be exactly one position attribute (either 2D or 3D), and it must
// appear in the first vertex buffer.
bool IsValid() const;
// This is a hack that describes the "currently supported" mesh formats in
// Escher, i.e. the ones that tessellators know how to tessellate, and that
// renderers know how to render. Just because a MeshSpec describes a valid
// one- or two-buffer mesh doesn't mean that all parts of Escher will be able
// to deal with it, e.g. ModelDisplayListBuilder can only deal with one-buffer
// meshes.
bool IsValidOneBufferMesh() const;
struct HashMapHasher {
std::size_t operator()(const MeshSpec& spec) const;
// Inline function definitions.
inline bool operator==(const MeshSpec& spec1, const MeshSpec& spec2) {
return spec1.attributes == spec2.attributes;
// Debugging.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const MeshAttribute& attr);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const MeshSpec& spec);
} // namespace escher