blob: 31e96128f02c64c8af2928b7d868858b3ad2ff74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/render_queue_item.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/command_buffer.h"
namespace escher {
// RenderQueue provides an abstraction to allow renderable objects of different
// types to be sorted according to a uniform criterion before emitting commands
// into a Vulkan command buffer. Client use of RenderQueue typically follows
// these steps:
// - call Push() repeatedly to add all renderable objects to the queue.
// - call Sort() once to sort the items according to their integer sort key.
// - call GenerateCommands() once to add Vulkan commands to a command buffer.
// - call clear() to clear all items, preparing the queue to be used next frame.
// See the method documentation for additional details.
class RenderQueue final {
RenderQueue(const RenderQueue& other) = delete;
RenderQueue(RenderQueue&& other);
// The method arguments are encapsulated in a RenderQueueItem. Since
// |object_data| and |instance_data| are void*, it is clearly up to the caller
// to manage their lifecycle (including any data that they point to). For
// example, any CPU memory must be valid until Clear() is called, and any GPU
// resources must be kept alive until all Vulkan command buffers that
// reference them are finished.
void Push(uint64_t sort_key, const void* object_data, const void* instance_data,
RenderQueueItem::Func func);
void Push(const RenderQueueItem& item);
// Performs a stable sort of all items, according to the |sort_key| provided
// to Push(). Using a simple integer as the sort key allows clients a large
// degree of flexibility in defining sort criteria. For example, translucent
// objects must be sorted back-to-front after all opaque objects, whereas
// opaque objects are more efficiently rendered front-to-back.
void Sort();
// Generate Vulkan commands for items in the queue, by iterating over the
// items and invoking each item's RenderFunc on it. If multiple consecutive
// items have the same |object_data|, they are batched into a single call to
// RenderFunc; in this case the number of consecutive items is encoded in the
// |instance_count|. Otherwise, |instance_count| == 1.
// This is typically called after Sort(), but this is not necessary. For
// example, clients may choose to not call Sort() in order to profile the
// performance difference of sorting vs. not sorting.
void GenerateCommands(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf, const CommandBuffer::SavedState* state,
const RenderQueueContext* context = nullptr) const;
// This variant of GenerateCommands() behaves similarly to the one above,
// except that it only generates commands for a sub-range of the items in the
// queue. This is typically used for debugging.
void GenerateCommands(CommandBuffer* cmd_buf, const CommandBuffer::SavedState* state,
const RenderQueueContext* context, size_t start_index, size_t count) const;
void clear() { items_.clear(); }
size_t size() const { return items_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
std::vector<RenderQueueItem> items_;
// Inline function definitions.
inline void RenderQueue::Push(uint64_t sort_key, const void* object_data, const void* instance_data,
RenderQueueItem::Func func) {
items_.push_back({sort_key, object_data, instance_data, func});
inline void RenderQueue::Push(const RenderQueueItem& item) { items_.push_back(item); }
} // namespace escher